The episode starts with Anuprya running to Aryan after he has taken the bullet and he has fallen on the ground.
She was shocked, crying, and shattered.
She has hurried up to the place where Aryan has fallen on it while a heavy tears were coming from her eyes.
She was crying very much and her tears could form a huge ocean due to of their huge quantity.
Anuprya( shouting and holding Aryan’s shirt to make him get up as if he is just sleeping): Aryan please get up. Aryaaaaan!!
She kept shouting and trying to make him get up.
She was crying very hard.
Anuprya( with a teary tone): Aryan please don’t do that to your mom. You know that I can’t live a second without you. Please Aryan get up. I know that you will never leave me. Just tell me that you are doing a prank on me to know how much I love you. Aryan please say something and open your eyes.
Anuprya has kept shouting and crying.
She was feeling as if Aryan is just pretending that his died, but she wasn’t able to accept that he really died.
Aryan died immediately after Siya has shot him.
He has died before he could expose Siya in front of Vansh.
Siya was looking at his dead body while she was smiling.
Siya to herself: Thank God that my secret has got buried up with Aryan’s truth and I know that Anuprya will never say anything about me as she will not have any time to think about anything after she has lost her son and if she just thought to do something like that she will find me facing her and making her reach to the same end that her son has reached to it. No one will be able to stop me now as this game has became only mine and the achievement will be also mine.
While Siya was happy being has gotten rid of Aryan before he could expose her, Anuprya was still shocked and shattered after the death of her son.
She was very angry and heartbroken.
She has ran towards Riddhima and she holds her neck in a very aggressive way as she was trying to suffocate her and kill her.
Anuprya( being angry and crying): You are the one who has made my son got died today. You are the one who has destroyed his life since the first day you have entered it. My son has died today because of you stupid Riddhima and I will never allow you to live a second after my son has died because of you. You are the one who has killed my son and you have to die now and you will be killed by my hands so my son’s soul could rest in peace now.
Anuprya was trying really hard to kill Riddhima as she was holding her neck very hardly and she was trying her best to suffocate her.
Riddhima wasn’t able to breath normally and she was feeling very suffocated.
She was trying to get out from Anuprya’s arms, but Anuprya was holding her very tightly.
Vansh and Kabir have succeeded in rescuing Riddhima from Anuprya’s hands.
Kabir has caught Anuprya and made her away from Riddhima.
While Vansh has hugged Riddhima very closely to him to calm her down and be sure that she is fine.
He was holding her very much to make her breath normally.
He was putting one of his hands around her head in a gently way and the other hand was holding with it Riddhima very closely him to calm her down.
Vansh(in a very caring way): Relax sweetheart nothing will happen to you as your Vansh is with you now. Just breath comfortably. This woman couldn’t be able to harm you when I’m with so just relax.
Riddhima was holding Vansh very closely to her.
She was trying to find the security and the safety by being in his arms.
She was very scared and terrified, but when she got to be in Vansh’s arms every pain and fear have gotten vanished.
Riddhima’s breaths start to be normally.
She gets out from Vansh’s arms.
She has seen the worry and the stress very noticeable on his face.
So she has putted her hands on Vansh’s face to calm him down.
Riddhima: How you are calming me and telling me to not be worried or stressed while you are that worried like that?! You would never be able to hide your worry from me Mr. organizer even if you tried very hard as I could easily caught you my would be husband. Just relax my love I’m totally fine as my fiance has rescued me as usual so how I could worry when the great Vansh Rai Singhania is with me?! So please chill Vansh as I would never be relaxed if you are very worried like that.
She has hugged him to relief his stress and make him feel comfortable.
Vansh was feeling very relaxed while hugging Riddhima.
They were both have forgotten everything has happened in this day after they have been in each other’s arms.
Actually, they have forgotten that they are still in front of the inspectors and being in that critical situation.
They have gotten out from that romantic moment after hearing Anuprya’s screams and shouts.
