Friday, 18 December 2020

Shaadi Mubarak 18th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Preeti and KT have a moment

Shaadi Mubarak 18th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with KT teaching ballroom dance to Preeti. Ishq hua…plays… They dance and smile. She gets hurt. He says let me see, wait. She says its hurting. He says you got a sprain, I will the spray, wait. He cares for Preeti. She says its fine, we will practice. He says great spirit, our dance will be so good that Nandini will burn with jealousy. She asks are we doing this dance to show her. He says yes, what else, no, I mean, we have good tuning and she will be jealous. She asks when will this competition end. He says I m doing this to get Arjun, then he will go away from his mum, Nandini can see that Arjun is happy with us, then she will go away. Preeti says fine.

Nandini dances in her room. She says I will not leave you, your drama will end, you love me, you will have me in your arms in ball dance. KT and Preeti dance. She thinks KT is losing himself in this fight with Nandini. Priyanka decides her dress. She says I got mad since Neil invited me in the party, its just a Christmas party. She misses her sisters. Juhi comes home and looks upset. Priyanka asks did you decide what to wear in the party. Juhi says we all won’t go. Priyanka asks why, Neil and KT invited us, Preeti would be there. Juhi says we won’t go. Kusum looks on.

KT and Arjun play carrom. Preeti asks Arjun to see the clothes. She says I got same clothes for you both, did you like it. KT says its fantastic, we will keep same hairstyle, we will look cool. Arjun says I won’t wear this. Nandini says he will wear what I get for him. Arjun says thanks, I love it mom. KT asks him to wear his choice of clothes. Arjun says sorry, I like mum’s choice. KT thinks I have to work hard to get Arjun. Preeti says its fine, wear anything you like, KT won’t feel bad, right. KT says yes. Arjun says thanks, I got a gown for mum, I will show you. He shows the gown and says mom will look best. Sneha asks which gown is Preeti wearing. Preeti says no. KT says I got a gown for her, its her fav colour. Nandini says really, show it. KT says see it in the party. He asks Preeti to come and see the gown fitting. They go.

Kusum sees Juhi crying and asks what happened, tell it, why did you refuse from going to the party. Juhi says they made me realize that my mum isn’t mine now. She cries. Preeti asks why did you lie, I don’t wear gowns. KT asks her to calm down. He says I didn’t forget anything, you are comfortable in sarees, you look good also, just wear a gown on my saying, I m your husband, give me this right. Preeti says I know why you want me to wear it, because Nandini is wearing a gown, what’s this kiddish competition. He says no, I want my wife to look the best, I will get better gown than Nandini’s gown. She says I won’t wear it. She goes. He says I have ordered it.

Preeti comes to the room. She sees the gown kept on the bed. KT gets ready and comes. He asks how do I look. Preeti says you got ready, you look okay. He laughs. He says you can compliment me, like I compliment you. He compliments her beauty. He makes her wear a bangle and says I m praising you, if you think I m saying it for Nandini, then no, its from my heart. Ik tara….plays…

She says you look good. He says you will learn complimenting with time, I will wait for you. She says sorry, I can’t wear this gown. He says I told it in front of everyone, its your choice to keep my word or not. He leaves. She says you are burning yourself while burning Nandini with jealousy, I won’t let you do this, sorry, I m not Nandini, its better if you know it soon, I won’t wear it. Kusum and her family come to meet KT. Kusum gets a good welcome. KT says Preeti would get ready and come. Preeti takes a saree from the cupboard and goes to change. Nandini takes the gown and wears it. She says I will show Preeti her place.

Nandini locks Preeti. She dances with KT in the party. Preeti looks on.

Update Credit to: Amena

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