Hello everyone!!
- The OS begins from Vansh agreeing that he was the one behind all Riddhima’s attacks.
Riddhima’s POV:
I am completely shattered. My heart is broken just because my trust is broken. He agreed to all the allegations, honestly. With his every answer, I experienced a new death. Like, someone is piercing a knife in my heart. Though, I know that it’s all true and real but only I wish if all of this is a dream, NO! Not a dream, but a horrible nightmare. And again, tomorrow morning when I wake up, I find myself in his arms. I can’t think of anything right now but then he spoke,
Vansh: Do you really love me?
Riddhima(instantly): From the bottom of my heart.
Vansh: Then you need to prove it!
My heart again broke. I don’t know why but every person whom I love asks me to prove my love for him. Am I not a human? Do I not have emotions? Do I not deserve love, care and affection? All I dreamt was a happy life with a simple and normal man but why does my heart start beating for people like a CBI cop and a mafia. I was lost in my thoughts but Vansh again spoke.
Vansh: I have asked you something Riddhima, Are you ready to prove your love?
Riddhima: I am! In the next 24 hours you can take my test!
I agreed to you Vansh but when I’ll do your work, I’ll leave you forever as a punishment for myself to love you.
Vansh: Think about it!
Riddhima: In your love today, I am ready to kill myself.
On hearing this Vansh kept his index finger on my lips, making me shut.
Vansh: You don’t need to kill yourself but instead need to kill someone else.
Riddhima(confused): Whom?
Vansh: Kabir!
Did he just take Kabir’s name? I don’t have any issues, at the end I am just going to leave Vansh and go away from him.
Vansh: I don’t think that you’d be able to do so.
Riddhima: I’ll do it!
Vansh left from there and I sat down covering my face with my palms. First, in the name of love I was asked to spy someone and now, I am asked to kill someone. Does my love require price? I thought love is an emotion but I hadn’t known that love comes along with pain and price. Whatever it maybe Vansh, but my decision is final.
Author’s POV:
Next day,
Morning at 10:00am,
The whole family was gathered down for pooja. Vansh took Riddhima to a side, near the stairs and said,
Vansh: Here, take this gun(giving Riddhima the gun) It will help you and make your work easier.
Kabir gets a call and he walks out to answer it. Riddhima takes it as an opportunity to shoot him and follows him. Kabir was answering the call and his back was facing Riddhima. After Kabir hung the call and turned around, he saw Riddhima standing behind. Before he could say anything, she pointed the gun at him. He was stunned at this move. At that time, he really wished if he had believed Ahana.
Kabir: What are you doing Riddhima?
Riddhima: Proving my love to Vansh!
Kabir: What do you mean?
Riddhima: Vansh has asked me the same thing which you asked and that is ‘A price for my love’. I loved you previously and i fulfilled my price by entering Vansh’s life. Now wouldn’t it be unfair to my love for Vansh if I won’t take your life?
Kabir: My life?
Riddhima: Yaa! Your life is a price for my love.
Kabir: You wouldn’t do it Riddhima, I trust you!
Riddhima: And why do you think that I won’t break your trust? There was a time when I trusted you with all my heart but instead got betrayed. Learn it from me Kabir, I am well experienced in this. I have always been betrayed from the one’s whom I love. So don’t keep your trust on me.
Kabir: Riddhima, please don’t say it! I don’t wanna die! I will leave this house, RIGHT NOW!
Riddhima: There was a time when I really wanted this, but you didn’t listen and now all you can do is sacrifice your life for your pawn!
Before Kabir could react and say anything, Riddhima shot him. The gun shot was heard inside the house but Vansh covered up the situation inside saying there must be someone bursting crackers.
Vansh made his way to the garden area and was surprised to find no one present there. He had heard a gun shot, so shouldn’t he be expecting Kabir’s dead body lying on the floor.
Vansh(to himself): Where is Kabir? Forget Kabir, where is Riddhima? Did she again betray me? Did she again choose Kabir? No…No… Riddhima said that she loves me. Her eyes spoke that, so maybe Kabir manipulated her. Will he harm her? I won’t let that happen? But if she betrayed me then I won’t let her speak a word!
Vansh(loudly): Angre! Angre!
Angre rushed to Vansh and stood besides him.
Angre: What happened Bhai?
Vansh: Check the CCTV’s footage of this area. I need to know everything.
Angre went to check the footage while Vansh went to his room.
