Thursday 11 March 2021

Rooh Se Ibadat Tak Ka Safar (Part 14)


Next day again they see all mumbai together and enjoy.VAnsh gives his hand forward and asks Riddhima,If they can become friends.
Riddhima; Oh my god,Vansh RAi singhania is asking someone for something.
Vansh looks.
Riddhima keeps her hand and say friendship accepted.But…
Vansh: But?
Riddhima: Don’t get attached with me.I have already moved away from my family..
Vansh: Calm down,just to help you out in treatment and that’s it.I will not get emotionally attached.
Riddhima smiles.
Riddhima and Vansh comes to hospital.
Riddhima is asked to come inside for tests.
Vansh feels scared.Vansh thinks why I am feeling scared.Its strange.
Riddhima is about to go.He holds her hand.
Riddhima looks at him and sign what happened.
Vansh: Don’t get scared ok.I am waiting here.Nothing is going to happen ,just tests and nothing.Come fast.
Riddhima nodes,smiles and goes.
Vansh waits outside.
Riddhima comes after hours.
Riddhima looks at VAnsh and stands stunned.
Riddhima: Vansh,its six hours that I was admitted,you are still here.
Vansh; I promised to be here.
Both share an eye contact.
Riddhima: Had you eaten anything?
Vansh signs no.
Both comes to Riddhima’s flat.
Riddhima; VAnsh you promised that you will not get emotionally attached with me…
VAnsh: So I didn’t
Riddhima: What was that then,you waited for six hours,Vansh you know I left my family because I have the fear that they will die because they are attached with me and you…
Vansh: DOn’t worry.I am not attached to you emotionally.That was just a commitment to you I made that I would be waiting.If you don’t like then I won’t.
Riddhima serves him food and feed him.
Riddhima: Vansh,now when I have promised you that I will undergo treatment then I can manage it all alone.You just go back.Return back vansh.
VAnsh: Riddhima,I will.Within one or two days.
Riddhima smiles.
Next day ,Vansh gets up and thinks about Riddhima.He thinks to call her and ask if she is fine.
Vansh stops at a moment and sees couple poster in mall far away.
Vansh breath stop for a second.
HE thinks love.
VAnsh thinks why do I care so much for Riddhima,
Why I am here.IS it just humanity and friendship.He remembers that from the day Riddhima eloped he was just thinking about her every moment and how much he tried to find her.He remembers the happiness he felt when he found Riddhima.He feels the calmness he feels when he sees Riddhima.he gets scared thinking about losing her.he sits and thinks if it is love.
Riddhima comes to his flat with breakfast.
Vansh: Riddhima come,he makes her sit.Riddhima I told you na not to get out of home without informing me,why you came here alone.
Riddhima: Relax Vansh,you come everyday so today I just thought to come.You just have breakfast then we will together go hospital for reports.
VAnsh continously sees her and she feeds him.Whenever she looks at him ,he lowers his eyes and then again keep looking at her.
Both together go hospital.
Doctor comes.
Doctor: Mr Vansh,I want you to come first alone as reports will be decoded in front of you only,you are her husband so its better that you understand the situation.We don’t want patient to know about it as it will stress her out.
Vansh looks at Riddhima.Riddhima signs that go.
VAnsh goes.
Doctor make Vansh understand the severity of situation.
Vansh: Will she be saved?
Doctor: Do what we said,she has to be determined that she is going to live.Make her internally strong to face all the medications and operations.Rest is our work.REst is God’s wish.
VAnsh gets teary eyed.
He comes out .
Riddhima: What did doctor said?
VAnsh: Come,come to sea side.Children might be waiting ,lets go and play with them.
Riddhima: But what did doctor said.
Vansh: He just said treatment will start in a day or two.
He takes Riddhima.
Riddhima plays with children.
He keeps looking at her and smiling.
At night he says to Riddhima,I want to take you somewhere.
Riddhima asks where.
Vansh: You believe your friend?
Riddhima nodes.
Vansh ,then come with me.
Riddhima comes.
VAnsh takes her to a place.
Riddhima: Vansh,open this strip on my eyes.I want to see your surprise.
Vansh: Why so hurry..
Riddhima: I love surprises,I can’t wait.
Vansh opens .
Riddhima opens her eyes and gets shocked.
She sees “I LOVE YOU’ written all over with flowers,lights and looks shockingly at Vansh.
VAnsh sits on knees and says,I love you Riddhima.
Riddhima is unable to speak.Vansh pour his heart out.
Vansh: Whenever I look at you,I feel calm.If you are around me then I feel complete.It never happened,from the day you eloped,every moment in those 3 months in my life were filled by your thoughts.I never imagined that someone would become that important for me.
