Hi all, so sorry again for not posting and disappearing, I was busy in things including assignments and didn’t have time to post but I will do it more regularly now, promise hehe. Hope ya all enjoy this episode and thank you for the continuous support
Epi starts…
VR mansion (10am)
Vansh was in his study with Angre and talking to Kabir.
Vansh: Kabir, we are meeting the dealer tonight. I need you to look after matters here and the office too, make sure nothing goes wrong. Got it?
Kabir: Yes, don’t worry about anything here. I will sort it out
He gives a smirk as he walks out and heads towards VR corp. He pulls out his phone and calls his mom.
Kabir: Mom! Listen I have a plan. Here’s what we have to do..(he tells the plan on mute)
Anupriya on other side of the phone: Wow Kabir, what an idea. I will make sure no one goes out of here tonight but how will I stop Vansh?
Kabir: Let Vansh go to his meeting, I have a back up plan for that.
He hangs up and goes towards reception and sees Ahana.
Kabir: Hey gorgeous what’s up?
Ahana: What are you doing here?
Kabir: Can’t I see my friend?
Ahana: Shhhh keep it down, someone will hear you and Riddhima mam is here.
Kabir thinking: Perfect timing (he smirks)
On the other hand..
Riddhima was in her cabin reading some notes on the laptop when she heard a noise towards the door. She slowly got up and walked quietly but saw no one.
Riddhima (thinking): Was this in my imagination or did I see a shadow here?
She shakes her head and goes back to her desk. Suddenly the lights go off and she finds herself sitting in the dark. She could not see a single thing and turned on the light which was on her phone. She walked again towards the door and came out onto the hallway.
Riddhima shouts downstairs: Hello? Anyone here? Can someone check the lights I think there’s a problem with the fuse box.
Nobody answered back. She was getting a little scared but tried not to show it. She had a feeling she was being watched but couldn’t see anyone.
Kabir was standing at the end of the hallway when he saw Riddhima walk out. He wanted to get closer to her but decided not to risk it. He walked up behind her and made her unconscious taking her with him.
Back to VR mansion (8pm)
Vansh thinking: Hmm that’s strange, why haven’t I seen Riddhima the whole day and where is this Kabir?
Kabir walks in at that moment and goes to Vansh.
Kabir: Sorry I’m late, had to get a few things done.
Vansh: Fine..anyway I need to go. You got things under control here?
Kabir nods and sees Vansh going out.
Kabir (thinking): This deal won’t happen tonight Vansh, you are being set up, it is my first step to getting rid of you and that stubborn Riddhima.
Vansh was feeling strange like something had hit him in his heart. He couldn’t understand what that feeling was but decided to ignore it.
Vansh (thinking): Why can’t I stop thinking about Riddhima? I need to focus damn it!
His phone rings and Hang calls..
Hang (on the phone): VR!! How could you? Why did you send your gold here when you didn’t have the courage to face me?
Vansh: Hold your tone Hang! Have you forgotten who you are talking to?
Hang: I don’t care VR, this deal is off tonight, I have better things to do, and I am sending this gold bag back before I have anything to do with you. They are all fake!
Vansh: That’s impossible! I checked them this morning.
Hang: The deal is off! (He hangs up in fury)
Vansh (thinking): I need to find out who besides me and Angre had any idea of the dealing tonight. He/She will pay a big price for it.
He was angry as he took out his gun and walked back into the house.
Precap: Riddhima gets conscious and tries to alert somebody to help her but can’t, Vansh gets closer to finding out about Kabir and saves Riddhima. They share a moment.
Okay guys that’s all for today, hope you enjoyed it. Any feedback or suggestions are welcomed. See you all soon. Next epi will be out by Saturday/Sunday
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