Brahmarakshas 2 14th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Angad telling Shakti that he has to go. Shakti says wait for sometime, we shall call them. Angad says please dad. He takes the gun and goes. Prithvi stops Shakti and asks them to have faith. Minty says he took the gun. Prithvi says he took the gun, but I am sure that he will not harm anyone, not even Kalindi. He thinks Kalindi shall die today. Brahmarakshas asks Kalindi to do whatever she promised, before Rohini Nakshatra goes. Kalindi asks him to leave Robin’s body. He says although I like Robin’s body, but I shall focus on the main target. He leaves Robin’s body. Robin’s trapped soul fall down in the secret room. Brahmarakshas comes out in his real form. Robin’s body is still unconscious. Kalindi tells Brahmarakshas that tonight she will be his ardhangini and he will be her Swami, and for that she wants to touch his feet. He walks near Brahmarakshas and thinks Robin has very less time. She walks towards him and injects her blood in brahmarakshas foot. Brahmarakshas roars….Kalindi comes back to Robin and asks him to get back to life, says I know even now your ansh is remaining in your body. She pumps his chest and Robin gets back to his body, and the pearl comes out of his mouth. He opens his eyes. Kalindi asks how is he? Brahmarakshas comes there and pushes Kalindi far. Robin gets up and calls Kalindi. He takes the weapon kept there and throws at Kalindi, asking her to kill the monster. Kalindi is unconscious. The weapon hits brahmarakshas and falls near Kalindi. Robin jumps in air to attack brahmarakshas, but the latter pushes him down. Robin faints. Kalindi gets up and attacks Brahmarakshas. He becomes ashes. Angad comes there and thinks Kalindi killed Robin and fires at her. He asks her to run away before he kills her. Prithvi comes there and takes Kalindi to side, asking her to run away from here. Kalindi says I didn’t do anything to Robin, he is alive. Prithvi asks her to go and tell Angad later. Angad sees her running away and sitting in an auto. Angad comes to Robin and asks him if he is fine? Robin gains consciousness and asks him to save Kalindi, says she has saved him from the monster. Kalindi asks auto driver to take a U turn. Driver jumps down leaving the speedy auto. Kalindi shouts for help. Robin asks Angad to go and save Kalindi. Angad watches Kalindi falling down in the valley and sits down in shock.
Voiceover tells that Kalindi’s birth purpose is fulfilled and tells that this was the same night and that night. He says that Karishma was also born and the years old secret will come out today and will write the remaining story.
23 years ago:
A woman gives birth to two daughters. Guru maa tells that they are born in Rohini Nakshatra and that’s why they shall not stay together. The baby’s mother refuse to keep one and abandon the other. She asks her husband to send both the girls away. Gurumaa takes one baby and keeps her in the temple (which is Kalindi) and the woman’s husband keeps other girl in the tempo. He watches the tempo leaving and cries.
Kalindi’s twin sister is shown and talking about robbery. Prithvi who had killed Kalindi acts infront of Shakti. Shalini tells that Prithvi used his 3 months salary to get Kalindi’s painting done. Shakti gets touched with his gesture and offers him 1 lakh Rs. Prithvi refuses to take it. Damini says its ok. Shalini takes the cheque and thanks them for letting them stay here 2 years back. Angad accuses prithvi and doubts him for murdering Kalindi. Prithvi acts and tells that he didn’t do anything, if Kalindi would have been alive then she wouldn’t have let this happen with her Chachu. Shakti asks Angad to let them stay here. Angad says they can stay here, but as Servants, just like they made Kalindi and Minty stay here. fb ends. Prithvi keeps the cheque in the box and tells that she will get the necklace now. She says she got many necklace since 2 years, but where and how she will wear it, as she is now working as Servant. Prithvi tells that he will take revenge on Angad and will not leave him.
Angad comes to the bar and hears a guy playing card with another guy and telling that if he wins then he can marry the girl. Angad tells the guy that he will play on his behalf and asks the guy to bet all his money. The guy bets all his money. Angad wins and the guy thanks and invites him for his wedding. Angad asks shall I come and takes the rounds. The guy gets surprised. Angad says he is joking and asks him to take the money. He gets a call and puts phone in the water.
Robin tells Minty and others that it seems bro will not come, and tells that they will inaugurate Kalindi’s coaching classes now. He says he wants to give tribute to her. Minty and Robin inaugurate the classes. Sakshi tells Sid that she didn’t know why she married him. Angad talks to Kalindi’s students about her. Shakti comes to Angad and tells that Robin is handling all the business alone, but he needs his guidance. He asks him to go to Delhi with Robin. Angad says ok.
Angad and Robin come to the hotel in Delhi. A girl stares at Angad. Robin asks him to jump in the flirt market. Angad tells that he is vintage now. Auction is going on there. The security guy tells that he didn’t know if the thief will be girl or the guy. The auction is about to inaugurate for the royal necklace. Robin meets with his clients. Angad says he promised to come here, but will not meet the clients. Kalindi’s sister dances on the stage, on the song crazy kiya re…..The girl tells her partner to switch off the lights. She steals the necklace just as the light goes and walks away from there. Angad sees necklace in her boots. She is leaving, when Inspector stops her. She pretends to fall down. He makes her sit and tells that he can’t let her go until Rani’s necklace is found. Angad tells that the robber went that side. The girl gets thankful to him. Angad tells Robin that he smiled seeing Chatak Chorni.
The girl comes her boss with Shaan and shows video to the guy that Shaan planned to steal the necklace. The boss believes her and gets shaan beaten up. Later he realizes that Chandi fooled them. Chandi meets Sona and asks her to misguide Police so that he catches Boss, Shaan and others. Sona misguides Police and the Police arrests Boss and others. Chandi asks a truck driver to drop them to Ambala and takes Sona with her. She comes to the jungle, where Boss goons’ come there and tell that they will take her to the place. Chandi fools them and walks stepping on brahmarakshas’ ashes. The brahmarakshas comes back to life again.
No Precap.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
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