Friday 26 March 2021

Riansh OS: Her attitude (2)


Hey guys, today i was suppose to post TFR, but i didn’t have time to finish it. So i decided to update this os. I thought it’s better to finish it in three parts. So this will be the second part and the last part will be posted on Sunday (but not sure). I was really happy while reading your comments, i even answered them. As you liked the first part hope you like this part too.


Episode starts:

Author (POV):

After riddhima told everything to sejal. She went to get ready so that she can meet Kabir. She finished getting ready and went to meet Kabir while sejal was in deep thought.

Sejal (POV):

I know riddhima, you are excited to meet Kabir but I do know one thing that destiny will not keep you together for long. I knew that you do not love Kabir but you felt grateful after all the care he showed you which you never got and you thought it was love. But in reality now, you have started to love vansh but do not want to accept as you think that you will be betraying Kabir. But destiny will sure do it’s part

Author (POV):

Riddhima was waiting for Kabir. She knew that Kabir would accept her proposal; she had even already made her plans. But she herself forgot what she told sejal. That “Life is full of unexpected twists”. Even in her life, there was a twist, which was on the way, and she was just clueless about it. After sometime, Kabir came.

Kabir: riddhima. I want to tell you something.

Riddhima: I know what you want to say but still say it.

Kabir: Actually, riddhima, I love you and you know that but we cannot get married now

Riddhima: but why?

Kabir (cupping her face): I am not a PT teacher but a secret agent and I have one goal in life. And that has to arrest Vansh Raisinghania, the international criminal. He pretends to be innocent but he is not that at all. Even today, he had a business beach party, and in there he clacked a deal with a Chinese. We will get married once I catch him. But yeah, we can get married early if you want but after catching him, and there you can help me.

Riddhima (POV):

Why is he lying? I know vansh sir and me we left the party at the same time. And while he was in the party, he was just sitting sometimes staring at me or sometimes looking in his phone and this foolish bas*a** is lying. I am sure; if I have not meet him then I would have surely believed his words. But not so easy Kabir. Now you will see how I will destroy your plans. You think you will use me. So, ok. I will refuse your deal because I cannot hurt vansh. Maybe sejal was right. I never loved you. But now I feel as if I love vansh. I do not know if it is love or a simple crush. But I do know that I will not let you hurt him. I will stand like a shield in front of him. I know what you want to ask me but I will refuse it smartly and then protect my vansh from you.

Riddhima: yes, Kabir tell me

Kabir: can you enter Vansh’s world. I know it is dangerous but you can do it for me. Can you be so close to him more he is close to his shadow so that he can tell you himself all his secrets?

Riddhima (POV):

Laughing inside. Oh Kabir, you are so foolish. You think I will accept it because I love you. Yaa maybe I would have accepted it, if I have not meet vansh. But now that I meet him, I will not even accept it. I know he has seems to be mean and arrogant but I do not why, I feel he is not like he show. I feel that inside he is really weak. But that does not mean that I will not protect him from your evil eyes.

Riddhima: what are you saying, Kabir? Are you saying a price for my love?

Kabir: no, riddhima. But if you want, you can take it like that.

Riddhima: no, Kabir. I am sorry, i cannot do that. I want to get married with you and live a happy life but you know that I cannot hurt somebody or break his family. I just cannot do that, I know how it feels to be an orphan. I am sorry I cannot do that (pretending to cry)

Kabir (POV):

Maybe you are right riddhima. You are so weak you just cannot do it I understand.

Kabir: Aree do not cry. It is okay if you cannot do it. I know what you mean and what you feel. I will catch him myself and then we will get married.

Riddhima (hugging him): ok. Thank you for understanding

Kabir (hugging her back): if I cannot understand you who will. Let me go. I have work. We will meet in two weeks I have an important work, so we will not be able to talk.

Riddhima: ok bye

Kabir: bye

Author (POV):

After he left, riddhima started laughing aloud.

Riddhima: ooh, Kabir. You are so innocent. I just did a drama and you accept it. Tssss. Poor you. You think that I did not accept because I was feeling emotionally weak. It is nothing like that. And who cares where the hell you will be during those two weeks. No one cares, now I will plan my entry in VR Mansion and make vansh fall in love with me during those two weeks. When you will come back, nothing will be left for you. When you will come back, I will surely think of something sweet to tell you or tell you the truth. I will see. For now, I have to make sure if vansh wants to reach out to me, he can easily reach me. And that will happen through that boy who vansh stopped.

Author (POV):

Riddhima stayed there for a while and finally went to the hostel. Vansh too had reached home and directly went to his room. Angre too who came with him directly went and jumped on ishani?

Ishani (angry): Angre, can’t you walk correctly why did you jump on me?

Angre: it is out of happiness yaar.

Ishani (interested why? What happened?

Angre: Actually, for the first time, someone answered vansh bhai; with the same attitude as his and he did not, say anything but was just looking at her.

Ishani: really. Who did that?

