Wednesday, 2 December 2020

LOVE, LIFE, SECRETS: Answers lie within – CHAPTER 31

CHAPTER 31: Let the game begin

(Day after OmRu tell Priyanka about Tia-Dushyant)

Abir: Are you sure, is it really Tia and Dushyant?

Abir had asked the same question for the tenth time in the past one hour and Priyanka was highly irritated giving him the same answer…. Ranveer and Mishti were quiet after Priyanka had revealed the truth about Tia and Dushyant being married and were lost in their own thoughts…. Abir who was more than shocked ended up asking Priyanka the same question again and again….

Priyanka: How many times are you going to ask the same thing, I have already told you everything?

Abir became quiet hearing Priyanka’s irritated and slightly high voice…. Ranveer and Mishti looked at the duo and shook their head at Abir…. Ranveer and Mishti were used to Abir’s habit of asking the same question multiple times till his mind and heart didn’t get satisfied but Priyanka being new was bound to get irritated….

Mishti remembered the time when she had confessed her love for Abir years ago…. She was so damn nervous and had gathered her courage with utmost difficulty…. She without taking a chance to breathe and had spoken about her feelings to Abir all in one go…. Abir who was initially shocked by her sudden confession had only ended up asking her if she really loved him so many times that Mishti had reached her limits of patience and walked away…. Abir felt like an idiot when he realized what he had done and had spent the next two days persuading his lady love…. A smile adorned Mishti’s lips as she remembered the best days of her life and let out a chuckle…. She realized that the other three were looking at her confused as to why was she smiling…. She mentally slapped herself….

Priyanka: Now, what has happened to you, why are you smiling?

Mishti: Nothing, just remembered something. Anyways, we need to think about Tia and the case, so you think that Dushyant may have any connection to the case?

Mishti quickly put a stop to all the attention that she had received and diverted the mind of others to the case…. Little did she know that one person could easily see through her trick…. This was her old habit whenever she was asked something she couldn’t give answers to, she diverted the topic…. Abir could easily understand her smile when he realized what she must have been thinking…. Maybe she also remembered their good old times…. Times when he would irritate her with each and every thing…. Times when he did not say a word but she understood everything…. Times when they were nothing but two people madly in love with each other…. And then one day, she had walked up to him and said that she didn’t love him anymore…. Did she really fell out of love…. Or is that she never fell in love…. A lone tear escaped the confinement of his eye and rolled down his cheek…. He quickly wiped it off before anyone could notice it….

Unknown to him the other three had noticed the tear and him wiping it away…. Mishti understood the reason for his tear and her smile vanished in a moment…. Priyanka was surprised but didn’t say anything and looked at Ranveer…. Ranveer gave her an understanding nod and she knew that it was something very close to Abir’s heart and that she shouldn’t interfere…. She just nodded at Ranveer and he smiled seeing her understanding his small gestures….

Priyanka: I think the man whom Tia used to meet secretly must be Dushyant Bhaiya only.

Mishti: Yeah, that can be true. Who else would she meet and not want anyone to know other than him?

Abir: So, one thing is clear that the person involved in Tia’s life is Dushyant Rana.

Priyanka: Also, from whatever Om Bhaiya has told me, it is very clear that the number to which Tia talked from the Ranas definitely was used by Dushyant Bhaiya.

Ranveer: If that is the case, there are two possibilities, either Siddharth lied to us or….

Abir: Or he is also unaware of the truth.

Ranveer: Maybe the employee is Dushyant’s cover to keep his relation with Tia a secret.

Mishti: But it can also be that Siddharth knew the truth and didn’t want to land his family in any mess and planted the employee.

Priyanka: Whatever it is only one person can tell us the truth at this moment.

Abir: Yes, we have to talk to that man and extract the truth from him.

Ranveer: You are right. He needs to do a lot of talking.


