Friday, 22 January 2021




Hi guys,

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this..

Here the episode begins…


RIDDHIMA: Vansh, why are you looking so tensed?

VANSH: Riddhima, actually just now Aryan called me. From the way he spoke, I think that he must be somewhere here.

RIDDHIMA: Which means, he must be following us.

VANSH: Ya.. Ok, come let’s leave immediately.

RIDDHIMA: Why vansh? I need ice cream.

VANSH: Riddhima, are you joking? It’s not safe for us to roam like this. If aryan is watching us, then he may attack us any time.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, stop worrying. Come, let’s have ice cream.

VANSH: Riddhu, what happened to you? You are behaving as if though nothing happened? Do you remember? We have challenged him. As far as I know aryan will not accept his defeat that easily. We must be careful.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I don’t know much about him. But, I know you very well. I know that you won’t lose. I’m sure that how much ever aryan tries he can’t defeat you. Moreover, I’m not afraid of him now. I’m feeling safe and secure when I’m with you. And, I’m sure that aryan can’t harm me until you are with me. So you please don’t worry.

VANSH: Riddhu, are you sure? Aren’t you afraid of that aryan?

RIDDHIMA: No vansh. Earlier, I used to think a lot about him and whenever I think about him all the bitter incidents comes in front of me. But now, whenever I think about him the promise you made comes in front of me. Moreover the moment when I placed my hand on your hand and said that I trust you, I left all my fears and forgot all those bitter incidents. Now I’m only vansh’s best friend and I trust him a lot. As I’ve already said, my trust on you is bigger than my fear. Vansh, so you don’t worry. Come let’s have ice cream. Just live in the present.

Saying so, riddhima buys two cone ice creams.

VANSH:( thinking) Riddhima, though you don’t love me you trust me. I’m very happy. Your trust is more important to me than your love. Because, for every relationship trust and belief is the foundation.

Breaking his thoughts..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, here is your favourite chocolate flavour.

VANSH: Riddhu, do you remember it even now?

RIDDHIMA: Of course, How will I forget it.

They both sit on a chair placed on the corner of the road.

VANSH: Riddhu, shall we have the ice creams in our style?

RIDDHIMA: Haa.. Of course..

They both together first bites at the bottom of the cone and then drop by drop sips the cream inside it.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, let’s see, who first completes?

VANSH: I’m ready, But you shouldn’t cheat me as always you do. You must sip it drop by drop.

RIDDHIMA: Ok, I’m ready.

They both were enjoying their ice cream. Vansh, almost completes his ice cream. Riddhima sees it and gulps the total ice cream in one mouth.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, as always I won.

VANSH: Of course, as always by cheating.

RIDDHIMA: No, I didn’t cheat.

VANSH: Don’t lie lazy goose.

RIDDHIMA: Just accept that I won. And don’t call me like that.

VANSH: ( shouting) No, I won’t. Lazy goose.

Saying so, vansh runs while runs behind chasing him.

Some goons comes behind and kidnaps riddhima. Vansh without noticing it keeps on running. Just then aryan comes in front of vansh.

ARYAN: Vansh, since 1 hour I’ve been following you and only now I got my chance.

Hearing those words, vansh turns to see her but only then he realizes that she was not there.

VANSH: Aryan, where is riddhima?

ARYAN: Do you really think, that I will tell you?

VANSH: Aryan, if anything happens to her, then I won’t spare you.

ARYAN: Vansh, my target is riddhima. I won’t leave her. I had not even thought that this challenge will be that much easy and you will lose so easily. Now just within 20 minutes your riddhima is going to die. This game will end from where it started and after that even I will never leave you too.

Saying so aryan leaves the place.

VANSH: How come, I was so care less? I promised riddhu, that I’ll protect her. But now, what will I do?

Just think vansh, even now you have 20 minutes to save her. But how? How? How?

Meanwhile the goons brings riddhima to the same godown where aryan killed the police officer six months back.

One of the goon calls aryan.

GOON: Boss, we had safely reached the place.

ARYAN: I’ll be there in 5 minutes.

Saying so, he cuts the call.

After 5 minutes..

Aryan comes to the godown and sees riddhima who has been tied to the chair.

ARYAN: Riddhima, you shouldn’t have crossed my path. You shouldn’t have done that. The mistake which you did is now going to take your life.

RIDDHIMA: You can’t do anything.

ARYAN: Riddhima, are you joking? You are in my place now. None can save you.

RIDDHIMA: Aryan, did you forgot? This time, I’m not alone. Vansh is with me. I’m sure that he will come. And once he comes here then you are going to be the sufferer. Vansh, told me that you won’t accept your defeat that easily. But I’m sure this time you are going to lose. Practice to accept the defeat. Accept the reality. This is my tip for you.

ARYAN: Enough!! Riddhima, you have spoken too much.

Saying so, Aryan takes a knife.

RIDDHIMA: ( thinking) Vansh, still now, I trust you. Aryan is just in front of me, but I’m not afraid of him. My heart is saying that you’ll come and save me. I don’t know why I’m having such feelings. But I believe what my heart says. Will my trust win?

Aryan was about to stab her. Just then riddhima hears..

VANSH: Riddhimaaaaaaaa

The next second riddhima opens her eyes and a smile appeared on her face.

Vansh comes and fights with the goons. He even beats Aryan and Aryan falls on the floor. Vansh releases riddhima..

ARYAN:( shouting) No.. No.. No..

VANSH: Nothing will change by shouting.

ARYAN:( thinking) How come vansh reached this place? Does he know about this godown already?

VANSH: Aryan, I know what you are thinking? I’ll tell you how I came here?

PRECAP: ARYAN: They both have done too much. This time I’ll make riddhima choose her death. This time vansh can’t save riddhima.

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.

The post RIANSH- A CUTE BEST COUPLE (Episode 25) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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