In Vansh’s room,
Vansh’s POV:
After ordering Angre to check the CCTV footage, I walked to my room. I thought, Riddhima might be here, but to my disappointed, she isn’t. Where is she? I was about to sit on bed then I saw a white coloured paper folded and kept below the jug. What paper is it? A trash? Let’s see! I opened the paper and it turned out to be a letter which reads,
Dear Vansh,
If you are reading this letter then definitely I am not near you. When you asked me the price of my love which was to kill Kabir, I did! Kabir is no more in this world or to make it sound better, Kabir is no more in ‘your world’. And so am I leaving your world. I decided the very moment that I will fulfill your price but in return punish myself for loving you. When you faked your identity as Vihaan and entered the house, I was broke. I wonder how couldn’t you see my pain? Was your revenge more powerful than my love for you? Or did you let it overpower? I don’t know! All I know is that when I realised that you are Vansh disguised as Vihaan, I was hurt but my hurt was nothing in front of the joy I had on learning that my Vansh is alive. But when I realised that you are the one planning attacks on me, I couldn’t believe. But the main thing which broke me was that you played with me, you played with my emotions, you played with my feelings, you played with my love for you, you played with my trust I had for you. I don’t know where my future lies but I know that my future isn’t with you. I can’t be proving my love for everyone. Love is a priceless emotion Vansh. I loved you with all my heart but I guess I was just an option for you. You must have felt that mere infatuation as love. And don’t worry Vansh neither would Kabir nor would I enter in your life again. Kabir is dead for the world and I am dead for the Raisinghania family. But the day Sia wakes up, please give my regards to her and ask Dadi to take care of herself. And the rest of the family, well…..they don’t care about my existence so let them do what they want!
(I wouldn’t write ‘yours’ since I no longer belong to you.)
I am shattered. She left me.
My heart: She can’t leave you Vansh. She loves you. She belongs to you. She is the one who can take care of you all her life without expecting anything but love. All you need to do is, some efforts to search her.
My mind: Why are you crying Vansh? This was something you always wanted. She was a blo*dy cheater. She betrayed you along with her ex, your so-called enemy. If you are crying then you should cry because she is still alive. Betrayers don’t just have to leave the world the of Vansh Raisinghania, they also have to leave the planet Earth.
My thoughts were broken when there was a knock on the door. I saw Angre standing there. I nodded and he walked in. I asked him, “What’s the update Angre?”
Angre: Bhai, I just can’t understand but I am really Sorry! I tried my best but I couldn’t get the footage. The CCTV camera of that area went off. And the camera started moments before you go there.
Was it all planned? I don’t know, how and why? Did she purposely put the camera’s off? So that she can leave the house? There was some noise going on downstairs, Angre and I went down to see a small boy standing in the centre. I walked upto him and he spoke,
Boy: You are Vansh Raisinghania, right?
Vansh: Ya!
Boy: Didi told me to handover this to you.(Giving Vansh a pendrive)
Vansh: Who’s didi?
Boy: My didi!
Vansh: And the name of your didi?
Boy: Riddhima didi!
I froze. What must be inside?
Vansh: What is there inside?
Boy: I don’t know but she said that I should only give this to you and no one else. She was getting late and then she hurriedly left with the Bhaiya, handing over me the chocolates.
Vansh: Bhaiya?
Boy: Yaa!
Vansh: okay!
I looked at Angre and he called a servant since he understood my gaze. He understands my eyes better than my spouse. Dadi came near me.
Dadi: What happened Vansh? Where is Riddhima?
Well the answer to her and my questions lies in the pendrive. Angre brought a laptop and we started the video. Ohh! It was the video of the garden when Riddhima was behind Kabir,
Riddhima: There was a time when I really wanted this, but you didn’t listen and now all you can do is sacrifice your life for your pawn!
Before Kabir could react and say anything, Riddhima shot him. The gun shot was heard inside the house but Vansh covered up the situation inside saying there must be someone bursting crackers.
The video ended. She actually fulfilled her promise. But then another video played, Riddhima was present in it.
Riddhima: Vansh, the conversation in this video is not complete. I just send you the video of Kabir being shot by me so that you believe that I haven’t betrayed you. I respect you. All I can is, I fulfilled my promise to you. But now, I am leaving you forever, Bye!
I was still not in my senses when a servant came and spoke, “There is something going on in the machines in Sia mam’s room.” Angre instantly called the doctor and all of us rushed to her room. The doctor came and all of us were asked to stand outside. There was an emotion of fear going on within us. The doctor came out of her room and broke the news that Sia is out of coma and we can meet her in an hour. I had tears, tears of happiness.
An hour later,
We are all standing inside and Sia opens her eyes. I immediately hugged her. My sister, I missed to see her like this. Eventually, everyone hugged her. She smiled but then there was some expression on her face like she’s missing someone here. But whom? Riddhima?
Vansh: What happened Sia? Are you looking for something?
