Sunday, 28 February 2021

Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 36


The episode starts with the whole VR family being around Vansh and Riddhima to check on Riddhima and be sure that she is fine.
Chanchel comes near Riddhima and she has hugged her.
Chanchel: Riddhima dear are you fine? Do the fire has caught any part of your body?
Chanchel starts checking on Riddhima to be sure that she is fine and the fire doesn’t caught Riddhima’s body.
Riddhima: I’m totally fine mom. Please calm down. Nothing has happened to me as my would be husband has been succeeded as usual in rescuing me at the right time. I’m sure that nothing could harm me when Vansh is beside me.
Riddhima was looking at Vansh while she was saying those precious words.
She was looking at Vansh in a thankful way.
She holds Vansh’s hand to express to him how she is very thankful to him for saving her.
Riddhima and Vansh were having an eye look.
Riddhima( moving her lips without a sound): Thank you my supporter.
Vansh smiles to her.
Ishani: Thank God that you are fine my dearest Riddhima.
Dadi: I don’t know how the accidents are happening repeatedly with you Riddhima?! Thank God that Vansh has got succeeded in saving you before the fire that has reached to the deputta to reach to your body.
Vansh looked at Riddhima in a caring and worrying way.
Vansh: How you could be that careless Riddhima?! You must to be concentrating while dancing. I can’t tolerate all those accidents that have happened with you in that short time. Please be more careful. I can’t bear seeing you in danger once again.
Riddhima puts her hands on Vansh’s face.
Riddhima: Calm down Vansh it was just an accident and you have saved me from it so you don’t have to worry that much. I don’t feel afraid when you are with me as you are my hero who saves me from any danger and you will always save me, but I also promise you to take care about myself and be more careful so I don’t see my dearest fiance that worried.
He hugged her to feel relaxed and calm himself down.
Kabir wasn’t believing that what has happened was an accident.
Kabir to himself: I don’t feel that what has happened was happening  accidentally. How could something to catch the fire to be burned that much?! The deputta got totally burned. It became like a coal! This can’t happen from only the fire. I’m sure that there is something that has putted on the deputta that makes it capable to catch the fire that easily. I must to check the remaining parts of the deputta to know what was on it.
Kabir has taken the advantage that everyone has left to complete celebrating the music ceremony.
So he goes near the place that the deputta is fallen on it and he takes it to check it.
He starts smelling it.
He got shocked when he has known what is that smell.
Kabir to himself: Gunpowder?! How this is possible?! How a gunpowder could be in Riddhima’s deputta?! If Vansh got late for just a second, Riddhima was now being burned and suffered from a very dangerous burns! This gunpowder is very capable to catch the fire and this could has caused to Riddhima a lot of painful wounds! My gut feeling was right as I was sure that the deputta could never be burned in that way without being on it a thing that could catch fire easily, but who could do a very cheap and evil action like that?!
Before Kabir could start speculating more about the person that could has done the gunpowder incident, he starts observing Siya’s weird behavior.
He was observing how Siya was very angry while she was looking at Riddhima after she got saved from the gunpowder incident.
Kabir to himself: No one could do a cheap behaviour like that more than you stupid Siya especially that the idiot guy that is called Aryan isn’t here after what Vansh has done with him so of course this behavior will by Siya’s hand.
He starts looking at the burned deputta.
Kabir to himself: Enough Siya, no more. I will not sit quiet again seeing you harming my sister. I must to do something to forbids you from succeeding in your plans stupid Siya. All yours plans that you are doing it with that idiot Aryan will be failed. None of you both will be able to harm my sister Riddhima as her brother Kabir is with her and nothing could happen to her. Now, you both will see the brother’s power and how the brother’s love towards his sister could cross all the limits.

During the music ceremony, everyone was still stressed after what has happened to Riddhima.
Ragini: Guys let’s forget what has happened and don’t spoil our lovely bride and groom’s music ceremony.
Ishani: Yeah. Let’s dance guys.
Ishani and Kabir starts doing their dance performance.
Vansh and Riddhima were watching them while they were smiling.
Angre comes to stand beside Ragini.
