Sunday, 3 January 2021

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 45


The episode starts with Anuprya giving Riddhima and Vansh all the instructions that they must follow it during Riddhima’s pregnancy.
Anuprya: Now you are both must be so careful and alert especially you Riddhima as you are now responsible of another life being in your tummy. So you must to be very careful in every move you are doing. Vansh, you also are very responsible like Riddhima.
Vansh: Why?! Do I’m also pregnant so I must care about every move I’m doing!
Anurpya: Vansh! Stop joking! I’m serous, I doesn’t mean what you have said Vansh! I mean that you must be careful and responsible about Riddhima and the child’s health and you must be sure that she doesn’t face any problem.
Vansh: Of course mom. I will do that even before you say anything. I was always caring about my Riddhima and I’m always caring about her and I will always care about her. She is my wife and my sweetheart. I will never make her face any problem and I will always take care of her.
Anuprya: That’s my boy!
Afterwards, Riddhima and Vansh went to their room so Riddhima could take some rest.
Vansh makes her take a nap and then he leaves her after he become sure that she is in a deep sleep and then he went to prepare for her a surprise as when she wakes up she could be very happy to see it.
Riddhima didn’t take a lot of time sleeping and when she wakes up, she got surprised to see Vansh staring at her and he was holding a large box full of flowers and chocolates and he makes her more surprised as when he have seen her waked up he throws on her a lot of flowers that makes her very happy and she was laughing so hard.
Riddhima: Wow Vansh! It is really an adorable surprise! This is the best thing could anyone have it after waking up from sleeping. I didn’t imagine that when I will open my eyes, I will have such a beautiful surprise like that!
Vansh: Just wait sweetheart there are still a lot of surprises in this box, you just must to check it.
Riddhima: I’m really eager to see what is in this box.
She starts seeing what is in the box: she saw the flowers and the chocolates that were found in the upper of the box and then she starts to see the things that are in the deep of the box. She finds the calendar of the year and she finds him putting a mark on the 7 months remaining until the birth of their child as Vansh has known that Riddhima is pregnant in 2 months child so he was ready for preparing this calendar.
Vansh: So here is the calendar that we will observe from it what days and months are remaining until this beautiful soul will arrive. I’ve known from the doctors that were handling your case that you are pregnant in 2 months so I putted a mark on the 7 months remaining in your pregnancy.
Riddhima: Vansh you are always super ready! I’m always get impressed from how you are always ready for anything and everything!
Vansh: I always know how to impress anyone around me especially you sweetheart.
Riddhima: So let’s go to put it on the wall so we can check it every day until the arrive of our baby.
Riddhima and Vansh go to put the calendar on the wall that will always reminds them for how much time is remaining for the arrive of their beloved baby.
Then Vansh made Riddhima sit so she can see what is still left in the box for her.
Vansh: So look at the rest of the surprises that is waiting for you in that box!
Riddhima starts to see the next surprise as she finds a photo album written on its cover ” The photos of the child of Riddhima and Vansh Rai Singhania”. Then she opens it and she finds on each side a blank place for the picture and a couple of words written related to each occasion the baby will take the picture on it. Each blank place is waiting for their child’s picture. Then Riddhima starts reading some of those words.
Riddhima: Wow Vansh! You also have prepared for the baby’s photo album and of course you have prepared it with a unique way that could be suitable for Vansh Rai Singhania’s child as there are those words that are written above each picture will be putted for our child as look at this page which is written on it “The first picture of our dearest child”. And here is another page which is written on it ” The first picture of our lovely child with us” and the next page is written on it “The first picture of our dearest child with the whole VR family”. And there are a lot and a lot of things like that! You really didn’t forget any occasion our child will pass through it! You are just brilliant Vansh! I’m proud that you will be my child’s father. I will never have a perfect father to my child more than you. I really liked the photo album so much. It is really adorable!
She hugged him to express to him how much she is really liked everything he has done and he is still doing to her. She wants to express how much she is super happy for everything he is doing to her to make her happy and to enjoy welcoming the news about their beautiful child.
Vansh: There is still a lot of time left to thank me and hug me after you see the rest of the surprises that are left in the box.
Riddhima starts getting more deeper to get the other things that are in the box.
Then she finds a multiple colorful notebooks prepared for her.
Vansh: Those notebooks are all to you sweetheart. I know how much you admire notebooks and you enjoy writing on the notebooks so I decided to bought you some notebooks to enjoy your time and write on them anything you want to write. By the way, those notebooks are not a normal notebooks as I’ve chosen a unique notebooks with unique designs for my unique wife. I hope that you like it.
Riddhima: I like it so much Vansh, I will really enjoy while writing on it.
Then she gets a lot of wonderful things that were found in the box. She founds a colorful books so when she feel bored she could color on them as Vansh also knows how much she loves coloring especially when she get bored, she also founds a lot of makeup and makeup tools and she was very amazed that he noticed the brands that she love and he cared to get everything she loves.
Riddhima: Even the make up you didn’t forget it! Impressive! I’m really amazed that you are observing every single detail I love! I’m really speechless! Thank you so much Vansh. There isn’t any word that could give you the credit that you deserve for everything you are doing to me.
Vansh: Of course sweetheart. I could never forget the single detail about you. I always observe everything you are doing and everything that you like and dislike. You are my whole world so I have to know everything about my world! Am I right or am I right?! Actually, I’m really happy that you have liked the surprises, but by the way there are two gifts remaining so check it please as I know that you will like them so much.