Kabir and other police inspectors were holding Anuprya very much to not make her escape or to do anything to Riddhima.
She was trying her best to get out from their captivity to kill Riddhima, but she wasn’t able to do that as they were being surrounded her to not make her succeed in that.
So she starts shouting and threatening Riddhima and Vansh.
Anuprya( screaming and shouting): I will not leave you both Vansh and Riddhima. I will not make you both live your lives peacefully after being the reason of the death of my son. You both will pay for it. You both will be punished a very hard punishment. I will make you suffer a lot Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania. I will make your heart be shattered after what I will do with your Riddhima. I will make you feel how it is the pain of losing a very special and precious person to you. I will make you pass through the same pain that I have passed through it today. I will not take a lot of time until I will return to destroy your both lives by my hand. Your death will be by my hands Riddhima Singh Travidi. I will not ma…
Anuprya wasn’t able to complete her words as a doctor has came and injected her with an injection that made her lost her consciousness.
Those doctors have came to take Aryan’s body.
Then that have taken Anuprya with them as her condition was critical after the death of her son Aryan.
Siya has got relaxed seeing Anuprya’s condition and she became sure that she is now safe and no one will know her real face.
So she left the factory to return home before Vansh and Riddhima could arrive to VR mansion.
So she don’t give them the chance to doubt her.
She was sure that Kabir will search about her the first thing he will do it after his arrive to VR mansion.
After Siya has left, Kabir has made his team to go with the doctors that have taken Anuprya with them.
Kabir: You all must to be sure that this woman will not do anything without being watching her moves. We mustn’t allow her to escape from the hospital until we could take her to the police station. We mustn’t allow her to be near Riddhima and harm her. We must to make her admit about the unknown person that has helped her and her son Aryan in their conspiracy against Vansh and Riddhima. We must to have a strong proofs against that person and this will happen when Anuprya admit everything about that person.
One of Kabir’s inspectors team: Don’t worry inspector Kabir as we will make a huge and alert securities on that Anuprya and she will not be able to escape from us and when she will wake up she will immediately admit about everything and anything she knows it about that person.
Afterwards, Kabir’s inspectors have left along with the doctors that have taken Anuprya with them.
Then Vansh, Riddhima, Kabir, and Angre have left the factory and have entered Vansh’s car.
They were all still shocked after Aryan’s death.
Angre: I’m sure that the third person that was joining hands with Aryan and Anuprya is the one who has shot Aryan to prevent him from exposing that person.
Kabir: We must to be very careful guys as the danger didn’t got vanished even if Aryan has been dead and Anuprya has got arrested as the unknown enemy is still free and will not be satisfied until this person will destroy Vansh and Riddhima’s lives so we must to be very alert.
Vansh: Kabir is right. The danger is still around us. This hidden enemy will not leave Riddhima and I get married that easy so we must not underestimate that person.
Riddhima: We must to catch that person very quickly as we don’t know what that person could do to separate me and Vansh from each other.
Vansh: I will never allow that person to do that. Nothing will disturb our marriage Riddhu. No one could be able to separate me from you sweetheart. Our breathes are connected to the other. You are just mine and I’m just yours and this fact will never be changed.
Vansh and Riddhima have an eye look after Vansh has said those words.
Angre and Kabir have looked at Riddhima and Vansh.
Then they have looked at each other while they were smiling.
Angre and Kabir at the same time: Aww! How sweet?!
Kabir: I can observe that Vansh has got to be very romantic nowadays! Do you have taken an injection that increases the love feelings during that days?!
They were all smiling after what Kabir has said.
They were happy that they have at least gotten rid of Aryan and Anuprya and their mission will be easier to just trap the unknown person.
They were satisfied that the headache that is called Aryan has got vanished.
So they were celebrating this victory.
Vansh and Riddhima have looked at each other.
Them Riddhima holds Vansh’s shoulder and she has putted her head above his shoulder.
Then she has kissed him in his cheek.
