Saturday, 26 December 2020

Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 28th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Shubra confronts Kuldeep


Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 28th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Samaira asks Kuldeep did you tell Shubra you accepted my offer? He says no. Shubra sees them in the car together. He says I will tell her when I go home. I have to tell kids as well. Samaira says I know you will miss kids. You can come on weekends. In your absence, your family will realize your importance as well.

Rishi hears noises from the room. He’s scared. Rishi says is it you Roli? Roli is disguised as a ghost. He runs. Roli says I am a ghost, you didn’t tell Roli what happened yesterday. He says yesterday when Roli was drowning.. Papa didn’t get a call. Samaira aunty came and papa hugged her. Roli says what?

Samaira and Kuldeep come to a cafe. He says I don’t know how will Shubra react. She says you are not a kid. You can decide for yourself. You will come to Mumbai and get many opportunities. She gives him an envelope. It’s his offer letter. Kuldeep is shcoked. SHe says I knew you would agree so I got it. He says thank you. She says thank you. You will come there and see how your dreams will come true. He says thank you. She says get me coffee. They offer coffee. Samaira comes there. Shubra and Kuldeep are shocked. She sits with them.

Roli says you reacted so much on such a small thing. He says Roli you were sacring me? She says I wanted to find out. Rishi says it isn’t a small thing. Roli says hugging isn’t a bad thing. ROshi says you hug people you love. What if papa brings Samaira aunty home? Roli says but he did. SHe is his friend. Rishi says why did he lie then? He lied to mama as well.

Shubra smiles and says why are you both worried? Kuldeep says what are you doing here? She says I am your wife. I don’t need anyone’s permission to have a cup of coffee with you. You two are here for coffee right? Samaira says we came for an important project’s discussion. Shubra says oh really? I went to your office Kuldeep.

Rishi says Roli, if papa starts loving aunty more? What if he leaves mama. Rahul’s papa left his mom and when to his friend. She says but what is divorce? Rishi says I told you when mama papa break up forever. Then they don’t patch up. Where will we live? Roli says our parents will always live together. They love each other. Rishi prays that they never break up. Roli gives him cookies. He hugs her.

Scene 2
The Waiter serves coffee. Kuldeep says let me tell you Shubra. Shubra says you said Rajesh met an accident, but he was perfectly fine. There was no bandage. Kuldeep says you’re getting it wrong. Shubra says tell me the truth. Samaira says listen.. She holds Kuldeep’s hand under the table. He leaves her hand. Shubra says listen Samaira ji, this is our personal matter. He’s my husband. Let him talk. Some discussions are done with family, not outsiders. And I wouldn’t want to discuss our personal matters in front of an outsider anyway. You can discuss it when you’re home. You came here to discuss an important project anyway. Can you tell by when will you come? It’s okay, take your time. She leaves.

Kuldeep says I have to go, I have to talk to her. Samaira holds his hand and says you won’t change your decision right? He says let me talk to her. ANd I will call you, you don’t call, please.

Rishi says aai didn’t come. Go wash your face. Roli says I will scare mama and papa both. He says no one will be scared. She says I will show you. Roli throws flour all over. Rishi says don’t do this. He gets scared. Rishi says don’t do this Roli. He runs. Rishi throws pebbles in her way. Roli throws water on him. She throws flour on him. They both play with flour.

Scene 3
Aaji calls Kuldeep. She says what was Rishi saying? Do you have any shame? You ruined my daughter’s lief and now roaming out with another girl? He says it isn’t like that. Aaji says who is that woman? And what is your relationship with her? Aaju takes the phone and puts it on speaker. Kuldeep says you have the right to question me. I will speak to Shurba, you left both of us. Aaju says I kept asking you not to meet them but you did. The way he spoke to you, I won’t tolerate it. No manners, no money, that’s the man he chose. If you meet them now, it won’t be good. He told you not to interfere. Swear on me, you won’t now. He leaves. Aaji cries.

Scene 4
Kuldeep says Shubra please stop. It’s not what you think. Shubra moves his aside and goes home. They open the gate and the whole house is messed up. Shubra says where are the kids? Roli.. Roshi. Suhbra looks for them. Kuldeep finds them under the bed. Kuldeep says so you two are here? Shubra says why are you both under the bed? Kuldeep says what is all this? Roli says it’s me. He says I am speaking to Rishi. Come out. Shubra gets them out. Shurba says what did you guys do? Kuldeep says you messed the whole house. You will clean it now. You both will clean the lounge and I will clean the room. Shubra says stop. I will clean it. You both clen yourself. Roli says never elave me with him never again. Rishi says never leave me with her. Shubra says enough. Kuldeep says don’t outlet my anger on kids. Shubra says go get fresh and go to Sanjana’s place to play. The kids go.

Kuldeep says Shubra listen.. I.. Shubra walks past him and starts cleaning.

Episode ends.

Precap-Shubra says that day in resort you were with Samaira and hugged her. You were close to her. After seeing all this, how will I trust you? He says I won’t lie to you anymore.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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