Hey guys I am back…really sorry for making you all wait…
Manan and Nyonika are roaming in the forest…
Nandini “VP Malhotra,I am really tired now!! And we have collected pretty much!! Let’s return plz… My legs are paining!!”
Manik (whispers) “Let me pick you up in my arms!!”
Nandini’s cheeks turn red…. She blushes profusely!!
Nyonika “Nandini! Are you ok?? Why do I feel like your cheeks turned red suddenly??”
Manik smirks… He kisses her cheeks… She is somehow controlling her smile…
Nandini “Actually I am panting so my cheeks turned red…”
Nyonika looks at her confusedly… Manik is smiling naughtily… Nandini gets an idea… She traces Manik’s hand on her waist to get the idea on his position beside her… She then purposefully traces her fingers on his chest Manik gets goosebumps… He looks at Nandini who is smirking while looking forward and following Nyonika … She purposely slowed her speed and went behind Nyonika…Manik gulps…
Nandini then moves her hairs to the side opposite to Manik revealing her neck… Now Manik is having a hard time… She knows him too well…
He couldn’t control and brings his face and buries it in the crook of her neck inhaling her smell…
It’s difficult for Nandini as well to resist his hot breaths but she has to execute her plan also… She leans her face to his side… When she feels it she nuzzles his cheek and reaches his ears… She smirks as now it’s her turn… She bites his ears…
Manik (unconsciously) “Ouch!!!”
Nyonika stops and turns at once to look at Nandini…
Manik realizes what he did and stands straight at once… He looks at Nandini who is busy controlling her smirk… He understands her trick…
Manik (whispering in her ears) “I am sorry baby doll…. Promise, I won’t bother you now but plz save me from Mom! She shouldn’t know I am here… Plz!!”
Nandini nods stiffly with a victorious smile…
Nandini “What happened VP Malhotra??”
Nyonika looks weirdly at her “I heard Manik!! I felt I heard him here!!”
Nandini “You must be missing him!!”
Nyonika “Why do you have a victorious smile on your face??”
Nandini “Of course I will have it… And you should also have… After all in few minutes,you are going to award 15 points to Arete…”
Nyonika now looks convinced at Nandini … She smiles and nods… They both move again to get out of the forest…
Manik (in an impressive tone) “You are amazing!! How do you manage that Everytime!!”
Nandini just smiles proudly…
They all come out of the forest to ground… They see Mansi and Soha also coming there…
Soha is covered is covered with mud and is wet and is looking really miserable and funny…
Nandini “Who did this to you!!!”
She starts laughing… Manik controls his laughter… Even Mansi and Nyonika are stuffing their laughs…
Soha fumes…
Mansi “She mistook a moving a creeper stem as snake and attacked it,the stems got angry and threw her into a puddle nearby… We lost many beetles due to that…”
Nandini laughs even louder “It came true today!! You reap as you sow!!!”
Nyonika “So… Let’s check which house gets points?”
She takes the transparent bag from Mansi’s hand and looks at both of them… Visibly,the Nyonika and Nandini had collected more beetles…
Nyonika “15 points to Arete..!!”
Manan get happy… Soha fumes and glares Nandini …
Mukbhi and CaVya are in Arete common room… They see the liquid in their points test tube rising…
Mukti “Nandini completed her detention and compensated for the points as well…!!”
Abhi “She is my sister after all!!!”
Cabir “Ok… But we met for something important right?? And where is Manik?? Why isn’t he here?? I am worried for him…”
Abhi “I don’t know… He wasn’t even in room… Must be drowned in Missing Nandini …”
Mukti glares him… He turns quite…
Just then Nandini enters… Navya widens her eyes seeing her…
Nandini (excitedly) “Did you see?? I just won points for us… And that So— (she notices Cabir and Navya there…) Ehh something serious?? (Mukbhi and Cabir nod) plz hold on… Give me 5 minutes,I will just change and come…”
She turns to go but Navya calls her out…
Navya “Nandu do you know where is Manik??”
