Wednesday 30 December 2020

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 33


The episode starts with Angre trying to explain more about Vansh’s state and the way everyone must treat him with so he can gain his memory quickly.
Angre: You are a doctor Riddhima bhabi so you are the only one who will know how to treat Vansh in the best way. You know how you can make him gain his memory back. You must calm down and control your fear and worry so you can be with Vansh and support him.
Riddhima: How you want me to calm down?! Do you think that it is easy to me that I know that my husband that I love the most have forgotten me?! How after all the troubles that we have gone through it to be together you want to let me accept that Vansh will be the one who will be away from me?! I really can’t understand anything! I can’t tolerate such a thing! It is really very hard to me!
Angre: I know that it is very hard to you, but you must calm down as Vansh really needs you. I’ve talked to the doctor that is responsible about Vansh’s case and he told me that Vansh is totally fine and he informs me the we could arrive Vansh home today as he doesn’t need to stay more in the hospital, but he was very sure to let me remember that we can’t force Vansh to remember anything as this could affect him in a harmful way we must make him remember everything gradually and don’t speed up because this could harm him. So please we have to be very careful for Vansh’s sake.
Riddhima was very shattered, she doesn’t know what shall she do now? She doesn’t know that after a short time all her happiness will be destroyed! She didn’t have the chance to enjoy her time with her husband.
Riddhima to herself: I didn’t do anything bad to have that hard and tough punishment! Why I could be separated from the one who I love the most?! Why when I love anyone very much and I start to feel safe then the destiny takes this person away from me?! I’ve been forbidden to not see my father or know anything about him since all those years and then I’ve taken away from my mother when I was too young and then now my husband can’t remember me and he starts to be away from me! I can’t bear all this pain!
Siya: You have to be brave and have the courage to get your husband back. Don’t give up easily, you have to trust your love and to know that is the thing that will win at the end. Don’t make the sadness and heart breaking to make you lose hope and don’t concentrate on your husband’s health. You have to concentrate now on how you will make Vansh recover fast and remember everything was between you and him. You can’t give up easily Riddhima bhabi, you must be strong to fight against Ishani and don’t make her take advantage of this situation.
Riddhima: Do you are trusting what I have said?!
Siya: Yes Riddhima bhabi, I trust you. Actually, Sejal have told me everything and that what makes what you said more logical. I know that you can’t harm my brother. I know how much you love him. Don’t worry, we are with you.
Kabir: Yes Riddhima bhabi, Sejal have told us everything you have passed through and how Ishani was trying to kill you and destroy your marriage with Vansh. We are all with you and will support you until we expose Ishani. We will not make her succeed in her plan.
Sejal: I’m sorry Riddhima that I broke my promise and I told Siya and Kabir Ishani’s truth, but you already have told them so I didn’t make a wrong thing. I just have told them everything has happened in details so they can help us. As you know that Ishani has made a big drama that didn’t make anyone be convinced from anything. She made us all got confused so she can gain some time and then what has happened to Vansh and how he has forgotten everything related to you and Ishnai’s truth it will be very hard to kick her out without having a proof against her as the only who would have the courage to expose her in front of everyone and kick her out have forgotten everything!
Kabir: We must be more alert and think with a smart way because Ishani will not give up and she will know very well how she can take advantage from Vansh’s state.
Siya: Yes, actually she can brain wash him against Riddhima bhabi. So we have to forbids her form that.
Sejal: Yes, we must expose her very quickly and kick her out of the house.
Riddhima: We have to know that this mission will not be easy. Ishani isn’t a fool girl, she always make up her plans in a very short time and of course now she is planning a new plan. We have to also know that Ishani’s brother, Angre, is still confused and he doesn’t know who is right and who is wrong. We must get the proofs to him so he can be 100% sure that Ishani is the culprit.
Kabir: Yes Riddhima bhabi, you are right. We have to be very careful.
Riddhima was very happy that there are those who will support her until she get her love back. They are the ones who gave her the strength to not give up and fight against Ishani.
Unfortunately, Ishani has already planned her new and plan and already starts doing it.
She went to Vansh’s room without making anyone notices her and then she starts brain washed him against Riddhima.
Ishani: Vansh are you okay now?
Vansh: Yes Ishani, I’m fine. Ishani I can’t understand anything from what is happening now! Who is that Riddhima?! Does she is really my wife?!
Ishani: Unfortunately yes. She is your wife, but she isn’t innocent and kind like she is showing. She is a cheater! Actually, you have know that before your accident and that’s why you were fighting with her and then you called me to tell me that and then I came to be with you and supports you and when I came I have seen your fight with her and then she has been pushed you very aggressively. I’m sorry Vansh that I didn’t rescue you from her, but unfortunately everything has happened very quickly. Don’t trust her Vansh, she is a cheater. You are the one who told me that. You were always didn’t give anyone the chance to cheat you, but that Riddhima was very clever. She have known the way that makes you trust her very easily. So please Vansh don’t give her the chance to cheat you once again. Of course she is know will take the advantage that you have forgotten her cheat and she will act that she is your innocent wife that loves you very much. Please don’t give her the chance to succeed in what she wants. Unfortunately, no one of the family is knowing her truth so she will manage to fool them very quickly and will make them with her side so they can convince you that she loves you so much.
