Saturday 30 January 2021

Riansh Os: The Knight Of Blood


Hello guys, Here’s my new Os, It’s not completed till I see your povs first, its genre is new, and this is my first time writing it. I hope you all like it. 

The employees stood up greeting their boss while another man strolled with him with full arrogance, the aura around him was frightening that made them fear him automatically. A girl whispered in another girl’s ear: Even Our boss’s brother is handsome, no he is actually more handsome, but he looks scary, Riddhima. Riddhima for a moment was so lost in him, something was weird about him however she decided to ignore it or else she will be teased like hell by her friend Sejal.

R: Sejal, shhh you’ll get us into trouble! If Kabir sir hears you talking like that, You’ll make me lose my job too. 

S(rolling her eyes): Kuch bhi ! 

Kabir stood near his brother to announce the news before he leaves.

 K: Hello everyone, as you know this company’s real owner is The man who is standing beside me, Vansh Raisinghania, My Brother, and He came back recently from abroad, so henceforth he will be your boss, I expect you to do your work as it’s supposed to be, No laziness or carelessness is allowed. Thank you for your hard work and best of luck. 

R(to herself): does it mean I will his Pa from now on? or I will be chucked out of my position? K(noticing her worried Face): Miss Sharma, follow me to my cabin, Please. 

R(in a polite manner): sure, sir. 

She followed them while they marched slowly with confident steps to the office room.

K: I have noticed your worry, and I am aware of the reason behind it, Your position here is still the same, just with a different boss. (introducing Vansh) Vansh Raisinghania, He adores perfection, therefore try to be alert, do not let him have any complaints, Ok? 

R(with gratitude): Ok, sir, Thank you very much. 

She walked out of their office room and he looked a Vansh.

K(to Vansh): She is Riddhima Sharma, A simple and hardworking girl, Vansh, I know you don’t want to have anything with women but Please do not wrong her just because she is a girl ok !!

 V: What do you think of me, Kabir? I know the difference between work and personal grudge ok! K: then best of luck Bro, My flight is so close, I am going.

 (They hugged each other (Kava goals) and bid by )Riddhima knocked on his door bringing him the coffee he asked for, and he took a sip and throw the cup. 

V: Miss. Sharma, do you call it a coffee? it sucks !! ad I don’t like it with sugar. 

R(afraid): I am so sorry, Mr.Raisinghania, I didn’t know, Kabir sir was drinking and liking it, so I thought

V(rudely): that our tastes are alike just because we are brothers? It’s a stupid theory, Now Go and bring me another one.

R: Sorry, sir, I will bring it now.(she stepped on the coffee which was poured on the floor ad was about to fall but he held her by arm, she looked at him with wide eyes for few moments before she excused herself shivering) I will send you the coffee now. And Ran out of the room. 

Riddhima sat at her desk trying to distract her mind but couldn’t control herself.

 R(to herself): Should I tell him or not? Will he believe me? No, He will probably call me mental !! I won’t utter a word, and by the way, the scene is not completed so Maybe it’s wrong. He called me to go to his office and I was terrified but I went anyway.

 V(giving her his back): What’s wrong with that behavior, Miss.Sharma? Why did you run away? Care to explain?

 R: Sir, Actually, I saw a spider and couldn’t control my fear therefore I eloped. I won’t repeat this mistake again.

V(turned to face her ): Is it so? 

R: Ha si(she couldn’t say a word further when she saw him wearing the white shirt, He was wearing black)

V: Because of you, see, I had to change. Why are you standing like a statue? Start working !!

 His phone rang and he started talking for a long time while she was so lost to digest what was happening there, but the moment he uttered the word “Dreams restaurant’, Her attention shifted to him. 

V: Ha Mr.Gadodia, we’ll be there on time, don’t worry. 7 pm! 

R: sir, you can’t go there. 

V(in disbelief): Excuse me? Are you mad? Look, I am letting you work as my pa because of Kabir, He requested me and I couldn’t refuse, so don’t force me to break my promise to him.

R: sir, something bad will happen. 

V: Look Miss Sharma before 6:30, You better prepare everything and get ready to go or else, say goodbye to your job, got it? and one more thing, I hate unpunctual people! 

R(sadly): I understood.

Riddhima prepared the files and everything that concerned the meeting but still, she was so scared. It went smoothly and they signed the deal with the other company yet she looked so disturbed which was unnoticed by Vansh.

After the meeting

Riddhima sat with Vansh in the car while driving to her place after she gives him the address when he noticed someone was laid on the road. 

V: I think he needs help, I will go and check, stay in the car.

R: No no, don’t go, sir!

 V: Stay within your limits, I am your boss, not the other way. 

He opened the door and walked closer to the man and then he was about to check his pulse, however, he was taken aback by an attack on him, with a sharp tool but before it could touch him, He found her in his arms bleeding. 

V: Miss Sharma? (touching her stomach) Blood? Shiiiiit, (patting her cheek) Riddhima wake up !! R: I was trying hard to tell you that I saw it !

 V: You saw what, miss Sharma? 

R(breathing heavily): I saw him everything, including him attacking you.