Nandini (shocked but then composes) “No Navu… How would I know..?? I was doing my detention…”
Navya nods… Nandini goes to her room but Navya’s gaze follows the stairs to the boy’s room…
Mukti “She was right… How would she know?? She was completing the detention…”
Navya “Mukti,Manik was beside her all the while holding her by her waist… And she knew it… For she immediately looked in his direction when I asked it… Manik is in his room right now changing…”
Cabir “I will go and see…”
Cabir goes towards Abhi’s room…
Mukti “I never knew Manik would change so drastically!! He never bothered to look back at any girl!! Now just see!! The way he is using his powers!!!”
Abhi “Come on Mukti!! He is dating Nandini Murthy!! And Nandu can change even the direction on winds if she wants it! He is just a wizard…”
Mukti ” You Murthy siblings have done lovely magic on the Malhotra siblings…”
Abhi”Even I changed for you…”
He winks,she blushes…
Navya “bhai, I am still here in case you have forgotten!!”
Cabir comes there with Manik … Mukbhi and Cabir look at Navya impressively… She smiles…
Manik “What happened?? You all are here… Even Cabir! All ok??”
Navya “We will tell Manik … Let Nandini come…”
Manik “She hasn’t completed her detention yet! Must be roaming around clumsily in the forest…”
Mukbhi and CaVya make an expression thinking how confidently he is lying!!
Manik notices their expression… He goes and stands in front of Cabir … He looks into his eyes…
Manik “ Cabir ,leave Nandini … Tell na why is this meeting suddenly??”
But the others are already prepared to defend themselves… Cabir stops thinking about Manan and repeats in his mind only one thing… ‘Problem… Problem… Problem…’
Manik “Problem!!! What is the problem???”
Nandini comes just then and hears him….
Nandini “What problem?? Tell plz…”
Abhi “The SSS got a case to solve…”
All look at him with a bundle of questions…
Mukti “Plz take pain to explain…”
Nandini “bhai…Who on Earth are they?? And why are we having a problem because of that??”
Manik “Are SSS some kind of special group appointed by the ministry and the case is related to HECATE and they are notorious so we will have problem??”
Cabir and Navya look on unbelievably!!
Cabir “What on Earth is going on here?? Where this SSS came from?? I never heard about them!!”
Navya (helplessly at Abhi) “bhaii!!! Why????”
Abhi “I was just talking about us… I gave our group a name… SSS!!”
Mukti “And what is the full form pray??”
Abhi “The Six Striking Stunners…”
Navya “Well that sounds good but isn’t the meaning of striking and stunning same??”
Abhi “I know… But we aren’t ordinary… Come on… We all possess a rare speciality! So we are double stupendous… That’s why striking also and stunning also…”
Nandini “bhai… I loved it!!”
He lifts his collar proudly…
Cabir “Now, shall we get back to the matter??”
All nod… Cabir also nods and takes out the map…
Manik “Cabir!! How were you able to arrange the map?? We needed one to solve the form mystery and attack one as well… But we never got one..”
Navya “We are afraid Manik that this is related to the attacks on Abhi and Nandini …”
They look at her… She tells them everything….
Nandini “Give me the map!!”
Cabir gives it to her…. She studies it carefully…
Mukti “Nandu?? You found any way??”
Nandini “Mukti… I guess I did…”
Manik goes about stands beside her… He also studies the map… He looks at Nandini, she also looks at him… They both understand each other’s mind and Mark few places and circles them… While the rest four are busy admiring them and controlling their smile… Manan nod at each other…
Manik “Ok… I also know… What Nandini is thinking is alright… The plan is tomorrow morning, we will divide into three groups…”
Nandini “Two in each… As we have to inspect three different places at the same time… There shouldn’t be doubt on us…”
Manik “We are rumored for working together which is true but this time we will divide it to do it quick…”
Nandini “We will have two of Richard’s ghost with us as well… They will help us in clearing ways…”
Manik “And Navya and Nandini will inform them about that…”
Murthy sisters nod…
Nandini “Now look into the map… This is Arete common room… And this way leads to the the dining assembly… No one can avoid dining assembly for going to college or house hostles… ”
Manik “But look… On the way, before Athena Hostle, there’s a secret passage… And if our memories are sharp enough, we should remember Richard’s word… This way was opened after 20 years!!! ”
Mukti “That means the attacker entered hostel avoiding dining assembly through this area… ”
Nandini “Correct… And we need to know the entrance of this passage… So tomorrow Me and bhai will go to the passage to inspect it… bhai can fly and is capable of lifting really heavy weights, so in case we fall in problem,we cam escape…”
Abhi “That’s a good plan… Smart thought… I accept it!!”