Sia: I am looking for Bhabhi! Didn’t y’all inform her that I am awake. Why isn’t she here to see me?
Vansh: Actually…..
Sia(interrupting): Anyways Bhai, I need to tell you something. It was Anupriya maa who attacked me abd tried to kill me. Bhabhi is innocent. Anupriya even tried to inject various poisons in me but Bhabhi always came and gave an antidote. And that Kabir, he isn’t innocent. He blackmailed Bhabhi that if she won’t agree to marry him then he would kill Ishani and her child. Bhabhi is an angel, Bhai!
After hearing Sia’s words, I fell in the world of guilt. Now how do I tell Sia that her Bhabhi is not willing to be a part of Raisinghania household. Why didn’t I listen to her? Why didn’t I trust her? Why was I blinded with revenge? How many more shocks would I have to receive in a day? She left me, she left me alone to live, to live with the pain, to live with the guilt, to live lifeless. Why Riddhima? I just couldn’t sit there anymore. I walked back to my room.
Author’s POV:
Three years later,
VR mansion,
In these years, Aryan became a responsible and started taking care of the family and managed well with the VR Enterprises. Chanchal stopped running behind money too much but instead loved the family even more, Rudra stopped chasing the property, Angre took good care of Ishani as well as Sakshi (his and Ishani’s daughter), Ishani accepted Angre as her husband and stopped insulting or back answering people, Sia spoke a little less with everyone in the house since she held everyone responsible for Riddhima’s departure, Vansh started searching Riddhima everywhere but also became a workaholic with 19 hours work a day. Dadi tried to maintain herself away from the family except Sia and Sakshi and asked others not to get over friendly with her until Riddhima comes back to their life.
Somewhere else,
A lady in her mid-twenties came inside the room and saw her child sleeping.
Lady: Veer, baccha, wake up! We need to go to school.
Veer: Five minutes Mumma! I am really sleepy.
Lady: No five minutes Veer, it’s better you wake up now! Fast.
Saying so the lady dragged the blanket and the child got up. Veer hugged his mother and kissed her on her cheek saying, “ Good Morning Mumma!”
Lady: Good Morning Veer! Now let’s go and have bath and then breakfast. Okay?
Veer: Okay!
Voice: Riddhima!
They turned to the voice and on seeing the person Veer jumped out of joy and ran into the person’s arms.
Veer: Good Morning!
Person: Good Morning! (To Riddhima) Today let the maid make him bath, I need your help for breakfast.
Riddhima and the person walked to the kitchen after Veer going to have bath. Riddhima faced him and said, “Thank you Karan.”
Karan: Not again! Please!
Riddhima: If only you hadn’t helped me then this wouldn’t have happened.
The past:
Riddhima’s POV:
Vansh: I don’t think that you’d be able to do so.
Riddhima: I’ll do it!
Vansh left from there and I sat down covering my face with my palms. First, in the name of love I was asked to spy someone and now, I am asked to kill someone. Does my love require price? I thought love is an emotion but I hadn’t known that love comes along with pain and price. Whatever it maybe Vansh, but my decision is final. But I won’t stay with you after this. But then where? Wait…… Karan! I’ll call him.
I rushed to my room and took my phone and dialled Karan’s number. Luckily, he answered it.
Riddhima: Hello Karan! This is Riddhima here!
Karan: How on earth do you think that I can forget you? But wait, do you need my help? You sound worried.
Riddhima: (Tells him everything related to Kabir and Vansh from the start to the incident occurred moments back)
Karan: Do you want me kill them and then bury them? Or to bury them and wait for them to die?
Riddhima: I want you to call Kabir!
Karan: Means?
Riddhima: Tomorrow when the prayer session will be going give Kabir a call, he wouldn’t answer it inside the house and would definitely move outside. I’ll follow him and shoot him.
Karan: What about Vansh?
Riddhima: I don’t want to harm him. Just let him live his life peacefully. Please Karan! Help me in this!
Karan: Why are you requesting? Just command! Tomorrow’s day will mark Kabir’s end.
Next day,
Kabir was sitting besides Ahana for prayer, his phone rang and he went outside. I followed him after taking the gun from Vansh. I hid the spy camera behind one of the bushes and then stood behind Kabir. After shooting him, Karan and I took the spy camera along with Kabir’s dead body and left the house.
The present,
I saw Veer descending the stairs. He came and hugged me tightly. It’s the most joyful feeling to me. To have my son along with the life, I had always dreamed off, a simple one.
I wanted to complete it in one go, but then needed a small suggestion from y’all. Do y’all want Riddhima to forgive Vansh and go back to him or live her life with her son as an independent woman?
The post Price for my love(1) #RIANSH appeared first on Telly Updates.
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