Vansh got very angry and he doesn’t believed that there is someone who could cheat Vansh Rai Singhania.
Vansh: Don’t worry Ishani, I will not make that Riddhima cheat me again. Actually, I wonders how I got influenced by her words. Anyway, I’m really thankful to you that you made me know her truth so I can’t be influenced by her acting again. She will now gain the punishment that she deserves for cheating on Vansh Rai Singhania. Please leave me alone so I can think very careful for what I will do with her.
Ishani: Okay Vansh, take care of yourself and if you need my help in exposing that girl just tell me. I will always be here for you if you need me in anything as you know how much you are important to me.
Ishani lefts and she was very happy that she succeeded in her plan and now she will enjoy very much while she is seeing Riddhima panning and suffering.
Ishani to herself: You were always proud Riddhima about Vansh’s love and how he can’t live without you, but look what he will do with you now. I just have started the fire that will not stop. Everything will happen next it will be by your Vansh’s hand. He is the one who will leave you and get away from you. I didn’t imagine that destiny will be with me that much. I didn’t imagine that I will get saved from Vansh when he gain consciousness, but look what has happened! Vansh have forgotten everything has happened and he will now trust me only as he believes that I’m the only one who is saying the truth. He doesn’t know that I’m the only one who is lying, but what can I do?! I can’t lose easily and I will not leave that Riddhima live peacefully. So welcome to hell Riddhima darling.
After Vansh lefts the hospital, they return him home.
Angre: You have to rest and take care of yourself boss.
Vansh: Don’t worry Angre I’m fine. I just want to know what doctors have said? Do I really have a partial memory loss?!
Angre: Yes Vansh, but don’t worry everything will be okay and you will gain your memory fast. You are a doctor and you know that very well so I don’t have to calm you because you already know that your state isn’t critical at all. You just must relax and don’t put yourself under pressure, you will remember everything gradually.
Everyone has left the room to make Vansh relax, but Riddhima stays to be with him. She comes to him while she was having an album of pictures that they took it with each other and she was trying to make him remember their memories, but he throws the album and starts shouting at her.
Vansh: Don’t make that drama, I’ve know your truth. Ishani has told me everything. So don’t act as if you are so innocent! You are a cheater not anything more than that and don’t think that I will leave you, you will be punished at every day and every moment. I will not make you live peacefully after you have cheated on Vansh Rai Singhania.
Riddhima: Please Vansh listen to me. What Ishani have said is just a lie, you have to listen to me. I’m your wife, your sweetheart. You were always calling me that. Please listen to me, I didn’t cheated on you. Please give me the chance to defend myself.
Vansh: I will not give you any chance to cheat on me once again. I don’t know how I got married to such a girl like you. So please leave now before you got more insult. I don’t want you to be with me in the same room. Actually, you have to be grateful that I’m still allowing you to be with me at the same house. So please get out now.
Riddhima left the room and she was very shattered and heart broken.
Ishani was observing everything has happened in the room and she was very happy that her plan succeeded. When she mets Riddhima she starts confronting her and making fun of her.
Ishani: What has happened Riddhima?! I can see tears in your eyes! Did your husband shouts on you?! So where is the love that you were so proud of it?! Everything changed now Riddhima. It is the end of your happiness and now there is the time of your end. Everything will be destroyed in your life. You will suffer a lot from now on and the one who will be responsible for your pain is the one who was one day responsible for your happiness. Your dearest husband is the one who will broke your heart and cause a lot of troubles in your life. Best of luck to you darling.
Riddhima was very shattered and she wasn’t believing that Ishani have succeed in brain washing Vansh against her. She doesn’t believe that her Vansh has said to her such words, but she decided that she will not give up and she will try her best to return Vansh to her because she trusts her love so much and she knows that at the end her love is thing that will win.
Riddhima to herself: Ishani I will not make you succeed in your plan, I will fight against you until I expose you and return my Vansh back to me. I’m not alone now. My love and my strength is with me along with Siya, Sejal, and Kabir who will support me and will help me in exposing you.
At the same time, Vansh was feeling sad for what he has said to Riddhima. He doesn’t know the reason, but he was feeling that he is misunderstanding her.
Vansh to himself: I don’t know why my heart is telling me that Riddhima is innocent?! Why I got hurt that much when I saw her tears?! Does she is really innocent and I’m misunderstanding her?! No Vansh don’t be influenced by her acting! You don’t know that girl to be convinced from her words very easily, but you know Ishani since childhood and of course she will not cheat on you. Don’t make that Riddhima cheat on you again.
Ishani was listing to Vansh’s conversation with himself and she was really happy that she gained Vansh’s trust and she was sure that it’s only a short time left and that Riddhima will be kicked out from Vansh’s life forever and she will be the only one in Vansh’s heart.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 33 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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