The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being together in their room while they were enjoying their time.
Then Vansh starts praising Riddhima along with praising his own self.
He puts his hands around her waist.
Then he starts playing with her hair.
Vansh: I think that you must to thank me sweetheart.
Riddhima: For what?
Vansh: For choosing to you this beautiful pink saree that you are wearing as it is really suits you very much so you have to thank me because I was having a correct point of view when I have seen this saree I was sure that this saree will be the best suitable saree for you and that’s what happens as you look very gorgeous while you wearing this saree. So you have to thank me for choosing this pink saree for you. Actually, I’m not surprised that the saree that I have chosen it for you become very suitable to you as Vansh Rai Singhania always have a perfect point of view. When I say or choose something, it always become the best thing.
Riddhima was impressed from Vansh’s attitude as she doesn’t know which one he is praising, herself or himself.
Riddhima to herself: Are those words is for praising me or yourself Vansh?!
Riddhima: Impressive! I don’t know if you are now praising me or praising yourself! Do you are sure that by your words you are praising me and how I look beautiful while wearing this saree or you are just praising yourself because you are the reason of buying this saree?! As I can observe that you are praising yourself of how you always have a perfect way in choosing anything so you really made me very confused. Who you are really praising my dearest husband?!
Vansh smiles from Riddhima’s confusion.
Then he makes Riddhima sits on his lap after he sits on the side of the bed.
Afterwards, he makes her more closer to him.
Vansh: Come on sweetheart! You know that I will always praise you so it is not bad that this time I could have the chance to praise myself along with praising my beautiful wife who always amaze me of her beauty. As you really look very fabulous my lovely wife.
She puts her hands around his neck to make him very close to her.
Riddhima: You don’t have to praise yours my dearest husband as your wife is here to praise you and by this way we could be equal as the husband could be able to praise his wife and the wife could be able to praise her husband.
Then she kissed him in his cheek.
A smile has drawn on Vansh’s face.
He was very happy when he was near Riddhima.
He was very happy when he was seeing his wife’s care and love towards him.
Riddhima has seen Vansh’s smile and she was very happy seeing his happiness.
Riddhima: Hassa toh phassa (He has smiled so he has fallen).
They start laughing after Riddhima has finished her words.
Then Riddhima has thrown herself in Vansh’s arms to feel the safe and security that she doesn’t feel it in any place other than in Vansh’s arms.
Afterwards, Sejal, Kabir, Siya, and Angre have entered Vansh and Riddhima’s room.
When Vansh and Riddhima have seen them, they got away from each other and they get out from their places.
Riddhima got very shy as everytime they always come when she and Vansh are very close to each other which makes her got very embarrassed.
Siya and Kabir were smiling.
Then Vansh has noticed them smiling.
Vansh: The 4 of you will never learn this moral at all! None of you would learn to knock the door before entering anyone’s room especially Riddhima and mine room as you all are always entering our room without knocking on the door. The 4 of you didn’t just entered the room without knocking on the door but also there are two of the 4 of you who are smiling! Siya and Kabir can I know the reason behind smiling that much?!
Kabir: I don’t think that you will like what we will say Vansh bro! Actually, I’m sure that you will not want us to talk too much as you of course want us to say what we have come to say it so you could be able to spend some time with bhabi.
Vansh: Kabir you will never stop saying those words?! Sejal please take your husband from here if you want him to be saved from my hands otherwise you will spend the rest of the months that are left in your pregnancy curing the wounds that I will cause it to your husband. So if you care about him make him leave from here or tell him to stop saying those nonsense words.
Kabir: Chill bro you always got irritated from my words! I’m really just joking so you don’t have to be disturbed from me. I’m trying to give a good mood to the situation.
Siya: Yes Vansh bro you don’t have to be disturbed from Kabir’s words because actually all of us are really happy to see you and Riddhima bhabi together and enjoying your time being with each other.
Sejal: We were really sad when you and Riddhima were upset from each other.
Angre: Especially you Vansh as we have noticed how you were super upset from Riddhima bhabi.
Vansh was surprised that anyone was knowing what was happening between him and Riddhima.
Vansh: Do you all have noticed that?!
Kabir: Yes Vansh bro.
Siya: We have known everything.
Kabir: Actually, you don’t have to be very surprised like that as anyone could merely notice how you were very upset from Riddhima bhabi as everything was appeared from your face and behavior.
Vansh has looked at Riddhima.
He was thinking that she could have told them what has happened between them.
Vansh: Do you have told them what was happening between us Riddhima?
Riddhima: Trust me Vansh I didn’t said anything to anyone, Siya was the only one who has known that as she has seen everything has happened when Sam has arrived to the hospital that day.
Siya: Yes Vansh bro. Riddhima bhabi didn’t said a word related to you and her personal issues as I have observed everything and I have known the misunderstanding that has happened between you and Riddhima bhabi and I was the one who has supported her to not give up until she could clear all the misunderstandings that was between you both.
Angre: We were sure that you will know that Sam’s words are fake as when you and Riddhima bhabi have arrived from the mall we have observed that everything got cleared between you both and you have became convinced from bhabi’s words.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that the 4 of you are knowing everything from its root! So how you all have known about Sam and how you all have known that his words are fake as actually I’m the one who was related to this situation and has known that from a short time?!
Riddhima has looked at Sejal as she becomes sure that Sejal is the one who has told them everything.
Riddhima: I have know who has told them everything about my past with Sam.
Vansh: Who?
Riddhima: Sejal.
