The episode starts with Riddhima being in the hale of the hospital with the new doctors waiting for the owner.
Regardless that she is very happy with her new job and that she will finally fulfill her dream to be a doctor, but she is super afraid. It is a new journey in her life and she has to be very careful and professional as Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania can’t tolerate mistakes. She has known a lot of things about him that makes him to her a very mysterious person. How a young man could reach to this success?!, how he manages all of these stuffs?! She knows that she will learn a lot from him, but she is afraid of his attitude. No one could be saved from him as he doesn’t accept less than the perfect thing.
While she was in her deep thoughts, His voice has wake her up from her dreams:
Vansh: Good morning doctors. Of course you know me, I’m Vansh Rai Singhania the owner of the hospital. I know that you all feel afraid of the new journey that you are going through, but don’t worry this fear will minimize when you start work and cure the patients. At that moment you will start to gain confidence and everything will be okay, but you have to always remember something: the patient’s life is the most important thing, you don’t have to risk his/her life at any circumstances, be always modest and don’t be overconfident because this could let you make mistakes and making mistakes in my hospital is not allowed, actually the thought of making mistakes is not allowed here. If you worked hard and make your duty, you will be respected and you will take the position that you deserve. But if you think to play with the patient’s life or to do any illegal thing there will not be worse than me.
A girl to Riddhima: Does we are in a hospital or in a police station?! Why he is so tough?!
Riddhima: Just wait. Let’s listen to his words and don’t talk as he could hear you.
Vansh completing his words: Maybe you are asking yourselves does we are in a hospital or in a police station?! why this guy is so rude and tough like that?!
The girl to Riddhima: Oh my God did he really hears me!
Riddhima: Just keep quiet and listen.
Vansh completing: I’m not rude or tough those are just my rules and this is my hospital. So in my hospital or in my life everything is going the way I want. So if you see that my rules doesn’t suits you just leave, but if you decided to work in my hospital you will apply to my rules and if you cross it you will be the one who put his/her life in danger.
He said this words while he was near Riddhima and that talkative girl.
Vansh: If you have any objection about what I said? Does anyone will leave?
Everyone: No doctor.
Vansh: Good, so let’s start our work. Now Dr. Angre will distribute you all with the supervisors. Good luck to you all.
Riddhima is super impressed with Vansh’s attitude, but at the same time she doesn’t believe that controlling people’s life is a good thing even for a pure and good reason. Her feelings are mixed: she doesn’t know if she likes his attitude and how he thinks or she hates his arrogance and his overconfidence. She is wondering how a person could know what comes in your mind. He is really a weird and a mysterious person! She doesn’t know if she still hopes that he be her supervisor or she will can’t tolerate his attitude.
Riddhima to herself: This the first time that a person makes me so confused like that! Who are you Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania. I really can’t understand you. Actually, I also can’t understand myself do I really impressed with an arrogant man or he isn’t like he appears. I’m really confused!
Siya: No one would understand what is going in Vansh’s mind. This is his attitude since childhood.
Riddhima: Are you Vansh’s si….
Siya: Yes I’m Vansh’s sister, Dr. Siya Rai Singhania
Riddhima: I’m sorry doctor, I didn’t meant it.
Siya: It’s okay, you didn’t mention a wrong thing. Vansh is always a puzzle that no one could’t solve it. Actually that what gives him his identity and I’m always proud of my brother. You are new doctor right?
Riddhima: Yes.
Siya: What’s your name?
Riddhima: My name is Riddhima Anupam.
Siya: Nice to meet you Dr. Riddhima. By the way you will be in Vansh’s team so wish you all the best.
Riddhima: Thank you Dr. Siya and nice to meet you too.
She doesn’t know the reason of that smile that came into her face. Does she is really happy that she will be in Vansh’s team?! Why she is really happy like that?! She didn’t have any answer to all those questions, but what she knows that once she entered this hospital her life had completely changed! She doesn’t know what is preparing for her in VR hospital, but she hopes that she could reach to her dreams.
Riddhima goes to take her white coat and her id and she was very happy when she wears her white coat. She is finally starts to make her dream true.
Afterwords, Siya goes to see Vansh.
Siya: What are you doing till now Vansh? You have to take rest. You have been working since morning! This is not good for your health. You are torturing yourself!
Vansh: Relax Siya. I’m fine. You know how much I love my work and I can’t see anyone in pain so I have to check on everything.
Siya: Do you are alone in this hospital?! What I’m doing here?! Actually I became a doctor so I can help you or you are not also trusting me as you are doing with everyone around you.
Vansh: Siya baby please relax and don’t say such words. The idea is not I’m trusting you or not, the idea that I can’t wait for any external person to come and destroy what I’m doing. So I always have to be very alert. And by the way if I will not trust my sister who I will trust idiot?!
Siya: Oh Vansh! You are always knows how to calm me down. You are the best brother in the whole world. I love you bro.
Vansh: I love you too.
Siya: But that doesn’t mean that I will leave you working till now. Enough work. Now is family time. Let’s go to the house and have dinner with the whole family, you have to take rest and anyway you have tomorrow a long day as you will start working with the new doctors.
Vansh: Yes, I’m interested to see what creativity they own. Did you get in touched with anyone of them?
Siya: Yes, I talked with some of them. Mostly, the ones in my team, but I’ve also talked with one of your team and I feel that she will be a professional doctor one day.
Vansh: Wow! It seems that you are really impressed with that girl?! I had really like to know that girl that you see her professional without even seeing her work.
Siya: No, I will not tell you. I will lit you figure out by yourself, if this girl is a hard working girl like I feel, you will notice her quickly. And I’m sure that you will know her as I feel that she has something special.
Vansh: We will see.
Siya: Let’s go as I’m super hungry.
Vansh: Okay.
The end of the episode I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section as it really means a lot to me.
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