Manik “So that was the first area and group… Second one is the Forbidden Forest…Cabir is definitely going there coz he knows what happened… And where it happened… And moreover,he can find out about the Clue’s past and in some cases, future…”
Mukti “Manik is right… And I will accompany Cabir to the Forbidden Forest… Two reasons… One,I cannot really be seen in college bunking the classes due to my studious image… And —”
Nandini “Second you are an icchadhari Naagin! And you can easily be small as worm or vast like anaconda and moreover in that jungle,no one will doubt you if you will turn to your Naagin form… What you call that… Ahh… Animalic form!!”
Mukti (fuming) “That’s Animagi! Even your Amms is one of them!! And I am not an icchadhari Naagin!!”
Others stuff their laugh including Nandini …
Nandini “Relax Mukti… I was just joking… But tell me, isn’t the reason true??”
Mukti nods…
Nandini “Good… So that’s left with Manik and Navya… You two are going to solve the most ancient mystery of Six Striking Stunners!! The mystery of Lost and Found forms!!”
Manik “For that,Navya and I will once more intrude Mom’s cabin… And while she will be busy in her classes and other college stuffs,we will try to solve the mystery… Navya you are with me–”
Navya “Coz I am able to see even those which you all can’t… I know but there are two problems which we have to face…”
Cabir “I know… And one of them is password accompanied by that yogic oldie on Mom’s cabin… The password is changed every week and we need to know the password…”
Navya nods…
Mukti “And second is Ms. Mew!! She resides in Mom’s cabin during working hours… And a slight disturbance there in her presence is going to put all of us in a very big mess!! And we have to be specially careful coz Manik,you are going to be in Mom’s cabin! And we all know about your and Ms. Mew’s chemistry…”
Nandini “Well the password thing ,I have sorted out… (All look at her) I am going to give a pre-leave application for me and Bhai… I was so tired of my detention and my flower like body, of course according to others is really tired and I need rest so I won’t be attending my classes and bhai is staying back to take care of me coz it’s her responsibility being my elder brother… And the application will need VP Malhotra’s approval so password thing is sorted out… bhai and Cabir will be taking the leave application…”
Mukti “I know Cabir will be applying for leave for both of us… But what reason are we supposed to give?? We are staying back to press your legs coz it’s paining very badly and Abhi being your elder brother isn’t allowed to touch your legs according our tradition??”
Nandini gives her a lame expression…
Cabir “I have an idea… Mukti and I are going for a day out to Dragon hub for new Norwegian Dragons have come there… And no one would deny us as we along with Abhi are together working on a research project related to dragons and the usage of their different parts in Potions as our final semester project… Abhi cannot accompany us due to Nandini and so only we both are going…”
Navya “Perfect plan… And Manik and I aren’t going to apply for leave coz 1) it will definitely arise suspicion and 2) We need to be in college in order to get into VP Malhotra’s cabin…. We will bunk classes as we usually do most of them and pass our time sitting in library so no one will doubt us for that… But I still don’t know about Ms. Mew…”
Manik “That I will figure out… Don’t worry… So every thing is sorted and planned… Only informing Richard’s group is left and that we will do tomorrow morning… Any doubts or questions???”
Abhi “Well why from tomorrow??? I mean we can start from tonight, infact right now…”
Nandini (literally screaming at her) “Because you weren’t roaming with Manik’s Mom in the Forest searching for those beetles so that Mom could dry and coarse them to be used for Potions!!! I am really tired!!!!!!”
All look on startled at her… Manik holds her hand out of reflex to calm her down… Oh course this doesn’t go unnoticed by the rest of SSS… They all stuff their smiles…
Abhi “Sorry!!! (Nandini relaxes and nods) BTW Cabir and Navu,you both should return to your Hostle… Mom wouldn’t like it if she finds it out…”
Navya “Don’t worry… I will do setting with Mom”
Cabir “And I with my Mom… And so we all are going to stay here… For the night…”
All smile… Cabir stealthily winks at Mukbhi and Navya and sign towards Manan… They smile…
Mukti “Perfect then… Let us spend our nights in the common room itself… I will do the sleeping arrangements…”
Cabir “Abhi and I are going to talk to Mom and inform her…”
Navya “I will talk to mom and return…”
Mukti “Actually,I will go with you to convince your Mom… Then I will look after the sleeping arrangements…”
Manan “Alright… We will wait for you all here then!!”
