Saturday 27 February 2021

Aashiq…The Lover…RiKara SS Part 4


Aashiq..The Lover…Part 4
Dedicated to Shesha485 who named Rudra-Vaiga as Raiga and Pranati Archit as Prachit.

All the students in the college looked at the poster and laughed.
It was written “Gauri loves Omkara”.
Gauri was shattered.Ajay went near her with a smirk:So you rejected me for this guy?
Gauri got angry:This is done by you.Right?
Gauri raised her hand to slap him.Suddenly Ajay held her hand.
Ajay:Before slapping me think well who can write this.

Ajay left her hand.
Ajay:We all longed for you.But you rejected us.But Omkara used an indirect method to make you accept him.Omkara wants you.So he stuck such posters here hoping that you will accept him.
Gauri was shocked.She fumed with anger.Ajay smirked thinking:Now Omkara and Gauri will split up forever.



Gauri waited for Omkara to arrive.Finally Omkara reached the college.
Seeing Gauri,he smiled:Hi Gauri…Good morning.
Gauri glared at him:Bad morning Omkara.
Om:Bad morning?Why?
Gauri grabbed her hand and walked towards the posters.
Gauri:Look at this.
Om read it:Gauri loves Omkara.
Omkara smiled.
Gauri:You feel like laughing?Because you wrote this and stuck them all over the college.Right?
Omkara:No Gauri.I did’nt.Why should I do this?I smiled because I thought that you wrote this as it is your crazy way of confessing your love to me.
Gauri:What?You thought that I am crazy to fall in love with you?What made you think so?
Omkara:Because I love you and I expected you to love me back.
Gauri was shocked.
Gauri:What did you say?
Omkara:I love you Gauri.
Gauri could not believe it as Omkara was always teasing her.
Gauri:But unlike other boys you were only teasing me.
Omkara:Just because I did not praise your beauty you can’t believe that I love you?I did’nt praise your beauty.But it’s not your beauty which won my heart.Then if you ask me what attracted me towards be frank I don’t know.I fell for you when I saw you for the first time itself.Love happened at first sight itself.

Gauri:Oh please …stop this Omkara.Your so called love is stupid.Love happens only after understanding a person.
Om:Understanding a person…then thinking whether to love that person or not…this is not love,but an agreement.Love should not decided in prior.It should come out naturally.Love should come automatically.
Gauri:Whatever you say,I don’t love you.
Om:Till now most of the boys in our college proposed you and you rejected all of them.But I am sure that I will not face rejection from you.
Gauri:Hello..I already rejected you.
Om:But before the college ends you will fall in love and confess your love to me.
Gauri:Never!You will not win this challenge.
Om:Let us see.
Gauri:Let us see.



Omkara pulled Ajay to the Principal’s room.
Om:Sir…it’s Ajay who wrote rubbish about me and Gauri and stuck such posters on the walls.
Ajay:Nonsense!Why should I do that?
Om:Only you will do that.When I saw the poster itself I was sure that it was done by you.Because only you will do cheap things.Just because Gauri rejected you,you brought your Don brother here to kidnap Gauri and marry her forcefully.Still I gave you a chance.But you don’t deserve it.
Ajay started sweating.
Ajay looked at the Principal:Sir,he is lying.

Ajay looked at Om:What proof do you have?
Om:I have proof.

The watch men of the college came inside the room.
One watch man:Ajay threatened us with a knife to let him inside.
Another watch man:Ajay is a goon like his brother Don Kali Thakur.He is very dangerous.
Principal:How can you do such a cheap thing Ajay?This is a college.Not any local street.You are not needed in this college.
Principal:Take the TC and leave.You are dismissed.

Before leaving,Gauri slapped Ajay.
Gauri:My doubt was right.You only created such cheap posters.Shamelessly you tried to put the blame on Omkara.Chee.
Gauri walked away while Ajay left the college in shame.
Gauri collided with Omkara.
Gauri:Sorry Omkara.
Om:It’s ok.When we walk fast we will hit others by mistake.
Gauri:Not for that.For scolding you regarding those posters.

Om:I don’t need your sorry Gauri.I need only your love.
Omkara smiled.

Gauri:You will never get that from me Omkara.

Omkara wore his sun glasses and said with full confidence:I will get it.

Gauri:You cannot force me.
Om:No Gauri.I am not forcing you.Because we can never get love from anyone forcefully.But I am sure that you will start loving me automatically.Because I love you.
Omkara walked away smiling.
Gauri just ignored it.



Meenamma and Vaiga were preparing dinner together.
Meenamma:You look really different and charming these days.There is a different glow on your face.
Meenamma:Tell me what the secret is.Did you fall in love?
Vaiga blushed.

Vaiga was shy:Yes Akka. I am in love.

Meenamma was surprised:My sister is in love.I can’t believe it.You have gown so big Vaiga.He also loves you?
Vaiga:He did not say so.But i feel that he also loves me.
Meenamma:Ok.Be sure about his feeling first.
Vaiga:Ok akka.



A girl was wearing ear phone and walking on the road.She was listening to the music and enjoying it.She did not know that a vehicle was coming behind her.But before the vehicle hit her Omkara pulled her away.They both fell down rolling over each other.Gauri who passed by watched it with a shock.
Gauri:Cheee…Omkara is having open romance with a girl.

