Sunday, 7 March 2021

PolesApart Episode 12: Vansh loves Riddhima!


Hello everyone!! You all requested me to post it today itself,, so here i am!! Hope you all will like this episode.. and thank you for your lovely comments.. Your comments motivates me to write.. And i know i am unable to reply you all, but believe me your opinions makes me ecstatic!!

Outside Vansh’s room-

Anupriya: “Thank god that she is safe!”

Riva was crying still. Vansh calmed her.

Doctors came outside.

Riva: “Dr Aunty, is my Dr Ma fine?”

Doctor: “Don’t worry child your mother will be fine, (to Vansh) Mr.RaiSinghania, your wife is fine. She had got some external injuries, we had bandaged her. She is right now asleep, and yeah she needs bed rest for 2-3 days since her leg has internal injury. Avoid her to walk. Also she could be scared, as the goons tried to mole..” Vansh told them to stop.

Vansh: “I will take care of her, thank you.”

The family saw Riddhima sleeping. Then they went to living room. Aaryan calmed Riva.

Vansh went to his study. He banged his hand the table. The glass broke, and his hand was bleeding. Anupriya and Rudra arrived.

Anupriya: “Hurting yourself would not cure Riddhima!”

Rudra: “Beta, calmed down.”

Vansh was in tears. He hugged Anupriya.

Anupriya sat on a stair and made Vansh rest his head on her lap.

Anupriya: “Be strong! Nothing would happen to your love, we all are with her. And when you are with her, no hurdle could touch her.”

Vansh was relaxed.Vansh sat straight wiping his tears. He hardly listened Anupriya calling Riddhima as her “love”!

Rudra: “Yes, doctor told na, your wife will be fine!”

Vansh: “Wife!”

Anupriya: “Oh sorry, soon to be wife!” (smile slyly)

Vansh(shy): “What are you both saying?”

Siya enters..: “The thing that will relax you!”

Vansh: “Shut..

Chanchal: “We all know!”

Vansh: “What?”

Aaryan: “that you love her!”

Vansh was surprised. He was awestruck that how could his family knew it before him.He himself got to know it today.

Siya: “We observed you.. how you were behaving when you got to know that Riddhima is missing, moreover Angre told us what happened at the building! My Riddhima and all, hmm.!!” (mockingly)

Vansh: “Angre! I will not leave him.”

Anupriya: “Atleast you agreed that you love her. I am very eager to make her my daughter in law!”

Aaryan : “Yes bhai, please tell us!”

Vansh: “What?”

Aaryan: “When we are going to call her bhabhi!” (laughing)

Vansh: “Aaryan!! (smiled shyly) I have some work” He goes.

Everyone laughed. Riva come there.

Riva: “Why are you laughing? Did Dr Ma awake?”

Anupriya: “Riva call her Ma! What’s this Dr Ma!”

Riva: “Why?”

Siya: “Because she is your mother!”

Riva : “Really! Why didn’t you tell me before, now I will not let her leave me!”(overwhelmed)

Everyone smiled.

Riddhima gains consciousness. But she is still threatened. She remembers her condition. She cried. Vansh entered. She didn’t notice him. Vansh put his hand on her shoulder. Riddhima was terrified. She look towards Vansh.

Vansh: “Riddhima it’s me! You are safe now! Those goons are gone..” (he tried to relax her) He sat beside her.

Riddhima hugged him very hard. She was afraid but Vansh’s warmth and affection satisfies her. She was sobbing while hugging him. Her fingers were tightly placed on his back. Vansh caress her hairs. This makes her calm. Vansh then told her to rest while he will brought food for her.

Riddhima(scared): “No..No…please don’t… me..” (her voice cracked due to continuous crying)

Vansh saw her condition and understood. Riddhima slept on Vansh’s arm, placing her head on his arm, and hands on his chest. Riva entered and she also slept on Vansh’s other arm.

So Vansh was between Riva and Riddhima both of them were sleeping on his arms. He felt complete. He felt like he has achieved all his aims of life. He kissed Riva’s forehead and then Riddhima’s too. Then he himself slept.

Next Morning Vansh woke and saw both of them still sleeping. He saw Riddhima was not scared now as she was smiling while sleeping.

Vansh(himself): “Probably seeing a good dream, sweetheart!”

Vansh slowly move both of them aside and went downstairs to bring food for Riddhima as she haven’t eaten anything from last night.

When Vansh arrived back he saw Riva sleeping alone in the bed. He was thinking where is Riddhima, when he heard a noise from bathroom. He ran towards bathroom.

From outside-

Vansh: “Riddhima you okay?”

Riddhima: “Yeah!..”

Vansh: “What happen?”

Riddhima: “I just fell..”

Vansh: “Wait, I am coming inside to help..”

Riddhima: “No. No need I will manage.”

Vansh: “Riddhima don’t be stubborn”

Vansh entered the bathroom. He saw Riddhima lying on the floor.

Vansh: “Who told you to walk? Doctor have given you bed-rest for 3 days!”

Riddhima: “3 days.. No I am going to hospital today, my patients..”

Vansh: “Don’t worry about your patients. But you need to worry about yourself! You’ll not be going anywhere, until your leg gets fine. And it’s an order from your Husba..” Vansh stopped.

Riddhima: “What?”

Vansh: “Order from a friend!”

Vansh held Riddhima in arms and took her to bed. She was wearing a white coloured bathrobe and her hair were wet, but she had made a bun out of them.

Vansh opened her hairs.(Dil ye tere bina maanta hi nahi..plays) He then rubbed them with a towel. Riddhima was continuously staring at Vansh. Then Riva woke . She hugged Riddhima.

Riva: “Ma, you know I was very terrified yesterday.. You were in pain right? Papa slept you in his arms and then you become fine.”

Vansh and Riddhima felt awkward listening to her words. To divert the topic Vansh asked Riva why she’s calling Riddhima Ma instead of Dr Ma.

Riva: “Siya bhua told me the truth. I know Dr Ma is my mother.”

Riddhima was happy about it. Riva then hugged Riddhima again,

Riva: “Ma, now I’ll never let you leave me. I love you very much.”

From the other side Vansh also hugged Riddhima.

Vansh: “I also want to tell you that I also love… [(to himself) Oh shut up Vansh what were you going to say.] (correcting) will not let you leave Riva.”

Riddhima liked both of them hugging her.

So guys, that’s it!! Let me know if you like this one!!

Do you think Riddhima is also falling for Vansh?

The post PolesApart Episode 12: Vansh loves Riddhima! appeared first on Telly Updates.

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