hi friends
.iam back with 7th episode and hope you all will like it…so sorry for delay…
at temple:
naira is seen sitting in the temple and crying thinking about her moments with kartik, naitik, naksh and everyone…
suddenly someone touches her shoulder and she sees mishti touching her shoulder and immediately naira gets up and hugs mishti crying…
Naira: mishti..I lost everything..I lost my love, family,future,dream and now iam losing my life too slowly…why is god punishing me like this??
mishti too gets tears and consoles naira…
Mishti: naira dint lose anything..god is only testing our life..he won’t do any wrong with right people’s…so don’t worry.. everything will get fine soon…so come let’s go to Goa now…it’s time up for train…
Naira: ok..
Mishti: naira di.. railway station is nearby only so you go and wait there and I will inform our family and come…
Naira(in dull voice): ok but be careful… you just pretend to act as if you don’t know anything happened now..if they ask about your whereabouts till now then you reply that you went to meet your school friends….
Mishti: okay di..I’ll manage it…
telling this mishti goes and naira leaves to railway station but before leaving she meets Rishabh who was also there in temple…
naira: thank you soo much Rishabh..
Rishabh: for what??
Naira: for helping…
Rishabh: shut up!! In friendship there is no sorry or thanks…and also it’s my duty to always support and help you…I will always be grateful to you till my end..
naira gets tears and hugs Rishabh…
Naira: iam also great to have friend l like you…please do me a favour..after I reach goa you must give me the information about kartik daily.. okay?? because this is the only matter which makes me to live…
Rishabh: okay..I’ll always check kartik and give information about him to you for sure…
Naira: ok bye…
Rishabh with tears: bye..take hopeful always…
telling this naira goes to railway station while Rishabh goes to his house…in railway station naira is seen waiting for mishti…
in Goenka house:
everyone is seen praying while luv and Kush comes there happily…
Luv and Kush: Everyone listen to us…kartik car have came home and I saw it through balcony and it went to parking area….
everyone gets happy and Everyone thanks the lord…
Dadi: I always had hope that our shiv and Parvati will reach soon…iam eagerly waiting to look my fan..
Surekha(in confused way): fan??just a fan??
Dadi: fool surekha.i dint mean that fan(pointing towards the fan which is giving air)..I meant to meet my daughter in law..
Surekha: really…iam happy for first time that you are fan of me….
dadi hits her head with her hand..
Dadi: I dint tell that iam fan of you…I told that iam fan of naira…
Surekha makes puppy face and says: naira???she is not your daughter in law..
Dadi: but she is daughter in law of this house so I can call her as my daughter in law…
surekha makes a puppy face and goes towards suwarna…
Surekha: I think your broken diamond got fixed…
Suwarna: no..I got my soul back after I lost my soul ..
Surekha jokes: ohh you died and came back to earth again??
everyone laughs…
Surekha: so everyone changed the relationship of naira and us…
Dadi is confused: what relationship??
Surekha: naira is also bahu of this house right?
Everyone: yes ..
Surekha: iam also bahu of this house right??
Everyone: yes…
Surekha: then see… Everyone are always praising naira but not me..
Dadi: so you are jealous…
Surekha: no no..iam not jealous..iam telling that everyone gave naira a super status…
Suwarna: status?? What are you blabbering surekha??
surekha: dint you understand yet??
Suwarna: no…
Surekha: let me explain clearly…ok suwarna do you love naira as daughter in law??
Suwarna: no I don’t love her as my daughter in law but I love her as my princess as we share great bond…
Surekha: well done suwarna…now manishji tell me do you love naira as daughter in law??
Manish thinks: no.. I love her more than that…
Surekha: good manishji…now my hubby tell me that do you love naira as daughter in law??
Akhilesh: I consider naira as my sister..
