Episode starts with….
(Ishani’s Room)
Taking the opportunity that Siya was in washroom, she got a pic from her wallet and started speaking to it
Ishani: Happy Valentines day Baby!!! I miss you a lot and today the day for which you’d spend whole year waiting so that you can pamper me double triple than you do on regular days. (smiles) But now I don’t have anyone to pamper me as you do neither for regular days nor during Valentines. Only if all that happened, you would have been here with me wishing me, pampering me!! But now!!! I need to wish myself on behalf you. I miss you baby! Hope I could see you soon!!! (crying)
Ishani was crying when Siya entered, she brushed her tears and started giving a fake smile as usual.
(Riansh Room)
Breaking her thoughts, he came into the room
Vansh: Riddhu get ready, we need to take the ferry by 9:30
Riddhima: ….. ha…. Haa okok
She rushed into the washroom while Vansh was packing the stuff, she entered into the room and Vansh was astonished. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He was rubbing his eyes making sure he isn’t seeing any dream. She was smiling at his behaviour. She was draped in Peach sheer saree with all-over crystal sequin work. Vansh wanted to make sure he isn’t dreaming, he pinched himself and yes it hurts and yea he isn’t dreaming. Riddhima was blushing
Vansh: Amazing!! Marvellous!! Drop – Dead Gorgeous!!! Stunned!!!
Riddhima was laughing
Vansh: Riddhu you are just a fairy out of heaven!
Riddhima: Thank you Vansh!!
Vansh: But why saree suddenly?
Riddhima: Actually, thought its valentines and you are hosting a party in your office so wanted to look a bit classy you know (wink)
Vansh: You are always classy sweetheart! Now I think I need to chose my attire to match your poise.
Riddhima: You need not because you are always hot and s*xy so I don’t think you need to match anyone because am trying to match your elegance (wink)
He pulls for a hug and cupping her face
Vansh: Sweetheart this heart belongs to you and so am I so, I don’t think you need to try anything because you are perfect for me and am for you.
Riddhima and Vansh smile and she goes towards dressing table to adore herself with nuptial chain and vermillion
Vansh: Riddhu!!!
Riddhima stopped her tracks while wearing nuptial chain
Vansh: Riddhu! You never wear this then why today?
Riddhima: Vansh! Being a doctor, I can’t have this as am supposed to remove them while doing any surgery or treating a patient so I don’t actually adore them but I have it at home and today, today its not only valentines but also our 3rd month marriage anniversary, so I want to be your bride once again without any pressure but just love and love and I’d get that vibe when I have them on me.
Vansh (smiling): Can I?
Riddhima nodded and he took her nuptial chain and going behind her he slid her hair towards a side and then he adored her with it and was glaring her as she was blushing yet staring at her husband figure who was astonished and happy to see her being his bride once again. He filled her hair partition with vermillion and kissed her forehead.
Vansh: Happy 3rd Month Anniversary Sweetheart!!
Riddhima: Happy 3rd Month Anniversary Hubby!!! I love you
Vansh: I love you too!!!
She tiptoed herself to match his height and then kissed her cheek expressing her love for him. He cupped her face and took her in his arms. After a while he left towards washroom while she was giving final touch – ups to her attire and then packed the remaining stuff.
After a while, everyone checked out of the resort and taking their ferry back, they reminisced the trip and their moments. They had a perfect get away from the stress filled life to a marvellous days. Once they reached Gateway of India, Vansh asked the driver to first drop them at the office and then dropping the luggage at home should come back. Meanwhile Riddhima gestured Kabir and Ishani to inform Sejal to get ready with her surprise and they messaged her to set everything as they’d reach office by 11 sharp. They were keeping her up to date on their location. Sejal and Chirag made sure everything is set for his entry and surprise and they even intimated staff to be prepared for his arrival. Kabir messaged Sejal
Kabir: Sejal we have reached and will be there in a minute most probably
Sejal: Bhai everything is set!!!
Vansh along with everyone reached his floor but saw that there wasn’t any light in the office and it was pitch dark confusing him, he gave voice but no response and slowly Siya, Aryan, Ishani and Kabir slipped into the office and took their positions waiting for Riddhima’s signal.
