Sunday 7 March 2021

LOVE, LIFE, SECRETS: Answers lie within – CHAPTER 50


CHAPTER 50: Past is revealed

Priyanka was walking down the staircase when she saw Ranveer entering along with Mishti and Abir…. A smile adorned her lips as she thought that he had come to talk to her family…. He had brought Mishti and Abir along because he considers them his family…. She forgot all about the argument they had the other day and quickly walked down the remaining steps…. She walked towards them…. The three of them stopped seeing her coming towards them….

Priyanka: Ran….

Ranveer: Ms. Oberoi, will you please call all of your family members. We are here for some important work.

Priyanka’s smile vanished the moment she heard his words…. So, he was not here for her…. She had thought her Ranveer had come for her but she was wrong…. DCP Ranveer Singh Randhawa had come to her house…. Ranveer also observed how her smile had vanished but he did not let it affect him…. He was here for work and it was all he was supposed to do…. Abir and Mishti looked at each other and stayed silent…. This is their duty and no matter what personal reasons should not affect their professional duties…. Priyanka moved back and called one of the staff members and told her to inform other family members about the arrival of DCP Randhawa…. Ranveer also felt something when she addressed him as DCP Randhawa but then he had to keep himself composed…. Their personal matters could wait…. At this moment, his duty was his first priority….

The staff member did as instructed and soon one by one the rest of the family members gathered in the living room…. All were looking at Ranveer and his team wondering about their sudden arrival….

Shivaay: What brings you here early in the morning, DCP Randhawa?

Ranveer: We are here to discuss about Tia’s murder case and some very important things we have found during our investigation.

Janhvi: What have you found, did you find who has done this?

Abir: Well, we have found some clues and surely would find the culprit soon.

Ranveer: We investigated the case and have come across important facts.

He looked at Mishti who passed him the file…. Ranveer took the file from her and forwarded it to Shivaay…. Shivaay took the file confused not knowing what it contained…. Ranveer asked him to read it…. Shivaay opened the file and started reading the contents…. Om and Rudra also stood on either sides of Shivaay and started reading the file…. As they read they were shocked…. They looked at Ranveer a few times as they completed reading the files….

Shivaay: How did you get all this?

Ranveer: That is not important Mr. Oberoi, what is important is that all this is true. Our forensic team has checked each document carefully and all these are real.

Shivaay looked at Mrs. Kapoor shocked hearing Ranveer’s words…. Mrs. Kapoor smirked seeing him and Shivaay understood that the proofs he had got from her earlier were fake…. How could he believe this lady…. So she had the copies of the proofs with herself and had given Shivaay only some of the proofs…. He cursed himself for getting trapped in Mrs. Kapoor’s lies…. How could he do such a grave mistake….

Omkara: Shivaay, what is all this? You knew about all this?

Shivaay: Yes Om and that is why I was getting married to Tia.

Rudra: Bhaiya…. You should have told us earlier.

Tej: What are you talking about? What is there in this file?

Omkara: Account of all your black deeds Mr. Oberoi.

Janhvi: Om….

Omkara: Don’t tell me to stop mom, I am saying what the truth is.

Tej took the file from Shivaay’s hand and started reading it…. As he read it he felt ground slipping beneath his feet…. He looked at Shakti who came and stood beside him looking into the contents of the file…. The elder Oberoi brothers exchanged looks full of shock…. The Oberoi ladies and Romi looked at them confused not knowing what was happening….

Dadi: Will anyone tell us what is happening and what does this file contain?

Mishti: Mrs. Oberoi….

Mishti started narrating the events that had occurred years ago…. The illegals methods in which Tej Singh Oberoi and Shakti Singh Oberoi were involved…. Mr. Kapoor’s attempt to expose them…. Tej’s warning to Mr. Kapoor and Mr. Kapoor’s death….

Dadi, Pinky, Janhvi, Priyanka and Romi were shocked learning about the past…. Dadi felt ashamed of her sons’ deeds and sat down on the sofa…. Pinky was worried for Shakti…. Romi had tears in her eyes learning about her father’s sufferings…. Priyanka sat down beside her Dadi consoling her….

Janhvi looked at Tej as if she knew that someday this was going to happen…. She had always warned Tej to not do this…. But he never listened to her and instead forced her to leave her position in Oberoi Industries…. It was the initial years of the growth of Oberoi Industries when Janhvi had supported Tej in all his works and helped in laying the foundation of the Oberoi Industries…. Whatever heights Oberoi Industries had reached today Janhvi had played a vital role…. Unfortunately she never got the credit for her hard work…. Tej always kept her behind him and when she tried to stop his illegal deeds he just forced her to leave Oberoi Industries…. Janhvi had always warned him that your deeds return to you and he would have to face the consequences one day…. Tej felt defeated seeing Janhvi’s look….

Ranveer: We are here to arrest Mr. Tej Singh Oberoi and Mr. Shakti Singh Oberoi.

As soon as the words reached them they looked at Ranveer….

Shivaay: You cannot do this. You are in charge of Tia’s case and this has nothing to do with Tia’s murder.

Abir: Well Mr. Oberoi, the ones who can kill the father can also kill the daughter.

Omkara: What do you mean?

Ranveer: That means, we looked into the accident of Mr. Kapoor, it was not an accident but a planned attempt of murder. But Mrs. Kapoor and their daughter survived the accident and only Mr. Kapoor died.

Janhvi: But how can you say that Tej and Shakti are responsible for Mr. Kapoor’s accident?

Mrs. Kapoor: Of course it is true, Mr. Tej Singh Oberoi had warned us that if we did not stop our work of exposing them, he would get us killed.

Tej: I had only warned that also in the fit of rage, I am not responsible for that accident.

Ranveer: We will definitely look into the details but the other proofs are enough to make them the prime suspects. We’ll have to take them into our custody.

Shivaay: No, this will not happen.

Omkara: What are you saying Shivaay?

Ranveer: Mr. Oberoi, do not interfere in our work. We have to take them with us.

Abir: The most you can do is let us do our work. If they are innocent and have done nothing wrong, there is no reason to get worried.

Ranveer: Shinde, take them towards the vehicle.

The constables did what they were asked to do…. Tej and Shakti looked at their family and having no other option followed the constables…. Mishti also walked with them as Abir asked her to do so….

Ranveer: I can only assure you all that no one will get punished for the crimes they did not commit.

Ranveer looked at the family members once and walked out of the mansion…. Abir followed him…. Priyanka wanted to stop him but there was very little she could do at that time….


Anika and Arjun reached the police station…. Om had called them informing about Tej and Shakti’s arrest…. The brother and sister immediately got the documents for bail issued from the court and reached the police station as soon as possible…. Anika knew that Tej and Shakti were at fault but this was not the time to let the Oberoi family suffer…. They were already surrounded by many problems and she had to protect them from the same…. Anika and Arjun walked inside the police station where they saw Shivaay sitting on the bench with Omkara…. Arjun signed Anika to go to them while he submitted the papers…. She walked to the Oberoi brothers…. Om looked at her and gave a small smile to which she also signed him not to worry….

Anika: Shiv…. I mean Mr. Oberoi, we have brought….

Anika could not complete her sentence as the moment Shivaay saw her he walked away from there…. Anika looked at him walking away…. Om felt sad seeing her…. Anika composed herself and looked at Om….

Omkara: Anika, sorry for Shivaay’s….

Anika: It is okay Om, anyways I should have got used to this behavior by now, but don’t worry I’ll get accustomed soon.

Arjun also came there and was surprised not seeing Shivaay around…. He looked at his sister who just shook her head negatively…. Arjun felt hurt seeing Anika getting hurt but there was very little he could do….

Arjun: Om, I have submitted the papers and both Tej uncle and Shakti uncle will get released soon.

Om just nodded at what Arjun said…. Inside Om many questions were rising…. Were they doing the right thing…. What if Tej and Shakti were actually responsible for Mr. Kapoor’s accident and Tia’s death…. He had remembered how Tej was reluctant on investigating Tia’s murder…. How Tej did wanted everyone to know that Tia died due to an accident and was not murdered…. What was Tej Singh Oberoi hiding…. Did he have something to do with Tia’s murder….


Tej and Shakti were sitting on the opposite side of Ranveer…. Abir and Mishti stood beside Ranveer on either sides….

Ranveer: Jitni jaldi aur sache jawaab aap dono denge, utni hi jaldi aap yaha se jaa payenge. Anyways, till now Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi would have arranged for your bail.

Tej: Look DCP, we know that we were involved in the illegal businesses but we have nothing to do with the death of neither Mr. Kapoor nor Tia.

Shakti: Bhai Saab is saying the truth. We have no connection with their deaths.

Ranveer: You had not only threatened Mr. Kapoor but also sent your men to bring the proofs from them. And when you did not get successful in getting the proofs, you planned the accident and asked your men to kill the entire family.

Tej: No, this is absolutely wrong. We did threaten them but we did not plan to kill them.

Shakti: We did not plan the accident.

After about two hours of questioning and cross questioning Ranveer allowed them to go…. Although he had strong proofs to arrest them for the illegal business methods he could not declare them as the murderers of Mr. Kapoor and Tia…. Also the inspector informed him about the papers Arjun had submitted…. Ranveer signed Abir and Mishti to take them out while he sat back in his chair lost in thoughts…. The case was more complicated than it seemed and he had to be very careful while looking through the clues and people related…. It was not only his professional life but also his personal life that would get gravely affected….


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing fine.
Here is the next chapter of the story, do share your views on the same.

Also, get ready for some shocking revelations, some new suspects, some romance and some dangers.

Keep reading and smiling!!!
Take care and stay safe!!!

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