London, United Kingdom
A car drives up a beautiful hill surrounding by lush greenery. An automatic gate opens up to a gated community with around 13 beautiful mansions. Prachi remembers her life is Paris and how she and her mother too used to enjoy such a luxurious lifestyle. She then remembers how much her life has changed since then and how can had to live in a middle class household too! However it was not very difficult for the mother daughter duo since they were both very accommodative. Prerna who was busy looking at her phone is now closely observing Prachi, taking in all her features and feeling a certain resemblance to a certain someone.
Prerna- Everything okay? You look lost
Prachi- This place reminds me of our mansion in Beverly Hills, we used to go there once each year. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to them or my family. I don’t have the guts to show my face to my mother after what I just pulled.
Prerna- You know Prachi, You can tell me what happened! Why did you run away? It’s okay if you don’t want to open up right now but always remember that I’m just like a big sister to you! and always no matter what our parents love us unconditionally. Anyways, We’ve almost reached home. You can go inside, my parents and staff know that you’re going to be here! I have an important case hearing today and need to be there immediately. You can start working day after tomorrow, after you’ve settled in and your get lag has wearied off a little!
Prachi- Thank you so much! It means the world to me Prerna! Also if you don’t mind can I call you Di?
Prerna nods and waves her goodbye. Prachi gets out of the car and quickly unloads all the luggage with the help of the staff. She sees the driver getting out of the car and Prerna taking the driver’s seat. Prerna speeds out of the mansion while Prachi thanks the staff and they together take in all the luggage.
New Delhi, India- MKK Mansion
Rhea turns away into the mansion hall, away from the lobby shocked at the conversation she just heard. She falls down to the floor as the realisation hits her. Prachi’s Mom is her mom! Her mom who left her when she was a newborn baby! Her mom who never came back! But also her mom treated her just like her own child without knowing their true relation! Rhea already loved Prachi’s Mom unconditionally, eventhough she didn’t like her daughter. ‘Prachi Arora was her sister. Pragya Arora was her mother’ thought Rhea. Rhea put her head in her knees and cried her heart out. What was this fate? what was this destiny? how could she cause her own mother and sister so much pain? Meanwhile, someone was observing Rhea with pitying looks.
Pallavi- Rhea! Rhea! Come Beta! Come to the room beta! The doctor is here.
Rhea gets up and hugs Pallavi. They both walk up the steps to a room that seems full with people. Just as Rhea is about to enter the room, her phone beeps with a notification, distracting her.
London, United Kingdom- Khanna Mansion
Delicious aroma has filled the entire mansion. A lady of about 45 years takes a tray of food from the kitchen to the dining hall. She serves the food to her husband who is busy reading the newspaper. However, when she goes close to him, he leaves the newspaper and catches her by the waist. Prachi and the servants meanwhile have entered the mansion and the manager of the house takes her to the dining room. However, they both stop in their way as they notice the couple.
Ragini- Nachiket! Leave me. You have two grown children and you’re doing all this. Prerna’s friend is supposed to arrive anytime now!
Hearing this, Prachi chuckles and Neil immediately leaves Ragini and they both grow embarrassed.
Prachi- I’m sorry you guys continue! The manager was just showing me my room
Ragini- No! No! Welcome home! What’s your name?
Prachi- Prachi Arora
Nachiket- Welcome child! I hope you have a great time here and we would be very happy to host you for however long you want to live here! Is everything alright? Why are there tears in your eyes beta
Prachi- Nothing Uncle! I just miss my mom:(
Ragini- Aw! Come here let me give you a hug and then you can rest a little! Come down by 7 30 we’ll have dinner then! and even Prerna would be here by then. Take care darling!
Prachi- Thanks Aunty, Uncle for letting me stay here! See you very soon.
New Delhi, India – MKK Mansion
Rhea enters the room after messaging her friend that she would call her later as the engagement didn’t happen and something urgent and life changing came up. The room is tense, everyone is looking at Pragya and at a man, about 23 years of age. Rhea looks at him and instantly she is mindblown. ‘He is gorgeous’ she thinks. The man after inspecting Pragya gets up and faces the family- the Mehra’s, Kohli’s and the Khanna.
Man- Hi! I’m Dr Sahil Khanna and I’m currently working with City Hospital. I would request only immediate family to stay here and let me have a word with them! They can convey the rest of all of you since you are a lot of people. The patient’s mental health is very sensitive and hence I urge you all to respect your boundaries so that we can all work together. Anyways, Let me talk to her immediate family and then we know how to move forwards from this.
Purab speaks with Abhi and asks everyone to wait outside. He tells them that he, Disha and Abhi will speak with the doctor. Rhea goes to Purab and whispers in his ear whether she can stay, he nods but tells her to be sensitive and if she ever feels uncomfortable then she can walk out immediately. He also tells Rhea to sit far away from the rest of them so that everything doesn’t affect her that much. She nods and goes towards the corner of the room. She leans on the cupboard and watches as the three of them have a conversation.
Dr Sahil- Okay, so I won’t lie. The patient is very sensitive and undergoing deep mental and emotional trauma currently. Only once I’ve spoken to you’ll I would know what’s exactly happening. However it seems that the patient has been battling poor mental health for the past 20 years and It seems like she’s on medication for it too! Could you each describe your relationship with the patient, and whether you are her immediate family members or not and if anything has led to this reaction.
Abhi- She is my wife, however we have been living separately for the past 20 years. She was living with my elder daughter. However my daughter has run away from home and this led to her ending up here. I was not aware about the identity of my elder daughter and hence I don’t have any idea what Pragya was doing or where she was staying for the past 20 years.
Disha- Likewise, This is my husband Purab and Pragya Di was a sister to the both of us. Twenty years ago, she left the house due to the demise of her elder child. We don’t know where she went or where she stayed but we are aware that her elder twin daughter was with her. Her name was Prachi. Di suddenly came into the engagement ceremony of her youngest twin and began yelling some things at the groom. However, I am unable to understand or comprehend exactly what she was trying to get at.
Purab-At this point yes, we are her immediate family members. Her mother and sister passed away a few years ago. She had 3 children- out of which her eldest was Kiara and she passed away after being kidnapped by a few of our rivals; Prachi has run away from home yesterday I’m assuming because she was in our house yesterday. And her youngest twin daughter is Rhea, who didn’t know of her presence until today, however it seems like they have met before without knowing their relationship.
Purab points at Rhea, and Rhea has zoned out but is listening to their conversation and tears are streaming down her face. Sahil looks at her and feels a lot of pity and imagines what the girl must be going through. Even through smudged make up, he think’s she’s really pretty and feels the need to wipe her tears. However he decides against it and continues to make notes on his pad. He requests a few minutes from the Trio and opens up his laptop to feed in all the data.
Sahil- Mr Mehra and Mr and Mrs. Khanna, after checking the blood samples and oxygen levels of the patient it has become that the patient is severely ill and suffers from depression and separation anxiety. From whatever you have said, it seems like the death of your first child has affected her the most and she still hasn’t completely recovered from it. Additionally, you also mentioned that you and your family have been living separately from her for the past 20 years, so she may not have had the essential emotional support and she was also a single mom. Now how do you want to move forward from all of this, we have two options? Either she stays here with you all and we can treat her past traumas together or she is put into a mental health facility. I would also like to add that because she hasn’t seen all of you for 20 years, she may have passed out due to shock. Would the patient be okay to stay here? If you do decide to go ahead with that option, we would require the consent of the patient.
Purab- My Di can live with us and if any of the Mehra’s or Kohlis have a problem then we can shift to our other house. Doctor, me and my wife will take full responsibility of her and she would too agree to that because she loves us dearly.
Sahil looks at Abhi’s face and he seems to shocked by what Purab has said. Sahil tells them that he would give them a minute to discuss amongst themselves
Abhi- Purab? What are you saying? Why would anyone have a problem with Pragya. I will take care of her! You know how much I love her. I promise to never leave her side.
Disha- Jiju, we know. I think Purab meant that about Aliya and Raj Bhaiya. Di is very sensitive and she can’t handle any stress and you know after what Aliya did to Bulbul, Di hates the very mention of her.
Abhi- Don’t worry about Alia, Disha! I’ll handle her.
Rhea who has been listening to this conversation for way too long decides it’s too much to handle and suddenly bursts into sobs making 4 pairs of eyes stare at her and pity her. Abhi wants to go but doesn’t know what to tell her because he knows how much hate Rhea holds in her heart for her mother and with everything happening so suddenly, he himself is very confused. He decides against going and signals at Disha. Disha nods and goes towards Rhea. Disha cups Rhea and hugs her, comforting her and tucks her into her body. Rhea’s sobs slowly drain out and she is slowly asleep. Disha picks her up and puts her on the bed next to Pragya. The mother daughter duo sleep peacefully. Abhi, Purab, Sahil and Disha smile adorably as they look at the bed infront of them. The silence is disturbed when Sahil says something.
Sahil- Mr Mehra! A word? Outside?
a/n: thank you so much for reading:) so don’t forget to vote and comment and add this story to your private reading lists!!
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