Monday, 8 March 2021

Desire to the Throne_A Saga – Episode 15


Hi all!!!!

Friends, just 6 more episodes to go!!!!

Episode 15

Scene 1

Arjun, Karn, Adithya and Rana look after the arrangements for the wedding.

Surya and Sunaina happily looks at them.

Sunaina: The sisters are so lucky to have brothers like you. From their childhood, Arjun and Adithya have taken care of them like a father. And now, Karn and Rana too love them a lot.

Arjun: They are our chotis. They are our treasure. They are our first daughters. We will love them more.

Surya: Sunaina, go and check on the girls if they are ready. It’s time to begin the rituals.

Sunaina goes to their room. She sees the four girls and gets emotional.

Nakshatra, Bhoomika, Panchali, Swastika, Avantika and Urvi makes them ready.

Nakshatra sees Sunaina.

Nakshatra: Sunaina, save your tears for bidaai.

Sita and her sisters get emotional seeing their mother cry.

Sita: Ma, please don’t cry. We can’t see you crying.

She hugs her.

Bhoomika: All right, bahus come with us. You need to perform some rituals for grooms.

They all go leaving the sisters alone.

Urmila: Didi, I don’t want to go from here.

Mandavi: Even I don’t want marriage.

Shruthakirthi: Why does girls alone should go to other house after marriage?

Sita wipes everyone’s tears.

Sita: Girls, please don’t cry infront of the elders. They will feel a lot. I can understand you all very well. But look at our destiny, we all go to same house and we will stay together. We can come here to see our parents and brothers.

The sisters hug each other. Sita comforts them.

Meanwhile, Kousalya urges the grooms to get ready soon.

Ram: Ma, relax. We all are ready.

Kaikeyi: Didi, it is a happy day for us. But not for the brides and their family. They must be worried regarding bidaai.

Sumithra: Yes didi. Even I was thinking about the same. Avantika told me that the sisters are crying from morning.

Ram and his brothers worry hearing this. They think to comfort them by going there. But elders doesn’t allow them to go.

Dasharat: come, let’s go to mandap.

They all go.

Sunaina welcomes them and start the rituals. Panchali, Swastika, Avantika and Urvi does the rituals.

Kousalya: Nakshatra, where is your younger bahu?

Nakshatra remembers how she has forbidden Subhadra to come over there inorder to protect peace of the family.

Nakshatra: She is sick. You all come in.

They enters the mandap.

Sunaina: Go and bring the brides.

Panchali brings Sita, Swastika brings Mandavi, Urvi brings Urmila and Avantika brings Shruthakirthi.

Kaikeyi: All four are looking beautiful.

She wards off the bad sight.

The grooms look them and smiles.

All the grooms and brides have an eyelock.

The wedding starts!!!!

They exchange garlands….

They take rounds……

Kanyadhaan is done……

Sindhoor is applied……

(Siya ke Ram Wedding song plays)

All happily bless the couples!!!!!

Scene 2

The whole family including Subhadra is joined in the hall.

Dasharat: For what is this meeting?

Arjun: Me and mamaji has taken a decision together.

Adithya and Karn look puzzled.

Karn: What?

Arjun: As this is an important war, we fight against the deadly enemies. We don’t have any guarantee that we will return safe. So, we decided to leave Rana incharge of this kingdom to take care of the family and the people. And also….

Adithya: Also….

Surya: We have decided that, whoever finishes this war, they will be made as king.

All are shocked!!! Dasharat gets happy. Rana also plans to kill all the brothers in the war itself.

Adithya: But, mamaji…

Karn: Papa, this is not fair. Awarding a kingdom and then getting it back is not good. It is injustice to Arjun.

Arjun: No bhai, I’m ok for this.

Nakshatra: I’m also ok for this. This will motivate everyone of you to win the war.

Surya: Yes, no more changes. Let’s start bidaai ceremony.

Scene 3

Kousalya sees Dasharat and finds him unusal.

Kousalya: Why are you so happy?

Dasharat: I’ll tell you once we reach Ayodhya.

She nods and leaves for bidaai ceremony.

Nakshatra, Bhoomika give them shagun and advices them about the inlaws home.

Sunaina hugs and cries!!!

They hug their bhabis and brothers and cries!!!!

Bidaai ceremony starts!!!!

(siya ke Ram – Bidaai song plays)

The four sisters leave for Ayodhya!!!!

Scene 4

Rana goes to a secluded place and he meets a foreigner.

They both hug each other and he gives him a letter and ask that man to give to his king Kilji….

He agrees and leaves!!!!

Rana smiles evilly!!!

Meanwhile Panchali and other bahus sit in the balcony and sees a comet in the sky and worries!!!!

Avantika: Why are you worried looking at a comet?

Swastika: This is a bad omen.

Urvi: Why?

Panchali: It is said that, if comet appears in the sky, then a life from royal family will pass away.

Urvi and Avantika are shocked.

Avantika: The war is also going to start…

Urvi: I’m worried about them!!!!

Subhadra hears their conversation….

Subhadra (to herself): Yes, a life will go. But not of men. It is of that Panchali…

She eyes Panchali with full of vengeance.

!!!To be Continued!!!

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