Hi everyone! I wanted to inform you all that I’ll not be able to post daily from now on as my classes are going to start from 1st March. I am really sorry for that and I hope you all won’t get upset. I’ll try to post as early as possible. And for the question I asked, some of you wanted 2 parts for revelation, some wanted 3 and some wanted four. So, Keeping the requests of you all under consideration, I have decided to make three parts(on average basis). I’ll try to fulfill all your expectations and will never disappoint you all. I hope you like my way of writing. My priority will always be entertaining you in the best and earliest way possible. Thank you so much for your love and support.
Let’s start today’s update.
Chapter 8: Dadi’s Critical Surgery
Episode starts with Riddhima telling Vansh about Dadi’s health condition.
V(in a low and worried tone): What?
Riddhima turned.
R: Mr. RaiSinghania! Your sister might get panic therefore, I didn’t tell anything there. Your dadi has suffered a major Heartattack. Reports will tell us what step we have to take next. Till that, You have to wait.
V(concerned): Is she fine? Please don’t hide anything from me Riddhima.
R: She is fine Mr. RaiSinghania. We will follow the treatment and she will recover soon.
V(hiding his emotions, he spoke in a threatening tone): If Anything happened to Dadi, I will not let you live peacefully. Keep it in your mind.
R(Frustrated but calming herself): You are not in a position to threaten me Mr. RaiSinghania. You please wait outside. I will tell you when the reports come. And…(concerned tone) Don’t worry. She will be fine soon.
Vansh left the cabin in pain and worry. He was trying hard to suppress his emotions but he was much worried for dadi. He went to the cafeteria to compose himself. In the corridor, Kabir was consoling Sia who was crying bitterly. And Ishani was searching for Aryan and Angre went to find Vansh.
K: Sia! Don’t worry. She wil be fine.
S: Why can’t I do something for her. She needs me Kabir.
K: You can do one thing for her If you want to.
S(wiping her tears): What?
K: Taking care of yourself and Ishani. You are a doctor Sia. You are very strong. Dadi will never want you to be even upset and here you are crying shedding tears. If you keep on crying with this speed then in no time everyone will drown in the flood of your tears.
Sia giggles at his lame joke.
S: You have got a very bad sense of humour (smiles)
K: But its enough to make someone smile.
S: Thanks Kabir for supporting me today. I think everyone is hungry since morning. Can you please get something from cafe?
K: Sure! I will get something for you all to eat.
Meanwhile, Ishani reached Aryan’s cabin. He looked at her and ignoring her he started working on his laptop.
I(with guilt tone): Thank you so much for what you have done. I am glad that….
A( cutting her): Its was my duty Ishani. I have done my duty.
I: I am sorry Aryan. I didn’t know that you came for dadi.
A: Don’t be sorry. After all, you people are not used to it. Its only us who never care for our own self respect when it comes to duty.
I: I am really sorry Aryan. Please forgive me.
A: Forgiven!
Ishani smiled.
A: At last, you apologised for everything you have done since beginning. Aryan smirked.
I: What? I only apologised for what happened today.
A: Thenn, Its my goodness that I have forgiven you for everything in one sorry. Otherwise you have to say sorry for atleast 10 times.
I: So, you were faking your anger.
A: Nope. I was angry but I am not like you Ms. arrogant. My anger vanishes as fast as it comes.
Ishani giggled.
I: You are not so bad Mr. Idiot.
A: But you were, you are and you will always be MS. ARROGANT!!! He laughs.
I: Stupid!!
A: Now go to your Sia otherwise the whole day will pass saying sorry to everyone.
Ishani leaves with a smile on her face.
Everyone except Riddhima and Aryan, were present in the cafeteria where Vansh told Sia and ishani about dadi’s medical condition and consoled them. Sejal had also come there. Aryan went to Riddhima’s cabin where Riddhima told about dadi’s condition to him.
A: You should inform Boss about this. As he has assigned this mission to us.
R: I can’t contact him at this stage. It’s against the rules. I am sure He will get to know using his own resources. He is Manish Raichand. He got power.
A: Will Dadi be fine?
R: Reports can tell this only.
Nurse came with the reports and Riddhima read them immediately.
Riddhima was shocked. She stumble and Aryan held him
A: Riddhima!!
R: I am fine.
A: What is it?
R: Where are the RaiSinghanias? I have to inform them NOW.
Saying so, she and Aryan went to cafeteria. Everyone was there.
V: What?
R: Reports have come.
I: Whats in the reports?
