Saturday 30 January 2021

Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 9


The episode starts with Vansh being still shocked and surprised from what he has heard from Ishani.

He wasn’t able to discuss with her anything because Anuprya, Aryan and Riddhima were going to leave so they were busy saying good bye to them.

Riddhima has observed that Vansh’s reaction has changed and she felt that there is something bad that has happened.

Before she lefts with Aryan and Anuprya, she holds Vansh hands.

Riddhima: Vansh, are you fine? You weren’t that sad when we are texting together. So what is the thing that makes you that sad? Do you got upset when you have seen me Mr. organizer?!

Vansh: Don’t say something like that once again Riddihme because you know how much you are very precious to me. I’m okay. There isn’t anything that is disturbing me.

Riddhima: Are you sure?

Vansh: Yes.

Vansh wasn’t able to say to Riddhima anything before he could sit with Ishani and know from her everything so he doesn’t give the chance to Aryan to get out from that situation.

Aryan: Let’s go Riddhima baby as of course Chanchel aunt is waiting for you so I have to arrive you before she got be worried about you.

Riddhima: I’m coming Aryan.

Riddhima was going to leave when Vansh stopped her by holding her hands.

Vansh: Riddhima please take care of yourself. Please be alert and don’t make anyone fools you. You have to know that you are very important to me so please don’t make me be worried about you.

Riddhima: Come on Vansh I’m not traveling to any country I’m just returning back to my home. So you don’t have to worry that much.

Vansh: Please Riddhima I’m not joking. I want you to take care about yourself very well and be careful from anyone and anything around you.

Riddhima got worried from Vansh’s words.

She wasn’t understanding the reason behind saying those words to her.

Riddhima: I really can’t understand anything from what you are saying Vansh, but I can observe that there is a very important thing that you are hiding it from me.

Aryan’s voice has interrupted Riddhima and Vansh’s conversation.

Aryan: Riddhima baby we can’t be more late. Can you please hurry up?

Riddhima: Okay Aryan I’m coming.

Riddhima has putted her hand on Vansh’s shoulder to comfort him because she was feeling how he is very worried and upset.

Riddhima: I’m sorry that I have to leave now, but I promise you that I will immediately call you when I reach to the house. As we must to have a long conversation to know what is happening with my best friend.

Vansh: Just take care about yourself.

Riddhima: You too. Please chill and smile otherwise I will not leave from here and you will made Aryan get all his anger on me.

Vansh: He can’t do such a thing when I’m with you Riddhima. Aryan can’t just think to harm you because he will find me always protecting you as I can do anything just to save you Riddu.

Riddhima: Calm down Vansh. I was just joking. Anyway, I’m really happy to see how my best friend cares about me. So smile now please as I want to see your smile before I leave.

Vansh smiled for Riddhima’s sake.

He wasn’t wanting her to leave while she is worried.

He was sure that what he will know from Ishani and Angre will make Riddhima shattered when she comes to know it.

Riddhima: Now I can leave and I’m happy. Always smile Mr. organizer. Bye.

Vansh: Bye Riddhima.

After Riddhima, Aunprya, and Aryan have left, Vansh takes Ishani and went to his room.

Vansh: Ishani can you please explain to me what you have said to me downstairs.

Ishani: I was feeling how that Aryan isn’t a good person at all before even knowing him and now after I met him I could be 100% sure that this Aryan is a very cheap guy who doesn’t deserve Riddhima at all.

Vansh: What is the thing that makes you that sure that Aryan doesn’t deserve Riddhima? Actually, this is the first time to you to see him and you didn’t spend so much time talking with him to be that sure that he isn’t a good man.

Ishani: Today wasn’t the first time to meet Aryan. I have met him from 4 months ago in one of the famous shooting clubs in the country.

Vansh: What?! You have really met Aryan before?!

Ishani: Yes Vansh bro and I wasn’t knowing that he is the same guy who is Riddhima’s boyfriend.

Vansh: So what has happened when you have met him that makes you sure that he is a cheap man and he is cheating on Riddhima?

Ishani: Because when I was in the shooting club, I have seen how he was flirting with any girl was found in the club. Actually, he comes near me and he was trying to flirt with me and makes an affair with me. Of course you know me very well and you know what was my reaction.

Vansh: Of course. I’m sure that you have insulted him very much and you have hurt his ego.

Ishani: Not only that but I also slapped him a very hard slap that made him left the shooting club and he was looking at the ground from how embarrassed he was. He wasn’t able to look at my eyes after what I have done to him.

Vansh: I’m proud of you Ishani. That Aryan doesn’t deserve anything other than what you have done to him.