She gets the last two surprises and she has found a set of candles. Vansh didn’t pick a random candles to his Riddhima. Actuality, he has picked up to her the favorite candles that she loves to candle them when she is stressed as it always take her stress out and put her in a good mood when she smells their smell.
Riddhima: Even the candles that I prefer, you didn’t forget them!
Then Riddhima checked the last gift and she really liked a lot. She finds a beautiful and colorful scarf.
Riddhima: Wow Vansh! The scarf is adorable! You know how much I love the scarfs so much and especially this type of scarfs. I really liked it so much and its quality is just beautiful. Thank you so much Vansh. You really made the first day that I’ve known on it that I will going to be a mother the best day in my life. I love you so much Vansh.
Vansh hugged her very tightly and he made her very close to him.
Vansh: I would never miss this day without making you very happy. I would never miss this day without making it very memorable to you sweetheart. I promise you that you will always be happy and I will never make you suffer from any problem. I know that you could be worried about the new journey that we are going through, but trust me I will never leave you alone and I will help you in everything and anything. The child’s responsibility isn’t yours only, it’s is a share of responsibility between the both of us. I know that pregnancy isn’t easy and of course you will pass through a lot of difficulties, but I promise you that I will always be with you and I will do my best to relief any stress or worry you will have. I promise you that I will accept the changing of your mood because of the instability of the Hermon. I promise you that I will do my best to not make you suffer from anything. I’m with you and will always be with you sweetheart.
He hugged her so tightly so he can feel her breath.
Riddhima was very happy from what Vansh has done and say to her. He really makes her feel as if she is dreaming a very beautiful and amazing dream. She was very happy for the news of the presence of their child as just knowing his presence increases Vansh and Riddhima’s love to each other. So Riddhima was 100% sure that when the baby will arrive, he/she will get a lot of happiness to her and Vansh’s lives.
At the same time, Angre and Siya along with Sejal and Kabir were very happy for the news of Riddhima’s pregnancy and they were wondering how Riddhima and Vansh’s child will come with a lot of joy and happiness to the family.
Sejal: I’m really so happy for this news. I can’t wait for the arrive of this cute baby.
Kabir: Yes Sejal. I’m also super excited for the arrive of Riddhima and Vansh’s child.
Siya: We have to care about bhabi very much as the pregnancy isn’t easy. So we must take care about her and make her always feel comfortable and relaxed.
Angre: Yes Siya you are right. We must always check about bhbai so much and not make her missing anything.
Kabir: Don’t worry guys. I’m 100% sure that Vansh will not give a chance to anything that could disturb his wife. Actually, he is always caring about her so much when she wasn’t pregnant so what do you think he will do when she is pregnant?!
Sejal: Of course he will be more alert!
Kabir: Yes. Actually, I’m expecting that he will not make her get out from her room. I think that we will see a lot of fun during bhabi’s pregnancy. Actually, we will also observe a lot of funny debates between Vansh and bhbai!
Angre: Let’s see what will happen next.
At morning, Riddhima wake up early before Vansh and she gets ready to go to the hospital with Vansh and she was waiting for him to wake up until he wakes up and he got surprised to see her waking up very early!
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can see that you have waked up very early today! Can I know the reason?!
Riddhima: I don’t know I just has felt that I’m so energetic and relaxed today and I’m sure that this relaxation is because of your beautiful surprises that you have made it to me yesterday. So I decided to get up and get ready so when you wake up I don’t make you late while getting ready. So now you have to get up and get ready as we will be late to the hospital.
Vansh: Hospital?! Are you going to the hospital?!
Riddhima: Yes and why I don’t have to go?!
Vansh: Riddhima did you forget that you are pregnant?!
Riddhima: And what is the problem?! Actually, I think that you are the one who forgot that I’m a doctor and I know well that it is okay for me to go to any place I want and do anything I want. I don’t know how you forgot something like that and you are also a doctor?!
Vansh: Because the one who cares about you is your husband and a father not the doctor. I really care about you and about the baby so much. I can’t risk that what has happened to you yesterday could also happen afterwards!
Riddhima came near him and she hugged him to relief his stress.
Vansh: Please Vansh don’t worry about me. I’m really fine and I promise you that I will be very alert and I will not be careless I promise you. Actually, you are already with me and I’m 100% sure that you will be more alert than me. Don’t worry I will not stress myself and I will not overload myself and I will not do a lot of stressful work. So please trust me and don’t worry. If I felt that I’m tired, I will not be stubborn and I will accept that and I will get back to the house fast. Of course I will not put my child’s life in danger so please don’t worry and go to get ready so we don’t be late. Actually, I don’t know how you are worrying as I don’t worry when you are with me.
Her words minimize his stress and he hugged her and he leaves a kiss in her cheek.
Vansh: Okay, I will leave you to come with me, but I will not leave you in the hospital and I will care about you very much. I will go to get ready as it is not good that the wife gets ready before the husband as I can’t accept that! By the way I was going to forget a very important something!
Riddhima: What?!
Vansh: I was going to forget to praise my wife’s beauty as you look wonderful sweetheart! I didn’t believe that when you will be pregnant you will look much prettier like that!
He said those words and lefts her so he could get ready. His words made her be very happy and it draws a beautiful smile on her face. He always knows how to make her happy and she was very happy from his care and love towards her.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 45 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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