Weak Riddhima confessed before closing her eyes, Vansh picked her up and ran to his house. His family looked at the unconscious figure in confusion, and Vansh explained to him how she saved him.

An elder man of the family said: This weapon can’t kill humans, Vansh, and You’re a vampire, It was made to kill you, especially you. Your blood is on it! 

V: If it can’t kill humans, why she is in this state? 

the other man was harsh, Vansh respects him as a father figure to him, and the eldest one.

H(confused): I have no idea !!

 V: there’s only one solution.

H: don’t tell me you’re going to 

V: Yeah uncle, I will !! she saved me and I am indebted to her.

 H: But this can before they can stop him, He moved very fast to her and injured his arm, then make the blood drops fell in her mouth., He waited for her to start changing, but nothing happened. He turned to face Harsh.

V: How can this be even possible? Uncle Harsh, what is going on? Why isn’t it working? 

He heard a voice behind him, Her voice.

 R: Sir, Are you ok? 

Vansh looked in her direction and then examined her injury that it was gone.

 V: Are you fine? don’t you feel any pain? 

R: I am totally fine, but They wanted to kill you.

 V: I am also fine, I want to know one thing. 

R: Ha sir? 

V: You said you saw it, what did you mean? 

R(hesitate): Nothing sir! 

V: Answer me without lies as I hate it. What did you mean by you saw it happening? 

R: I could see the danger that can be around people. In-office room, when I touched you, I saw you in a white shirt and a board with the name “dreams restaurant”, And then the one attacking you, however, I still don’t know why!

V(looked in shock at Harsh uncle): Is it possible?

 H: yes, Vansh, come with me, I guess I understand now!

V: Uncle, you go, I will be behind you. (to Riddhima) From now on, you’ll stay here, My enemies failed because of your interruption, They will target you if you go now. It’s better if you stay here, There’s nothing to be afraid of, All are my family ad they are harmless.

 R: what???!!! Sir !! I admit you’re my boss, but you can’t force me and cage me here! 

V(warning tone): Don’t! (inhaling a deep breath) You saved me, and it’s my turn to protect you till we find a solution.

He left after warning her, following his uncle who looked tensed over the matter. 

V: Kya Hua, Uncle? Do you think she is like us, A vampire? But how can this be even possible? she wasn’t behaving as vampires? 

H: How then you’ll explain the effect of the poison on her? It can not harm humans for god’s sake. His effect works on us, Only us. But the question is How did she survive it? And she doesn’t know her truth too, be careful how to behave in front of her. 

R(slowly): Sir, I will go back to my house. 

V(in anger): I have already informed you that you are living with us from now on, Have you already forgotten?

 R(calmly): I can’t live here, And I neither understand anything nor feel comfortable. excuse me. She moved to the door and was stunned to see Vansh in front of her with red eyes. His uncle palmed his face at his impatience. 

V(red eyes glowing while he clutched his fists to control himself): Riddhima, I want you to go back to your room, NOWW!!

She didn’t wait to hear more and ran to her room in fear of the scary avatar he has shown her. H(shouted at him): Are you crazy? you frightened the girl !! And you are now expecting her to stay.

 V(coldly): she is not a normal girl anyway, she is like us, so she should know and accept this fact. H: She helped you, but you are being ungrateful now!

Riddhima was in the room trembling with fear. 

R(shivered): it was real, He is real !! I thought it was just my imagination but He is not a normal human being !! I can’t focus, What is happening to me?

 Ishaani was sent by Harsh to check on Riddhima only to go back where Vansh was arguing with Harsh fastly. 

I: Bhai, I don’t know what’s wrong with her ! she suddenly fainted and burning with fever. Vansh’s heart skipped a beat and ran as fast as he could reaching her room. Putting his hand on her forehead, He panicked

.V: Uncle, what happened to her? Is it because of me?

 H: How could I forget this important rule? The poison that was given to you,  only one person could save you and it’s your mate! I think Riddhima is your mate. 

V: WHAT !! 

H: Yes, Vansh, She doesn’t realize her reality therefore your connections are not established, but the moment your blood accessed her body, Her powers started been activated. She is in this state due to that, and (He hesitated then leaned to his ear and said something that made him widened his eyes)

 V: WHAAATTT? I can’t! 

H: You should! If you want to save her! Ishaani, come with me, Let your brother handle it.They were left alone, He looked at her face, The innocence reminds him of someone! 

V(to himself): It’s wrong! I can’t do it! What will she think of me when she’ll wake up? (He heard her whining in pain and trying to open her eyes, only to get shut again ) Oh no ! her condition is deteriorating with the pass of time.R: s..i..r It’s P..a..i… ! 

V(cursed): Shit! I have no other choice!! Forgive me Riddhima. (he cupped her face and she looked at the man in a trance, Slowly he roamed his hands on her arms and face that gave her ultimate pain)

R: Ahhhh 

V: it will be so painful, However, I can’t let you in this state. 

Saying so he started getting rid of their clothes together, she held his hands. 

R: N..o

V: Look at yourself, You are dying !! The pain took over her other senses, and she surrendered to Vansh who followed his uncle’s advice to rescue her, He claimed her officially as his mate.

Continued on next page…

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