Vansh: Why is the office dark!!!
Riddhima: Vansh! I think we better check inside.
Vansh nodded and she held his hand and they entered the office and were trying to understand the reason behind the darkness
Riddhima: Kabir!!!
Vansh: Riddhu, what happened!
Riddhima: Vansh! Kabir and others seems to be missing
Vansh turned around to find them when Riddhima showed her flash light as a signal and suddenly he heard a popup sound and he was immersed in the confetti papers of Party Popper, he had a broad smile and then turned to see his family with Riddhima and staff stood opposite him.
Sejal & others (unison): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Vansh was smiling while all were shouting. He looked at Riddhima who was having a broad smile with many emotions in her eyes. She was smiling with her eyes and his eyes were showing that glow of surprise she wanted to see. Vansh came forward and hugged Riddhima tight not bothering of surroundings
Riddhima: Happy Birthday Vansh!!!
Vansh: Thank you so much sweetheart! I never expected that I’d celebrate my birthday in this way
Riddhima: Till today you were least bothered about yourself but now! Now am here, your wife is here so how can I let go your special day! Being your friend, I made your birthdays special outside office but now being your wife, I want to be special here too. So!! No ifs and buts.
(They were speaking in a low volume so except his family who was near them could hear their talk not the staff who were curious)
He smiled and then his family wishes him
Vansh: So, my sister Sejal skipped the trip to arrange this! (raising eyebrows)
Sejal: Sorry bhai but yes it was all pre – planned and it’s Riddhima’s idea
Vansh: Thank you so much Sejal
Then everyone were wishing him while Ishani and Riddhima went to get cake when suddenly out of blue Akash arrived behind Riddhima and was glaring her with lust full eyes which was noticed by Ishani and she was full of anger
Ishani (angry): What the heck!!!
Riddhima startled and turned around to find Akash giving looks
Ishani (fierce): What the heck were you doing Akash?
Akash (trying to avoid): Nothing Ishani Ma’am. I just wanted to complement Riddhima so made my way behind her
Ishani (trying to calm): Look Mr. Akash! Call her by Ma’am and not by her name and secondly I truly understand those looks of yours. Beware! Am warning you!
Riddhima: Ishu calm down!
Ishani: Riddhima you don’t know he was staring with lu…
Riddhima: Ishani! Today its Vansh’s day so we better don’t spoil our moods. And Akash, what do yo want? (pissed expression)
Akash: Am sorry Ishani Ma’am I can’t call her Riddhima as I love her and I want to take her name and nothing else and Riddhima am here to complement you. Just look at yourself, you look ….
He was eyeing her from her bottom and when his eyes were near her chest, he spoke again
Akash: You look ravishing …
And before he could complete his compliment, he saw her nuptial chain and his expressions changed from lust to confusion and when he saw her hairline partition filled with vermillion and his expressions changed from confusion to utter shock and he was almost trembling and wanted to get some clarity
Akash: Riddhima yo… u…. are ….. ma ….. rr … ied!!!
Riddhima & Ishani realised she’s having her nuptial chain and vermillion and they stared at each other and taking long breath,
Riddhima: Yes Akash am married
Akash: But you never revealed about your marriage!
Ishani: Will she carry a board citing being married? (sarcasm)
Riddhima: Ishani!!! And Akash why should I share my personal life?
Akash: When we have been proposing you for a week now, why didn’t you?
Riddhima: I always told you I can’t accept your proposal and am just your friendly figure but you never seems to take to seriously. It’s not my fault
Akash: Who’s your husband?
Riddhima: I don’t find the need to give you answer.
Saying so she left towards Vansh with cake while Ishani was trying hard not to laugh, he was fuming and giving her confused looks
Akash: Ma’am at least can you tell me who’s her husband?
