Guys here the 3rd chapter,…….. I hope you will enjoy it
Authors note,
Here because of the Instergram post Vansh has to answer medias and that news viral in every social media . After the consert Aryan came to India with Vansh and his family members were upset as Vansh ‘s image got dameged due to that post. But Vansh manage to handle the situation so the environment of the VR mansion get peace. And Riddu also come to India.( I don’t intend to show all these situations as you all want riansh scenes.)
At the air port
Riddu’s Pov,
so my destiny brings me here again . I miss you India. I feel restless in the same tome happy to come back to India . I went along the road to see if anyone came to pick me. Suddenly I felt angry after seeing an incident in front the air port . A little beggar girl went to a man and asking him some foods but that cheap man didn’t give her a damn look. I could not see his face as he was wearing a cap . I went to a near shop and bring some foods and went to that girl .
Riddu ; baby take these foods
That girl become very happy and gave me a cute smile . I gave her some money and told her to take something that she wants . She pecked my cheeks and said ,
Little one ; you are an angel di. I love you so much and keep your smile forever
I also pecked her cheeks . After that girl went I turned to that man who is lookin at me like a dumb man .
Riddu ; hey are you a human ?didn’t you see that little girl . she has been asking some foods but you .. you didn’t look at her once. such an evil man you are . Don’t you have sympathy ?
Man ; aree madam stop your nonsense . I am not a charity home like you . and the most important thing do you know whom to you talking?
after saying this he took off the cap. oh my god this man is non other than Mr, Monster Raisinghania the famous actor , king of the mafia and underworld Mr. Vansh Raisinghania . I tried my best to not to change my mood . I talked to him as I don’t know him.
riddu ; I don’t care who are you. what I wanted to say is try be a human
Man; you will regret for what you did today , anyway what’s your name ?
Riddu ; none of your business Mr.
By saying this I went to another direction to avoid that situation.
By saying this I went to another direction to avoid that situation
Vansh Pov,
I was waiting in front of the air port for Aryan as he went to the cafe to bring two nescafes . Untile he came I browse the internet for a while . Suddenly I heard a female voice . She was a early twenties girl with a fair complexion and long wavy hair . Her eyes damn her strawberry lips … oh my god they are shining as they want my touch …… uffff what a girl are you….. wait .. wait .. is she scolding me. What the hell I did ? ohhhhhh according to her That was my fault but the actual truth is I didn’t notice that girl. This beauty left me without telling her name… areee vansh are you serious … you are bothering for a stranger … is it love.. no me and love … not possible I heard that little girl told her that she is an angel,.. yes indeed she is an angle …. my angel..
Riddu ( on a call ) ; bhai where are you ? you forget your little sister
Arjun ; no Riddu not like that actually we all have to go VR mansion for a tea party
Riddu : VR mansion ? Tea party ?
Arjun ; well Mr. Ajay and we are business friends and Uma ma’m and our mom are classmates . So dad has to go there for a business deal but they invited us for a tea party..
Riddu ; the what about me ( crying ) you all forget me
Arjun ; no babe Nakul and Nithik are on their way to pick you . You directly come to the VR mansion . ok?
Riddu ; ok bhai
( Riddu went to the VR mansion with Nakul and Nithik . When she entered the mansion all were waiting for her . But here Vansh went to take a bath and Aryan went to his studio , so literally Riddu didn’t see two of them)
Riddu : dad i miss you so much
Deep ‘; me too beta how are you my princesses ?
Riddu ; I am fine dad .
( she went to her mom and hugged her tightly . Her three brothers also hugged her and suhana ( Arjun’s daughter ) was in nine clouds to see her Kuhu again ….)
Then Uma came and introduce her to the Raisinghanias except Vansh and Aryan as they were not at the present situation
Siya ; Riddima can I call you Riddu
Riddu ; of course you can
Siya ; so riddu you seems very tired . let me take you to the guest room there you can put your luggage and take a bath
Riddu ; thanks but don’t panic show me the direction then I can manage
Siya ; are you sure
Riddu ; ya
( siya showed her the war to the guest rom and Riddu go per the direction . But there was two rooms she choose one and enter to it )
Riddu ; is this the guest room or am I wrong? whatever now I am tired too much. what a cold breeze….
Vansh Pov,
when I came out of the bathroom I saw someone in my room enjoying the breeze , I could not see her face as I was behind her . who is she ? what is she doing in my room ? I walked towards her and cough to get her attention as she was lost in somewhere . then she turned to me . oh she is she the girl whom I met at the airport , no one dared to talk with me like that but she did it. I could not believe my eyes …. my angle … my sweat heart is in front of me …. ufff ….
Riddu @ Vansh ; you
Riddu @ Vansh ; here
Riddu @ Vansh ; what the hell are you doing here
then she noticed that I am in towel yes Only I am wearing a towel. oh.. my shy baby she closed her eyes tightly and ,
Riddu; shit … don’t you have manners ?
vansh ; i am the one who asked it .. what are doing in my house in my room
Riddu ; ( thinking ) oh shit how I forget that this is Mr. VR oh shit why I did’t remember it early . What should I do now ,,,,,.
Vansh ; oh ho sweat heart why are you silent … your silent tell me that you came here intentiolly
( I winked at her and uff her angry face I love it …)
Riddu; listen Mr. vansh number one , I came here as my father told me and number two, i came to your room thinking that it is the guest room and number three I am not your sweat heart so don’t you dare
Vansh ( thinking ) ; not for but in future you will
she angrily went from my room but what happened …………
she came and hugged me tightly … her rosy lips accidently touch my bare chest and it brings me some unknown desires …. her soft hands holding my bare arms as there is no tomorrow.. her hot breath touch my chest as she is too short … such a cute pie …
she shout ” lizard ….. lizard… help me… li…lizz….lizar…d…”
oh ho is my sweat heart a child .. but I am in nine clouds she still hugging me and burying her in my chest…… uff i wish I could be with her forever like that…
controlling my burning desires I chuckled and said ” cool down sweat heart …. are you serious or are you tryig to find a chance to get close to me …”‘
then she realized what she had done …. she ran away from me like a hundred meters runner without looking at me…
ufffff my shy baby, when you hugged me unknowingly I had only one thing ran in my mind that is
Yes , you will see my obsessive mad love for you. and I will make you mine at any cost with or without your permission….
so guys how today episode ,… will our crazy lover Vansh able to make Riddu his…?
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