They all go their ways leaving Mana behind and alone…
Manik sits on one of the four couches kept in the common room and pulls Nandini … She sits on his lap…
Nandini (putting her arms around his neck) “What if someone sees??”
Manik (encircling her waist) “They won’t… It’s really late and all are asleep… And about those four,they will return at least after 20 minutes…”
He nuzzles her nose and pecks her lips…
Nandini “You start anywhere…”
Manik “You are at fault for this! (She looks at him) What do to… It’s just impossible to resist you…”
Nandini smiles and Manik leans in and captures her lower lips sucking them… Nandini reciprocates his actions…
There the other four who were hiding and watching them turn around swiftly closing their eyes… Mukti and Navya on one side and Cabir and Abhi on other…
Abhi “Cabir! Manik is even ahead of us! He never misses opportunities!!!”
Cabir “He didn’t even left the first chance… You heard! How cheesy he has become!!”
Navya “I don’t believe that I am seeing the same Manik as I saw on first day! He has changed a lot!! And look at this girl! My younger sister!! He is her first boyfriend and she didn’t even informed me!!”
Mukti “Nandini can really change everything according to her!! Manik is living example!! Who would believe that they fought in front of whole college on first day!”
Cabir “Mukti,you said you have some plan to expose them!!”
Abhi “Yes… It’s the time to take it in action!!But I am telling you… Nandini is clever,she won’t confess easily and we will end up trapped in our own web… So,we are going to instigate Manik…”
Mukti nods and shares her plan…
All smirk listening to it and gives her thumbs up… She smiles proudly…
Navya “Ok guys,let us go and complete our work and give them some secret time of theirs before we expose them…”
All nod and go their ways…
There Manan are busy in their work!
Nandini (parting) “I need air!! You are crushing my ribs…”
Manik (loosing his grip on her but then caressing her back) “Sorry baby doll… I get possessive while kissing you and don’t want to go away from you…”
Nandini looks ok lovingly at him… He moves side her hairs and slides his finger up to her back neck and starts drawing circular motions there…
Nandini reacts like he has caught her weak point (which it is almost for every girl!) And starts breathing deeply out of pleasure…
Nandini (huskily) “I know you are deliberately doing it… Plz stop it for now… Its— it’s—”
Manik (huskily in her ears) “Arousing!! (Ragini nods) I know baby doll!!”
He kisses her earlobes and moves to her cheeks planting wet kisses all the while… Nandini closes her eyes…
Nandini “They will be coming… Plz stop now…”
Manik “Awwww… My baby doll is requesting me..!! Alright… But just one last time for today… Coz I have to resist you the whole night!!”
Nandini blushes… Manik’s heart flutters seeing her… He turns her around and makes her sit on the couch… He leans in towards her while she leans backwards… She lies down on the couch and Manik comes over finally getting hold of her lips… They kiss wildly… While kissing, Manik’s hand go sliding up all the way from her waist to her chest area resting on her curves… He puts pressure there obsessively gripping them…
Nandini gets ecstatic and moves her hand on his back caressing his back with one hand and ruffling his hairs with other… She slightly lifts up her body to move close to him…
Manik takes his chance and slides his one hand beneath her holding her waist while continuing his actions with the other one… He turns her and their positions alter…
Now Nandini is over Manik … Due to change in positions, Manik is facing difficulty in doing his work but nevertheless he continues but with other hand,he pulls down one sleeve of her dress… Nandini leaves his hair and hits his hand… He propers her sleeve but grabs her waist biting her lower lips… Nandini jerks a bit but then returns back his favor…
They both hear footsteps… They at once stop and look at the entrance door together… Nandini still lying over Manik … She turns her face to him and pecks his lips…
She gets off him and sits, Manik follows…
Nandini “Proper yourself and try to breath normally… Wipe your lips,the cut is visible… I will just return…”
She gets up pecking him for the last time and goes from there before Manik could say anything… He follows Nandini’s instructions and tries breathing normally… He finds it difficult due to the excessive flow of hormones inside him… He wipes his lips and makes sure no blood is there… He then starts setting his hairs…
Mukbhi and CaVya enter just then…
Navya looks around “Where is Nandu??”