Omkara and the girl got up from the floor.
The girl smiled at Omkara smiling.But Om got angry.
Om:How can you be so careless?That vehicle would have hit you.Are you mad to walk carelessly on the road listening to music?

Gauri was Omkara was not romancing her.He is scolding her.Let her get scoldings from Omkara.She deserves it.

She:I am sorry.And thank you very much for saving my life.
Om:No mention.But be careful from next time onwards.
She:Sure.I learnt a good lesson.
Om walked away.
Gauri also walked away smiling.



The next day….

In the college the same girl came towards Omkara.
She:Hi Omkara.
He looked at her with a surprise:You?You are a student of this college?I did’nt know that.How do you know my name?
She:Who does’nt know a charming guy like you?I have always noticed you.

Om smiled:Oh really?
Gauri who passed by, saw this with a shock.
Gauri:This girl studies here?Guess like the typical film heroine she is attracted towards Omkara who saved her.
Om:What’s your sweet name?
She:My name is Dhara.
Om:Cool name.I have not heard such an interesting name.
Gauri got irritated:How dare he say like that?
Om-Dhara were chatting and laughing.
Gauri thought:Dhara looks very beautiful.Like Omkara said will he find his college beauty?Will Om consider Dhara as his college beauty and fall for her?
Raju’s eyes fell on Gauri.His face blossomed unknowingly.He blinked his eyes continously.
Gauri who saw this accidentally walked towards him.
Gauri:What?Why are you blinking your eyes at me?

Raju:In this orange dress you look like a glowing Orange.
Gauri:How can an orange glow?
Raju:Anything can happen in imagination.
Raju:When you are in orange dress you like an Orange and carrot..When you are in pink dress you look beautiful like strawberry milk.
Gauri:Beautiful like Strawberry milk?What a weird comparison!Who looks at the beauty of strawberry milk?
Raju:When you wear red dress you look like an Apple and cherry. When you wear blue you look cute like blue berry.When you wear green dress you look beautiful like fresh grass.
Gauri:Fresh grass?This guy will make me crazy.
Raju:Sometimes you look beautiful like lady finger too.

Gauri:Stop this.Did’nt I warn you not to come near me with your stupidity?
Suddenly Raju remembered getting scolded by Gauri.
He thought:Oh God!Why do I forget everything when I see her beauty?I can see only her good looks..good looks and good looks.
Gauri:If you like fruits and vegetables this much why don’t you stay in a grocery shop and eat all the vegetables and fruits over there?Or you marry a grocery shop owner.Why are you coming to me and irritating with your fruits and vegetable dialogues?Don’t come before me with your stupid illogical fruits vegetables dialogues.Understand you maddy?
Raju nodded fearfully.
Gauri murmured:Here I am irritated with Omkara Dhara live flirting and this maddy is eating my head.Oh..
Gauri walked away angrily.
Raju:I wonder with what hot product did God make her?She is so hot tempered.If we have to heat something we just have to keep it on her head.Because of her hotness it will get boiled.



Days passed…

Unknowingly Gauri was becoming insecure with Om-Dhara friendship.

Gauri was in the canteen.Dhara came and sat near her.
Dhara:Hi Gauri..I am Dhara from home science.

Gauri thought:Oh she is from home science.That’s why I did’nt notice her.Guess she will cook yummy food to attract Omkara.
Gauri gave her fake smile:Hi…

Dhara:Gauri..I wanted to ask you something.I had read some posters where it was written that you love Omkara.Is it true?
Gauri was embarrassed.
Gauri:Rubbish!Not at all true.That was done by Ajay and he got kicked out of the college because of that.
Dhara:So there is nothing between you and Omkara.Right?
Gauri:Yes.We are not a couple.
Dhara:Thank God.Now I am relieved.Now I can love Omkara peacefully.
Gauri was stunned.
She thought:I don’t love Omkara and I rejected him.Then why do I feel bad about Dhara loving Omkara?



Dhara to Omkara:Omkara,I have seen your choreography which you did for Gauri’s dance.It was fantastic.Can you please dance with me for the college function as my partner?

Om:Why not?Sure.

Dhara became very happy.



Dhara and Omkara were dancing together in the rehearsal room.Gauri and others were watching it.Gauri could not tolerate their closeness.Suddenly Dhara’s leg got sprained:Aaahhh..
Om:What happened Dhara?
Dhara:My leg..
Omkara made her sit there.
Om looked at Raju:Raju..bring the first aid box please.
Omkara started massaging Dhara’s leg.Dhara was lost in his touch.Gauri could not bear it.
Raju brought the first aid box.
Om took the ointment and applied it on her skin.
Dhara smiled:Thank you very much Omkara,You are so caring.Your girl friend will be lucky.

Om just smiled.

Gauri walked out angrily.
Gauri:I can’t tolerate their cheesy romance.

After some days….

Dhara and Omkara were in the college garden.
Dhara:Omkara…I want to tell you something.
Om:Say Dhara…
Dhara:I have started feeling for you Omkara.I feel very happy with those beautiful feelings for you.I love you.

Omkara looked at her in disbelief.
Omkara was silent for a moment.
Om:Dhara,you are really a sweet girl.I like you a lot.

She smiled happily.

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