Angre: it is a girl named riddhima. I really like her, she is just fierce

Ishani (jealous): you liked her. More than me

Angre: Aree it feels as if you are jealous

Ishani: yes that I am. After all my best friend like some other girl apart from me

Angre (raising his eyebrow): are you sure, it’s just best friend

Ishani: just shut up. Okay and tell me more about her

Angre: Actually, I knew that boss would ask me to gather information about her. So I did it before he can ask me.

Ishani so tell me

Before he could tell her, vansh called him

Angre: see I told you, now let me go and report to him

Ishani: me too, I am coming

Angre: Aree ishani are my best friend or enemy what do yo want to get me killed at such a young age. Let me go I will tell you later what we talked

Ishani (laughing): ok, go

Angre went to Vansh’s room

Vansh: If you have finished telling everything to ishani can, you do some work of mine now.

Angre: boss, I did not say anything

Vansh: Angre why lie when I know?

Angre: boss, leave that. What work do you want me to do?

Vansh: I want you to find…

Before he could finish his sentence Angre interrupted and said

Angre: you want me to find out about that girl you meet in the party

Vansh (confused): how do you know?

Angre: boss, you always ask me to do that. Whenever you meet someone new. So I memorized it.

Vansh: ok, so do it

Angre: I already did it, as I knew that you would surely tell me to do it.

Vansh: good work. I think that after working with me, you know what it means to be perfect (sarcasm)

Angre (shocked): boss, from when did you start being a sarcastic person🤨

Vansh: no, I am the way I am

Angre (murmurs): now I think that after meeting that girl, boss will start to crack jokes (smiles)

Vansh: I heard it

Angre: it is good then… at least I will not have to keep what I thought

Vansh: Angre just shut up and tell me what is important

Angre: so, I found that she is an orphan lives in the hostel with her bestie, sejal who is a party planner while she is a physiotherapist. And her name is riddhima

Vansh (POV):

Poor her. I thought she would have a beautiful family who loves. But it is okay Na I will be there for her.

Vansh heart: Woah, wait a minute. Vansh what did you just say. That you will be there for her. Who told you that she would accept but do I want to be there for her. Oh god, I will surely go crazy thinking about her.

Angre said she is a physiotherapist but then why did she come to organize my party. Is what I thought right about her? Did my enemies send her?

Vansh’s heart: Aree, vansh. Why do you care? What matters is that you meet her, right. And for party planning, maybe she does two work at the same time. To get more money, as you know she is an orphan.

Yeah you are right; maybe she does that to get more money. Nevertheless, Angre did not tell me if she has a boyfriend.

Vansh’s heart: why are you so excited to know that?

Ok just shut up, you helped me but that does not mean you will continue to talk nonsense

Vansh’s heart: just asked

You asked but I did not give you an answer

Vansh’s heart: but I will find the answer

Do you know what just shut up? Moreover, leave from here

Vansh’s heart: you too naa you are strange. I am your heart, your conscience and you are asking me to leave. It is not possible

Arggh why are you so stubborn

Vansh’s heart: after whose heart I am.

Mine of course.

Angre, who saw that vansh, was lost, and it was as if he is fighting himself. He waved in front of him but still it did not help. He pinched him, made a sound, played music but still nothing was helping.

Angre (POV):

Aree where is boss lost. Now what to do.

Something strikes him and he said.

Angre: boss, look at riddhima

When he said that, vansh directly looked at the door while Angre busted and started to laugh

Vansh (angry): why did you lie that riddhima is here? And why are you laughing like a crazy person

Angre (laughing boss, look at yourself. I pinched you, played music, made a sound and I do not know what else I did but still you were still lost in your thoughts but when is said that riddhima is here. You directly came out of your thoughts.

Vansh: Angre just shut up. In addition, tell me, does she have a boyfriend

Angre: why are you asking that🧐?

Vansh: e…e…eh… bcs… I want her to treat siya

Angre: and what does that have to do with treating siya

Vansh: you know that when someone comes here in VR Mansion, he/she leaves all his relation behind

Angre: are you sure, because I think that is only the reason

Vansh: what other reason do you except.

Angre: nothing

Vansh: so tell me, she has one or no

Angre: no, she does not

When Angre said that a small smile crept on his face and that did not escape from angre’s eyes

Angre (POV):

Oh, god how many shocks will I get in a day. Boss smiled, and that because of riddhima. Now I do not what else, he will do because of her.

Vansh (POV):

I do not why but I am feeling so happy that, she does not have a boyfriend

Vansh’s heart: why are you so happy?

You are back again can’t you leave me alone

Vansh’s heart: you are saying it as if I left

Yes, you did. And it does not concern you why I am happy got it. Now leave

Vansh’s heart: it does concern me

Ooh, you are so irritating you know that.

Vansh’s heart: irritating and me. I think you got a confusion

Angre who again saw that vansh was lost in some thought again. He tried to wake him up from his thought and this time he succeeded without making a lot of effort.

Angre: boss, I wanted to ask. If I should call her and tell her that, you want her to take care of siya.

Vansh: no, no need. Just give me the number

Angre (murmurs): now look the VR, who used to hate girls now wants to talk to one

Vansh: what did you say?

