Hey guys..happy to see that you guys are loving it…mmmm making some changes from last episode…
Nandini is staring Manik…he notices it…they hear three voices..ABHI…CABIR…ALYA…
Nandini:let’s goo…I think even they have been attacked…
Manik sees towards Nandini…she is fully drenched because of rain and was shivering… out of cold..on top of that her clothes were sticking to her body making him go crazy…
Manik:mmm..I think we should go to Arte common room they..will come there..
Nandini nods blankly…
Nandini and Manik are going to their room… They are all wet… They reach the Arete common room and stand for a while in front of fire place… They aren’t looking at each other… Nandini out of embarrassment that Manik saw her dancing in the rain and Manik out of embarrassment that Nandini knows that he saw her dancing…
Manik: I think we should go to our rooms and change… We might catch cold…
Nandini: Yeah… I think you are right…
Manik: Good night…
Nandini: Good night…
They both turn to go but Nandini calls Manik…
Nandini: Manik..!!
Manik is surprised that she called him by his proper name… He turns and looks at her…
Nandini: Thank you… For saving me from that attack…
Manik smiles… She also smiles back but their moment is broken by scream…
Abhi, Navya and Dhruv: What!!! You were attacked!!!
MaNan turn and look at other three couples totally drenched….
They three come running time Nandini… Abhi cups her face and caresses her head :Nandu… You are alright na??
Nandini nods “Ha bhai… Manik saved me…
Abhi: Thank you Manik…
Manik smiles back… Mukti and Alya go to his either side and keep their hand on his shoulder… Navya and Dhruv goes and hugs Nandini…Cabir smiles at Manik…the other four(Malhotra’s) adore their bond…
Nandini(suddenly remembers something): bhai…Cabir and Alya…you okay na…I heard Mukti, Navya and Dhruv bhai shouting your names…you all are okay na…nothing happened na…should we take you to the hospital..say na..
Nandini panics…Cabir goes towards Nandini and holds her shoulder….
Cabir:Nandu cool…we all are fine…see we all are okay…come here…
Cabir hesitates to hug her…but Nandu hugs him…confirming that he is okay…others smile seeing the two how in short time formed a bond…Cabir pats her head…and break the hug..
Nandini goes and hugs Alya…and then she turns towards Abhi…and hugs him tightly… even Navya joins the hug…all were adorning the three of them but one person was just lost.. and that was Manik…
Abhi:Arey…here I was asking you about your attack and you are talking about ours…
Alya: But who attacked you??and also us???
Nandini shrugs her shoulder indicating don’t know…
Dhruv: I think we can discuss this after drying ourselves as well… We all will catch cold!!!
All agree… Abhi: Alright then… We will meet here in an hour…
They all nod and disperse to their respective rooms…
At Vanshika’s cabin…
Vanshika Murthy is sitting on her table Working upon something wearing her glasses… She lifts up the inkpot to refill her pen but sudden noise of apparating outside her door disturbs her and it falls from her hand…
Vanshika points her wand to the fallen ink : Scourgify…!!!
The ink gets cleaned and the floor is neat and tidy again…
Ansh, Mansi and Neeta enter her cabin…
Vanshika: Can’t you climb few stairs to reach the cabin?? Are you older than me?
Mansi and Neeta glares Ansh… He smiles sheepishly… Vanshika looks her son, daughter in law and daughter… Ansh is assuring a worried Mansi through his eyes…
Vanshika: Mansi… Relax… I know why you are worried… Let them also come and then we can discuss it…
Mansi waits impatiently… Another apparating sound is heard and they relax…
Raj, Nyonika and Siraj enter the cabin…Nyonika’s hand is occupied with something which is not visible…
Mansi and Nyonika look at each other… They both nod…
Nyonika keeps the invisible stuff on the table…
She points her wand at it :Revelio…!!!
The invisible thing comes into view of all and it revealed to be the copied forms book…
Mansi: Amma … This is what we wanted to show you…
Raj: Nyonika found this in the boys’ room…
Ansh: And I found it in the girls’ room…
Vanshika summons the books to her and opens it… Sure is surprised…
Vanshika: Forms..!!! Two books of this year’s forms, one of the previous year’s and one of the previous to that..!! What were these kids doing with these???
Nyonik: Principal Murthy another main question is how they got these forms!! How did they manage to crack the password of my cabin..??
Mansi: I am hundred percent sure Nandini is involved in it… I had already warned VP Malhotra regarding her… She is not someone whom we can take lightly…
Ansh: And I know that Abhi and Navya are equally involved with her…Nandini’s and Navya’s wands were Registered today only and we found the books about a week ago!! One cannot enter Hecate without a registered wand..!!
Vanshika: These kids!! They are cunning beyond my expectations…!!
