Thursday 18 March 2021

On The Path Of Love (Chapter 1-lost peace) RiAnsh


Chapter 1:Lost Peace

It was a dark room, everything dark, no lights, no colours nothing. A room with a bed and a table beside it, a coffee mug on top of the table and a tall person lying on bed. Just then a beam of sunlight came through a slightly open window panes, passing through the gaps between two curtains and directly fall on closed eyelids of the man. Just then his sleep gets break and he opened his eyes. Eye which never lies. His dark brown eyes was having pain, anger, some deep emotions, the sleep which he was having everyday was not peaceful, it was just for sake of body. Just then he get down from his bed opened the curtains, standing at his window, he was looking outside. There was greenery, chirping sounds of birds,a cool breeze was present which was touching his face giving him some soothing effect,environment was calm,everything was so soothing to see, to hear,to feel but that was not enough to give him peace, it was not enough to give peace to the chaos going inside his mind,body and soul.He is looking outside as if the environment was not peaceful for him but for one he was waiting for,was his peace of mind,body and soul the one who was lost. Just then he pick up the rubik cube which was beside him and he started solving it with closed eyes as he was lost in his thoughts as the time was passing his speed of rotating the cube was increasing as if he was finding answer to a lots of questions. Just then his thoughts were broke by phone call it was Angre calling just then he received the call and he answered, “yes I’m coming” and he cut the call. There was a novel near him he opened the first page and the title of the book was ‘THE RIDDLES OF LIFE’ and on the same page downside at right corner it was written that ‘WRITTEN BY’ and below written by there was author’s name and surname initials stamp, that is ‘NV’ and he caressed the name written on the book then he closed his eyes and a tear of 100 emotions rolled down from his dark brown eyes. Wiping his tears he went to take his shower and he gets ready, he just lock his house and start driving his car and again in his own thoughts just then unintentionally he spoke one word and it is ‘RIDDHIMA’

Precap:story goes to flashback of 15 years

Sometimes external environment can’t give you inner peace, but a person who has reached your heart, touched your soul can give you peace and if that one person is lost it feels like everything is chaotic, your soul gets shattered. That feeling which they gave us is the only energy left which pushes us to find that person, that ‘SOULMATE’.
-By Author

Authors note:To all I know everyone till now had came to know that who is this guy but just incase if someone had a doubt yes he is Vansh. In above given thought there is a little hint of next chapter. Till the next chapter guess why Vansh is so depressed or sad? What he must be thinking? For whom he must be waiting?Who is NV? Bye take care and stay safe, spread love and positivity ❤

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