Then he secretly holds her hand.
She got shy and she just looked at him while smiling a tiny smile.
Angre: The necklace is looking very gorgeous while you are wearing it. I was sure that you will look fabulous while wearing that necklace.
She holds the letter “A” that is on the necklace that she is wearing it.
Ragini: I have liked the necklace a lot Angre especially the two letters that are on it. Those letters are the most important letters to me as one of those letters is the first letter of my name and the second letter is the first letter of my favorite person’s name.
She has smiled after she has finished her words.
Angre was also smiling after he got more sure of the love feelings that Ragini owns it to him.
Angre: Favorite person?! And who is that favorite person?
He winks at her.
He was wanting Ragini to express more of what she feels towards him.
She got shy.
So she decided to leave Angre, but he has succeeded in stopping her from leaving by holding her hand.
He has grabbed towards him.
At that moment, Kabir and Ishani’s dance has ended.
Then a new song has started.
So Angre takes Ragini to the dance floor and he starts dancing with her a very romantic dance.
He was making Ragini very close to him while they were dancing.
Angre: There are a lot of beautiful things that are happening between us Ragini and I’m really very happy from those stuff. I’m really enjoying each and every moment I spend it with you Ragini. You are my angel Ragini who I doesn’t feel that happy with anyone other than you. I know that there are a lot of things that we are both hiding it in our hearts, but I promise you that those things will not be hided for a long time as during Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage rituals you and I will get out to each other all the things that we own it inside our hearts. You just must to know that you are very special to me.
He makes her closer to him.
Then he hugged her while they were dancing together.
Ragini was smiling and she was very happy being that close to Angre.
Ragini to herself: I love you so much Angre. I can feel that I will not take a lot of time until I say it to you face to face not just saying it inside myself.
Riddhima left the hale of the house where the music ceremony was happening and she gets out to the house garden.
She wasn’t able to forget what has happened with her from awhile.
She starts remembering all the accidents that have happened with her since she and Vansh became together and were being in a relationship.
Riddhima to herself: My gut feeling is telling me that what has happened to me since Vansh and I became in a relationship didn’t happened accidently. Firstly, the chili powder that has putted on my juice during the Valentine’s party. Secondly, the gas vapor that got spread during my engagement ceremony with Vansh and now here is the fire that has caught my deputta. Why I’m feeling that there is someone who wants to harm me and destroy my relationship with Vansh since we were girlfriend and boyfriend and now this person wants to destroy my marriage with Vansh. I don’t think that all those stuff could be by the hand of Aryan. Yes he could be involved in some of those accidents, but not all of them. I’m feeling that there is someone from Vansh’s family that wants to harm me and destroy my marriage with Vansh.
Riddhima’s self: Come on Riddhima why you are that worried?! How you could think that there is someone who wants to harm you?! You are just over thinking dear. There isn’t anything from what you are afraid from it. Those all were just a normal accidents that it could happen to anyone. So please don’t make your over thinking to spoil your mood. You must just to concentrate on your marriage rituals with Vansh and don’t over think. You must to enjoy your time with your would be husband and don’t care about anything and about that Aryan you know that Vansh will not leave him if he got to be involved in that or not and very soon you all will get rid of him so don’t stress yourself with things that aren’t true.
Riddhima to herself: I think that my own self is right. I could be just over thinking. I hope that what I’m feeling could be wrong and all of those stuff could be just an accidents.
Riddhima’s gut feeling: What nonsense you are saying Riddhima?! You are just saying those words to make me be quiet, but your words will not make me shut up as you are just blinding your eyes from the truth that your life is in danger. You don’t want to believe that there is someone from Vansh’s family that wants to harm you and destroy your relationship with Vansh. You must to be alert Riddhima. You mustn’t toisten to the voice inside you that just wants you to relax without being sure of how the danger is around you from all the sides. Riddhima be very alert.
Riddhima’s self: Riddhima, don’t listen to your gut feeling. It is just a normal accidents dear. Your life isn’t in any danger.
Riddhima’s gut feeling: No, Riddhima’s life is in a big danger. You aren’t making her reach to the right path.