Priyanka and Mishti were sitting in Ranveer’s cabin waiting for the two to come back after the questioning of the man who was s former employee of Ranas and the man who had confessed that he supplied inside information to Tia…. Priyanka was not allowed to be present at the questioning as she was a civilian and so Mishti decided to accompany her and not let her feel alone…. The girls were eagerly waiting for the boys…. Their mind racing with all the possible outcomes…. Who was lying…. Siddharth…. Dushyant…. Or the employee himself…. They could not come to a conclusion until they got to know what the man must be telling Ranveer and Abir….

Mishti: God knows what must be happening inside?

Priyanka: My patience level is dropping at a faster pace, I hope they come out soon and tell us everything soon.

Mishti: Ranveer Sir is very strict when it comes to questioning, I am sure the man must be having a tough time.

Priyanka: Completely sure about that.

The girls looked at each other and chuckled…. Priyanka looked at Mishti carefully…. Even though she was laughing and smiling, something in her eyes said otherwise…. There was no twinkle in her eyes when she smiled as if the smile was not from her heart…. Priyanka could not help but notice that there was a different vibe whenever Mishti and Abir were in the same room…. As if they had a lot to talk to each other but just couldn’t do that…. Their eyes had certain longing and sadness…. Priyanka had even asked Ranveer once but all he said was it was their private space and he didn’t wish to invade it….

Priyanka: Mishti, if you don’t mind, can I ask you something personal?

Mishti: You may Priyanka, but I won’t promise that I would be able to answer it or not.

Priyanka: I understand, you answer only if you feel like. What is your equation with Abir?

Mishti looked at Priyanka in surprise not expecting her to ask this question…. Was it so obvious to the world that Abir and she had something between them…. Were the people around them able to read the emotions they had suppressed deep inside them….

Priyanka: It’s okay Mishti, I understand if you cannot answer, I just asked because I felt something amiss between you both.

Mishti: No Priyanka, it is not about if I can answer or not, it’s that I don’t know what to tell you. I can only tell you that we loved each other a lot but soon things didn’t work out and I called off everything that existed between us. I broke his trust, his heart and all his dreams about us.

Priyanka: I am sorry Mishti, I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Mishti: It’s okay Priyanka, I know you didn’t have any intentions to hurt me. I wish I would have never hurt him.

Priyanka: But you do love him even today then, why don’t you both give each other a second chance?

Mishti: Something can only be fixed if done at the right time, it is too late for us to mend anything. He has moved on and so have I.

Priyanka: I wish I could believe it. Anyways it is your decision but I’ll only say one thing, it is never too late to mend broken hearts, all you need is some patience, affection and care.

Priyanka smiled at Mishti…. Mishti too smiled back…. Maybe Priyanka was right…. Maybe she still had a chance to mend what she had broken…. Their conversation was disturbed as Ranveer and Abir came back…. The boys looked at each other and then at the girls….

Mishti: So, what did he say? Who is lying, did you find any clue?

Abir: Relax Mishti, take a breath, we’ll tell you everything.

Priyanka: We are fine, you tell us what did that man tell?

Abir and Ranveer looked at each other…. And then Ranveer began telling them what the man told them…. The man had received a call from someone…. He was told to act as an employee of the Ranas and had to give a false statement regarding his contact with Tia…. He was paid a huge amount of money and had agreed readily….

Mishti: And who asked him to do all this?

Ranveer: He doesn’t know the name of the person but we checked his call records and procured the number of the person.

Abir: We’ll get the details of the caller soon but my intuition say that it is Siddharth.

Priyanka: Maybe you are right, seeing our equation with the Ranas, it can be true.

The door opened and a constable walked in with the details…. Abir took the papers and read them…. He was confused and looked at the others….

Ranveer: What is it Abir?

Abir: The number is registered under some Karan Verma.

Mishti: Who is Karan Verma now?

Ranveer: Do we have his address in the details?

Abir: Yes, he lives near Bandra.

Priyanka: Then let us pay a visit to our mystery man.

Ranveer: There are many players around us playing their own games, it’s our turn now. So, let the game begin.


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well.
Presenting you the next chapter, do share your views on the same.

Also, this Karan Verma is a character for one-two episodes only.

Keep reading and smiling!!!
Take care and stay safe!!!

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