Hi guys,
Thank you all for your immense response. Now I’m feeling better and it’s all because of your comments. They were actually energy boosters for me. Please do keep supporting me like this.
Here the episode begins…
Vansh messages everyone except riddhima regarding the party place and plans and ask them to come at XYZ place by 11.00pm.
Its night 10.00pm..
RIDDHIMA: ( Recieves call from vansh number) Hi vansh, tell me.
UNKNOWN: Sorry mam actually I don’t know you. The owner of this phone has met with an accident.
RIDDHIMA: What!! How is he now? Right now where are you? Tell me the address, I’ll come there.
UNKNOWN: Mam please don’t get panic. I’m here in xyz place. Come fast mam.
RIDDHIMA: Sure sir.
Meanwhile Kabir, sejal, ishani, sia and angre has reached the party place. It was a resort. The whole resort was booked by vansh. The entire resort was decorated with lights. The floors contains rose petals. It also had a dining area. It also contained swimming large swimming pool. In the middle there was a large big white screen. Everybody were astonished. Because they didn’t even know that their vansh could plan such a amazing party.
Meanwhile riddhima reaches the XYZ place and sees the resort.
RIDDHIMA: This was the address that person told me but here it was resort.
Since she was so tensed she decided to go inside and see. There she sees angre and others and informs them about the call and vansh accident. Suddenly she hears some voice.
UNKNOWN: Don’t worry. Nothing happened to me.
She felt that the voice was very well known to her and so turns to see the person.
As soon as she saw vansh she runs and hugs him. Vansh and even others were in utter shock as they didn’t expect this from riddhima. Vansh felt as if though he was flying high in the sky. Now he was very happy to riddhima’s tears because those tears were for him which he didn’t expect. He tries to console a crying riddhima.
VANSH: Now will you please stop crying.
ANGRE: Vansh, I don’t understand anything. What happened? Just now riddhima said that she received a call from your number and some unknown person said that you had met with an accident. What’s happening?
SIA: Bhai, are you ok?
VANSH: Don’t worry guys. Sorry actually it was all my plan to make riddhima come to the party.
On hearing vansh’s words riddhima was utter shocked. She didn’t expect this from her best friend who knows her very well.
Riddhima begins to run from that place while vansh holds riddhima’s hand and stops her. Riddhima turns and slaps vansh. Everyone present there was shocked as they didn’t see riddhima like this before. Because for them after six months riddhima is expressing her anger.
VANSH: Riddhima I’m sorry but please understand my intention was not to hurt you. I want you to enjoy with us. I know I had hurt you and I’m really sorry for that.
RIDDHIMA: Stop it vansh. You know me very well. Didnt you think even once, that how will I feel when I hear the news.
VANSH: I know riddhima. But I don’t have any other option other than this. I’m sorry but don’t go.
ANGRE: Riddhu, I know what vansh did would have hurt you. But please forgive him. Don’t go.
ISHANI: Yes riddhu, please don’t go.
OTHERS: (unison) Don’t go riddhima. Please
RIDDHIMA: Have you guys gone mad. Don’t you all know that after my parents demise I had not attended any party. I can’t enjoy it. Still now I can’t believe my parents accident news. Still now I am unable to accept the truth.
Suddenly everyone hears someone calling riddhima. And the voice were well known by all present there. Just then everybody turns towards the direction from where they heard the voice.
It was riddhima’s parents voice and it came from the video. The video was shown on the big screen.
RIDDHIMA’S FATHER: Riddhu, don’t you know that I don’t like to see tears from your eyes. I know you can’t accept our death news but you have to accept the truth. My riddhu is not that weak to get afraid and run from the truth. If you do so, then I’m sure I’ll not be happy. If you want me to be happy then please accept the truth and be strong.
RIDDHIMA’S MOTHER : We both know that you both are not happy. But don’t think that we are not there for you. Don’t forget that we still live in your thoughts and memories. We will be there always for you both but from far. So please accept the reality and be strong that we are always there by you in all your happiness and even in your difficulties. We both can’t be in peace if our both children are not happy.
RIDDHIMA’S PARENTS: ( unison) Don’t forget that we are there for you and we both love you both. We want to see our children happy. Only then we will be happy. Love you both.
The video ends.
VANSH: Riddhima actually, I made this video through hologram. The video may not be real but don’t forget that the words are true. Your parents won’t be happy until you are happy. They are not dead. According to me they are still living in all our memories and I believe in it. They are not here but their blessings will be there always with you. They want you to live your life, enjoy your life, succeed in your life not to be sad. You are not weak to run from the reality. They want you to be strong and happy throughout your life. Only then their soul will be in peace and happy. This is the only duty you can do as a daughter to them. Will you do it?
All these while riddhima eyes was filled with tears. She runs and hugs vansh. She cries and apologises to vansh for her rude behaviour.
RIDDHIMA: I’m sorry vansh. I shouldn’t have slapped you. Please forgive me.
VANSH: Riddhima don’t cry. I want you to be happy. Now again you are crying, just wipe your tears.
Riddhima wipes her tears and smiles. After six months riddhima smiles. Everyone notices this and gets emotional.
just then vansh notices angre.
VANSH: I think now I have to console another baby. That too big baby. Angre why are you crying now? Your parents not only wants riddhima to be happy but you too.
ANGRE: Thank you vansh. You made my sister to smile. Thank you.
ISHANI: Oh guys! Now all the emotional scene got over. It’s already 11.58pm. Now just two minutes left for next year. So let’s all start our celebrations.
Its 12.00 pm.
Now everybody together gathers and wishes
everyone wishes and hugs each other.
Do please comment your views and Suggeations if any to be made.
Once again
May this new year bring peace in all your life.
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