So in previous chapter I didn’t able to thank you guys so,
@Sasmitha I hope I updated the new one asap dear….
@Amna thanks dear…
@Vyshnavi thanks a lot dear
@pomu I think you are absolutely right dear
@Annoyinguser I think maybe you are right dear
@Ishu thanks dear
@Thakur Priyanka thanks a lot dear…so enjoy my surprise
@FirstRaysOfSun thank you so much Aho
@Attractiveuser thanks a lot dear
@Aisha thanks dear
@Arushi thanks dear
@Miss Bhanita Devi thanks dear
@R.N. thanks dear
@Krishna Agrawal thanks dear
@Merra thanks a lot dear your word means a lot to me
@Niki thanks dear
@Riansh1212 thanks dear
@Jayashreethanks a lot dear
@Priyadarshani thanks a lot dear
@JJ thank you so much dear
@Vkjhp thank you so much dear
Thank you so much all of you
so here the 15th chapter and this is the surprise which I told you all earlier….
Actually I know today is not the Valentine’s day but you have to imagine today is Valentine’s day to enjoy my surprise
RA mansion,
It was mid night and the surrounding was fully clam and peaceful…. Riddu was in a deep sleep enjoying her night dreams….
Riddu’s phone ring …. she had to awake because of that noisy ring….
Riddu’s POV,
Oh god don’t you let me sleep peacefully... and who the hell call in this mid night .
.. An unknown number? should I answer or not…
Riddu( sleepy tone); hello! who the hell are you… why… what’s the matter to call me mid night… I was dreaming .. it was such a lovely dream but your damn call spoil it… areee who are you?
Voice; my name doesn’t important… tell me today’s date?
Riddu( angry) ; WTF.…. you spoil my sleep to know a date? don’t you have a calendar? ok ok give me your address , then I can send you a calendar tomorrow morning
, but after that Mr. don’t call me late night to know the date … ok? nonsense…
Voice; you mad girl.. you and your silly jokes…. I don’t want any calendar… Today is 14th February that means Valentine’s day….
so I want to remind it…
Riddu; ( laughing); oh ho now I understand … you have a crush on me and you want me to be your valentine… am I right ……
Riddu; ooops! sorry to tell you Mr. ….. I am married and you know my husband is the son of President .... so don’t you dare…..
I cut the call saying that… poor man … he may be thought my joke as a real one… anyway do our president have a son ?
( she laughed memorizing her foolishness)
Then she received a message from that unknown number….
Hai Mrs. president’s daughter – in – law,
go and check your room’s window ,may be president’s son kept something for you there…
Riddu( thinking); oh shit! that means he knew I lied to him…. oh ho see what my bull shit mind had done….
let me check …
she went to the window to check his statement…. he is true … there is something packed with a short letter… she unpacked it…. it was a cute pillow .... and then she read the letter with a smiling face…..
Hai Angel ,
Happy Valentine’s Day…………
Here is your first valentine gift at 12 o’ clock….. when you see this pillow you will remember me…. so now go and sleep hugging my pillow …. and be ready to face my surprises…..
”your unknown lover”
Riddu ( thinking); who is this mad guy? I mean who is this road side Romeo?
Morning ,
Riddu ; mom Sejal comes today so I am going to the air- port…
Arohi; OK Riddu, take care If you need then call me then I can send Nithik or Nakul
Riddu ; ok Mom bye….
Riddu went to the air- port and waited until Sejal come. while she was waiting for the arrival of Sejal a little boy come and gave her a red rose saying ”Hai angel, love you” and he kissed her cheeks… she was amazed by this action
Riddu; hey wait … wait… ( before she called that little boy went from there)
Then one by one little boys and girls came and give her red roses.. they left saying ” Hai Angel , love you” and kissing her cheeks without saying anything…… Now she has a bouquet of roses…
Riddu( thinking); what the hell is happening… why those children gave me roses.. oh god I am going crazy now
while she was lost in her thoughts a cute little girl came with a rose and bouquet of chocolates
but before she leave Riddu stop her and,
Riddu; look at me baby… I am like your sister no so can you tell who tell you to give me this red rose and this…. ( making puppy face ) please…
Little one; I don’t know him angel but he is handsome like a prince... look there ( she point her fingers to a man
but Riddu could not identify him as his back side was shown)… she ran towards him but suddenly he vanished among the crowd…
Riddu( thinking); oh shit I missed him who is this crazy guy…. wait wait all those children addressed me by ” Angel” and the one who sent the pillow also called me by ”Angel” that means……
Then she got a massege from that unknown number….
Hai Angel,
How was my second surprise… I know how much you love to eat chocolates … I am happy that you are so desperate to see me… wait until evening… in evening I surely come to meet you… until then enjoy my surprises… I love to see your curious face… Even now I am watching you from a distance ….
” Your unknown lover”
Riddu looked around but she find no one, she tried to call that number then someone patted on her shoulder. Riddu turned with a hope to see that unknown Romeo.
Voice; aree Riddu… what happened? why are looking at me surprisingly? did you expect someone else?
Riddu; no Sejal nothing like that … I am really happy to see my bestie….
