Thursday, 28 January 2021




SCENE 1: Everyone in the family is shocked after seeing vansh’s look alike, especially riddhima and vansh..

Abhi: I missed you alot riddhima, you were the only thing keeping me alive! *he hugs her tightly,and riddhima also hugs him back* I know you missed me too..*he is about to kiss her on the cheek, when vansh keeps his hand as a wall between his lips and her cheeks*

Vansh: She is my wife, abhi! So better maintain distance, and you need some explaining to do..

Riddhima was still dumbstruck

Abhi: Yes, actually..

Ishani: What the hell?? How are you both looking exactly same? And hello *turns towards abhi* whoever the hell you are, first stop hugging her! She is our babhi! *she removes his hands around riddhima* so maintain distance, and bhai, why you are standing like this? do you know him? And look at his over action, he is hugging your wife, and riddhima? you are letting this roadside romeo, to hug you? and hugging him back also?

Vansh: Ishani! Now is not the time, we have some talking to do, so everyone leave to your rooms NOW!

Everyone leaves..

Abhi: I know you all are shocked!

Vansh: Oh indeed we are!

Abhi: I was actually dead, after the accident…

Vansh: I suddenly you got risen from the dead wow!

Riddhima: Let him complete vansh..

Abhi: but before taking me into the morgue someone noticed my pulse, and treated me, since then i have been in a coma…i woke up 1 month back and..

Vansh: It took you 1 month to reach here??

Abhi: I just woke up 1 month back, and i was not fully recovered yet..and as soon as i *turns towards riddhima* recovered, i came looking for you! I am back riddhima for you! *he comes closer to hug her when someone’s hand stops him* 

Vansh: Why don’t you explain a little more, then we can go back to hugging shall we? *he places his hand on his shoulder and takes him away while riddhima is still standing there*

Abhi: Thanks a lot vansh! For taking care of her…i know you did it because she was my girlfriend..

Vansh: No, i didn’t! I married her because she was just riddhima for me! She was not your girlfriend until yesterday, she told me about you just yesterday…

Abhi: Wow, what a coincidence right! I love her man! I will be more than happy to take her with me! I was actually worried that who might be her husband and how will i convince her, but since, AHHH *vansh looks at his wounds* (fake wounds guys)

Vansh: Looks like you are still healing?

Abhi: Yes, i just wanted to see riddhima, so i came here as fast as possible…the thought of seeing her is what kept me alive..

Vansh: I think so you should rest…this is your room..

Abhi: Is it near riddhima’s room??

Vansh: No, but we don’t have any room, near our’s so, adjust i guess? And abhi! Next time before you try to hug her, remember that she is Riddhima Vansh raisinghania….I hope you know what i am saying..

Abhi: Vansh, she might be your wife in front of your family! But somewhere deep down we both know the truth that she has always loved me…and probably she still loves me! You were just kind of a rebound for her, who looks like me, she was seeing me in you! And now she doesn’t have to…since i am back!

Vansh: *smirks* I don’t know which version of her you loved, but i can assure you that this version, loves me! 

Abhi: My suggestion to you, don’t get your hopes high!

Vansh: You!! *grabs him by his collar* 

Riddhima: Stop you both! Abhi, you go and rest..and vansh come with me..

Vansh goes with riddhima..

Abhi’s pov: Miya,biwi ke beech abhi abhi toh jagde shuru honge…tabhi toh mera kaam asaan hoga, riddhima ko iddhar se leke jaane ke liye! ( these both wife and husband, will start fighting soon, then only my work will get easier to take riddhima away from  here)

SCENE 2: Next day morning Vansh, Riddhima, siya, ishani, rudra and aaryan were planning to go to their farm house…

Riddhima: Vansh?

Vansh: Yes..

Riddhima: Can we take abhi with us? He will be bored and if he gets some fresh air, he might feel well?

Vansh’s pov: I don’t want to riddhima! But you care for him, and i hate the fact that you care for him…if this gives you happiness, then i guess i am ok with it..

Vansh: Yeah sure..

SCENE 3: In the farm house…

Ishani: Bhai, it’s soo boring here, let’s play something! How about dumb charades?