Ishani: But you know what is the thing that made me surprised.

Vansh: What?

Ishani: I was sure that he will try to come again in my way and he will try to take his revenge from me for what I have done with him, but what makes me very surprised that he didn’t come in front of me again.

Vansh: Of course he became afraid from you my little sister at the end you are Vansh Rai Singhania’s sister.

Ishani: Exactly. He was afraid from you Vansh.

Vansh: What do you mean?

Ishani: Of course after I have insulted him he start to get all the information about me and when he has known that I’m your sister he decided to forget taking his revenge from me because he was afraid that you could know that he is making a lot of affairs from Riddhima’s back. Because he was sure that when you will know something like that you will immediately inform Riddhima with everything you have known.

Vansh: You are right Ishani. That’s also means that he is very alert and of course he will be ready if we have come up to Riddhima with the situation that has happened between you and him in the shooting club.

Ishani: That Aryan is very clever Vansh bro. We must to think in the same clever way that he is thinking through it so we could be able to catch him and expose him in front of Riddhima.

At the same time, Aryan has arrived Riddhima to her house.

Then he starts driving to the way to the house.

Anuprya has observed how Aryan is stray and he isn’t concentrating in anything from she is saying to him.

Anuprya: Aryan, you aren’t concentrating in anything from what I’m saying. What is going with you my son?

Aryan: I wasn’t having to go to VR mansion.

Anuprya: Why?

Aryan: I have seen Ishani there and I have totally forgotten that I mustn’t meet her whatever are the circumstances.

Anuprya: Do you mean because she is a beautiful girl? So of course you will not be able to control yourself until you make an affair with her, right?

She smiles and winks at him.

Aryan: The problem is wider than that as I have already tried to make an affair with Ishani before and she has putted me in a big problem.

Anuprya: Really?! How?! What has happened?

Aryan starts telling Anuprya what has happened between him and Ishani from 4 months ago.

He told her how Ishani has insulted him very much and how he was going to give her a big lesson, but what forbids him from doing that is when he has known that Ishani is Vansh’s sister.

Aryan: That Ishani has got saved from me because she is Vansh’s sister as I would never be able to do anything to Ishani because this could make Vansh know my truth. When Vansh knows my truth, that means that Riddhima will also know my truth.

Anuprya: So what you will do now after Ishani has seen you as she now will tell Vansh everything has happened between you and Ishani in the shooting club and of course he will say everything to Riddhima.

Aryan: She doesn’t has any proof against me mom so even if she told Vansh he will not be able to has any strong proof against me. His words will be in front of my words and I’m sure that Riddhima will listen to me as she trusts me very much especially that I have already has started the fire of doubt inside Riddhima towards Vansh so anything he will say will prove what I have said to Riddhima.

Anuprya: Well done my lovely son. I’m very proud of you.

Aryan: You know that I can’t give up until I reach to what I want.

They shook hands and they start laughing.

Afterwards, Vansh and Ishani were trying to find a solution that could make them succeed in exposing Aryan in front of Riddhima.

Ishani: So what we will do now?

Vansh has received a message from Angre.

Angre: I have reached to VR mansion and I waiting for you at the entrance of VR mansion.

Vansh: The solution has already arrived to us Ishani as Angre has arrived to VR mansion after he has reached to all the information about that Aryan.

Ishani: So let’s go to him now as we don’t have to waste more time without exposing that Aryan in front of Riddhima.

Vansh and Ishani went to the entrance where Angre was waiting for them.

Vansh and Ishani have taken Angre to Vansh’s library and they closed its door to not make anyone listen to their conversation.

Angre starts telling Vansh and Ishani what he has known about Aryan.

He has told them how Aryan is a very cheap man who is cheating on Riddhima and he isn’t loving her at all.

He has told them how Aryan is roaming with any girl is found around him.

He also has told them how Aryan is just with Riddhima because she is a beautiful girl and he is just trying to find the chance to reach to what he wants from Riddhima and then he will leave her.

Vansh got very angry when he became sure from Aryan’s cheat.

Vansh: How dare that Aryan to cheat on my best friend?! I will not leave him and he will get a huge punishment from me for playing with Riddhima’s feelings.

Ishani: Please calm down Vansh.

Angre: Yes Vansh you have to calm down because your anger will not change anything. So you have to be quiet and think carefully so you could be able to know what the next move that you shall do it to expose that Aryan in front of Riddhima. Because unfortunately till now I still don’t have any strong proof against Aryan, but at the same time we can’t sit quiet and leave Riddhima still doesn’t aware of Aryan’s truth.