Manik just shrugs his shoulder as he really had no idea…
Nandini is in requirement room leaning on to the door and closing her eyes breathing rapidly and deeply… Her cheeks are red… She smiles like maniac remembering her recent kiss… She then hears Navya asking about her… She wipes the little blood off her lips and takes out her wand… She lifts 6 mattresses using the summoning charm and goes out of the room…
Nandini “Nandini is here… I thought to help you out in doing the arrangements… Plz go inside and bring the pillows and blankets…”
Navya nods and goes… She summons the mattresses on one of the couch… Abhi, Cabir and Manik move aside the couch with their wands emptying the place in front of fireplace… Mukti cleans the area so that the mattresses can be spread…
Navya returns with blankets and pillows and help the others preparing to sleep…
After 10 minutes, everything is set… 3 mattresses on both sides of the fireplace facing each other…
They all take their place… Mukti then winks Navya… She nods… Cabir and Abhi understand…
Mukti “Oh yaa… Nandu, I forgot to tell you something… Harshad met outside…”
Manik at once looks at Mukti, fuming…
Nandini “So??”
Navya “So,just apply your sharp brain and think… When does a guy contacts a girl’s best friend??”
Manik “That doesn’t mean always that… Right??”
Cabir “No Manik… It does… Except in our case… We directly approach the girl…”
Nandini “So what?? He didn’t said anything then what is there to worry?”
Mukti “Who said he didn’t said anything?? He asked me to give his message to you…”
Manik “And what is that message??”
Cabir “Bro? Why are you so eager to know?? ”
Manik “Coz Harshad is a jerk and it’s visible on his face and I don’t trust that pervert!!”
Abhi “Relax bro,you are behaving as if he is snatching away something precious from you!!”
Manik “Of course he is!!!”
Cabir “Oh really??? What??”
Manik “Na—-”
Nandini “ Naaa…Actually Harshad and he had a fight yesterday morning and so he doesn’t likes him and he wants to say that Harshad is snatching his peace of mind… Right Manik??”
Manik glares at Nandini,she glares him back… She scolds him through her eyes… He apologizes and nods… Mukbhi and CaVya smile secretly seeing their plan gaining success step by step…
Navya “Mukti… Complete the message…”
Mukti “Ya… He called you tomorrow after sunset at the lake side near forbidden forest… He wants to confess something to you…”
Cabir “Now it’s definitely confirmed… Nandini, Harshad is going to propose you tomorrow and trust me,you also like him so say yes…”
Navya “Exactly… And don’t become suddenly a goon there hitting him red and blue… He asked like a gentleman so behave like a perfect lady… And plz pull off that Ring—-”
Manik “What pull off the ring!! Why are you guys assuming things?? It’s not necessary that only this will happen!!”
Cabir (ignoring him) “Yes Nandini Navya is right… Remove the ring and ignore this Manik … He says anything… If Harshad will propose you tomorrow,he will definitely go on knees with a ring… It won’t look right if you already have one on your finger…”
Manik “What the—-”
Nandini just looks turn wise at every face that speaks including Manik … She enjoys seeing his insecurity and possessiveness but also observes the behavior… Somehow she is not able digest it…
Navya (intentionally interrupting Manik) “Oh My God!! I am just imagining… It’s going to be soooo romantic!! A beautiful lake full of water lilies,a full moon, numerous Twinkling stars, magical surrounding,two people and one ring…!!”