Siya: Yeah, it’s been a while!

Vansh: You guys carry on…i am not interested in this..

Siya: Babhi atleast you will play right?

Riddhima: Yeah, i will play..

Siya: So, me and Aryan bhaiya one team, ishani and rudra and riddhima babhi and…

Rudra: Babhi, you can join in our team..

Abhi: Why? I will be riddhima’s partner…Are you fine with it riddhima?

Riddhima: *she hesistantly says yes*

Ishani: You know what dumb charades is boring, lets play something mature! Like never have i ever…

Aryan: I will go and get the drinks…and babhi, you won’t drink so a juice right?

Riddhima: yeah…

Vansh: Get one for me even, i will also play..

Siya: Not bad bhai!

Aryan is getting drinks when he gets a call and goes to attend it…abhi comes to the table on which drinks are kept..

Abhi’s pov: If truth needs to come out then you should get drunk riddhima, for raw truths to come out of you! *he mixes a drink with the juice*

Aryan: What are you doing?

Abhi: Nothing! I was actually thinking to help you since there are many drinks i thought i will help you carry a few?

Aryan: then take and leave!

Everyone takes the drinks…

Ishani: I will go first…um…never have i ever been on a trip with someone other than my family…

Vansh, rudra, riddhima & Abhi Take a drink

Siya: Bhai and rudra’s we know, but babhu you too?

Riddhima: After my first internship, i had to go on a business trip…

Abhi: I was also on the same trip right?

Riddhima: yes…

Ishani rolls her eyes and vansh looks on…

Siya: Never have i ever had alcohol!

Ishani: uff! Siya! You really are a kid!

Everyone drinks..

Abhi: Vansh do you know, riddhima had her first drinking experience with me, i still remember how she behaved! She even slapped a traffic officer and we had to run away!

Riddhima: yeah!! I remember!

Rudra: Never have i ever broken a promise made!

Everyone drinks expect vansh and siya…

Riddhima: Vansh? You never broke a promise?

Vansh: I am a man of my words riddhima..

Riddhima: That’s true…anyway your turn vansh!

Vansh: Never have i ever died and came back suddenly out of nowhere!

Abhi drinks…

Abhi: My turn…never have i ever loved someone else’s girl friend! Vansh don’t you think that you should take a sip for this?

Vansh: Well unless you remind me loving someone else’s girlfriend!

Aryan: Guys this is not going in a good way…i guess we should end it!

Rudra: Yes boss, its better if we end it, lets go and sleep everyone..

Everyone leaves except riddhima vansh and abhi..

Riddhima: Ouch! My head hurts…anyway lets continue…the game

Vansh: Riddhima, let’s go and sleep…

Riddhima: NO! Please let’s play!

Vansh: Riddhima re you drunk? *he takes the glass and smells it* Great! Aryan mixed something! Should have doubted him when he volunteered to bring the drinks, damn him!

Riddhima: MY TURN!!!! Never have i ever…..*thinks* I can’t think of anything!

Abhi: How about i go again? Never have i ever doubted my wife’s intentions..riddhima in your case it’s husband..

Riddhima: Oooh, we do that alot!!

Vansh: Riddhima, let’s go back to room …you are pretty much soo high right now!

Riddhima: NO!

Abhi: *rubs her back* Riddhima…please get up, you will listen to me right? Slowly get up…*she gets up* Come with me…is this your room?

Vansh: Yes!

Abhi: Now sleep like a good girl ok…

He was about to leave but riddhima holds his hand…vansh comes and removes her hand..

Abhi: I have handled her drunk before…so i knew how to..anyway looks like she afterall hasn’t forgotten me! She still believes me vansh, in no time she will leave you!

Vansh: Or more worse, she will not! She loves me abhi and it will be better if you get that in your head as soon as possible, stop living in a la la land and come out of the freakin’ fairy tale of yours and riddhima…welcome to reality bruh! Where she loves me!

Abhi: Overconfidence is too bad vansh, i challenge you she will come back to me, like she chose to listen to me over you!

Vansh: YOU!! IDIOT!! *grabs his collar*

Eventually they start fighting!