Ishani: Vansh, you mustn’t to make that Aryan near Riddhima once again after what you have known about him.

Vansh: You are right guys. This isn’t the time to be angry as I must now to know what shall I do to rescue Riddhima from that Aryan.

Ishani: Angre, you must to get a very strong proofs against Aryan so he could never be able to get out from our trap.

Angre: Don’t worry guys. My men are still working very hard and they will not stop investigating until they reach to a very strong proofs against that Aryan.

Vansh: We have to reach to any girl from the girls that Aryan has made an affair with them so she could be able to support us and say the truth in front of Riddhima and this what Aryan will not be able to fake it.

Angre: I’m already working in that way and my men are trying to reach to anyone from that girls and we trying very hard so don’t worry very soon we will have proofs against that Aryan that will make Riddhima convinced that Aryan is cheating on her.

Vansh: I will not wait until we reach to a strong proof to tell Riddhima Aryan’s truth. When I will go tomorrow to Riddhima’s house for dinner, I will tell her everything related to Aryan’s truth as I can’t sit quiet seeing that Aryan fooling my best friend Riddhima.

Angre: But if you have said those things to Riddhima without a strong proof it could make Aryan be able to get out from that situation and she will not listen to your words.

Vansh: I don’t care if Riddhima didn’t listen to my words as I will be at least has made what my heart tells me to say it. I will never make that Aryan spend another second with my best friend Riddhima.

Vansh decided that whatever are the circumstances he will tells Riddhima everything about Aryan.

Vansh was very worried about Riddhima.

He wasn’t able to know what could that Aryan do to reach to what he want from Riddhima.

Vansh to himself: I promise you Riddhima that this Aryan will never be able to harm you when I’m with you. Tomorrow I will tell you everything about that idiot Aryan.

At that moment, Riddhima was in her house standing in the balcony.

She was thinking about Vansh and how he was super worried when she was in VR mansion.

Riddhima to herself: I’m sure that there is something that Vansh is hiding it from me and I must to know it as I have seen how Vansh is very upset and I must to be with him and never leave him alone.

After some time, Riddhima has called Vansh to check on him and to do the conversation that they are always doing it before going to sleep.

Riddhima: Hello Mr. organizer. How are you now?

Vansh: I’m fine Riddu.

Riddhima: I don’t feel from your voice that you are fine at all. You are still will not tell me what is the thing that is disturbing you that much.

Vansh: You know that I can’t hide anything from you my best friend. I will tell you everything tomorrow when I come to your house for dinner as what I’m going to say it to you is very important and I must to say it to you face to face.

Riddhima: You made me got very worried Vansh.

Vansh: You don’t have to worry Riddhima as your best friend is with you so everything will be fine.

Riddhima: You made very curious for tomorrow’s dinner as I really want to know what you are going to say it to me.

Vansh was feeling how Riddhim is happy and excited.

He wasn’t able to tell her that what he will say it to her tomorrow will not make her happy at all.

As Vansh was sure that Riddhima will be very heart broken when she knows that her boyfriend that she loves him very much is cheating on her.

Vansh was also afraid that Riddhima could not be convinced from his words because he doesn’t have any proofs against Aryan.

Vansh to himself: Even if you didn’t become convinced from my words Riddhima, I will not leave you and I will be always with you until you reach to that Aryan’s truth. That Aryan will not be able to succeed in what he wants because I will always be with you and I will not give him the chance to do anything from what he wants from you.

Vansh and Riddhima start chit chatting together.

They were talking about different things.

Riddhima has told Vansh about her new friendship with Ragini.

Riddhima: I’m really happy to form a friendship bond with Ragini as I have known her since a lot and I’m sure that I will enjoy my time with her.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that there is someone who will take my place in my best friend’s heart! I will never allow something like to happen as I will always be the only great best friend to you Riddu.

Riddhima: Of course Vansh. You will always be the only great great best friend to me. No one would be able to take your place in my heart. You will always be very special to me Vansh. Our friendship will always be one of the most important relations in my life.

Vansh was happy from Riddhima’s words.

He was hoping that God could protect his friendship with Riddhima.

Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima have ended their call to go to sleep.

At morning, Riddhima and Ragini went to the school together.

They were enjoying the new friendship bond that has formed between each other.

Then Riddhima went to start her sessions.

She was excited for today’s dinner that she will spend it with her best friend Vansh.

She was also excited to know what Vansh will tell her today.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Please guys keep supporting me and I hope that every update I could see different comments from you all because every comment each one of you is published I really got be very happy from reading so please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

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