Surekha:now everyone understood what I meant …first dadi is fan of naira then suwarna considers naira as princess and then manishji considers naira more than a daughter in law and finally my idiot hubby considers naira as his sister… this shows Everyone changed naira’ s status of daughter in law but I am remaining with same daughter in law status for years…
Dadi: this shows that you are jealous …we like naira as she done lot of things for us…
Surekha: I also tried to do lot for you all but you are considering me only as daughter in law???
Dadi: you tried but she succeed..
suddenly Everyone hears a sound..
Dadi: ohh..noo.. because of this useless surekha…we dint prepare to welcome the couples..
suwarna: I think they are coming…and don’t worry dadi..I have already prepared for grah pravesh for our goenka’s princess..when I knew about their marriage plans atself…..
dadi and Everyone smiles…
Dadi: well done suwarna…
surekha turns her face away…
Surekha in mind: this dadi.. always praises others but not me… stupid…
Manish: if you all waste the time here..then our prince and princess will sleep on road only…better come fast and do their rasams to welcome them….
Dadi: yes… come lets go..
so Everyone goes and stands near the entrance gate while suwarna carried aarti plate…but to the shoch they see naksh and naitik carrying unconscious kartik and gets shocked…
Manish: what happened to my son??
telling this Manish runs to kartik but naksh stops him..
Naksh: I know everyone are tensed now .but wait now..first I will place him in the room then I’ll tell you what happened to kartik..
telling this naksh and naitik carries kartik to his room while everyone follows them sadly except suwarna who is hell shocked to see his son like that and she drops the aarti aaarti plate which gets shattered over the floor…and she sees Keerthi coming in..
Suwarna(in tension voice): Keerthi beta…what happened to my Kittu??please tell me..
keerthi gets teary and..
Keerthi: mom..naksh will tell you everything but one thing is sure that kartik is depressed…now come lets go to kartik’s room…
suwarna is shocked and follows Keerthi to kartik’s room and sees kartik lying unconscious on bed…
Suwarna: naksh.. what happened to my son?? Please tell me ..(suwarna starts to cry)
naksh also cries and looks emotionally at naitik…
Naitik: I’ll tell you…but first of all I am sorry for’s all because of me…I thought I have done only good to people’s but I have done a huge mistake Manish… which resulted kartik in this state…(naitik cries)
everyone gets shocked…while naitik falls on manish’s feet and asks sorry which makes everyone more shocked…Manish makes naitik stand up ..
Manish: noo you won’t have done any may happened by mistake…
Naitik: no Manish …I done a mistake of giving my daughter to you…(naitik cries loud and suddenly falls)
everyone gets shocked while naksh Manish and Keerthi make naitik sit on the bed…
Keerthi: papa .it’s not your mistake…first you take rest.. don’t stress yourself…
everyone gets worried while naitik signs naksh to say what happened…
Naksh: now I will say what happened…
naksh tells everything of how naira cheated and how kartik got depressed and whole goenka’s gets shocked …
at railway station…
naira is seen waiting for mishti..and after some time mishti comes there …
Naira: thank god you came… because 5 mins was only left for train to arrive.. and by the way..did you inform everyone and did papa naksh told about me??.
Mishti: no..I informed only my mom and dad because naitik uncle naksh bhai and Keerthi bhabhi was not there at home…
Naira: ohh ..
mishti makes sad face and ..
Mishti: naira…anchal have came to see you and she is staying at our house as she have no house …
naira becomes more sad hering this and tears fall from her eyes…
Naira: do they know about these happenings??(cries)
Mishti: no.. papa naksh and keerthi haven’t informed them yet as they are not at home…and sad thing is that anchal and karishma aunty have prepared beautiful decoration as they thought that you got married and they have prepared beautiful welcome decorations….
hearing this naira hugs mishti and cries and suddenly the train comes…
Mishti: naira.. come lets go… everything will get fine soon…
naira wipes her tears and gets inside the train along with mishti and the train leaves …
precap: kartik sees naira everywhere while naira dreams kartik everytime…3 years later…
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