R: Ms. Suhasini has three major blockages in her heart. She needs a heart surgery immediately . And for that…
V(cutting her): Don’t worry for your money. I will give whatever you’ll demand.
Riddhima was pissed at how he always thinks that she is only concerned for money and not dadi. She became angry.
R: I dont give a damn about your money Mr.RaiSinghania. You better keep your money and your ego to yourself. Let me complete.
She turned towards Ishani and Sia.
R: She needs a heart surgery and for that take her wherever you want ASAP. Delay can cause complications.
S: But why anywhere else when you can give her the best treatment.
R(eyeing vansh): Many people got trust issues here Sia! Specially when it comes to money and family. So its better to keep all this outside MY hospital.
V: Exactly. I can’t trust anyone when it comes to my dadi. I will take her to the best surgeon of the world. I can’t allow anyone to even touch her when I don’t trust that person.
Saying so, He left from there. Sia, ishani, angre and sejal followed her. Aryan and kabir stayed.
K: She can get best treatment here then why didn’t you offer?
R: Because he’ll come by himself. If I had offered then he would have created so much issues. Now, he will come surely but…with his own will.
In the corridor, Sia was trying to convince Vansh.
S: Bhai! This hospital is best for dadi then why you wanna take her to somewhere else. Riddhima is right. Delay can cause complications. I myself have checked dadi. She needs immediate treatment otherwise her health can deteriorate. Moreover, her age aslo matters. Please bhai! I know you don’t trust Riddhima but trust me bhai! At this point, only dadi’s health matters and she can get the best treatment here.
He received a call in the mid of conversation.
V: Yeah?
It was Angre.
A: Vansh I have called in many hospitals but no one is ready to perform Dadi’s surgery. They say that its a risky surgery and if any mistake happen then you will not leave them so they denied performing this surgery. We have no other option left.
He cuts the call.
V: Ok fine Sia! Dadi’s surgery will be performed in this hospital but I have a condition. Riddhima will not be the part of this surgery.
S: But bhai!
V: Please Sia! I have accepted your request now you too have to accept mine. I will complete all the formalities. Now, I need to talk to Riddhima.
Saying so , he left before Sia could speak further.
Although, everyone was going through tough situation but there was one thing that was good in all the bad happenings..THE NEW FRIENDSHIPS!! Sia, Kabir, Ishani, Angre, Sejal, Aryan have started bonding with each other. They were supporting each other in this tough time. Sia and kabir were already on good terms but the special bonding was growing between aryan and ishani. Moreover, Angre was also getting friendly with kabir and aryan. And, The cherry on the cake was Vansh’s satisfaction. Vansh was observing this bonding and he was completely ok with it. Regardless of his hatred towards Riddhima, He was happy and thankful to kabir and aryan for supporting his sisters and also saving dadi at the right time. But this fact is not going to change his hatred towards Riddhima. He was watching them chitchatting in the cafeteria and a smile crept on his face. But all of a sudden, He remembered Riddhima and his smile vanished. He went towards Riddhima’s cabin.
In Riddhima’s cabin,
Riddhima was as usual checking the reports of patients when Vansh entered. Riddhima gave him a questioning look.
V: Who made you a doctor when you were left with nothing?
This question came like a bombshell on Riddhima. As if someone has ignited again the fire flame inside her
R(controlling her anger): Its none of your business.
V: Well. It surely is about my business. Manish Raichand! Right? Business tycoon, Mafia man huh? One of my associates and a billionaire. So you trapped him now to make new relations. I suggest you to make some fair ones.
Riddhima was used to his daily tauntings now. She smiled sarcastically.
R: You don’t know anything about him except his name. He is not your associate. And he will never want you to be associated with him. He is out of your understanding Mr. RaiSinghania. So, Don’t try to play smart and act as if you know him so well. And coming to trapping him,….We share a father daughter relation. And You dont tell me anything about relations and its values. Because your relations are built only on misunderstandings and fear, and mine are built only on love and care.
Vansh laughed sarcastically.
V(sarcastically): Really? Love and care? Do you even know the meaning of these words?
R: I know better than you. Come to the point. Why are you here?
V: I have a deal for you.
R:(inside): Finally, he came with his own will. (Outside) Seems interesting to me. Please take a seat.
He sat down on the nearby chair.
V: I want my Dadi’s surgery to be done in your hospital.
R: Ok fine. You complete all the formalities.
V: And you won’t be the part of this surgery.Infact, I Don’t want you to be around her.