Nandini’s eyes goes on widening with every word while Manik is in too much despair to realize it…
Mukti “Add some magic to it Navya!! Two people standing in the middle of the lake with shining flowers on the ground and twinkling stars above them!! Just as Harshad goes on knees, Nandini forwards her hand… He makes her wear the ring and the writes the three magical words with his wand in air and then flower petals starts showering!!! And—”
That’s it… Nandini gets their trick… She is shocked!! How they got to know it!! She then remembers when she entered, Manik was beside her, invisible and Navya is capable of seeing everything!! They are gone now!! Now Mukti and Navya are definitely going to kill her… But she can be saved only if Manik keeps his mouth shut… She looks on desperately towards him… Just for once,she prays to her Aiyyappa to make Manik look towards her rest all she will manage but the luck isn’t on her side today,neither is Manik!! He is ready to interrupt and expose them in front of SSS!!! She vigorously shakes her head looking at Manik hoping for a attention from him but,it’s of no use now as he has opened his mouth and they are now caught…
Manik (completing Mukti’s statement) “And then they embrace each other and fly in the air and kiss!! Happy?? The end of your magical Fantasy!!! But I don’t understand why you all are pre-imagining the scenes… Aren’t you expecting too much from that dumb head… And the most important thing!! Nandini is not going anywhere tomorrow and not specially to meet that dumb head Harshad Vardhan!!”
Nandini tightly closes her eyes hoping that as she isn’t able to see anything,they also won’t be able to see her… But the inner her knows,it’s her illusion!!
Abhi “Oh, shut up Manik!! Why are you interrupting!! He isn’t proposing your girlfriend!!”
Manik (literally screaming) “He is you idiot!! He can’t propose her!!! Nandini is my girlfriend!!! I love her and we are in a relationship!!”
Nandini covers her face with her palms… Manik did his work!! They are exposed…
Cabir and Abhi “Yes!!!”
Mukti and Navya “We caught you!!!”
Manik like tube light,stops flickering and illuminates brightly!! He looks confusedly towards Nandini who is face palming herself and then hears the SSS’ remarks… He covers his mouth with his hand as realization strucks him!!
Nandini slowly uncovers her face and peeps outside to find four faces glaring her and Manik … She smiles sheepishly at them and looks at Manik and his visible expression… She glares at him… He holds his ears apologizing to her…
Abhi “Exactly and repeat the same for us as well!!!”
Cabir “Manik Malhotra!! How dare you hide this from us…!!!”
Navya “Culprit is another one as well Cabir!! My little sister!! Who thought that Mukti will never be able to spot that crown in the locker and guess the lie about her ring!!”
Nandini realizes her mistake and winces…
Mukti “All your claims that I am your best friend and all was all a lie right!!!”
Cabir “We shared everything right away with you both but you guys tried to hide it from us!!!”
Abhi “We really felt bad… I don’t understand why you both hid it in first place!! Mukti and I would have been the happiest one to get this news… And trust me we still are… But we are hurt…”
Mukti “And upset too… Nandu,am I not worthy enough so that you can share these things with me?? Am I bad???”
Manan realize that they have hurt their friends… They look at each other nod…
Nandini hugs Navya and Mukti sitting between them… They turn their faces away from her… She makes them face her…
Nandini “It’s not that… Navu!!! Don’t you dare repeat that ever again in future what you said today… Have I ever disrespected you?? You are my saviour,my competitor,my teacher, my student,my sister and my first friend!! Still you need to know your place in my heart..??(Navya smiles) and Mukti… I am so so so so sooooooo sorry for hiding this with my best friend… Plz forgive me… I promise,this is first and last time,now I won’t hide anything from you both!!”
Mukti also smiles and the girls hug…
Manik “Cabir of you,first look at me!! (Abhi and Cabir face Manik as they were also turning their faces away… Manik holds his ears ) I am sorry… Plz forgive me… I didn’t wanted to hide it but you see, everyone knows our first encounter and it would have been so awkward confessing it in front of all… So we hid it… Plz forgive me… Plz… We are really sorry… Infact I also promise same as Nandini …”
Cabir “Ya right… Now you will speak her language only…”
Manik smiles sheepishly while the girls giggle… Cabir and Abhi also forgive him and hug him… They congratulate Manan…
Manik “Finally… Now we don’t have to hide around to spend time…”
Abhi “Ya… Now you got license to kiss her openly!!”
Nandini turns red “bhai, You saw that!!”
She glares Manik… While Mukti galres Abhi… CaVya are enjoying…
But Manik knows how to turn the tables…
Manik “Abhi!! At least Nandini didn’t had to wait for six months…”
Abhi is clean bowled and it’s Mukti’s time to turn red… The SSS then laugh together… They chit chat for a while and then sleep there itself….
The post Manan:magic is in you (episode 32) appeared first on Telly Updates.
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