Riddhima: Oh god! What is happening??? Vansh?? Leave him! *she breaks their fight*

Riddhima takes vansh to their room..

Riddhima: Are you mad? Didn’t you see his position, still you were grabbing his collar..

Vansh: Riddhima, you didn’t hear what he said..

Riddhima: I am sure, he must have said nothing wrong vansh..and.

Vansh: Oh so now he is here, so that’s why you are shouting on me right? Anyway you loved him and know him much closer right?

Riddhima: Vansh, it’s not like that! I didn’t want him to take you in the wrong way, thats why i shouted…i trust him vansh..

Vansh: More than me? Oh wait, why am i even asking this question? Obviously, you will trust him more than me right? He is the good guy and i am the bad guy who happens to be utterly and madly in love with you!

Riddhima: Why is he suddenly a problem now Vansh? Until yesterday you were fine with me talking about him!

Vansh: Oh wait! Because until yesterday he was dead! And ooh, guess what he is alive today, don’t you think it should be a problem??

Riddhima: Vansh please! Please stop making it a big problem! How many times i have to clear you that i love you!

Vansh: And yet you decide to listen to him!?

Riddhima: I was drunk a while ago! For god’s sake give me a break! I am tired vansh! I loved him and now i love you! Please meet me halfway here! What is soo hard to understand in that??

Vansh: Today, i will be sleeping in the bedroom next to ours…

Riddhima: Vansh…

Vansh: I guess its best for both of us, until we figure few things out, and i can do that only when i am alone…so..please riddhima, don’t ask anymore questions please!

Vansh leaves….

Riddhima’s pov: Which position have you put me in god, where i have to choose between vansh and abhi?

SCENE 3: Next day morning, in VR mansion,everyone is having breakfast, when abhi also comes and joins them…seeing this ishani gets irritated..

Ishani: Oh god! Now we have to eat with him? Bhai, i don’t like him..he gives me creepy vibes will please tell him to go!

Vansh’s pov: Trust me ishani, if it was in my hands, he would be not be eating breakfast with us, in fact he would be dead! And eating food, in heaven or hell, wherever he deserved!

Abhi: I will go back to my room..

Riddhima: I will get the food into your room…*abhi leaves*

Ishani: Tell me one thing riddhima! Why do you care for him so much? I don’t even know what is going on in my house anymore! This doesn’t even feel like home, it feels like a hotel to me! Whoever wants comes in and stays! First you came in and became bhai’s wife and now he came i don’t why maybe to become your husband! *she gets irritated and leave the table* 

Dadi: Vansh, who is he?

Vansh: dadi, trust me when the time is correct i will explain everything to everyone!

Riddhima goes to abhi’s room..

Riddhima: Here is your food..please eat and take your medicines..

Abhi: *she is about to leave but he holds her hand* Riddhima? Won’t you even talk to me?

Riddhima: There is nothing like that, i guess until you recover..

Abhi: Riddhima!! Look into my eyes, you seriously don’t want to talk to me? We loved each other riddhima! You said that no one can take my place in your life, you were so desperate to get married to me…*he comes closer to her, and unknowingly his grip on her wrist tightens* What has he done to you?

Riddhima: abhi, you are hurting me..

Abhi: I am also hurting riddhima, and i need you! 

Vansh: She said you are hurting her!! *on hearing vansh’s voice, he loosens his grip* 

Abhi: Riddhima, i am sorry, i didn’t realise..*riddhima leaves the room in tears and vansh comes near him*

Vansh: *grabs him by his collar* Told you right? Next time before you come near her, remember that she is my wife! I promised myself that i won’t let her cry, and next time you dare to hurt her, this time i will only kill you into pieces, and this time no one will find the body itself to search your pulse! And i blo*dy hell mean it! And i was never a rebound for her…i know that!

He was about to leave..

Abhi: You don’t really believe that! You just don’t want to get hurt,that’s why you are thinking like that…




The post A RIANSH FANFIC~ RAVAGED SOULS (ISHQ YAA PHIR DHOKA) appeared first on Telly Updates.

1/28/2021 01:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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