Thursday 18 March 2021

The meet of two broken people. #Riansh OS


Hello guys. Since you have liked my first OS. Here is my second OS.
Let’s go.
Vansh’s POV:
It was 8 am at early morning. I wasn’t knowing the reason that makes me get out from my house at that early time. It was Sunday morning so who could wake up that early and leave his house at the weekend?! There isn’t any normal person who could do that, but who could agree that I’m a normal person?! I always do the unexpected things! I was walking at the street without any purpose. I wasn’t going to any place. I was just doesn’t wanting to be at home so I decided to roam for some time at the street. I start to hate the weekends a lot because I doesn’t have anything to sink through it and forget by it my pain. Work is the only thing that makes me very busy so I don’t have the time to think about anything that could hurt me.
I was looking at the street and the tiny people who were there. I was feeling as if I’m the only one being on the street from how the amount of the episode were very tiny.
I was trying by looking at the street and the weather to be distracted in anything so I don’t have that time to think about that huge pain that I’m still owing it till now, but unfortunately being alone has made me get all the pain that I was hiding it since many years.
I start to remember everything has happened as if it was happening yesterday.
I start to remember how my life was just perfect from 3 years ago.
I was very happy and enjoying my life.
I was surrounded with a loving wife and a happy family.
Unfortunately, my happiness didn’t last forever.
My wife has cheated me and left me.
I wasn’t imagining that she could do something like that to me. I was showering her with all the happiness and joy that could make any girl fly from happiness. I was taking care about her so much and I was always sure to get to her anything she just thinks about it. I wasn’t giving her any chance to complain about anything. I was loving her a lot so I was sure to always make her the most happiest girl ever.
Even after all my love towards her, she has betrayed me at the end. She has turned all the love that I was owing it to her into endless hate. Actually, I start to hate each girl with her same name. I got to hate the name Ahana so much. I wasn’t imagining that Ahana could do something like that with me. I wasn’t believing that she could merely leave me for the sake of another man.
I kept walking on the street while my internal wound starts to get its reunion.
I start to remember that day when she has left me on it and she was so shameless to face me after I have known that she is making an affair with another man and she is cheating me.
I start to remember how she was talking with me as if she didn’t has done any sin.
I start to remember some words she has said it as if they are still sticking on my mind from that day.
She was facing me while looking at my eyes without any embarrassment from what she has done.
I start to remember everything very well. This thing was making me very angry and heartbroken. I wasn’t wanting to remember all those stuff. I wasn’t wanting to remember how I was suffering during those previous 3 years. I wasn’t suffering because I still love her as this cheap girl doesn’t deserve that Vansh Rai Singhania could be still loving her after all what she has done. I’m suffering and being very broken because I wasn’t able to forget all the pain that she has caused it to me. It wasn’t easy on me at all to be betrayed from anyone especially when it got to be from the most precious and special person to me.
I kept walking on the street trying to forget all my pain and trying to forget how my wound got to hurt me more and more now.
While I was walking and being very heartbroken after feeling each and every pain I have passed through it since the previous 3 years, I decided to enter a cafe that I wasn’t getting used to enter it.
I wasn’t understanding the reason that made me do that, but I felt that my pain will be minimized after being in that cafe.
Before I could choose a table to sit on it, I got crushed with a teary girl.
She has lost her balance so I holds her to not make her fall.
We got to have an eye look and I was noticing how she was very heartbroken and being crying.
There were a lot of tears being scattered all over her face.
She wasn’t looking at me to not appear her weakness, but I got to observe how she is very heartbroken.
I wasn’t knowing the reason that made me isn’t able to leave her as I was still holding her very much.
I was looking at her beauty and her cute little face.
Regardless that the heartbroken and shatter were very noticeable on her face, but this didn’t hide her beauty as she was looking so adorable and amazing.
She was wearing a simple off shoulder dress with some colored strands on it.
She was having a very cute and innocent face.
