Monday, 1 February 2021

Thirst For Revenge #Riansh #IMMJ2 (Chap.10): Now, what to do?


Hello, everyone

Thank you so much for your unconditional love and support.

Episode starts,

While Vansh and Riddhima were enjoying their time. At Kabir’s office, he was really worried about what riddhima did so called the banks,

K: hello manager, it is Kabir Sharma speaking

Manag: Yes, what happened? Did you need something?

K: actually, I wanted to know how much money is left on my account

Manag: sorry Mr. Sharma but for that you have to first have an account in our bank

K (angry: are you crazy? Do you know what you are even speaking? You are saying that the great Kabir Sharma does not have an account in you bank

Manag (laughing): what did you say? The great Kabir Sharma. I think you are the crazy one here; you are speaking as if you are the president of a country or a known businessman

K: Yes, I am one. My company KS, is number one in whole India.

Manag(laughing): sorry sir, but I think that you should go and do a check-up in some, mental hospital because I think you have some mental problems. Everyone knows that VR Company is the number one and you are saying that your unknown company is number one.

K (angry): shut up okay. And give me my money

Manag: we will give your money only if we have it.

Saying so he cut the call and left a fuming Kabir

Kabir: arrgh, I am sure that this that Riddhima’s plan. I am sure he asked that bank manager to refuse to recognize me, but its okay I have other accounts in other bank.

He called all the banks he had accounts in, but they refused to recognize him.

Kabir: ooh, she is playing this game its okay. I still have my houses

He started to call the housekeeper of his houses but all of them refused to recognize him.

Kabir (angry): what to do now, they have everything I am just left with my house. What will I do now, I have to go and talk to mom. Maybe she might have an idea.

Saying so, he left for his house.

Meanwhile the manager called riddhima to tell her what happened.

Manag: hello ma’am, I did as you asked

R: superb, what was his reaction?

Manag: ma’am I have recorder our conversation, let me send it to you

R: ok

After a while, the manager sent the audio, after they listened to it Riddhima and Vansh were happy that their plan is working.

R: I am so happy Vansh, but siya and ishani will be the happiest

V: yes, riddhima. Now that was one part. And you know that Kabir knows one part of the plan. So did you start to work on the other plan?

R: yes, I have started and you will see that his own mother will be then one to help us in this plan.

V: how? She will not go against her son

R: yeah I know but I will use her and she will not even know it

So that’s all for today. I know i didn’t post on saturday but what to do, i had no ides what to write next even this was shoert because tha’s what i had already wrote. I lost my ideas for this ff😥. So please help by suggesting your ideas, so that i can post tomorrow, or else i don’t know when i will post next, please help.

Big love from me and keep supporting

The post Thirst For Revenge #Riansh #IMMJ2 (Chap.10): Now, what to do? appeared first on Telly Updates.

2/01/2021 10:14:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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