Aliya thinks “no one should get to know what happened 21 years ago.” Aliya remembers past
In past
When Disha left house after few days she got pregnant. Aliya also got pregnant with Purab’s child( Purab consummated with Aliya in drunk state thinking she is Disha.) On a particular day everyone decided to go to temple but Aliya didn’t want to go. So she was at home with her nurse. Abhi and Purab were in office. Disha and Aliya got pains on the same day. Disha got pains after nine months but Aliya got pains in seven and half months. As soon as Aliya got pains nurse took Aliya to hospital but nurse didn’t call any family member in tension. As there was no way to stop Aliya’s labour pains doctor decided to do the delivery. After the baby was born, the baby was kept under observation. Nurse doesn’t call any family member until Aliya get conscious. And no one gets to know as they spend more time in temple thinking Aliya would be safe with her nurse.
After Aliya gets conscious she says that she wants to meet her son. But by the time Aliya goes to her son her son he was no more. Doctor says “as it was pre-mature delivery the baby was weak and not strong so he couldn’t survive. “Purab gets informed of his son’s birth unaware of the truth by Aliya’s nurse. Purab and Abhi inform everyone. Aliya gets tensed and sees Disha in other room and asks the nurse about Disha. Nurse informs “that lady’s delivery has just happened. She has given birth to a boy.” Aliya asks “what?” and understands that whose child Disha’s is. Aliya asks “how is the baby?” Nurse says “baby is healthy but weak. Looks like she didn’t take care of herself during pregnancy. If anyone sees the baby they will think her baby is pre-mature baby.” Aliya’s nurse comes to Aliya and says “I have informed your husband, he is coming. Is this your baby? Can I see him once? ” and tries to take him from Aliya but Aliya goes away from there. Aliya gets scared and thinks “if Purab comes here and sees Disha and his son along with her then…… my plan can’t get wasted” she sees her son and thinks “I have to do this. I am sorry my son your mother have no option.” Then Aliya bribes the doctor and switches the babies. As the baby was weak and very little all the family members believes doctor’s words. None of the family members notice Disha in hospital and then Disha was informed that her child is……”
In Disha’s house
Disha remembers Aryan and thinks “why did I feel very close to him? Why did I get…..” Thinking she opens her cupboard. Her second pregnancy file falls down. She picks up and sees the sonography report and cries. Aliya is alone in her room and says “I never wanted to snatch your son from u.” Disha thinks “I wish u were here with me today.”
In Mehra mansion
Aliya thinks “I always wanted to kick u from Purab’s life and this house. But I never thought I would be privileged to give u a life time pain, to take your son away from u. Of course I cried for my son..but u see Aliya loves herself and her motives more than anyone.” Aliya sees Aryan’s pic and holds it and says “you are Disha’s son but u love me …me , the women who destroyed your mother’s life. U are the reason why your father is staying with me. Everyone thinks you are very good though u are my son but if you are my son how can u be good? But u see, u are my pawn . If I lose u your father will leave me. So I will accept u until you are aware of my truth and prevent u from knowing my truth but.. if u get to know my truth then I will have to crush u to make my way clear. ”
In Aryan’s room
Aryan is startled by Kiara’s question. His reaction was same as Kiara’s reaction when she saw Mishti in place of Shahana in Aryan’s roka, confused and shocked. He doesn’t understand what to answer and bends his head and tries to take the pic from Kiara’s hand. Kiara draws her hand back and says “answer Aryan.” Aryan gets tears in his eyes. Kiara continues “when I heard about your roka I thought that your roka is with this girl. But I was shocked to see some other girl. Is there any other problem. Didn’t your parents accept?” Aryan is about to says something. Kiara says “come, I will talk to your parents. I don’t know about your mother but your father is a very nice person. He will definitely agree.” Aryan reminds his moments with Shahana and says “I don’t love any girl di” Kiara gets shocked and asks “what?” Aryan says “yes.” He takes Shahana’s pic from her hands and carasses the pic. Kiara says “Aryan u are not understanding u love this girl, but you are not understanding.” Aryan says “nothing like that.” He shows Shahana’s pic and says “she is my friend, Shahana and Mishti is my father’s friend’s daughter. As I don’t love anyone I agreed to get married to a girl of my mother’s choice.” Kiara says “no Aryan, I agree u don’t love Mishti but u love this girl…… Shahana. It is clearly evident in your eyes.” Aryan gets confused and says “no.. di….. there is nothing like that and I and Shahana were friends.” Kiara says “no….. what? What did u just say? Were? U mean u were friends? Then what she is to u now?” Aryans says “she was my good friend and she will always be.” Kiara doesn’t understand. Aryan understands Kiara’s expression and says “she is no more.”
I have selected characters for Mishti and Shashank. Shashank’s character will be played by Rohan Gandotra and Mishti by Simran Pareenja
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