Monday 9 December 2019

Patiala Babes 9th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Problem at Patiala Babes Restaurant

Patiala Babes 9th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Biji tells Preet and Rani that Arya doesn’t want to go to school as she wants to spend more time with Minnie, they both know about it but don’t want to accept it. Minnie on scootie takes Arya to her school and seeing watchman closing door pleads him to let the kid go in. Watchman closes door saying he is helpless. Minnie scolds Arya for wasting time in getting ready slowly. Arya insists to get her into school somehow and blames Minnie for getting her ready slowly. Minnie says even she studied in this school and knows they strictly follow rules. Arya insists to get her in somehow. Minnie says she knows the other way and says they will jump from wall inside. Arya says girls don’t jump. Minnie says she has jumped many walls and while Arya continues throwing her tantrums jumps from wall inside school compound and says nobody saw them. Arya says no. Watchman walks to them and takes them outside principal’s cabin. Arya blames Minnie for getting caught and says she should face principal. Principal walks in and is surprised to Minnie. Minnie hugs her happily. Principal says she heard Minnie went to Australia. Minnie says as she knows she loved travel photography and took up job in Australia. She takes principal aside and explains whole situation. Principal says rules are rules, but not to repeat again. Minnie says never. Principal permits Arya to get into class and leaves.

Arya asks what did she say principal. Minnie says principal was also her principal and she was school topper. Arya doesn’t believe. Minnie shows her name on school’s topper list. Arya sees Minnie Khurana and says she is lying as she is Minnie Babita. Minnie says she was Minnie Khurana once and everything changed. Arya asks how. Minnie goes into flashback where she remembers all the incidents. Arya asks her to pick her up in the evening and walks away to class asking not to forget. Minnie says okay. Old peon identifies Minnie and asks how is she. Minnie says she is fine and how is he. He says she will come here often as her sister is studying here. Minnie says she will go back to Australia. Peon asks what about her orphan sister. Minnie says she has her grandparents and caretaker to take care of Arya. Peon leaves.

NB calls Minnie and asks her to come to restaurant soon as Simpy and Khurshid are fight since reporter gave very low scores and they both want to leave job, she should come and handle situation. Minnie rushes to restaurant and sees Khurshid and Simpy fighting and insulting each other. NB tries to stop them and informs that they prepared dish for reporter and after reporter gave low scores, they both are blaming each other. They both continue to fight and insist to leave the job. Minnie checks accounts when walks to Minnie and asks her to stop them from leaving. Minnie says she will threaten them to stop their salary. NB says Simpy’s dream of marriage at his age will shatter and Khurshid’s ill father will not get treatment. Minnie says she cannot help as she is returning tomorrow. NB says many people’s lives are attached to this restaurant and she cannot let it shut down, so she should do something to save it.

Precap: Minnie hearing temple aarti asks NB if its mahaaarti today. NB says daily aarti from 3:30 to 4:30. Minnie realizes she needs to pick up Arya from school and rushes. School teacher asks Arya if noone came to pick her up. Student says Arya’s parents are dead.

Update Credit to: MA

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12/09/2019 09:31:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments