Monday, 1 March 2021



Hi guys,

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this..

Episode starts with…

VANSH: Angre, I think we must take riddhima home. It’s not safe for her to stay here. I have already informed the doctor. He even agreed with me. So, you just inform riddhima and ask her to get ready. We’ll leave immediately…

ANGRE: Vansh, when you care this much for her. Why are you ignoring her? She might think that you are hurting her. But, I know that you are even hurting yourself because of your madness. What happened? Tell me…

VANSH: Oh really!! Even I have to ask these questions.

ANGRE: What??

VANSH: What happened to ishani? I think she is somewhere deeply hurt. That’s the reason for her sudden anger and changed behaviour. And, I even know that reason is somehow connected with you. Now, at least you tell me, what happened?

ANGRE: You are imagining unnecessary things.

VANSH: Then, even you are imagining unnecessary things.. When you won’t answer my question then, even I won’t… You very well know me and my stubbornness. So, better don’t ask this question..

ANGRE: Vansh, but..

VANSH: Now, better do what I say..

Saying so, he leaves..

ANGRE: Seriously, he has become an idiot because of this love… This love is too dangerous…

Just then he hears..

Of course, it is not the love but, the person whom we love matters.

He turns and sees ishani..

ANGRE: You!!

ISHANI: Of course, it’s me.. Why are you so shocked as if though you have seen some devil.. Ya, sorry. Actually I forgot, that for you I’m a devil, right?

ANGRE: Ishani, I didn’t mean that..

ISHANI: Whatever!! Now, I don’t have any interest in your argument. Riddhima called you.. That’s why, I came here.

Saying so, she was about to leave.. Just then,

ISHANI: By the way, Even I’m doing a blunder mistake by loving a mad and an idiot like you..

Saying so, she leaves..

ANGRE: What did I do? First of all I should stop talking loudly. Mind voice is better..

ISHANI: Of course.. It will be better.. Now, stop your nonsense and come..

Angre without speaking further, escapes from there..

ANGRE: Riddhu, what happened to you? Why did you call me?

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, where is vansh? What is he doing? Till now, he didn’t speak with me properly. Bhai, he is ignoring me. And, this is hurting me. Till today, he uses to fight with me and be angry with me. But, when something happens to me he’ll be the first to react. What wrong did I do? Why is he behaving like this?

ANGRE: Riddhu, I don’t know. But, now vansh has spoken to the doctor and has completed all your discharge formalities. So, we should leave immediately. He is thinking that being here is not safe for you. And, even I agree with it. So, we should leave immediately.

RIDDHIMA: No, I won’t come anywhere. Vansh has to come here. Only then, I’ll come..

ANGRE: Riddhu, please understand. He won’t change his decision.

RIDDHIMA: This time even I won’t. So, better you ask your friend to change his decision.

Angre leaves the room and finds vansh waiting in the corridor..

VANSH: What happened angre? Where is riddhima?

ANGRE: Seriously, I’m stuck between you two. I don’t know how to handle you both. She is asking you to come there. Only if you go and speak with her, she’ll come..

VANSH: Don’t worry, I know very well to handle her..


ISHANI: Riddhima, will you even now call this worry and tears as friendship? Can’t you understand that you are in love with him?

RIDDHIMA: No, that’s not true.. He is just my friend..

ISHANI: Really?? During our college days you had many friends and now you even don’t know where they are. You have totally forgot about them. Not all the friends can travel along with us throughout our life. Some are just passing clouds. Now, you consider bhai as such passing cloud and leave him. He is not your destiny. Leave him and move on..

RIDDHIMA: Stop it, ishani. I can’t do that..

Saying so, she wipes her tears..

ISHANI:Why should I? You’ll get many friends like bhai. And, why are you crying? Will you even say friendship as a reason for this tears? If you say so, then I’ll surely oppose that. Because, from these tears I could see the love your love for bhai.

RIDDHIMA: No… This is not true. Vansh is my friend.

ISHANI: If that’s true, then why are you hurt by his actions? Do you have answer for this? Will you even say this as friendship?

Just then vansh enters the room and riddhima signs ishani to not speak further..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, what happened to you?

VANSH: Now, just answer my question.. Why did you say that? Now, I have come. So, you just leave immediately..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, even now you are ignoring me. I’m hurt.. Please, at least tell me the reason..

VANSH: Riddhu, I said that it’s not safe for you to stay here. We should leave immediately..

RIDDHIMA: If my tears and questions doesn’t matter to you, then why are you worried about my safety? You just leave.. I know to handle myself.. Answer my question or else leave the place immediately.. I won’t listen to you..

VANSH: Riddhu, stop arguing…

RIDDHIMA: No.. My decision is final..

VANSH: Let it be.. But, even I won’t change my decisions… I know what to do..

PRECAP: I have a good news for you..

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made..

The post RIANSH- A CUTE BEST COUPLE (Episode 47) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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