Friday 12 February 2021

Twinj: Meant to be – Introduction


Greetings all you lovely people!! I would like to thank you all wholeheartedly for bestowing ‘My Lifeline’ with so much love, and for trusting me with the story even in its hardest times. To be very honest, the story’s ending has left a weird kind of void in my heart, one that will probably never be filled. And I know, even before I write a single word of this new story that this is not that one. It’ll not be the same. But I make an attempt nevertheless, keeping my hopes high. Fingers crossed! 

Twinj: Meant to be – Introduction 
P.S. This won’t be a regular introduction, it’ll rather be like a few sneak peeks into what we’ll be anticipating in the story. This is NOT the beginning of the story. Happy reading! 
“She runs a café!” Yuvi – Yuvraj Luthra – exclaimed excitedly, hoping that would impress his listeners, but it didn’t seem to impact them much, at least until the lady of the house had experienced for herself the magic that Twinkle Taneja was, and now agreed with Yuvi more than she had on any issue ever. And he couldn’t be happier. He had come across Twinkle’s small but cozy and welcoming café accidentally a couple of years ago, just when she had started off. She had managed to impress him with her food and the warmth the café offered – ‘It is almost home!’ as Yuvi would say – on his first visit there. Just like she had impressed several others. And needless to say, her café had soon grown, becoming very popular as the months passed by quickly. 
Yuvi had befriended Twinkle enough by this point to become the most frequent visitor to the café, and although she was initially very cold and reserved, she had grown habituated to his presence soon enough. It would be an outright lie to claim she didn’t like him hanging out there so much. He was probably the only customer who got to have access to her kitchens – ‘Leave your footwear outside, Yuvraj! And please wear the chef’s hat!’ she would say, added to ‘Keep your hands out of the food, Yuvi!’ – not that he minded though. He had always thought she was a really nice person, and that she deserved the best in the world.  
Of course, Twinkle had only dropped her guard and let him in on her biggest secret less than a year ago, when he had found her sniffling in a dark corner of the café by herself. It was also then that he had figured out that all her anger, rare but still prominent indecisiveness, her strong will to make it in that very cruel world that had tested her time again was all justified. And so, no matter what he said to himself and the world, Twinkle had quickly made a significant place for herself in his mind and being, and any day spent without checking in on her had begun to bother him. Which finally brought him to this decision, as a matter of fact. 
Twinkle however, spoke of the people in her life very rarely, on even lesser occasions than a blue moon. He knew very little about her family, her boyfriend – if she had one now, that is – or her friends. And from what he had figured out about her so far, she didn’t have any of the latter. Perhaps her unwillingness to bond with people led to that. Aditi though, was an exception. And their rapport had shocked Yuvi when he had spotted them giggling about some silly thing one day. Now Aditi was an exceptional person herself, a surprise of sorts, an unbelievably renowned doctor just two years into her career. But Yuvi knew for a fact that he had no reason to be jealous of her, Twinkle had only trusted him with her situation after all. He knew, and had seen for himself as she crumbled every single time that she was forced to put up with it all again, that she was incredible at jumping back, and he was simply in awe of her. 
Yuvi had a dear friend of his own though, one that he considered family. One that was family, who am I kidding. Yuvi practically lived at his friend’s home, the latter’s family was as fond of the him as their own son. It was this relationship that Yuvi had valued most in his life until some time ago when another came close in competition. He knew though, that one would never outweigh the other, and he had every intention to let both coexist. And for his friend, he could go any extent, especially if that meant it would bring his friend happiness. 

That pretty much sums up Yuvraj Luthra and Twinkle Taneja. Fiercely loyal to all that they held close to their hearts, be it people, or belongings. While the former warms up to people easily, the latter finds it equally hard.   

Kunj Sarna was the exact opposite of Twinkle Taneja. He had had a peaceful life, one that anyone would kill for. His most prized possession was his family, his business probably came up as a close runner up. He knew there was evil in the world, he was no novice. But it was only when the whirlwind that entered his life one fine day with no hints beforehand at all that he was forced to face it, deal with it himself and help out the one that was stuck in the same that he found him staring into the eyes of trouble, of misfortune. And this challenge proved to be harder than he could have ever imagined, even his business skills that had quickly made him a sought-after tycoon proved useless there after all. 
Kunj Sarna. Firm believer in the goodness of the world. As kind and humble as can be. Never once heard of getting angry or shouting at people, except for within his cabin when someone messed up really bad. Also, did I mention Mrs. Usha Sarna and Mr. Manohar Sarna have been looking for a suitable bride for their boy? 
That’s it for now, guys. I’m really not sure if the introduction let you in on much of the story, but I hope that’ll be enough to help you all decide if or not you want to read it, because only then will I post it. Looking forward to hearing from you all. Also, I’ve intentionally kept some characters under the cover, they’ll be revealed by and by. Much love! 

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