Ishani (smirk): Sabar rakho! He’ll be here any moment
Saying she too left while Akash was bewildered and was trying to accept the bitter truth that she’s married!!! He rushed to inform everyone about his new found piece of news. All reacted the same as he did, they were shocked to accept the reality and were giving glares to Riddhima who was busy arranging the cake along with Aryan and Ishani while Siya and Sejal were discussing something with Kabir and Chirag while Vansh was glaring his love who made sure he’s this day of his life is special. He was smiling absent – mindedly and gushing over her presence in his life and was adoring the day he decided to have her in his life and today that made his life liveable & loving. His thoughts were broke when a voice from behind disturbed his love, he turned around to find Ritu with a broad smile and his smile faded
Ritu: Happy Birthday sir
Vansh (fake smile): Thank you Ritu
Ritu: Sir I wanted to say something
Vansh: Can we speak after a while!!
Ritu: Ok sir as you say.
He slipped from there and landed near Riddhima who was busy with Ishani and seeing Vansh coming towards them, she spoke
Riddhima: Guys shall we start cake cutting!
Ishani: Yoo!!
Kabir: Guys!!! I would like your attention and presence in celebrating the cake cutting.
Family and staff assembled surrounding them and then candles were lit by Riddhima and when he was about to blow them off
Riddhima: Vansh make a wish
Vansh nodded and closed his eyes
Vansh (wishing): I don’t have any wishes in my life because I got you and now my life is complete but I’d just wish for your presence by my side until my last breath. I want you to be my morning rays and night dreams.
He opened the eyes and stared at Riddhima with a smile and she understood
Riddhima: I know what you wished for and I assure you this wish of yours is fulfilled now (blushing and wink)
Ishani: I think even we know what bhai wished for! Isn’t it guys?
Sejal, Siya, Aryan, Kabir & Chirag (unison): YESSS!!!! (laughing)
Riddhima and Vansh were smiling while staff were curious and to avoid further teasing from family, he spoke
Vansh: So, shall we proceed or you guys want to continue your leg – pulling?
Sejal: Yes, Yes continue bhai vaise bhi we can pull your leg at home too
Riddhima: Shut up Sejal! (trying to cover her blush) Vansh you cut the cake.
Vansh cut the cake while family and staff were singing birthday wishes. He cut the first piece and turning towards Riddhima, he fed a piece to her and she fed him too
Riddhima: Happy Birthday Vansh!!
He hugged her kissed her crown and then he fed his family and they did the same.
Ishani: Riddhima I think we need to distribute the cake and snacks among the staff
Riddhima: Yes you are right! Come let me help you.
She bent down to pick the cake from the table but then she felt a gush of air on her back and then to her horror she realised her blouse hook was unbuttoned and she gasped. She saw everyone busy in enjoying and making sure no one would see her this state, she ran into Vansh’s cabin. Vansh who observed Riddhima slipping from the gathering found it fishy and the way she ran increased his worry for her so even he went behind her. She tried to set the hook right, but her hands weren’t reaching her back as the blouse was deep neck. She cursed her fate and was trying to call Ishani, Siya or Sejal but to her dismay everyone was so engrossed in their enjoyment that they didn’t notice her calls. She kept struggling when she saw the door of the cabin opening and she cursed herself for not locking the door and was worried who could it be but then seeing the sight in front of her, she sighed a relief
“What happened? Why did you slid from the celebrations? Is everything ok?”
Riddhima: No Vansh!! (making a face). I need help
Vansh: What happened Riddhu?
Riddhima: Can you call Ishani, Siya or Sejal!
Vansh: But what happened?
Riddhima: My blouse hook is detached! (making sad pout)
Vansh: Oh shit!! One second I’ll call them
He excused and left to see his sisters not paying heed to his calls so he returned to find Riddhima still struggling to attach her hook
Vansh: Sorry Riddhu! These girls are so engrossed that they aren’t paying heed! If you don’t mind can I …..
Riddhima (shock): But Vansh!! … how will you ….
Vansh: I swear I’ll close my eyes and then you turn around and I won’t see anything
Riddhima gave in and he approached her and closed him eyes when she turned around and as he was trying to find her hook, his hands were drawing on her back sending chills down her spine and even he could sense the proximity between them. He was trying hard to control his feelings for her as he didn’t want to embarrass or create an awkwardness among them. He found the hook and attaching it, he took a step back and once he opened his eyes to find Riddhima smiling and then they were back to the lobby and mingled with the others when Riddhima was approached by Ritu.
