Thursday, 1 April 2021

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 1st April 2021 Written Episode Update: Gehna Stands For Hema


Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 1st April 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gehna thinks she needs to think what she should do on stage and rushes towards it when she sees Hema running away crying and calls her. Host calls Radhika on stage. Radhika ramps walks wearing a businesswoman’s dress. Paresh tells Bapuji that he is worried for Gehna and she must be sitting in a corner due to leg pain. Baa hopes Gehna is fine. Judge asks Radhika what is her aspiration. She says she wants to become a businesswoman and expresses her feelings in detail. Everyone clap for her. Host informs that their 9th contestant is missing, so. Crew member informs that Gehna is found and is ready to participate. Host says Mrs Gehna was stuck in a room and is ready for her performance. Judge says how can Gehna get stuck in a room, they need to value time and should disqualify her. Another judge says Gehna should be given a chance. Judge says she should come on stage in 5 minutes.

Hema walks on road senselessly reminiscing her children and husband feeling insulted because of her and Kanak insulting her, etc. A speeding car heads towards her.
Gehna searches her and rescues her on time. Hema pours her heart out that she was wrong to feel herself as beautiful with her obese body and if she was, then her husband and children wouldn’t have felt humiliated because of her, etc. Gehna asks not to say that. Hema says why she is so concerned about her, she and Kanak always insulted and troubled her, they thought her as small and herself as big, but its otherwise, etc. She will not return to that world, etc.

Judge says Mrs Gehna Desai didn’t come on stage in 5 minutes, so what should they do. Another judge says rules are rules and since Gehna didn’t return in 5 minutes, she is disqualified. Gehna enters stage holding Hema’s hand. Everyone clap for her while Kanka gets tensed and thinks how did she escape from Sagar’s trap. Anant watches hiding thinking he shouldn’t go in front of everyone or else their attention will be on only him. Baa thinks what happened to Hema. Judge asks Hema why did she come on stage after being disqualified and tells Gehna seeing her irresponsible behavior, she is disqualified. Gehna sys they cannot disqualify her as she herself will not participate in a competition where a woman is judged based only on her beauty and dressing sense; while marrying a woman, they look at her nature and skills and her sarvaguna sampanna nature makes her great; when Kanhaji and Kalimaa are dusky and they are prayed, then how can they degrade a woman based on her color; why they are teaching children that they should feel humiliated if their mother is not beautiful; why children insult mother that she doesn’t look beautiful, cannot wear modern dress, speak in English, etc., but forgot that same mother sends them to English school, get them educated and upbrings them; children forget mother understanding children’s pain even without expressing it, but children don’t even look at her tears; mother sacrifices her whole life and works hard whole day and expects her children and husband’s smile in return, but they insult her instead. She says she salutes Hema and is proud of her; everyone laughed on her and said she is unfit for the contest, even then she showed courage and participate in contest, that is her biggest asset and did whatever she could. She asks judge how can they just judge contestant based on her beauty; they gave her one more chance when she slipped on stage, but disqualified Hema just because she is obese; even audiences didn’t support her and insulted her instead without realizing how difficult it is to go on stage; they all clapped for me for my performance, I was a servant and will they have clapped for me if I was still a servant, they would have kicked her out instead; they should change their thinking and look woman as herself and not an object of beauty. Children run to Hema and apologize her. Chetan also apologizes her and says she is his life and this contest’s beauty queen for her. Hema rejoices seeing that while Kanak looks jealous. Judge apologizes Hema for disqualifying her and gives her one more chance. Gehna thanks judge.

Precap: Host announces the winner of Mrs Surat 2021 contest is.. Everyone eagerly look at him. Kanak feels confident that she won the competition.

Update Credit to: MA

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