Riddu hugged her tightly and waited until a cab come…
Sejal; where is your brothers..? I mean why do you call a cab instead one of your brother?
Riddu; oh ho Seju we can have a fun today , that’s why ….
Sejal’; so do you have a plan Riddu baby?
Riddu; hmmm first I want to eat something grand… after that anything ok?
Sejal;; okkkkk
Riddu; here the cab … Mister take us to the ”Cinemon ” restaurant
The driver didn’t talk anything and his cap made fully covered his face… Riddu get out of the car before sejal do and walked towards the restaurant…
Sajal; wait Riddu… do you forget me? where have you lost? anyway the driver gave me this parcel which you forget in the cab… Riddu just looked at it… she was sure that it doesn’t belong to her…. she unpacked the cover to see what it was… she shocked seeing a gift box and a letter…
Hai Angel,
see this is my forth surprise… you know I was really close to you… yet you do not recognize me…. how is my gift box… see today I have to act like a driver to get close to you… poor my heart…
” Your unknown lover”
Riddu( in a hurry); Sejal Sejal… where is he? oh shit where is that driver?
Sejal; he went Riddu why?
Riddu;( tring to be normal) nothing…
They went inside the restaurant and have their meal….
Sejal; look everone celebrating Valentine’s day… but look at us..( teasing tone) aree Riddu I heard that you got a rose bouquet today… is it true?
Riddu( shock); how do you know?
Sejal; I guessed it.. but it seems my guess is right… no
Riddu; no no nothing… who is here to give me roses.. shall we go?
Sejal; ok dr
when they stand up to go a servant girl came and give her a clothing bag saying” he gave me this to give you” Riddu was firming in angry as she was fed up this hide and seek game…. she angrily opened the bag , but her anger went seeing those…..
Hai Angel,
So babe this is my sixth surprise… I know now you are getting angry… really sorry but see what I bought for you… I know you hates to wear high heels so here coat shoes, I know you do not like much to wear gold so here silver … please wear these and be ready to meet me at 9 p.m. in your home garden……
”your unknown lover”
Sejal; who is that?
Riddu explain her the whole story of today…
Sejal’; so that’s why my shy baby redded when I ask about red roses….. anyway let me join you then both of us can see who is this new Romeo…
Both giggled and left for home….
At night ,
Riddu ( thinking ) ; who may be this guy? I mean he know every likes and dislikes of me … Is it Vansh? but no no he can’t be..
. I don’t why I am so desperate meet that stranger… He impressed me within a day…. oh god.. but no if Vansh came to know about this guy I know he would surely kill him…
no no I can’t let vansh to go again his devil mode … So I have to explain that guy that if tries to get close to me his life will be in danger…
Riddu get ready to meet that guy but she had only one intention that is to warn him telling the nature of Vansh …….
Riddu told Sejal to hide and see them in a distance …. Riddu went to the home garden and mesmerized seeing the beauty of decorations…
When she lost in those decorations... she someone’s shadow . she could not see him properly as everywhere dark …. but she thought he may be the guy….
Riddu; listen Mr. , I don’t know who are you… but first I would like to thank for your lovely gifts… they are so adorable…. and these decorations … they are awesome … you know you are first who gave me gifts on Valentine…. so thanks again… but there are two reasons to reject you… one is, I can’t risk your life… so today I am here to warn you… please stay away from me… I think you know Mr. Vansh Raisinghania… he obsessively loves me and so much possessive about me .. if he comes to know you he will not spare you…. and the other reason is I think day by day I am falling for him … I think I love Vansh
…. so please
Saying this she turned to go but then ,
Voice; stop sweat heart…
Hearing the word sweat heart and that familiar voice Riddu heart beat increase… by now not only her mind but also her heart know whose voice is that… she turned to see the biggest shock in her life… That guy slowly moved towards a light… then she saw Vansh standing near her… a small smile crept on her face
Riddu; Vanshhhh… you….
Vansh; ha sweat heart me…
Riddu; so Mr. VR you are that road side Romeo… not bad at all..
Vansh pulled her towards him which made her heart stop for a while…
Vansh; leave them… so finally you admit it
Riddu; what?
Vansh; you love me…
Riddu blushed remembering her words….
Vansh; I gave you so much gifts since morning … so where is my gift..
Riddu; sorry Vansh... I don’t have anything to give you today… sorry
Vansh( leaning towards her); no you have..
Riddu; huh?
Vansh about to kiss her but Riddu put her palm in his mouth ..
Riddu; we are not married yet… so….. every romance after marriage ok?
Vansh; seriously sweat heart…
Riddu; hmmm
Vansh; isn’t it unfair… I mean you don’t give me any gift… so
Riddu; so what ? ( before vansh say something Riddu kissed his cheeks making vansh surprised)
Riddu; Thank you Vansh .. thank you again and sorry for rejecting you twice…
Vansh; its ok sweat heart …. everyone needs time to understand their feelings..
They talked and laughed and enjoyed their Valentine’s day completely forgetting they are in her home garden and there is someone who is watching them … Sejal ha it was her..
I hope you enjoyed my surprise
Anyway until next stay safe and happy
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