Riddhima: This is a very small gift for you Mr. organizer for what you have done today for me. Thank you for saving and rescuing me as usual. I love you so much my Vansh.
He holds Riddhima’s hand.
Then he has kissed her hand.
Vansh: I will always protect you from any danger sweetheart. Before the danger could reach to you, it will pass on me and I will always be a shield to protect you from anything Riddhu. I love you so much Riddhu.
They were holding each other’s arms very tightly and they were very happy.
Afterwards, they have reached to VR mansion.
Riddhima was at her room thinking about the unknown person that is very close to Vansh and her and wants to destroy their lives.
While she was thinking about that unknown person, Kabir has entered her room.
He has checked on her and made her drink an orange juice.
He was taking care about her so much.
Riddhima was smiling and feeling very happy while seeing Kabir’s care towards her.
He has made her lay on bed.
Kabir: You most to relax and take a huge rest my lovely sister as what you have passed through it wasn’t easy at all so please take care about yourself Riddhima darling.
Riddhima: Chill bro I’m really fine so you don’t have to worry my dearest brother.
She has hugged him very tightly.
Riddhima: Thank you so much my brother for being with me in one of the toughest moments in my life. Thank you for standing by my side and helping me. You’re are the best brother ever that is found in the whole world.
Kabir was smiling very much, but his worry about her and about what Siya could do it was disturbing him a lot.
Riddhima has observed his worry and stress.
She has surrounded her hands around him.
Riddhima: Kabir bro, what is disturbing you that much? The worry and the stress could be very noticeable from your face reaction and please don’t hide that from me as I’m your sister and you must never hide anything from me. So please tell me everything and don’t pretend as if anything is disturbing you.
Kabir wasn’t able to hide what he knows about Siya more.
He was wanting to tell someone about what is happening so he could share this worry with anyone.
Kabir to himself: I can’t tolerate hiding that stuff more. I must to share it with someone and Riddhima is the perfect person for that as she is Siya’s target so she must to know what Siya is preparing for her.
Kabir: Riddhima, I will tell you what I have known. You just must promise me that you will not tell anyone anything until we could collect a strong proofs against that person as without a strong proofs Vansh will never be convinced as this matter is related to a family member of Vansh’s family.
Riddhima: I promise you Kabir that I will not tell anyone anything you will say it.
Kabir: I have known the name of the person that has helped Aryan and Anuprya in that conspiracy. I have known the person that hates you and Vansh a lot and wants to destroy your both lives.
Riddhima: Who is that person?
Kabir: That person is Siya Rai Singhania, Vansh’s cousin.
Riddhima: What? Siya is the hidden enemy to us?! What are you saying Kabir?! Of course you just have a misunderstanding. Siya would never do such a cheap behaviour like that to her cousin.
Kabir starts telling Riddhima everything has happened that made him doubt Siya.
He also has told her the confrontation that has happened between him and Siya that made him became sure that Siya is the huge enemy to Vansh and Riddhima.
Riddhima was shocked and surprised while hearing Kabir’s words.
She wasn’t believing that the person who wants to destroy Vansh’s life is his cousin.
Riddhima to herself: Vansh will be shattered if he has known that his enemy is his cousin Siya. He would never tolerate this pain. I must to be with him and never allow that Siya to succeed in her motive.
Precap: Jealousy
The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Thank you so much guys for supporting me and showering me with all of yours support and encouragement. I’m really thankful for you all for making me has succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I know that I got late in publishing the new episode, but trust me this wasn’t being in my hand as I was just waiting for you all to make me reach to my target so here is the new episode. So tell me your feedback on the episode. Here is today’s question: What do you think the jealousy track will be for whom? Does it will be Riddhima, Vansh, Ragini, or Angre? I will be waiting for all of yours answers and I will announce on the new episode who is the one who has said the correct answer. I hope you all could make me reach to my target on this episode so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode soon. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you will help me in reaching to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
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