Riddhima’s self: No you are the one who isn’t making her reach to the right path.
Riddhima’s gut feeling: No, you not me.
The debate between Riddhima’s self and Riddhima’s gut feeling starts and it wasn’t being ended at all.
Riddhima to herself(Shouting and raising her voice as if she is really talking to real people around her): Stop it guys! I can’t tolerate that huge debate.
While Riddhima was confused and was sinking through the huge debate that is between herself and between her gut feeling, Vansh has gotten out to the garden to find Riddhima.
He comes near her.
Then he has putted his hand on Riddhima’s shoulder.
She got panicked when she felt an external touch.
She turned in a frightened way.
Riddhima( while turning to see who is standing by her back): Who is here?!

Vansh: Calm down sweetheart it is just me Vansh. Why you are very frightened like that as if you have seen a ghost?!
She got relaxed when she has seen Vansh in front of her.
Riddhima: Thank God you are the one who has came Vansh.
She throws herself in Vansh’s arms to calm herself down and stop the debate and the confusion that were happening inside her.
He hugged her more tightly to calm Riddhima down.
Vansh: Relax sweetheart I’m with you so you don’t need to be that worried.
She was making Vansh more closer to her so she could feel relaxed.
Riddhima: I was needing this hug so much. I need you to protect me from my own self Vansh. I’m really afraid that any other problem could happen during the remaining rituals of our marriage. What has happened till now starts to make me be very afraid Vansh. I really need you to be with me. I don’t want anything to separate me from you Vansh. I want to be with you forever without any problems.

Vansh puts his hands on Riddhima’s face.
Then he kissed her on her cheek.
Vansh: Nothing could be able to separate us even if huge disasters have happened as Riddhima and Vansh will never be separated. We will live together and we will die together. So please relax Riddhu.
He puts his hands around her waist to make her very very close to him.
Vansh: Smile now otherwise I will kiss you and I will not care if our marriage rituals got all completed or not.
He smiles and then he winks at Riddhima.
She smiles before Vansh could do what he has said and kiss her.
Vansh: Regardless that you have forbidden me from kissing you our first kiss, but I’m very happy that I’m seeing my sweetheart’s smile. Always smile this beautiful smile Riddhu as when you smile the whole world smiles and my heart smiles while seeing you smiling. So please keep smiling sweetheart.
She was smiling as Vansh’s presence and his words have calmed her down and have made her has forgotten all the confusion and worry that were inside her.
They hugged each other very tightly.
Vansh: Actually Riddhima you don’t have to worry as today we have gotten rid from seeing that stupid Aryan after what I have done with him today.
Riddhima: I’m really happy that I didn’t have seen him today, but I’m sure that he will not surrender that easy and he of course will turn to face us in tomorrow’s ceremony.
Vansh: I’m ready and waiting for him. He will not be able to do anything as I’m very alert and I will not allow him to cause any problems in my life.
Riddhima: I just hope that we could get rid of him very soon.
At that moment, Sejal has gotten out to the garden of the house to leave and go to Aryan after she has known what has happened to him because of Vansh.
She got crushed with Vansh and Riddhima while she was leaving.
Vansh: Where are you going Sejal at that time?
Sejal: I’m going to my boyfriend that you have sent your men to him to beat him. I didn’t imagine that you could do something like that just for the sake of this middle class girl. You have hurt your sister just for that cheap girl.
Vansh was going near Sejal in an aggressive way when Riddhima stopped him.
She looked at him and nodes with a rejecting nod to not make him be angry on Sejal.
Riddhima( lowering her voice): Your anger will not help. You must to calm Sejal down and make her feel your love. Don’t make Aryan succeed in making her against you by getting all your anger on her. You must to treat her calmly. She needs your love not your anger and confront.
Vansh got convinced from Riddhima’s words.
So he comes near Sejal and he hugged her.