Sejal has looked at the roof of the room to not look at Riddhima’s eyes.
Riddhima: Of course you are the one who has told them everything, right Sejal?
Sejal: To be honest yes. I have told them everything so we could know how to solve the misunderstanding that has happened between you and Vansh. As I wasn’t able to sit quiet seeing you and Vansh apart because of that stupid guy.
Kabir: Without Sejal’s help we would never know how to do a perfect plan and solve what was happening between you Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi.
Vansh: Plan?!
Siya, Sejal, Angre, and Kabir have looked at each others and they didn’t said a word.
Riddhima: From the silence of you all I can observe that the idea of going to the mall was the idea of the 4 of you, right?
Angre: Yes.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that everyone here was doing a plan without making Vansh Rai Singhania knew anything about it! This is the first time that could anyone succeed in a plan that is done against Vansh Rai Singhania!
Kabir: Trust me Vansh bro this plan was for a good and a pure reason.
Siya: Yes Vansh bro Kabir is right. We were wanting to make you and Riddhima bhabi spend some quality of time being together so the misunderstanding that was between you both to get cleared.
Angre: And I can observe that we got succeeded in our plan and now you and Riddhima bhabi have cleared the misunderstanding that was between both of you.
Riddhima: Thank you all for giving us the chance to clear the misunderstanding that was between us. Thank you a lot for caring about us that much. Thank you all for thinking about our happiness. I’m really grateful for having a caring family like you all.
Vansh: Regardless that you all have done a big plan against me, but I’m really happy that you all were a reason to help us clear the misunderstanding that was between Riddhima and I.
They all have a group hug.
Then Ragini has came to make them all go downstairs for the thankful pray.
Ragini: Guys we all have to go downstairs now because the thankful pray will start now as there is only 15 minutes left for the auspicious time to begin so we must to be all ready and to be at the hale of the house as after doing the pray we must to give the charity to the poor people so let’s go downstairs fast.
Vansh: Okay Ragini. Go downstairs and we all will follow you.
Ragini: Okay Vansh bro.
Ragini has left.
Then Siya and Angre have followed her.
At that time, Sejal gas signed to Kabir to take Riddhima with him as she wants to talk with Vansh alone.
Kabir has understood Sejal’s sign.
Kabir: Riddhima bhabi come with me as I could be able to ask you about your opinion on the the things that we will give it to the poor people until the pray could start.
Riddhima: And what about Rianshi? As I must to take her with me.
Sejal: Don’t worry Riddhima I will take her with me.
Vansh: We already will follow you after you will go downstairs so don’t worry.
Kabir has looked at how Vansh and Riddhima are looking to each others as if they don’t want to go to any place without the other.
Kabir: Okay, I have understood why you are both staring that much at each other and don’t want to move! Don’t worry Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi as you both will not be away from each other as I can observe that you both don’t want to leave each other. It is just a few minutes that you will be away from each other on it so you both don’t have to worry that much as you are both not going to leave each other forever!
Kabir has taken Riddhima to leave Sejal alone with Vansh to tell him everything has happened in Riddhima’s past.
After Kabir and Riddhima have left, Sejal has taken Rianshi and she holds her.
Then Sejal and Vansh get out from Vansh and Riddhima’s room.
Vansh: You don’t have to hold Rianshi as of course you are tired from the pregnancy so you could make me hold her instead of you.
Sejal: It’s okay Vansh, Rianshi isn’t disturbing me at all. She is very small and cute so she doesn’t make me tired. Actually, I’m taking benefit from being with Rianshi as I start to get used on how to behave and react with the children so when Kabir and mine child arrive I could be able to raise him/her with the right way and I could know how to react with the child.
Vansh: I’m really super excited for the arrive of you and Kabir’s child. I’m eagerly waiting when you and Kabir’s child will arrive and he/she could call me “uncle”.
Sejal: It is just 4 months left and my child will come and will disturb you from always keeping calling you “uncle” all the time.
Vansh laughs from Sejal’s words.
Then Sejal stops walking and she stands near the ladder so she could be able seeing Riddhima downstairs.
Vansh: Why you have stopped Sejal?! We have to go downstairs for the pray.
Sejal: There is something very important that I must to say it to you.
Vansh: What you want to say? I can see from your face that it is really an important thing. Actually, you made me really worry.
Sejal: No Vansh you don’t have to worry at all as what I’m going to say is a very good thing that will never make you again have the chance to doubt Riddhima. I’m really happy that you have trusted Riddhima’s words and you have been convinced that she is very innocent and she really loves you so much and I’m sure that what I’m going to say it to you will make you trust Riddhima blindly and it will give you the proof of the truth of every single word Riddhima has said it to you.
Vansh: And what is that proof?
Sejal: Me.
Vansh: What do you mean?
Sejal: I’m the proof that will prove everything Riddhima has said as I’m the only one who has known everything has happened at the past not only that but also I was knowing how Riddhima was wanting to tell you everything when you and her have met Sam on Goa.
Sejal starts telling Vansh everything has happened at the past.
She tells him how Sam has played with Riddhima’s feelings.
She also tells him how that Sam has cheated Riddhima.
She has told him how Riddhima has forgotten Sam and she has really loved only one person in her life which is Vansh.
She also told him how Riddhima was trying to tell him everything related to her past with Sam, but she didn’t have the chance.
Sejal has said everything to Vansh that could make him more relaxed that he has chosen the right decision.
Vansh was very happy listening to Sejal’s words.
The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section.
The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 90 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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