I was sinking in her beauty and I was wanting the time to be stopped on that point.
I was feeling that she owns the same pain and heartbroken that I also owns it and I was feeling that I really want to share with her my pain.
I felt that she wasn’t comfortable so I left her.
Then I starts talking.
Vansh: I’m really sorry I wasn’t seeing you when we got crushed on each other.
She wasn’t able to say a word from how much she was crying.
So I offered to her a tissue so she could remove with it her tears.
Then I have taken her to a nearby table without taking a permission from her.
I got to her a glass of water and I left her to breath normally without disturbing her with any questions.
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
Today was a normal day to me. I has arrived to my favorite cafe as usual and everything was very normal as always. I always like to take my coffee on this cafe at this early time especially on Sunday morning as I don’t see so much people at that time so I could have my coffee in a relaxed mind. Everything was going normally until I have seen him with a girl entering the cafe. I wasn’t imagining that I will meet him after all those years.
I wasn’t believing that I will see the one who has broke me from 2 years ago being in front of me and being that happy with another girl.
I didn’t imagine how he has forgotten that he has caused to me a very hurtful wound that I’m not able to cure it till now.
When I have seen Angre in front of me, I got to remember everything has happened between us.
I thought that I have forgotten that pain, but actually I got to know that I was just trying to blind my eyes on the truth that I’m still shattered from what he has done to me.
I will never forget how he has left me during the the time that I was needing him the most. I will never forget that he has left me directly after I got into an accident that has made me isn’t able to be pregnant even if I tried to do that very much.
He was my husband, my lover, and my everything.
I was going merely to sacrifice my life just for his sake and what he has done to me to return my love to him?! He has merely left me as he has told me that he will never be able to live without kids. He made me isn’t concentrating on what has happened to me and the accident that I have passed through it and the result of that accident that will made me isn’t able to be a mother in any time in my life. I wasn’t knowing does I was crying on not being able to be a mother or I was crying after Angre has left me and has broken me.
When I have seen him, all my wounds got to be hurting me very much.
I start crying very much and immediately start to go to the cafe’s door to leave.
I wasn’t wanting him to see me. I wasn’t wanting him to see me in that shattered state.
I start running towards the cafe’s door so I wasn’t able to control my balance when I got crushed with a man and I was going to fall, but he has succeeded in holding me at the right time.
I wasn’t looking at his eyes so I wasn’t able to see him very well, but I was able to feel his presence and I was able to feel his heart beats and breathes.
From those stuff I got to feel how there is a connection between us that made me isn’t feeling strange while being that close to him.
I have heard his apologize, but I wasn’t able to reply to him due to my endless crying.
So after he made me has seated on the chair and offered to me the water, I start to feel better and for the first time in my life I start to feel that I’m really eager to know a stranger to me.
I got the chance to look at him very carefully.
He was an elegant man who was wearing a normal sweatshirt.
Regardless that he was wearing a very simple clothes, but he was still looking very attractive.
Everytime I was looking at him, I was wanting so much to know him more and listen to his story.
The sadness and shatter that were being in his eyes could make me feel that he owns the same pain that I owns it so that’s why I feel that we both will be the perfect people to understand each other’s pain.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Vansh has seated beside Riddhima.
He was silent as he wasn’t wanting to disturb her and at the same time he wasn’t wanting to leave her in that state.
Riddhima has returned Vansh’s tissue.
Riddhima: Thank you for helping me to not fall and for giving me your tissue. Thank you so much.
Vansh didn’t took the tissue.
Vansh: You could keep it with you so if you want to cry once again you don’t need to crush with any other man to take a tissue from him. *In a sarcastic tone*
A smile has drawn on Riddhima’s face after Vansh has finished his words.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You got to have a very beautiful smile! Please don’t hide it and keep smiling like that. This beautiful face doesn’t deserve to cry as it just deserve to just smile.
Riddhima was happy hearing Vansh’s words.
He offered his hand to her to shack her hands.
