@Divya hope you’ll speak to me now … As per your open dhamki am updating
… No more time waste… vaise bhi isn’t it triple dhamaka once again
…….. here we gooooo….
Episode starts with…
It’s 3:00 am, AR House,
Angre nodded and they left towards the girls room. They entered to see the Sejal and Ishani sitting together hugging Riddhima’s pic and being worried for her. Vansh and Angre felt bad for them and went towards them to care them. Vansh went towards Sejal who was the one who was broke totally while Angre towards Ishani who was blaming herself for not saving Riddhima.
Vansh: I can understand what you are going through. We need to be strong enough to defeat this problem and save her.
Angre: Ishani you are not at fault. You tried your best and they overpowered you in which you couldn’t have done anything. Why do you blame yourself for something which you haven’t done!
They tried to calm the girls to some extent when Vansh asked the question he came to ask
Vansh: Ishani do you remember anything about the persons? Anything would be helpful.
Before she could think and answer they saw Siya waking in a startle taking Riddhima’s name (Siya was sleeping all while)
Siya: Bhabhi!!!!!
All rushed towards her to calm her. Angre handed her water while she hugged Vansh out of fear and was weeping
Siya: Bhai, where is bhabhi! Bhai, please get her soon!!
Vansh: Siya handle yourself. I assure you you’ll get your bhabhi soon! Trust us
Before they could speak anything further they heard a voice from downstairs and they recognised the owner of the voice and all of them rushed towards living area to see Rudra worried and concerned. Seeing him Sejal couldn’t handle and ran to hug her father and was crying freaking him out. He was first of all worried and her condition was scaring him for worse while all others were staring at him apologetically as everyone was blaming themselves.
Rudra: Sejal beta what happened!!! You are scaring me!! Why are you all staring me this way! And where is Riddhima!! Riddhima!!! Riddhima!!!! (shouting her name as if calling her)
He gave her voice but not receiving any reply he gave a worried look towards the boys and seeing them equally worried he was staring at Sejal expecting an answer but her condition wasn’t describable.
Rudra: Will anyone speak? Where is Riddhima?
Ishani: Uncle Riddhima ….
Rudra: Is she fine? What happened to her? Isn’t she well? Did she get fever? Or is she having any other health issue? She tells she is fine to avoid giving us any tension but I know her she might be having fever and might be in room looking at the stars covering herself in shawl! Am I right!! She might have not even taken medicines and will not even allow any doctor to check her citing she herself is a doctor. But even am her father I’ll prepare soup for her and after that she’ll feel better. Wait I’ll get it now itself!!!
Saying so he left towards kitchen while everyone was seeing him disappear. Everyone had tears seeing his love and care for his daughter. None had courage to reveal the truth. How to inform a father about what happened to his beloved daughter! How to inform him that he’s daughter has been kidnapped! How to inform him that the daughter with whom he spent time till few hours back is now in danger! How to reveal to a father that he’s daughter is now in someone else’s clutches and her safety isn’t guaranteed!!! How will a father react to this news! Can he be able to handle this! Can he accept the reality? Can he handle himself? Can he control his feelings? Will he able to???
Sejal hugged Ishani and was continuously weeping
Sejal: Ishani Pa always loved Riddhu more than me and I never had any issues with it because she is my everything and she deserved all that love but today am unable to see Pa’s condition. I know him he’s trying to act normal when he’s heart is heavy thinking of Riddhima even when he isn’t exactly aware of what happened to her! How do I handle him! How do I reveal the bitter truth? He’ll break with the news!!! What do I do!!! On one hand my sister is away and am unable to cope with her absence and now and now!!!! Pa!!!! He is going to break! How do I handle him! He can’t accept the truth!!!!
Ishani tried to calm Sejal and everyone was waiting for Rudra to come. After few minutes when they saw him coming with a tray in his hands with soup on it. They didn’t know how and what to tell him. Everyone was staring at him blankly while Sejal was trying to control her emotions as she needs to handle her father now. As Rudra was about to proceed towards Riddhima’s room, Sejal can’t see him having expectation so she stopped him mid-way shocking him and took the tray from his hands puzzling him.
Rudra: Sejal what’s this? Beta Riddhima is unwell and she needs this! She’ll be perfectly fine with this. You know right! She’ll be waiting for me to bring this for her.
Sejal: Pa!!! I want to speak to you
Rudra: Beta whatever it is. Let’s speak after I give it to Riddhima! She might get more unwell with delay
Sejal: Pa!!! Please listen
Rudra: Sejal you aren’t understanding me! Riddhima is unwell and I could sense it. She is waiting for me!!! She might be having issue (took the tray and was about to leave)
Sejal (shouting): PA!!!!!!!! Why are you behaving this way trying to act normal when you pretty well know she is in danger! Yes your instinct is right! She is in danger!!! She has been kidnapped!!!!!!
