Monday, 28 December 2020

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 26


The episode starts with Ishani putting a powder in the juice that will be delivered to Riddhima.
Ishani to herself: You were so eager for your haldi ceremony right Riddhima?! But how you will do that when you drink this juice? This juice glasses will be delivered to everyone at the beginning of the ceremony, but your glass is a special one and it is
offered only for you. This powder will make you be in a deep sleep and you will not be able to celebrate your haldi ceremony. I will enjoy so much to see a haldi ceremony without its bride. Have a sweet dreams Riddhima darling.
Riddhima was getting ready and she wasn’t aware of Ishani’s evil plan that she is preparing for her. While Riddhima was getting ready, Sejal came to her.
Sejal: Wow! You look fabulous Riddhima darling. I’m really happy for you Riddhima, I’m really happy that you have known your father’s identity and you have known that he is alive. I can’t imagine that all of those things have happened very fast like that, but I’m happy to see your happiness.
Riddhima: Who can imagine that after all those years I can reach to my father’s identity actually I was starting to give up to know anything about my parents. I can’t imagine that I will know my father’s identity during my wedding rituals not only knowing my father’s identity but also releasing that my father is Vansh’s uncle! This is really an unbelievable thing!
Sejal: When God is planning something, no one could forbids it from being happened. Actually, you have to chill and be very happy that you have found your father along with your marriage with your beloved one. I think that your relation with Vansh gets you all the happiness that you were dreaming to have.
Riddhima: You are right. The day I met Vansh, my life become more beautiful. He is always spreading an unconditional love to me and I will always be blessed that he is my soulmate and my partner, but there is still something that disturbs and scared me. I’m afraid that this marriage could be destroyed. She will not give up easily!
Sejal: Why you are so scared and worried?! And who is she? Do you are hiding something from me?!
Riddhima: I will tell you everything as I can’t fight against her alone, but promise me that you will not tell anyone anything. We can’t expose her until we get a proof against her.
Sejal: I promise you that I will not say anything to anyone. Just tell me everything as I could help you.
Riddhima starts telling Sejal everything Ishani has done and how she was trying very hard to stop the marriage and she also told Sejal about Ishani’s motive behind destroying the marriage. She also tells Sejal how Ishani was trying to kill her in the music ceremony. Riddhima has told Sejal everything, she didn’t hide anything from her.
Sejal: That stupid Ishani, I will not leave her! She wants to destroy my best friend’s marriage! Not only that but also wants to kill my best friend! I will not leave her, I will go and let her know her place!
Sejal was going to Ishani, but Riddhima stops her.
Riddhima: Please Sejal control your anger, don’t make me regret that I told you Ishani’s truth. Please calm down. It is not an easy thing to expose Ishani without a proof, she is very clever. Vansh will not be convinced without a proof, Ishani will manage to get out and will make us the the ones who made a mistake in front of Vansh’s eyes. So we have to be very alert and we have to be clever in every move we are doing. I need you to help me. We have to know Ishani’s next move so we can stop her.
Sejal: Do you are thinking about something?
Riddhima: Yes, I just want you to keep an eye on Ishani as I will be busy in my haldi ceremony and you have to know what she is preparing. I also want you to help me in collecting proofs against Ishani so we can expose her as soon as possible.
Sejal: Okay Riddhima, don’t worry. We will stop that Ishani and we will expose her. I will leave now to start watching her moves and see what she is planning.
Sejal lefts Riddhima to start watching Ishani’s movements.
Actually, Sejal have known Ishani’s new move when she listened to Ishani’s conversation to herself while she was near the juice glasses:
Ishani to herself: Just 15 minutes left and you will drink that juice and you will not have the chance to start your haldi ceremony Riddhima. This glass must be with me so no one could take it by mistake. Have sweet dreams Riddhima darling.
Sejal was shocked from Ishani’s new move and she decided to refute Ishani’s plan and make it falls on her, but she was just waiting for the moment that Ishani could leave the glass so she can replace it. But Sejal was afraid if Ishani didn’t leave the glass so she decides to trick her.
Sejal: Ishani darling why you are in the kitchen? You must be in the hale of the house and be ready for the ceremony and help Anuprya aunt in the preparations and don’t worry I will get the juice glasses.
Ishani was worried if the glass could be replaced and anyone could take it not Riddhima.