Ritu: Hello Ma’am
Riddhima (sighing): Hello Ritu
Ritu: Ma’am did you convince sir?
Riddhima (confused): Convince him of what?
Ritu: To accept my proposal
Riddhima: Was I supposed to that? I don’t remember giving any word such
Ritu: But ma’am you took sir for the trip to convince him right!
Riddhima: What!! Did I say so? IT was a family get away
Ritu: But Ma’am I thought you’d convince him
Riddhima: Ritu, I already asked you to get away from this madness but I don’t understand why you are being stubborn. And love doesn’t happen if someone convinces them. It should be felt
Ritu: Ma’am please! I have many hopes on you. Please don’t leave me this mid – way
Riddhima: Ritu am still asking you to back off from this madness because you are going to face rejection and that’ll break you apart which I never want to happen. So, please!! Its my waring yet a small request.
Saying so she left towards Vansh’s cabin as everyone gathered there long back. Meanwhile in cubicle section,
Daksh: I still can’t believe she’s married
Riya: Maybe because of that she wasn’t accepting your proposals
Akash: I don’t know who’s that whom she married and when!!
Shreya: Like seriously guys! Why are you bothered about her personal life? Maybe she doesn’t like to talk about that! It’s her personal space why do you want to intrude her space!
Aditi: Yes and as Ishani Ma’am said maybe her husband would be here anytime soon then you can meet
Alok: I think her husband is here and maybe she’s married in the trip?
Riya: What do you mean?
Alok: Guys if you remember, few days back Daksh came to inform us that Vansh & Kabir sur were speaking about some Aryan going to propose her that night. And if am not wrong, then the closeness between that other man and Riddhima seems like he’s Aryan. So, maybe she accepted and this trip was for their marriage! There are chances right!!!
Akash: He has a point! Maybe yes she’s married 2 days back to that Aryan
Daksh: Tch …. Tch….. we missed our chance to woo her!!
Shreya: Better accept this and move on. Stop these lust overpower your thoughts.
Akash: Thoughts kept aside, but did you guys see her today!! Man!!! (lust filled eyes) She was such a hot and s*xy I need to tell! Her curves were so clearly visible and they were turning me on! I don’t understand how can her husband stay away from her all this while!
Daksh: Man!! You are so true, just look at him, he’s behind Vansh sir’s sister Siya. He’s not even bothered to take a look on his s*xy wife who’s such a sensation to hide our desires. Seeing her in this way I just want her on my bed with me
Aditi: Guys shut up! You are crossing your limits
Riya: You better mind your words
Shreya: She’s a women and you perverts are talking about her in front of women
Ritu who heard their lure comments on Riddhima felt a fire in her arise and gave slap on both the boys while everyone stood shocked but women had a smirk on their faces
Ritu: Did you both turn nuts? Have some sense in your pea brain. You are talking about your desires on a married women and this is a crime if you forgot. I could bash you here and then hand you to the police for your offence. Mind your words!!!
Saying so everyone left from there and all this was witness by someone. Meanwhile Siya and Sejal left Vansh’s cabin citing to roam around and Aryan and Chirag too followed their love while Kabir, Ishani and RiAnsh were giggling and chitchatting when Ishani received a call and she excused herself and came out to answer the call.
Kabir: Bhai what about tonight party?
Vansh: Sejal has arranged everything and we’ll have it like every year in VRS Mansion
Riddhima: Am excited
Kabir: Why won’t you after all its your 1st valentines party with your beloved husband hain na (wink)
Riddhima: Of course, its special. I’ll have my Vansh beside me which makes me eager for tonight
Vansh was smiling as Kabir and Riddhima were having their funny banter when Kabir received a message and then
Kabir: Bhai I think we can start the celebrations now everyone is waiting
Vansh agreed and along with Riddhima and Kabir he was proceeding towards his cabin exit when Kabir was counting
Kabir: 3….. 2….