Vansh: I’m your elder brother Sejal and I will never do anything that could be against you. Trust me Sejal that if that Aryan is the perfect partner to you and he is a good man with a good morals, I would have been the first one to accept and bless this relationship. I’m elder than you Sejal and I have a huge experience. That Aryan is just using you to destroy me. You have to know that I love you so much so please don’t make anyone put a wrong information inside your brain. One day you will know that I was right. One day you will know the real face of that Aryan. Until that day, I will keep supporting you and I will never leave you my sister. So please relax and come with me as you need to take some rest.
Sejal didn’t became stubborn and she listened to Vansh’s words as she got attached and emotional after listening to his words.
He holds Sejal’s hand to enter the house with her.
Riddhima was going to leave after they could leave, but Vansh holds her hand to make her enter the house with him.
He was looking at her in a thankful way.
Vansh( moving his lips without a voice): Thank you Riddhima. I love you.
She smiles and holds his hand more tightly.
Afterwards, everyone went to relax after the ceremony has ended.
At Sejal’s room, Sejal was sitting at her room thinking about Vansh’s words.
Then Ishani has entered her room.
She has seated beside her and she starts to spend some sister moments with Sejal.
Ishani: Sejal, we all love you so much and we all will always care about you. You must to know that we will never do anything that isn’t beneficial to you. So please Sejal try to think more wisely and I’m sure that you are the one who will say by yourself that Aryan isn’t a good guy at all and he doesn’t deserves you.
Sejal: Ishani I don’t want to talk about this ma..
Ishani: Please Sejal don’t say anything. I’m not coming to you to show that I’m better than you or I’m wiser than you. I just came because I really love you and I care about you a lot. Please Sejal try to be more alert and I’m sure that you will be able to know the whole truth by yourself. You are smart enough to catch the real face of that Aryan so don’t blind your eyes on his truth just because you are trusting him very much. Don’t listen to everything he is telling it to you and try to find the truth by your own self and I’m sure that you will know everything very soon.
Ishani gets out from her place.
Then she comes near Sejal and she kissed her in her forehead.
Ishani: Take care about yourself my lovely sister.
After Ishani has left, Sejal starts thinking about Ishani’s words.
Sejal to himself: Regardless that I’m still aren’t being convinced from Ishani and Vansh’s words, but I must to be more alert and try to concentrate about each and everything is happening. I just hope that their words don’t be right as I can’t tolerate knowing that my boyfriend is cheating on me and using me to destroy my brother. No, Aryan will never do that. Of course Ishani and Vansh are just misunderstanding Aryan because of that cheap girl who is called Riddhima.
At that moment, Angre got a call from one of his men and he has known from him the location of the jean.
Angre to himself: I must to go to Vansh now so we could catch that jean in that moment and get rid of that Aryan very soon.
Angre went to Vansh.
Vansh: What’s wrong Angre? I can observe from your face reaction that there is a very important thing you are going to tell it to me.
Angre: Yes boss. I have known everything. I have known the location of that jean.
Vansh: What?!
Angre: Yes boss my men have reached to his current location and they have sent it to me.
Vansh: So what you are waiting for it? We have to go to him now before he could change his location.
Angre: Now?!
Vansh: Yes Angre. I can’t wait more as I want to end Aryan’s chapter very soon. I want to get rid of him forever and that jean will help me in doing that. Let’s go now.
Vansh and Angre have gotten out from VR mansion and they have entered Vansh’s car.
Vansh to himself: I became very near in exposing you stupid Aryan in front of Sejal and I will be able to get rid of you forever and punish you for each and everything you have done it with me and with my Riddhima. I’m sure that you are the one behind all those problems that have happened since the rituals of my marriage with Riddhima has started and I will punish you for that. Just wait and watch Aryan as your bad time starts now.
Precap: “I have caught you red handed and you will never be able to get out Siya. I have known that you are the one who is behind all those problems. I will expose you in front of everyone”.

The end of the episode. I hope you liked it. Thank you very much guys for all of yours support and encouragement. I’m really very blessed and grateful with all of yours support and love that you all have showered me with it. Thank you all for making me have succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope you always make me reach to my target on the upcoming episodes. I hope you could all make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope you could all help me in reaching to my target so I could be encouraged to complete updating and update the next episode very soon. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond and making reached to my target. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target soon so I could publish the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 36 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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