Raj: Even our kids are no less… They trespassed Hecate secretly… And I know That major hand is of Mukti… 1) because of her speciality and 2) her registered wand..!!
Nyonika: It’s not possible for Mukti to do all this alone… And moreover she never does anything without Manik, Cabir and Alya… They are his partners in crime… But Alya came back after we found this book…!! That means my kids did this together…!!
Vanshika: We just can’t decide anything on assumption… The only way to enter Hecate is through passing Ficus… Only he can tell us…
All agree and go out of her cabin… They apparate and reach Hecate main gate… It’s still raining so Vanshika lifts her hand up and points her wand at it… Soon she is holding a huge umbrella which is enough for the seven of them… Ansh asks for the umbrella to hold… Vanshika gives it to him… They all walk together at Ficus who is very much smiling and sleeping enjoying the first shower….
All smile seeing him…
Vanshika:Ficus?? Are you really sleeping or just closing your eyes??
Ficus opens his eyes :No way senior Murthy… Woah!! The most prestigious faculty of Hecate together at this time!! Matter must be something important… Tell me… How can I help you..??
Raj: Ficus… Just try to remember… Before the orientation day,did Mukti, Manik and Cabir came here without me or VP Malhotra??
Ficus looks at him and thinks… He is about to tell but then Mansi speaks in between…
Mansi: Well try to remember whether Abhi, Navya and Nandini also came here??
Ficus has recalled everything by then… He then moves his branches which sprinkles water due to rain but thankfully the BIG umbrella is so big that no one got the splashes of water…
Ficus :I very well remember… They definitely came here on the same day… I mean at night…
Ansh: Our kids together???
Ficus :No… Not together… First the Murthys came here and then half an hour later the Malhotras came… Your daughter,VP Malhotra had left her wand at the fuel station so they got more delayed in bringing that…
Siraj:So they left together??
Ficus: No… Not at all… Like they came separately,they went separately as well… First the Murthys then the Malhotras… Why are you asking this all suddenly?? Is something serious?? Even I smelt something fishy when I saw them late at night… It was past midnight and they were roaming alone in the deserted alleys of Hogsmede…
Vanshika: No Ficus… Nothing to worry about… It’s just that we wanted to warn you that Nandini is really mischievous so beware of her pranks… And nothing serious at all… Relax and enjoy the first shower…
Raj: yaa…and be aware of Cabir as well…he is male version of Nandini…
Ficus shakes his branches and closes his eyes…
They all apparate and come in front of Vanshika’s cabin… Ansh closes the umbrella and vanishes it… They all enter the cabin…
Mansi: Did you heard that?? Our kids were roaming alone in night in those deserted alleys..!! God forbid if something had happened to them then what we would have done??
Ansh: Mansi calm down… They are safe… Nothing happened to them… They are our kids… Nothing can happen to them… And as long as Nandini is there, nothing will happen to Abhi and Navya…
Vanshika: Ansh is right… We know the prophecy done at the time of Nandini’s birth… Nothing can happen to her against her wish… She is born special…
Mansi: But Amma… We cannot let Abhi and Navya pay for someone’s deed… Nandini is special I know… But what about Navya..?? I know that I am her GODMOTHER but I brought her up… Even though I am not biologically her mother but still we are related by blood and my Aiyyappa knows that I never differentiated between three of them especially Nandini and Navya…
Ansh: Exactly Mansi… We have never differentiated between our kids… They have our upbringing and values… Their harmony doesn’t break in future that’s why we told them that they are twin sisters… though Nandini knows that you are her biological mother but she never got jealous of the fact that Navya is your favourite daughter… And yaa Navya doesn’t even know that you are her GODMOTHER,her own mother’s own sister and she cares for Nandini not like her sister but like her second mother…And she is really close to Abhi and Dhruv as well… Now you only tell me Mansi… How can we expect that they won’t be together in any situation?? They will be together even if we are against it…
Mansi nods but she is still not convinced… Neeta and Vanshika understands that and keeps a hand on her shoulder…
Neeta: Mansi… I know… It’s a mother’s heart… It will always be worried for it’s kids but if they in case fall in problem,then we are there to help na… Why to worry..??