Riddhima keeps quiet and stunned.
VAnsh: Please say something.
Riddhima: You…you promised me that you won’t..
Vansh: I promised you that I won’t get emotionally attached.But it was not in my control.Now whenever I think of losing you,I feel to die..
Riddhima shouts Vansh.
Riddhima runs from there and takes auto and goes.
VAnsh keep standing over there.
At night Vansh comes to Riddhima’s flat.
He knocks.
Riddhima keeps crying and says go from here Vansh.
Vansh: I am going,back,I won’t b here anymore to make you cry.I love you.If my love makes you cry,then I going forever.
Riddhima stands shocked.She don’t here any sound.She rushes and opens the door and shouts Vansh.
VAnsh come.
She hugs him tightly.
VAnsh lifts her and take inside.
Both sit silently for sometime hugging each other.
Riddhima: I never wanted anyone to get attached to me after my illness,I don’t want anyone to die for me.
VAnsh: But now when it has happened,you have to live for my life.
Riddhima and VAnsh keep looking in each other’s eyes.
Late at night he makes her sleep and goes.—————————————
NExt morning,some more tests are to be done.
Riddhima is scared this time.
She waits for Vansh but he doesn’t come.Tests are made till evening.
She comes out scared,and doesn’t find him.
She rushes to his flat.
He opens the door.
She cries heavily and asks why you didn’t come.
VAnsh: I know you would have been scared today due to my love,I can not forgive myself Riddhima.I should have made you stronger but see I made you fall weak.
Riddhima quiets him and kisses on his hands and says I love you too.
RIddhima: I feel scared when you are not with me.Please be with me I beg you.
Vansh hugs her and lifts her.
At night Vansh drops Riddhima to her flat and starts going.She holds his hand and says please don’t go.They come inside.
He makes her lay down.She hugs him tightly.She says don’t know how much time has been left for me,please don’t go anywhere.
They spend night together.
Next morning Vansh doesn’t find Riddhima in room.He searches for her
He finds her sitting on sea sde.
Vansh: Why you eloped fromroom and came here.
Riddhima stays quiet.
VAansh sits down besides her and asks her,
Will you marry me?
Riddhima looks at him and cries.HE kisses her forehead.She says Yes.
Both smiles.
That night Vansh says so here is my plan.
Riddhima asks what.
Vansh: Tomorro is your first treatment,I will be waiting for you out.You have to win Riddhima for me.For our love.You have to come to your VAnsh.Then we will get engagement done tomorrow.’
Riddhima looks at him.
Vansh: You have to come for your Vansh’s ring.
Riddhima smiles and says yes.
NExt morning Riddhima is taken for treatmen ,both Vansh and Riddhima shares very remotional moment.He kisses her and says you have to make our love win.
Treatment i strarted.Vansh is waiting outside.It passes 8 hours.
Doctor: She might get awaken by tommorow morning.You can go and take rest.
VAnsh: No doctor,I will be sitting here alone.
Whole night Vansh wait for Riddhima.
NExt morning Riddhima gets awaken.
Doctor says wow,amazing .I had never seen so fast recovery in this stage of this illness.Your will ws very strong Riddhima.
Riddhima says My Vansh.
VAnsh comes inside.Both gets teary eyed.
Riddhima aska my ring.
VAnsh kisses her hands and forehead and make her wear ring.
Riddhima makes him wear ring.
Doctor: We can not wait much.We have to keep on surgeries one after other.NExt one will be within six hours.
Vansh: Riddhima,next comes the round for mehandi.You have to get up for your Vansh once again.
Riddhima: I also want your name’s mehandi Vansh but..
VAnsh shouts no but.
HE holds Riddhima tight and says I had lost my mother,I don’t have any courage to ose youYou have to win this treatment also for my sake.
Riddhima nodes.
Second treatment undergoes.
Doctors comes out.
VAnshlooks at them
Doctor: Amazing Vansh,We had no idea that second surgery would be that succesfull too.She will get awaken within few hours.NExt surgery will be done within three to four days.You can take her home but …you know every care.
Vansh nodes.
Vansh goes to see Riddhima.She is still unconscious.HE applies mehandi on her hands.
NExt day Riddhima wakes up.She sees Vansh by her side.Vansh kisses her forehead.
Riddhima sees her hands adorned with mehandi and smiles.
Vansh takes Riddhima home.He lifts her . And make her sit on bed.Both keep looking in each others eyes.They stay quiet.It seems like they are talking with eyes.
Vansh; Today,is our sangeet.
Riddhima: You don’t even allow me to keep foot on floor,how will we dance.