Vansh: By the way, I’m Vansh Rai Singhania.
Riddhima shacks his hand.
Riddhima: I’m Riddhima Malhotra.
Vansh: Nice to meet Miss Riddhima. Oh sorry I don’t know do you are miss or misses Riddhima?!
Riddhima smiles as she has liked how he asked if she is married or not in an indirect way!
Riddhima: Miss Riddhima not Misses. I’m a divorced woman.
Vansh: Same here. I’m also a divorced man.
They both looked at each other very deeply.
They were surprised from the first similar thing between each other.
Vansh: I’m sorry if I will interfere in your personal matter, but I really want to know the reason that could make a sweet girl like you to cry that much. Look if you don’t want to tell me anything I will not force you. I know that I’m a stranger to you and you will not trust me, but actually sometimes we need to talk with anyone especially if this person is a stranger as this person will never judge. So you could tell me anything and you will feel as if you are talking with yourself. Actually, I also want to tell you everything and I don’t know why I have felt that as I don’t trust anyone easily and I don’t talk with any stranger about my personal life but when I have seen you I felt that there is a huge connection between each other and I felt as if I know you since many years. The pain that is being very noticeable in your eyes I feel that is very familiar to me. I feel that we both share the same pain so it will be better that we both share it together.
Riddhima got very relaxed to Vansh and without thinking she starts telling him everything about her.
She has told him each and everything has broken her.
She has told him everything about Angre and all the pain that he has given it to her.
She has told him all the shatter and heartbroken that she has passed through it.
He also starts telling her everything has happened to him.
He has told her everything has happened to him and every pain he has passed through it because of Ahana.
He has told her how Ahana has cheated him and has left him and broke his heart.
They both got very attached more to each other.
They got attached of how they both have passed through the same pain.
Vansh POV starts:
I got very impressed of how Riddhima’s story is a kind of similar to my story.
We both have passed though the same pain and the same shatter.
After listening to Riddhima’s story, I got to feel how the connection that is between us is very strong.
I didn’t imagine that I could express everything I feel to a girl that I don’t know her as I don’t trust anyone easily especially after what Ahana has done with me, but Riddhima has changed everything.
I don’t want this meet to end. I don’t want to leave her. I really want to know her more and more. I want her to be a very important person in my life. I really don’t know what is that thing that I’m feeling it right now!
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima was feeling the same thing that Vansh was feeling it.
They both got teared after what they have said.
So immediately and without anyone of them could think for a second they have hugged each other.
They weren’t understanding what they were doing, but they were feeling very relaxed and comfortable after they have hugged each other.
They got into a long and a warm hug.
Afterwards, they have gotten out from each other’s arms and they kept talking more and more with each other.
Vansh: Your story is so similar to mine.
Riddhima: Same pain and same heartbreak.
Vansh: I think that God has made us have met today because he was sure that we both need someone like us to express everything the other is feeling it.
Riddhima: You are right. I wasn’t expecting that I could be able to get all the pain that was being hidden inside me since the previous 2 years. I felt after talking with you that I have got the way to live my life in the same joyful way that I was living it with it before that heartbreak and this is just because of you Mr. Vansh.
Vansh: I also feel exactly the same thing, but please don’t call me Mr. Vansh. I’m just Vansh. As I don’t want today to be the only meet for us.
He offered his hand to her.
Vansh: So friends?
She has shook hands with him.
Riddhima: Yes. We are now friends.
Vansh: I feel that everything we have passed though it was planned so it could lead to that meet and that friendship.
Riddhima: This meet was a meet of two broken people who after they have met they became no more broken people.

The end of the OS. I hope you like it. This is another OS after you all have liked the first OS. I hope you also like this and tell me your opinions on it. I got really encouraged from the comments on the previous OS so that’s why I have published this one so tell me all of yours opinion on it. Thank you so much guys for all of yours support and encouragement as it is really means a lot to me. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post The meet of two broken people. #Riansh OS appeared first on Telly Updates.

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