Vanshika: Though I doubt that any problem is bigger than Nandini Murthy herself…
This brings a smile on everyone’s face… Even Mansi’s…
Raj: But still Principal Murthy… We can’t take the fact lightly that our kids broke into Nyonika’s cabin passing the security with ease… I know Nandini is gifted… Even Manik is… Even if sometimes he is about to fail,his luck saves him out… We need to look into this matter really serious but we can’t talk to Manik… The reason you know… He can easily melt his mom and he doesn’t melts in front of me… His giftedness has cost me the relationship between the father and son… I do not blame him coz I didn’t let the full thing known to him… But still… Today it was them… What if tomorrow it’s someone else…?? And they didn’t found their forms in that pile… Coz they are unaware of the policy… Till now they must have realized that along with them few more forms are missing and they are definitely going to go to the depth of this matter without letting us being involved in that…
Nyonika: Raj is right… I saw Nandini’s, Manik’s, Cabir’s and Navya’s expressions when they entered for wand registration… That means they knew that their forms were not among those forms… The eight of them are going to be the best students of Hecate… And ironically the eight of them always stick together… And they will definitely investigate this matter together… All with those specialities,we are going to have a tough time handling them… Specially Nandini and Manik… For they have the ability to be in all the four houses of Hecate..!! Only God knows what game he is making destiny to play with us…!!
All get tensed… Just then they hear Richard shouting Vanshika’s name from outside the cabin door… Vanshika allow him in and asks the matter…
Richard :Senior Murthy… There is a very big problem!! The secret passage to Hecate was opened after years!!! Someone was seen sneaking in and out of that way…!! The steps were coming from Arete common room but all the students are in their proper place!!! WE HAVE A TRESS PASSER HERE!! Surprisingly the person knows very well about Hecate so was successful in escaping without getting caught!!
Vanshika: We need to inspect that place… Richard!! Inform other faculties and ask them to come to dining assembly immediately… Professors!! Go and take in charge of your houses… Do not let any students be out of the common room… For security and support merge two houses and take the in charge together…. Richard you, your team along with other faculty will come with me to investigate the place… Am I clear…??
They all nod and leave on their respective duties…Mansi and Nyonika decided to merge their houses Arete and Athena together, Neeta accompanies them and Ansh and Raj decided to merge their houses Ponos and Daedalus together, Siraj accompanies them…
The girls were waiting for the boys in the Arete common room… The boys come there a little late…
Alya: Really Dhruv?? You boys took 15 minutes more to get ready than us?? Are we going on a date??
Dhruv: No… But if you insist then surely we can go…
He says and winks… Alya is speechless… Nandini is amused… She high fives with Dhruv…while others laugh…
Cabir: You are slowly and steadily making me believe that I should hand over Alya’s responsibilities to you… After all you are always successful in making her quiet other than me, Manik and Mukti…
Dhruv laughs and thanks him while Alya fumes…
Alya: Ya… Thank God Dhruv you don’t make me quite like one has to make Nandini quite…
Nandini turns red… But she was not alone as Manik was equally embarrassed… girls suppress their smile while boys laughs and Alya gives a poker smirk to Nandini… Nandini swears to revenge and signs Alya about the same through her eyes… Alya replies we will see in their sign language…
Navya: Ok… Now I think we should get back upon the matter we were here supposed discuss here…
Cabir: Exactly… We must find out about the attack… The attacker entered the Arete common area, attacked and went out,coz we saw someone running out… But we did not know why that person was running…
Abhi: Exactly… Had we known,then we would have caught him… Or her… Or whatever…
Nandini: I think we should go outside and check… There only we will get some clue…
All nod are about head outside when Nyonika enters the common room…
Nyonika: No one is going anywhere… There’s an emergency outside and we have got strict orders that no student should be out… Infact we are merging with Athena for more safety… Professor Mansi Murthy and Professor Neeta Vedant will be here soon…
Navya: VP Malhotra… What is the emergency…?? Has something happened??
Nyonika:don’t worry about that Navya… Let the faculty worry about that… You all go to your rooms and rest… And if possible empty some of.the rooms for Athena tenants…
They all nod…
Mukti: Well then you can share our rooms tonight… (Really softly) And we will discuss further there…
They all nod and leave…Nyonika sees them going and thinks about her words regarding the eight of them…
In the room….
Manik: I don’t understand what has happened…We aren’t allowed in night inside our own campus…
Abhi: I am having a feeling that it’s related to attack on Nandini… I am getting stomach pangs to find out…
Nandini:I have an idea!!!
Mukti: And you are telling now!! Tell us fast… Your ideas are always useful…
Manik looks at Mukti unbelievably….
Nandini: Well just relax and try to sleep… We will get to know everything in the morning…
Cabir: And I thought you really have some idea…!!
Navya:First time in these years,You have talked sense Nandu!! Congrats…
Abhi and Dhruv:right Navu…congrats on speaking something sensible..
Nandini gives them a sarcastic smile and continues :Come on… Don’t make that face all of you… I have a spy outside who is going to inform me about everything happening in the campus…
Cabir: And that is??
Nandini looks at Abhi, Navya and Dhruv and they understand and say together :Richard the Ghost!!!
The other four are shocked initially but grin widely later…
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