Vansh: We will,today sangeet ,tomorrow haldi and the day after that..
Riddhima gets sad.Riddhima says,Surgery.
VAnsh holds her hand and says Marriage.
At night,VAnsh asks her to open eyes.Ridhimma does.
Riddhima: Wow …its beautiful.Vansh how do you manage everything so nicely..I mean.
They hug.
Vansh lifts her and dances.Ishq me marjava plays.
They share a kiss.
NExt day Vansh is seen preparing haldi.
Riddhima is smiling seeing him.
Vansh says already I have been adorned by your haldi.
Riddhima remember her family and gets sad,
Vansh : There is again a surprise for you.
Vansh shows her the videos of her family.
Riddhima cries happily.
Vansh applies haldi to her cheeks.And then rub his cheek with her.
Riddhima applies haldi on Vansh’s forehead and then they both touch forehead.
They are together for each moment.
At night Vansh takes her to terrace and they together sees stars.
Vansh: Tommorow is Vansh Rai singhania’s marriage.I am excited.It is interestong.
Riddhima smiles.
Riddhima : What if I don’t get waken up on time..I mean…doctor said,even if I get saved then it can be coma,memory loss …
Vansh shouts Riddhima.
Riddhima: Vansh…
Vansh: You have to return for your Vansh at any cost.You know I hate lies and cheat.You have no right to leave Vansh Rai singhania.
Riddhima; I will return.I swear.But for how long will you wait there…
VAnsh: You know when I meet you,I feel that I was waiting for you for a thousand years and I am going to do it for a thousand more.
Riddhima: VAnsh I am practically asking…
Riddhima: I am practical too.I am going to wait for a thousand years.Means till last breath is left in me.
Both smiles and hug.
Next day Riddhima is taken to surgery.
Riddhima: Earlier I wanted to say that if I don’t return then don’t tell my family about my death but now I am saying that I am just returning,then we will together go to family.
Vansh nodes.
He kisses her forehead.She kisses on his both eyes.
Riddhima is taken inside.Vansh is left with her ring.
VAnsh goes to God’s idol and remember doctor telling that we have only 10% probability of Riddhima getting saved and after that it can be that she goes in coma or she suffers a memory loss.Do you still want to permit for this surgery .
VAnsh: How long will she be able to live without this surgery.
Doctor: Hardly 3 4 months.
VAnsh says I want this surgery at any cost.She should be saved.
Vansh keeps gun in front of Gid’s idol and says you called my mother,I was all alone but still I lived.This time,you have no right to call my wife.You know I don’t like to talk much.
Its just that she is my life.If you call her then it is going to simply mean hat you want my life.hen I am going to shot myself with this gun.That’s Vansh Rai singhania’s swear.
I also swear that I am not going to see Riddhima till she doesn’t call me by her own.I will go to her only when she will say Vansh.
Surgery is completed.
VAnsh looks red eyed at doctors.Senior doctor hugs vansh and says,congratulations.Surgery is completed accurately.She is alive.Vansh couldn’t believe his ears.He gets mad.
Doctor: Still she is not awoke,we can not yet say if she is in coma or when she will get consccious.
Vansh stays stunned.
30 days passed.
Vansh still sits on the bench for whole day.
Doctor: Till whenyou are going to sit on this nbench Mr singhania.
Vansh: For a thousand years.
Docor: Why don’t you go inside to see your wife,she is not yet conscios but you atleast can see her.
Vansh: I will only go when she will call on her own.
After 3 days,VAnsh is sitting outside on bench.
Nurse runshes and goes to doctor.Nurse: Patient is breathing hardly.
vansh gets shocked.He keeps hand on his gun and looks at God’s idol.
Doctor rushes inside.OT light gets on.
AFter sometime doctor’s come out.
Vansh: Riddhima…?
Doctors stay quiet.
Vansh takes out the gun to shot himself.
Doctor’s open the full door of oT.
VAnsh sees.
Riddhima says vansh,.
Vnnsh stops and couldn’t beileve his ears.
Riddhima again says vansh.
Vansh rushes with full speed to her.
HE couldn’t believe that she is awake.
HE hugs her tightly and keeps kissing her on forehead ,eyes cheeks.
Everyone cires happily and so does Riddhima and vansh.
Riddhima: Our marriage…what is the date today…how much time I took to wake up?
Vansh: Only one hour.
Riddhima cries happily.
Riddhima: I can’t believe.We can still marry .
Vansh brings red dupatta and draps it around her.
She keep on happily crying.
Vansh lets her wear mangalsutra and fill vermilion in her partition.
Both touches forehead and cry happily.
The end.

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