Sunday, 7 March 2021

Rooh Se Ibadat Tak Ka Safar (Part 9)


Episode starts with Vansh trying Riddhima’s phone.

Riddhima thinks that its unknown number should I pick it up or not.She thinks that Rano is out and might she has called up with unknown number so she picks it.

Riddhima: Hello. Vansh hears and takes a deep breath

Vansh: Hi,Riddhima Riddhima hears and get shocked ,she was about to cut call but Vansh says,

Vansh: Riddhima stop,please don’t cut the call and hear me once I have something very important to say. Riddhima: Say the thing that made Vansh Rai singhania to take someone’s number.

Vansh: Riddhima I,,,I am ,,,I am quiet disturb thinking about the things that I said to you today.I am…

Ridhima: Say the word,what you ..

Vansh: I can not,Vansh Rai singhania never said it to anyone.

Riddhima: Then,can I cut the call now.

Vansh: I am sorry Riddhima.

Riddhima hears and smiles.

Both stay quiet for a moment.

Riddhima: Its fine.Atleast you accepted your fault. Riddhima thinks and says I am standing at that point of life where I don’t have any hatred or complaints left with anyone.

Vansh : You mean what ..

Riddhima: Nothing.You take care.

Call ends.

Next morning Riddhima comes hospital for tests done.

Riddhima: Doctor as you might have got the info that I belong to thakur famly. Doctor says yss but ..

Riddhima: Our family is quite previliged family of the society and you know well that we don’t bear injustice.

Doctor: What do you want to say

Riddhima: I just know that every patient has the right to share the info with only those people with whom they want,so I just want that no one in my family ,no even my mom,my sister Rano or anybody else should know about my health conditions without my approval.

Doctor: But it will be needed the consent of your family member…

Riddhima: And what if a patient does have no family? Are you not going to treat that person?

Doctor: So you will be signing all the documents and paying the fees earlier.

Ridddhima: Definitely.

Doctor: fine,I will not let any of your health condition to come in frront of any of your family member without your approval.

Riddhima: Thanks doctor. Tests are made.


After one day Vansh tries to move and comes to doctor .

Doctor: What made you come here Mr Vansh,your stiches might get affected…

Vansh: Doctor I want to leave this place.I have no time for laying down all the time.

Doctor : No possibility.. Doctor gets a call.

Doctor: You just sit here or lay down on stretcher there ,I have an urgent call.

Vansh nodes. Vansh feels pain.He goes and lay down at stretcher behind the curtains.

Riddhima comes and meet doctor.

Riddhima: Doctor,my reports..

Doctor: YEs come with me.

Doctor thinks where Vansh went.May be he got back to his room.

Doctor: Come Riddhima,sit here and have water.

Riddhima: Please tell doctor..

Doctor: RIddhima ,firstly whenever we tell patients thing like this they do not listen to complete talk and leave but please try to listen to last.. Riddhima takes deep breath and nodes.

Vansh tries to get up but he feels severe pain andis unable to move.He tries to call doctor but doctor at the moment says,

DOctor: Riddhima you have terminal illness.

Vansh and Riddhima both gets shocked.

Doctor: You have a deep brain tumor,which is slowly eating up your life.In normal language,it is a severe condition in medical science which needs utmost medications and surgery. Riddhima stands shocked. Tears start getting down Riddhima’s eyes Vansh also get teary eyes and is shocked to feel tears in his eyes.

Doctor: Listen to me Riddhima,I want you to get awared about danger,Basically this disease don’t show any symptoms till last stage,and then suddenly you start getting breakdown,your fate was good enough that you got blood test done that day.You should infact thanks Vansh that indirectly but he helped you a lot.

Riddhima stays quiet. Vansh closes eyes.

Doctor: Riddhima your case is severe,we want to do a lot of tests to reach any conclusion,that is going to be a long journey in which you have to keep faith in life.You have to tell the world that you are going to live.

Riddhima: precentage…how much precentage is left..

Doctor: I am sorry but…15%.

Riddhima gets calm and smiles. Vansh gets super shocked and gets up. He suddenly feels severe pain and he cries.

Riddhima and doctor gets shocked hearing that and rushes.

They see Vansh behind the curtains and get shocked.

Doctor: VAnsh you,what are you doing here..


Vansh wipes his tears and says I came here and you told me to..

Doctor: I just forgot ,you could have called me…please our stiches are opening please lay down.

Doctor calls nurse and take Vansh for treatment.

Doctor comes out.

Doctor: I am sorry Riddhima,I had no idea that he was there.He didn’t even called us .But I assure you that no one even your family members are going to know about it .Be safe from my side. Riddhima: Is VAnsh fine,can I meet him?

Doctor: Ya sure but don’t let him get up. Doctor goes.

Riddhima comes inside.

Riddhima: What made you listen to mine and doctor’s talk,what do you want VAnsh.

VAnsh looks at her and again get teary eyed. Riddhima look at his tears and her tears also come.She turns face and wipe her tears and says Tell me Vansh,why you heard to my nd Doctor’s talk.

Vansh: I was there ,I tried to call doctor but at the verge of moment she said that your terminal illness.

Both again get teary.

Riddhima: Why are you getting teary…

Vansh: May be ..this pain of stiches in chest…

Riddhima: After then,why you didn’t call us after that and heard all of our talks

Vansh: I don’t know.I couldn’t .

Both share an eyelock.

Riddhima: Whom do you love the most in life..

VAnsh: Why are you asking..

Riddhima; Tell

Vansh: I don’t love anyone.

Riddhima: Vansh name a person…mother ,father,sister,brother,there might be someone in your life.

Vansh gets angry hearing this.

Vansh:I said na no one.

Riddhima: Vansh…

Vansh: Ok fine,my sister.

Riddhima: So for that sister,you have swear that you are going to tell no one about this.You are going to tall no one about my illness not even my sister RAno . You are doing to forget everything that happened.About me about my illness.

VAnsh: Who am I to tell them…

Riddhima looks at him and says no one.

Riddhima: Still I want you ,to tell no one.VAnsh RAi singhania if even by mistake you tell about it to anyone then I swear that I am going to die.And for the whole life you will have the guilt of killing that person who saved your life. She goes out.

VAnsh keep looking at her.

Precap: Riddhima tells to Badima that marry me off.

The post Rooh Se Ibadat Tak Ka Safar (Part 9) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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