Vansh: Kabir why are you counting?
Kabir: Vansh relax you’ll get to know soon
Kabir: And 1…. Here we gooooooooo!!!!!
As soon as Kabir opened the door of the cabin and Vansh and Riddhima came out, they were showered with flower petals and confetti papers with party popper by his family and before either Vansh & Riddhima or staff could understand, they heard a long cry of happiness of his family
!!!!HAPPY 3rd MONTH MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY!!!! Ishani and others cried of happiness while RiAnsh stood amazed and gave a broad smile which showered their happiness.
While whole staff stood in shock and were trying to understand what was exactly happened and Ritu, Daksh & Akash had their jaws dropped in utter shock. They felt as if they were electrocuted. The blood circulation stopped in their veins and heart stopped beating leaving them numb. They could feel earth below them collapsing and as if the earth was grabbing them into her stomach! They couldn’t react anything and were trying hard to understand but that was going beyond their head. They almost collapsed in their places. They froze and rooted at their places. They felt someone pierced a dragger in their heart.
Unaware and not being bothered about staff reaction, Vansh and his family were having great time while everyone was wishing them
Riddhima: So, you guys remember?
Siya: Bhabhi how can we forget such a wonderful day of yours when you stepped into our house as Mrs. Rai Singhania
Kabir: Siya correction Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania!! (chuckling)
Vansh: Kabir!!!
Riddhima (emotional): Thank you so much guys! I never thought you’d make our day so special.
Aryan: Riddhima thank Ishani, it was her plan after all
Riddhima: Thank you Ishu!!
Ishani hugged her and Vansh was adoring the smile on his wife’s face because of which her face was glowing.
Vansh: So, this was the surprise for which you all escaped form my room with some baseless reasons?
Chirag: Bhai it was needed as we wanted to see this happiness on your faces and see here we find the charm
Vansh: Thank you guys for making it more special
Ishani: Come on guys stop this thanks
Sejal: Exactly you both are supposed to even cut the cake (pointing towards cake)
Sejal pointed towards cake which was near staff cubicle section that’s when their eyes fell on staff who were utter shocked and their eyes popped out of their socket were glaring them. Vansh, Riddhima and realised what just happened and were glaring at each other.
Vansh: Ishani! You shouldn’t have done this in office!
Kabir: But bhai why? I mean what’s the big issue?
Vansh: Don’t be silly Kabir, you know Riddhima didn’t want her identity to be revealed and now …. Tch…..
Sejal: But bhai don’t you think this is high time and this was needed
Aryan: Yes Vansh! You have been hiding for long time now
Siya: Bhai it’s the only thing which can stop their madness and now there’s no way other than accepting your relationship in front of them
Vansh: Guys you aren’t understanding! Do you guys think that I don’t want to reveal? NO!!! I wanted her to reveal it herself and I wanted to give her that space where …..
Riddhima: Vansh! I think they are right and in fact I felt it long back but now as its out, am happy!! Am happy finally our relation is revealed and we need to be together why should we hide more?
Vansh (excited): Are you sure?
Riddhima (smiling): Yes Mr. Hubby
She held his hand and he was overwhelmed, they walked hand in hand towards the staff cubicle where many eyes were popped out and trying to digest the reality. Finally, someone spoke
Alok: Ma’am you are ….. Mrs…. Rai …. Singhania!!!
Ishani: Oops!! Its Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania
Riya: You both are married!!!
Anu: We mean!!! You were married few days back?
Aditi: Weren’t you married to your this friend Aryan?
Riddhima & others: WHAT!!!! (shocked)
Riddhima & Aryan: What the heck!!!
Vansh: What the hell was this Ms. Aditi?
Shreya: We are sorry for this misconception but it was a clear misunderstanding which we had because of the conversation we heard few days back in Vansh sir’s cabin where they were speaking of their friend Aryan to propose to Riddhima Ma’am and suddenly you all vanished and then she’s back married so we assumed that she married him
Ishani: Guys grow up!!! Aryana and Riddhima are friends and
Aryan: They were speaking of me proposing Siya and not Riddhima!
