Friday, 18 December 2020

Love Makes Life Beautiful Episode 85

Hey friends thank you so much for your wishes and support. The exam was very good. As promised here is the next episode soon after exam.
Episode starts

Water starts to fill the the tub. As no one notices Komolika slips out but luckily Abir sees her.
Abir: Why is she going like a mouse…hmm..she came from the washroom right let me check

Before Abir could reach the tub has covered Sid 3/4th

Abir rushes inside and is shocked. He takes Sid in his arms and runs out

Abir: Maaa….Papa…Bhai..bhabhi come soon

Prerna and Anurag rush there and are shocked

Sid finds difficult to breathe. They rush to the hospital

Sometime later

Doctor: How can you be so careless Mr and Mrs.Goenka. The baby is already premature and his lungs are struggling to breathe on first hand and now water has entered his’s so crtitical

Prerna breaks down. Mishti consoles her

Abir calls Kartik

Meanwhile at Goa. Kartik wakes up and sees Naira in his embrace

Naira senses his movement and wakes up

Naira: Good morning Mendak

Kartik: Thank God you are normal now

Naira: tell me Adi was locked with Mihir in the cod did I come here

Kartik is shocked to hear Mihir’s name. Before he could say anything the phone rings. It is Abir

Abir: Bhai….bhai….Sid…is critical

Naira sees Kartik’s serious face and Naira: What happened

Kartik connects the call on speaker

Kartik: Abir tell clearly

Abir tells everything

Kartik: This a Komolika is she an animal or she is worse than them.

Naira: Kartik..let’s go home and be with them

Kartik: I’ll arrange for tickets..Abir don’t panic we will be there soon.

Scene freezes.
Akash: this Komolika an zombie

Naina: Worse than them is what I can’t be arrest her

Akash: No exact proof

Naina: Don’t worry WE will arrest her soon

Akash: How

Naina tells her plan. Akash jumps with joy

Akash: You are the best my dear.

He hugs her and kisses her. The scene freezes

It’s the hospital. Prerna is weeping. Anurag hugs her

Anurag: wasn’t your fault…I’m at fault too…

Prerna: Our son is suffering…I can’t take it

They weep. Seeing them Abir is so upset. He sits in a corner. Mishti comes there

Mishti: Abir…if you hadn’t seen my god

Abir: That Komolika deserves a lesson

Mishti: We will definitely teach her

Abir hugs her. Abir: I can’t see Sid like this…think of bhai and bhabhi

Mishti: Abir…Sid will get fine very soon you don’t worry.
They console each other.

The scene shifts to Maya’s room

Maya to herself: This Komolika is witch. How can she do this…Oh my God what all should I tolerate. Please save me from this hell. I should not have suggested to bring her out. It’s a blunder,


The post Love Makes Life Beautiful Episode 85 appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/18/2020 03:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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