This came like a shocker to Riddhima. She knew it well that he won’t be convinced so easily but she never thought that he would put forth this condition to her. Moreover, though she didn’t show but she was equally concerned and worried about dadi. Even she can’t trust anyone else except her own self in dadi’s treatment. She was special to her. Very special!! She was loosing her temper but controlling herself, she asked,
R(stern): And why is that?
V(firm): Because I don’t trust you.
R: Trust is not needed to perform surgery. SKILLS!!! Mr. RaiSinghania!! Skills are needed for that. I do have that.
V: Its not enough for me. Its better I trust my worst enemy than trusting you. Afterall, Only money matters to you. So, Don’t worry you will get whatever amount you ask. But not for Dadi’s treatment. You will get it for staying away from my family and not showing yourself.
That’s it!!! That was enough. She lost her temper. Whenever they came face to face, he accused her. Called her money minded gold digger. Questioned her character. She always tried to ignore him but this time…enough. She wasn’t able to take it anymore. She was exhausted by his continuous allegations. It was the time to burst out. For a moment, she was sitting motionless on her chair not able to think or to say something. Her anger was on peak. She clenched her fists. She stood up and walked towards the window. She doesn’t wanna listen anymore.
R(extreme stern tone): Money right???
V: As much as you want. Just stay away.
She hold a vase, placed at the table, in her hand and threw it with fulll force on the floor in anger saying,
R: (loud and dangerous tone): Money!!! Money !! Money!!! Why is it always about the money??? What the hell do you think of yourself!!! YES!! I AM A GOLD DIGGER!! YESS!! I AM CHARACTERLESS.. I AM CHEAP. Whatever you think, Yes I am that. What do you wanna hear more. Huh? Happy?? Satisfied??
She kicked the table in full anger and stood in front of him.
R: How dare you!! How dare you say all this!!! What do u think if I am not saying anything that means I can’t say??? No!! I can give you a befitting reply Mr.Raisinghania!!! This is too much!! You think I am mad? Huh!! I don’t have self-respect? Huh?? Say it all at once. Just spit it all out at once whatever bashing comments you wanna make. Do it at once!!! I am fed up of your daily dosages.
Vansh who was standing still at his place and completely shocked. Since he knew riddhima, he had never seen her this much angry. He had never seen her this avatar. She was shivering with anger and madness. There was pain in her eyes. She was extremely hurt which was completely visible to him. She was taking heavy breaths not able to overcome her anger. For once, he got shocked but the next moment, even he became angry. Because according to him, she was reaping what she has sowed. How dare she raise her voice on front of the great Vansh RaiSinghania . He held her by her arms strongly to confront her and jerked her,
V(anger): Atleast you accepted what you are. Why is it hurting you now? You should have thought of the consequences before deceiving me. Where was your self respect back then? You have broken me to the core. Today, the pain you are feeling is not even a fourth part of what I have suffered. And I promise you that I will give 10 times more pain to you of what you have given. You think by breaking a vase, by showing your attitude, I will let you go. I will forgive you and let you fled away again with money?? No!! I won’t even let your shadow fall again on my family. You know What Riddhima!!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOUR FACE!! Your face is the biggest betrayal to me. Outside, It looks innocent but inside, it is filled with greed and filth only.
He again firmly held her by her wrist. She tried to free herself.
R: Leave me!!!
V: Whenever you come in front of me, Whenever I look at your face, I remember your reality. I remember your betrayal. I remember your fake concerns. I remember your cunning plannings. I REMEMBER YOUR FAKE LOVE!!! This is my warning to you Riddhima. Stay away from my family until my Dadi is here. (Loud) I just don’t wanna see your face!! Get out of my life. Just leave me Alone.
Saying so, he jerked her strongly. At the same time, Riddhima was trying to free her hand. She was struggling to pull her hand at the same time, Vansh jerked her but due to anger it came like a strong push. Due to the force, she moved backwards losing her balance, her ankle twisted and she fell on the ground. Her head collided with corner of the table.
R(painfully): Ouchhhh!!!
V(shocked): Riddhima!!!!!
She didn’t responded. Blood was coming out of her head. Vansh was totally blank. He was feeling guilty of what he just did. He never wanted to hurt her but accidentally do so.
V: I…I am…I am sorry. I didn’t mean to do this. Di…did it…mistake. Did it by mistake. I am sorry.
She stood up supporting herself by table, replied nothing, holding her head to stop bleeding, she went out.
V (calling her): Riddhima Listen!!
But she didn’t. He kicked the table in anger. (Poor table)
V(Guilty stricken and anger) Damn it!!!!
The post Love Beyond Limits (A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter#8 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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