Siya: Am in relationship with Aryan and not he with Bhabhi!
Sejal: Guys why are we explaining?
Ishani: Exactly!! But…
Kabir: Where are the most curious, excited, mad love-stricken lovers (as if searching)
Ishani (giggles): Exactly Kabir. Where are they?
Ritu wanted to confirm everything before she could assume her stories so she with tears in her eyes approached them and Riddhima who saw the awful state of her felt pity
Ritu: ….
Riddhima: Ritu I know you are broken and I tried warning you but you never paid heed
Ritu: Ma’am please not now! I want to know something
Siya: What do you want to know now?
Ritu: You both have been married since?
Chirag: If you are deaf let me inform you once again, we just wished them Happy 3rd Month Anniversary so obviously its been 3 months right! (sarcasm)
Ritu (gasping): Why didn’t sir ever reveal this?
Sejal: Because it’s his personal and informing you isn’t necessary (sarcasm)
Ritu: …. Why didn’t neither of you reveal?
Aryan: Arrey what’s your issue? Why should they give you explanation? What are you to them?
Ritu (almost shouting): Because it’s about my feelings and I was being fooled around!!!
Siya: Mind your voice Ms. Ritu!!
Ritu: NO!! I can’t!! Today its not about my job or career but its my life! I always loves sir and all these days I was fooled around. We all assumed her to be his best friend and being his wife was something which we can never ever expect. And today you all tell that she’s his wife and want us to believe without questioning right!! (sarcasm)
Sejal: Excuse me!!!
Ritu: Yes now I can say right that he just planted her here as his wife so that I cant propose him. Its might be his next step to avoid todays proposal as she might have told him that am going to propose him and I asked her help so to avoid this he can plant her as his wife because he doesn’t have anyone in his life. So, he assumed we’d accept anyone as his wife and so to make it more clear he planted his best friend as his wife.
Vansh (shock): Riddhu, she was planning to propose me??
Riddhima nodded her head in approval and he was taken back
Vansh: Riddhu you were hiding this pain in you all these days behind your smile? How did you bear this??? Didn’t you feel like revealing it??? And you all were you aware?
Kabir: Bhai actually ….
Vansh (anger): Kabir just Yes or No!!!!
Ishani: Yes bhai!!!
Vansh: How can you guys hide this matter from me!! Weren’t you aware of her pain? She was hiding the pain of the thought that another women wants to propose her husband and you all were playing along? Did you guys have any idea of how hurt she was???
Riddhima: Vansh please calm down! It was my plan to hide it from you.
Vansh: Calm down Riddhu!! Seriously!!! You were suffering but didn’t want to reveal it! Have you gone mad? Didn’t we promise each other of transparency? Is this the way its done? How will the other be happy if one among them is in pain!!
Riddhima hugged him tight to calm his overflowing outburst and though he first tried to back out, he then reciprocated her hug and making sure he is calm, she backed out of hug when he gave a large kiss on her forehead to soothe his heart.
Vansh: You sure you are fine? (concern)
Riddhima: Vansh I accept I was hurt but then after a while I forgot this and was spending my time happily throughout the trip. Trust me am fine
Vansh nodded when they heard a clapping sound and it was Ritu, Daksh & Akash clapping their hands in sarcasm while others looked at her in shock & confusion
Akash: Now I get the picture clear. Its indeed a pre – planned act being pulled in front of us to show that she is his wife. Varna imagine how come till today the person who was introduced as his best friend turns to be his wife! All these weeks when we were trying to woo her, she stayed calm but when we decided to propose them we get to know that they are married.
Ritu: Exactly!!! Maybe she had feelings for sir and when she realised even I have feelings for him and I may propose him anytime soon, she played her trump card and posed as helping him and then took him away from here to give life to her act and came back acting to be married to him. She’s such an opportunist that she took advantage of his helplessness. He might have accepted me if I proposed but she didn’t let that happen and did this act. She’s such a Gold – Digger ……
Vansh (anger and shouting): ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!
Kabir & Others: Enough!!!!!!!!
Hope you like it.
If there are any suggestions or improvement needed, please do suggest.
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