Saturday, 9 January 2021

Lockdown Ki Love Story 9th January 2021 Written Episode Update: Milky reveals her truth


Lockdown Ki Love Story 9th January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Sonam catching the knife. Her hand bleeds. She pushes the attacker away. The attacker runs away. Sonam tries to catch him. He flees. Everyone comes. Milky opens the door. She thinks Dhruv died and knife is in Sonam’s hand. She smiles. She goes and pushes Sonam. She asks Nutan to come fast. Everyone comes and gets shocked. Milky says Sonam has killed Dhruv. Sheetal calls the police. She says a murder happened here. Sonam says Dhruv is fine, nothing happened to him, I found Dhruv here, a man came to kill him. Nutan says you killed him, Sonam, you promised love, what did he do this. Sonam says I didn’t do anything. Dhruv wakes up and says buddy didn’t do anything. Milky gets shocked. Everyone smiles seeing Dhruv. Dhruv says a bad uncle had shut me in the cupboard, Milky and her mum had kidnapped me, her mum tied me so tightly and tried to kill me. Milky worries. Dhruv says I had seen her face. Milky says no, he would have seen something else. He says no, I m saying the truth.

Sheetal says we got Dhruv, he is fine, I will ask police not to come. Nutan says no, call the police. She gets angry on Milky. She scolds Milky. She raises hand. Milky holds her hand and pushes her. Sonam holds Nutan. Nutan cries. Milky says you all got to know everything, but its not easy to send me to jail, listen to me, if police comes here, I will blame Dhruv in such a way that he will be going to mental asylum and jail, you decide now, what to do, call the police if you want, I m standing here. Sheetal asks did you lose your mind, did you forget that you are ruining your own place.

She scolds Milky. Milky says stop it now, you also say this behind their back, I m fed up by your advice, I didn’t get my husband and Sasural, its enough, I will not leave all of you, Dhruv is mad, I can’t be his caretaker, I will not leave any of you. Sonam says don’t dare to trouble my Dhruv or my family, you think we will be scared, let the police come, you will get punished, Pratap is in jail, Dhruv was dying, where did your love go, we will together give statement against you. Nutan says Sonam is right, we will not be scared of you, we will tell the police, Dhruv will also tell. Dhruv nods. Shashi says then we will see who the police believes.

Milky tears her clothes and hurts herself. Everyone gets shocked. She says if police comes here, I will tell the police that Dhruv has molested me, he is acting like a five year old kid, he has done this, I will see what happens, Dhruv will go jail first. Shashi calls the police. He says we had a misunderstanding, sorry, everything is fine, Dhruv came back. Sonam asks what are you saying, we can’t get scared of her, she did wrong with Dhruv. Nutan says no, Dhruv will be at loss, he has already suffered a lot.

Sonam asks inspector to leave her dad now. Nutan thanks her. She says we are not giving you to police, but we won’t let you stay here, get out. Nutan and Sheetal throw out Milky and shut the door. Sonam looks on.

Sonam says I will come again to meet you. Nutan apologizes to her. She says I thought you aren’t right for my Dhruv, I used to find you unlucky, forgive me. Dhruv says my buddy is the best, will you let her stay here. Nutan says yes, you both stay together, forever. Everyone smiles. Nutan hugs Dhruv and Sonam. Milky, her mum and goons come home.

Nutan says how shameless are you to come again. Milky says this house is mine, I m the owner now, check the property papers and leave. Shashi checks and gets shocked. He says its real papers. He sees Dhruv’s signs. Milky recalls fooling Dhruv and taking his signs. She smiles. The goons throw out everyone. Dhruv says leave us, we won’t go. Sonam says its fine. Sheetal says Milky is so poisonous, she got us on the roads, where will we go now. Dheeraj says if Shobha knows about it, he will laugh and not let us stay in peace, we will go to some hotel and then think. Sonam says yes, you go, I will stay here and confront Milky. Shashi says no need to stay here. Sonam says we will stay here. Dhruv says yes. They all make a tent from the bamboos. Nutan says we won’t go anywhere. Subhadra and Pratap come. He asks Sonam when will she come back. Subhadra says yes Sonam, your life will become a burden, come back with us. Nutan says no, Sonam is ours now, I m sorry for the trouble.

Milky burns Dhruv’s hand and tortures him. Dhruv cries. She threatens to kill Nutan, Shashi and Sonam.

Update Credit to: Amena

The post Lockdown Ki Love Story 9th January 2021 Written Episode Update: Milky reveals her truth appeared first on Telly Updates.

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