Everyone was shocked to see Sejal’s outburst and were now waiting for Rudra to react as he stood their motionless. He was not showing any reaction and that was something unusual and his calmness was freaking the others. That’s when something unusual happened, he held the tray in one hand and approached Sejal and before she could utter something she received a tight slap!! Yes Rudra slapped her tight shocking Sejal and others. None could believe that Rudra who loved his daughters utmost and in whom his life was possessed today raised his hand. Angre rushed towards Sejal to give her support while Rudra had anger in his eyes and before anyone could speak
Rudra: How dare you play such prank on me! How can you even think of such thing to happen! (anger) Nothing happened to Riddhima and she is just unwell resting in her room.
Angre: Uncle….
Sejal cut him to speak and moved towards her father
Sejal: You want to slap me again, then do it! None would stop you and I’d bear every slap but Pa you need to accept that this is the truth and yes Riddhu has been kidnapped!! She has been kidnapped!!! She…. has…. been….ki…..kidnapped!!!!!!!!! (she was stammering and broke)
Rudra couldn’t believe what he heard and when he turned around to see everyone he understood that whatever his daughter said is reality as others were having tears in their eyes. Before he could react to the bad news he collapsed on ground. Yes!! The tray in his hand fell in reflex and he collapsed on ground and others rushed towards him to support him. Sejal held her dad to support him in accepting the reality. Angre and Vansh led him to the couch and made him to sit and offered him water but he was so shocked that he didn’t even react nor did he move.
Sejal (worried): Pa, please speak something at least vent your anger, frustration, or disappointment but please do react!!!
After few minutes of silence, he finally reacted, he was broke but he wanted to stay strong for his princess. So, he finally spoke!!!
Rudra: How did this happen? And what exactly happened?
Sejal and Ishani explained him everything that happened after they heard a blast type of sound. Rudra was shell shocked to learn what happened to his daughter when he wasn’t around and even he started blaming himself for not being around her when she needed him the most. He accused himself for not protecting his daughter. He couldn’t believe that someone could kidnap his that daughter who never hurt anyone even unknowingly. He wondered then how come someone hurt her by kidnapping her!!
Rudra: How can someone kidnap her! And why! Any ransom call?
Everyone nodded in disapproval
Rudra: Toh phir kyu!!! (then why) She never hurt anyone then how can someone do this to her! Angre did you try to trace her phone and did you try to know her location?
Angre: Uncle I tried tracing her phone but there are no signals and because of that we couldn’t find her yet and I have put all my sources and informers into work and they are trying to find her.
Vansh: Uncle am going to speak to DGP and now even the police forces would search her. I assure you uncle; your daughter will be in front of you within 44 hours.
He excused himself to speak to DGP, while Rudra was still in shock, he couldn’t digest that his daughter is missing. He couldn’t accept that he can’t caress her face when she is upset, he can’t see her those innocent filled eyes, he can’t listen to her voice, he can’t play with her, he can’t fight with her, he can’t feed her, he can’t cook for her. This was heart-breaking to him.
Rudra: Don’t know where she is and how! Don’t know when she’ll be back and in which state! Don’t know what the kidnappers are doing to her! Don’t know how she is facing them all alone! Don’t know how she is handling herself! Don’t know how she is handling her fear! She is missing us, she is asking us to help her, she is scared, she is alone!!! How do I find my princess! How do I know her wellbeing! How can I be so irresponsible father!! Am not a person to be called a father!!! Which father is careless coming to the daughter’s safety like me!!
Sejal: Pa!! What are you speaking! There is no father as perfect as you. And Riddhima and me are lucky to have you as our father. And don’t worry for her safety! Bhai is trying hard to find her location and they assured us that they’ll get her safely within 48 hours and we all trust them.
Angre: Its 44 hours Sejal!!!
Everyone turned around to see Angre coming towards them
Siya: Jeeju! Any news?
Angre: Not yet Siya but one thing is clear that the persons were very well aware of who’s in house, where the cameras are and how many guards are there!
Rudra: But how come they know the inner information?
Angre: That’s the main puzzle we are trying to decode. And very soon we’ll do that.
Meanwhile Vansh was in call with DGP
DGP (sleepy voice): Mr. Vansh!!! At this hour! Is everything ok?
Vansh: I need your help! Actually, one of my family member has been kidnapped few hours back and I need her within 44 hours
DGP: Definitely! Am getting my team into work now. And I’d like to know more details of the missing person
Vansh: You’ll get that in few minutes
DGP: Ok Vansh! One of my officer would get in touch with you in few minutes and he’ll help you.
Vansh: That’s better!
He cut the call and returned to the living room and informed everyone about the same! Rudra was guilty for 2 points – one for not being able to protect his daughter while the other was
Rudra: Am sorry!!! Am sorry beta I shouldn’t have raised my hand on you. I never did but I…. I don’t know why I did it now!!! Please forgive me!!!
Sejal sat beside him and hugged him to comfort him
Sejal: Pa why are you sorry! You didn’t do anything wrong in that! Any father would have reacted that way and I’d have been shocked if you didn’t react such. I know what she is to you and your reaction is justified in fact even I reacted the same when I got to know about her. So please Pa don’t make me feel guilty by telling sorry!
They hugged each other to calm themselves as it was needed.
Precap: But there’s 50% possibility that it may be them
So that’s all for today. Hope you guys are enjoying and please do comment and let me know your views and suggestions if any needed.
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