Ishani: Okay, I will go to help Anuprya aunt and you take the juice glasses, but take care about that glass. *pointing on the glass that she prepared for Riddhima* This glass is for Riddhima as she doesn’t prefer too much sugar on the juice so take care not make any other one than Riddhima drinks it .
Sejal: Okay Ishani, don’t worry. Thank you for caring about Riddhima.
After Ishani lefts, Sejal was surprised of how Ishani could pretend her care and love towards Riddhima while what she owns to her is the opposite!
Sejal to herself: I will not make you succeed in your plan Ishani, you don’t know that the trap that you made it for Riddhima you are the one who will be trapped on it not her.
Sejal takes the glass and decided to make Ishani drinks it instead of Riddhima and that what happens.
When everyone came to start the haldi ceremony, Sejal distributed the juice to everyone and she makes Ishani the first one to take the juice and Ishani wasn’t aware that the glass that she took is the glass that she prepared to Riddhima.
Ishani: Sejal do you made sure that Riddhima has taken the juice that it has low suger that glass that I gave it to you?
Sejal: Yes Ishani, don’t worry. Just drink the juice and enjoy.
Ishani drank the juice and the powder starts to make its effect so Sejal takes her to her room to sleep.
Then Sejal went to Riddhima to tell her about what Ishani was planning and how she trapped her in her own plan!
Riddhima: Thank you so much Sejal for destroying Ishani’s plan. I know that I will not regret by taking your help and telling you everything. You are always protecting me from any danger. Thank you so much. If you didn’t replace the juice, I was now sleeping and I didn’t have the chance to celebrate my haldi ceremony. I’m really grateful for what you have done to me.
Sejal: Don’t be silly Riddhima, you are my sister not just my best friend. No one could harm you and I’m with you. You don’t have to think about anything now, you just must enjoy your haldi.
They start the haldi ceremony, but Angre was asking about Ishani and why she is missing?
Angre: Where is Ishani? I’m not seeing her.
Sejal: She is in her room as she was tired so she decided to take some rest, but don’t worry about her. I checked on her and she is totally fine, just leave her take some rest.
Angre: Okay, thank you Sejal for caring about my sister.
Sejal: You are welcome. Let’s go to apply the haldi to the bride and the groom.
Everyone starts applying the haldi to Riddhima first and then they applied the rest of Riddhima’s haldi to Vansh.
Vansh and Riddhima were super happy and they were having an eye look without anyone is noticing and after they have finished applying the haldi, everyone starts dancing.
At that moment, Vansh takes Riddhima to a side so no one could sees them.
Riddhima: Vansh what are you doing? If anyone sees us here, they would misunderstand us.
He puts his finger on her mouth to stop her from talking.
Vansh: Don’t talk too much and let us enjoy this beautiful moment. They all applied to us the haldi, but we didn’t have the chance to apply the haldi to each other! It is not fair! Let’s do something different and let’s apply the haldi to each other so we can make this moment memorable so we don’t forget it.
Riddhima: But how we will do that as the haldi is there?!
Vansh: Who told you that the haldi is there? I managed to take it!
She got surprised from how he is always prepared for everything.
Vansh: I’m Vansh Rai Singhania who doesn’t do anything without preparing about every single detail.
He starts applying haldi to her with a very romantic and hot way. He makes her so close to him and he starts completing applying haldi to Riddhima and then she also applied haldi to him.
Riddhima puts her cheek on Vansh’s cheek to puts to him the haldi that is already on her cheek.
Riddhima: I also have my own way!
He was going so close to her and he was going to kiss her when she got shy and lefts fast.
Vansh: You can’t escape from me once again as you don’t know the surprise that I’m preparing for you.
Vansh came to the hale and he stops the music to announce an important announcement.
Vansh: I want to announce that I’ve changed the date of the marriage. The marriage will not be tomorrow, the marriage will happen now after the haldi.
Anuprya: What?! How this is possible?! How we will manage to do the preparations?! The wedding date must be tomorrow so how we will manage to do it now.
Vansh: Don’t worry mom. I’ve managed everything and all the preparations are ready.
Everyone was shocked from Vansh’s decision especially Riddhima, but she was happy that she finally will marry him and they will be together forever and she hopes that they can finish the wedding ritual before Ishani could wake up and destroy the wedding.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 26 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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