Angre: nothing

Vansh: give me the number and leave

Angre gave him the number and was about to go when vansh said

Vansh: and don’t you dare to tell what happened here to Ishani. Or else I do not what I would do

Angre: ok, boss

Angre (POV):

Sorry, boss. I cannot do that the news here is on fire that I cannot just keep it with myself. Or else the fire while burn me (smiles)

Author (POV):

On one side, Angre was telling everything to ishani who after left to tell everything to siya. While, on the other side, vansh who is confused whether to call riddhima, what to tell her. How to ask her to come to his home and treat siya

Vansh (POV):

I just do not understand what is happening here. For the first time, I am so hesitant to call someone. In addition, not only that, I am going to call a girl, at night. Is not strange. What will she think about me? Ooh, I am so confused. But vansh, you are man, so let’s do it

Author (POV):

Finally, vansh made a call to riddhima

On the call

V: H…h…. h…e… hello

R: oh mister, why did you call if you want to stammer?

V: oh madam, calm down

R: first, who are you and why did you call at this hour

V: it is VR

R: VR, means

V: foolish, Vansh Raisinghania

R: First, all of all I am not foolish, second VR stands for many thing and I did not know that it stand for vansh rai…

She could not complete as something strikes her

Ridhhima (POV):

Wait, vansh called me. It means that. That boy did his work, I was sure that he will do some research. I cannot express how happy I am feeling. However, I have to control my feelings and be that riddhima he meet. I am sure he will fall in love with this fierce riddhima.

R: sir, it is you. In addition, before you say anything, I wanted to say sorry, as I did not know it was you at that time

Author (POV):

When vansh listened to that, he was a little disappointed and happy too

Vansh (POV):

I am happy that you said sorry but I am disappointed as I think I liked that riddhima who answered me fearlessly.

Author (POV):

He was so disappointed that he did not know what to say but what riddhima said next made him happy

R: I know that I did a mistake but that does not mean I am sorry for what I told. I meant it, the decorations were liked by everyone, if you did not like them then next time do not call us at your party. And if you called me to say that, I misbehaved with you and that is why you will not pay us. Then keep you money with you.

Vansh (POV):

Now that is like my riddhima. Wait what, my riddhima. Just leave it. But now she is talking like the one I meet on the beach, the fearless one. I just love her like that. Wait, what, I love her, from when. Oh god, I will go crazy one day for sure.

V: no, I did not call to say that.

R: then why did you call

V: I wanted to ask why you lied?

R: when did I lie because as far as I remember, we did not talk about something, which you will say that I lied?

V: you lied that you are party planner when you are physiotherapist

R: I do not think I should explain myself to you

V: you have too

R: what makes you think, that I would do it.

V: because, you love your job and would not want to lose your job because of a lie

R: are you threatening me?

V: no but if you want to take it like that. Then it is your wish?

R: I am not scared of you, ok. I will not tell you anything

V: as you wish, don’t say that I didn’t tell you, that you will lose your job

R: ok, I will tell you

V: good, girl

R: I am not a party planner but my friend is. She was busy today so couldn’t come and she asked me to come at her place as she taught me some things

V: ok. I heard that you are a nice physiotherapist

R: yes, why

V: my sister is handicapped so I wanted to know if you could come at VR Mansion to treat her.

R: no, I cannot come to work where you are. You will always be screaming and shouting at me

V: no, I will not do that. I will give you whatever sum of money you wish for.

R: I do not work for money; I just work because I want.

V: ok, but please

R: okay, I will come but on one condition.

V: whatever condition you wish for. But you will have to live in VR Mansion

R: no, I cannot do that. What about my bestie, sorry that’s not possible

V: If you wish you, bestie can come too

R: okay.

V: now tell me your conditions

R: my conditions are that, you have to say sorry if you scream at me. You will not shout at me. I will be allowed to go wherever I want and do what I want. And we will sign an agreement with those conditions

V: I accept but for allowing you to go outside, you will go with my bodyguards.

R: ok. When am I coming to stay?

V: you can come tomorrow and meet my family. I will even tell you about the rules.

R: rules?

V: yes

R: is it a school or a jail?

V: ooh ma’am. My house and my wish so you will follow the rules

R: ok, as you wish. What about my luggage and things.

V: my workers will take care of that. If you are finished with your questions, can we end the call?

R: yes, Good night sir

V: Good night

The call ended

Riddhima (POV):

You do not know how much I enjoyed talking to you. Now it is time to work on our love and we will become one #Riansh. Now tomorrow, I will tell sejal about it and I will just enjoy with you.

Vansh (POV):

I do not why, I felt so happy while talking to you. Now, I just cannot wait for tomorrow to meet you again and then you will be always in front of my eyes.

Then two of them slept off, thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

So, that is all for today. Hope you liked and enjoyed.

Stay tuned to find out how riddhima, will make vansh fall for her. Will Vansh’s family like her on not. What will happen when Kabir comes back and finds out that riddhima whom he loves, doesn’t love him anymore and that she realizes that it was just an infatuation

The post Riansh OS: Her attitude (2) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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