Episode starts with Riddhima coming home. She goes to badima. Riddhima gives her a form.
Badima: What is it.
RIddhima: My admission cancellation form of college.I am getting out of college ,I don’t want to study.Marry me with someone. Everyone gets shocked.
They all keep on asking her if she is fine and what happened so suddenly,what is in her mind and all that.
Riddhima stays quiet and keep on hearing all their queries.
Riddhima: I have just learned that girls of my age,should first focus on having a family,then we can go on with studies if our husband wants. Badima smiles and blesses her that finally you understood.
Riddhima : Thanks badima,please send someone and make this admission form cancelled and please look for a boy as soon as possible.I am saying that do it today.I just don’t want to even waste a moment in getting married. Everyone stands shocked. Riddhima leaves for her room. Her mother comes to her.
Riddhima mother: As far as I have known my daughter,she would never do this.Her only dream was to breakdown the stereotypes and move on in studying.
Riddhima: Maa,,stop this please.Its not that big issue that you are making it.I just got in mind that firstly I should settle down that’s it.You just do me a favour that call a boy’s family tomorrow.
Riddhima comes to her room. Riddhima thinks about her plan. Late at night,Rano comes to Riddhima’s window .Riddhima sees and gets courage thinking all about doctor’s words.
Riddhima opens the window.
Riddhima: What made you come this late to my room Rano.And when you returned from Delhi.
Rano comes inside room and slaps Riddhima.
Riddhima: What are you doing,are you conscious or not.
Rano: I should ask you the same.Are you conscious or not.You know what have you done.
Riddhima: What have I done now.
Rano: Stop acting,what has happened that you made your admission cancel and marriage and all this,what are you saying.
Riddhima: I am just thinking to first settle down in a good family and then if my husband want then I will continue my studies.
Rano: What type of drama is this? You think I m a mad? Had not I seen your passion to study from childhood..Riddhi..
Rano hugs Riddhima.RIddhima falls weak but controls herself.
Rano: Riddhima please..telll me what happened.
Riddhima pushes Rano.
Riddhima: For how many times will I keep on saying the same thing.I want to marry thats it.
Rano shouts so what was that fight between me and your badima due to which she made me out of house.Was not that to make your admission in college.What was that passion from which you kept saying that you are never going to marry before standing on your legs and all that..
Riddhima: I should also do the same thing that badima did with you,I should say,Leave.Get out.
Rano stands shocked.
Rano:You know that all that fight with maa was to let you study,to let you complete your dreams.
Riddhima: Shut up Rano,you know what I am sick of you now.You always keep roaming around me ,telling me to do small things like I am a child.But now ,when you were not here I realised what freedom is.I have got the aim of my life in these three days,and that is to get married in a well prestigious family.
Rano : So you are sick of me.
Riddhima nodes.
Riddhima: Seriously yaar,leave.
Rano: Riddhima what has happened.
Riddhima takes out gun and point at Rano.
Riddhima: Useless to talk with a stubborn like you.Are you leaving or going to make my temper much higher that I shoot..
Rano stands shocked.
Rano: What do you want.
Riddhima: Get out of this house and my life.
Rano: Once I leave I am not going to return ever.
Riddhima: That’s what I want.Leave me.
Rano turns and leave and get out of window.
Ridddhima comes to close the window.
Rano: Riddhima,if you close this window today,then you are going to lose me ever.
Riddhima smiles and closes. Rano gets down shocked,thinking that there were no feelings in Riddhima’s eyes.
Riddhima switches off the lights and falls on floor.She takes out Rano’s photo from drawer and hugging it cries unbearably.
Riddhima: You were my biggest supporter Rano,but trust me what I am doing is just for you and family.I can not see you all breaking.This pain which you will face,the pain of my cheat,is much less than that pain which you will bear when I will die.I am sorry my sister but it was needed.She continues crying heavily.
Next morning Riddhima comes to badima.
Riddhima: Badima had you seen the boy..when are they coming.
Badima: Riddhima,what is the need for urgency.
Riddhima shouts,Badima I left my studies for marriage and you are asking what the hurry,can’t you see the sacrifice I had done for this marriage and still you are not serious,
Badima: Riddhima,
Riddhima gets calm down.
Riddhima: I just want the boy’s family today at any cost.Otherwise forget about my marriage ever.
Badima: But Riddhima,we have to see a lot of things first,boy’s background,family..
Riddhima: Last option for you.Call them today or never.
Riddhima leaves. In the evening, Ruhi comes and says Badima gave this dress for you di,get ready boy family is coming to see you in an hour. Riddhima nods and takes it. Riddhima gets ready in blue saree. Badima comes and says your wish got fullfilled.We have called…
Riddhima: Badima,I ..I don’t want to listen anything about them.You had called them ,then they would be fine. Both stays quiet and leaves.
Scene shifts to Riddhima coming downstairs. Riddhima sees family and greets them.
Boy’s mother:Beautiful.
Everyone stays quiet.
Boy’s mother: See,here is our son.
Riddhima lifts eyes and get shcoked
Precap: Riddhima gets shocked seeing the boy, boy says you.
The post Rooh Se Ibadat Tak Ka Safar (Part 10) appeared first on Telly Updates.
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