Sunday, 3 January 2021

#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 21 – Team Riddhima


Episode starts with….

Vansh and Riddhima’s thought broke and realised what Kabir just said and gave him a stern look which made him sit quiet while Aryan, Sejal & Siya were laughing

Vansh: Riddhima we can have self-service. You sit and have your food. Vaise bhi you are tired

Aryan: OMG!!! Riddhima is tired!!! (teasing)

Sejal (teasing): But why!!!

Kabir (teasing): Shut up guys they might have had some private matter because of which she might be tired (trying not to laugh)

Vansh & Riddhima (seriously): Shut Up!!!!!!

Everyone shut their mouths and looked at them waiting for someone to react

Vansh: I need not give any explanation but still Riddhima had a very tired day in office and hospital and so is exhausted (stern look)

Dadi: Riddhima Vansh is right. Beta you sit. We all will do self-service.

Riddhima to avoid any awkward situation by sitting beside Vansh she decided to sit beside Siya and was about to when was stopped by

Siya: Bhabhi what happened? Why are you not sitting beside bhai? Did you both have a fight?

Vansh & Riddhima (unison): NO!!!

They both stared each other

Siya: Did bhai say anything bhabhi?

Riddhima: NO!!!

She looked at Vansh who was smiling and then

Riddhima: How can you think that Vansh will say anything. It’s just that …. That….

Aryan: That what Riddhima!!! (naughty smirk)

Riddhima (stern): I was not sitting here. Just came to pick the juice jug.

She picked it and went to sit beside Vansh and gave him an awkward smile and Vansh understood the story behind that smile and the awkwardness

Vansh (smiling) (thinking): I know Riddhu why you are feeling awkward but what’s there to feel so! I Had a great time. I loved it. You in my arms is something I always wanted. You being close to me we both engrossed in each other and utter silence and no one to disturb our moment. Isn’t it dreamy!!! Kaash someday this dream of mine would fulfill without you feeling awkward.

All had their meal and while all the elders retired to their rooms, youngsters sat in lawn and were just chilling

Sejal: Vaise Riddhima forgot to ask what about the work you went for yesterday! I wanted to ask yesterday but you retired to bed early and morning I was late so rushed and didn’t get chance to ask

Kabir: Poocho mat (don’t ask)

Siya: Kyu bhai what happened?

Vansh: It’s a long story guys leave it.

Riddhima: You both are over reacting. She asked me about work and you both are talking of other stuff. And yea Sejal required measurement and other stuff have been done. Spoke to the material manager too and semi-finalised the required stuff. Need to work on designs.

Sejal: Vo sab theek hain (all that’s okay) but what was Kabir bhai telling!

Riddhima: Nothing ignore

Siya: Now am eager to know

Aryan: So am I

Riddhima (looking at Kabir): It’s you who started and so you’ll manage.

Kabir smiled and told him all that happened as to how Shreya insulted Riddhima, Vansh’s outburst, their apologies & the staff eagerness.

Aryan (shock): Someone….

Sejal (shocked): Spoke in such a rude way with

Siya (shock): Bhabhi!!!!!!!!

Their jaws were dropped to know what happened and were ultra-shocked to know that Vansh apologised.

Aryan: Vansh from when did you start to ask for apologies?

Kabir: Since Riddhima started noticing his mistakes and being adamant to Vansh

Riddhima: Shut up Kabir. Vansh isn’t such. He knows what’s wrong and right. So, stop bad mouthing him

Sejal: Someone is so possessive

Riddhima: I can’t deal with you all now. Am going. Bye. Good night

She bid bye to everyone and left while Vansh was smiling as to how she was supporting his nature and was staring at her retreating figure

Kabir: Guys I didn’t tell you one more thing that happened in office.

Vansh looked at him questioningly

Kabir: Bhai am talking about staff discussion and our plan

Aryan: What plan?

Kabir tells them the staff discussion to woo Riddhima and reach Vansh through her and their plan to let it happen so that Riddhima can realise her love for Vansh

Sejal: Bhai is it your office or a drama company! Like seriously!! They are trying to trap our Riddhima for their selfish motives

Siya: Bhai am worried ki Kahi in all this fuss they might not hurt Bhabi

Aryan: Siya Riddhima isn’t a kid. She can handle herself and in this manner if she realises that Vansh is only hers then what else do we need than that!

Kabir: Exactly we are giving them the chance to unite bhai and Riddhima.

Vansh: Am worried too guys. I can’t see her in pain. After all that happened 2 months back she is still suffering and now this! I don’t know but if at all anyone crosses limits and hurts my Riddhu then am going to kick them hard.

Aryan: Don’t worry Vansh we all here to take care of her.

Sejal: We won’t leave a chance for her to get hurt



 Precap: Vansh: Love is supposed to happen it can’t be forced

Hope you like it.

If there are any suggestions or improvement needed, please do suggest.

The post #RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 21 – Team Riddhima appeared first on Telly Updates.

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