Friday, 25 December 2020

Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 26th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Shubra sees Kuldeep and Samaira


Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 26th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Rishi says papa hugged her. He told me not to tell you anything. Aaji says I knew he would do something like this some day. Shubra says aai please not in front fof him. Aaji says he has seen everything himself. She takes off evil from him and says she must have given him the evil eye. Shubra says you came here to see the dance, please.. Aai says for that useless man you will talk to me like this? Shubra says he’s my husband and my kids’ father. Imagine how would Rishi feel? Aaji says Rishi saw everything himself. Shubra says could be a misunderstanding. He’s a kid. Aaji says he’s too small to judge his father wrong. Shubra says this is my family matter. I will solve it. Please go. Rishi says aai papa asked me not to tell you but I did. Don’t tell him I told you. Shubra hugs him and says you didn’t do anything wrong. You did what you saw. You don’t have to be scared. And I am with you. Aaji leaves.

Aaji comes to Chand Rani’s place. She says where did she go? She collides with her. Chand Rani says It went to get flowers from the garden of neighbors. He shouts, but it feels good. You came here? Aaji says didn’t feel like going home. Biji says what happened? Let me get you water. Aaji recalls what Shubra said? Biji says what happened? Aaji says my daughter said it’s her house she will handle it. Don’t we have any right on her? She ran from the house to marry him and that useless man is with another woman now. And she asked me to stay silent. Biji says kids these days don’t consider parents anything. My son did the same thing. Same to same. For a girl, she was also Marathan, he left us. Should we cry for them? He came in front of me. I slapped him in front of the whole market. You also do the same. We are both hurt by our kids. This pain only increases with time. The day their kids do the same with them they will know how it feels. You are not alone. I am with you. We will live the remaining life happily.

Shubra asks Roli to stay out of the room and says I need to check his temperature. Roli says mama locked the door to check the temperature? There’s something wrong. Shubra says you and Saloni are friends. You go to school and play with her as well. Papa and Samaira are also friends. Rishi says he doesn’t even hug you anymore why did he hug her? Shurba says it’s normal. Rishi says then why he asked me not to tell you? Shubra says they must be planning a surprise. Roli says I can’t hear anything. Shubra says don’t worry. Shubra comes out. Roli is in the door. Shubra says I told you not to listen to people’s conversations. Bad manners. Go and take care of Rishi. He isn’t well.

Scene 2
Aaji comes home. Aaju says must have felt good meeting your daughter and SIL? You openly go against me now. The daughter’s love has made you blind. She cries and says kids leave but we are alone. Why should we do this? He says we have another daughter is with us. Aaji says I am talking about Shubra. She needs us, please forgive her. He leaves. Aaji says he has kept a stone on her heart, how can I leave her alone? She cries.

Roli gives Rishi things and says exchange policy. You take all this and tell me why is mama upset and what was she talking to you about? He says I don’t want anything and I won’t tell anything. She hangs his binoculars out of the window and says if you don’t tell me I will throw it out. He says don’t, I will tell you.

Kuldeep comes home. He says very tired, had a very stressful day. Where are the kids? Shubra is silent. Kuldeep says what hapepned? Shubra says where were you? I kept calling. He says it was silent, I was in a meeting. Shubra says you were staying with Rajesh.. He says Rajesh? I mean. He’s in hospital. He’s getting better. He will stay there for another day. I went to the office. Shubra says whenever kids or I need you, you’re not there. Rishi fell you weren’t there, Roli drowned, you weren’t there. Where were you? He says I said sorry already. How many times will we talk about it? Shubra says Rishi isn’t well. He is scared. Did something happen? Kuldeep says he was scared because Roli fell in the pool. You know him. What do you wanna hear? Shubra says I know you’re not happy with your job but is there anything you wanna tell me?

Rishi says aai locked the door because there’s a pimple on my bum. He takes the binoculars and runs. Roli says don’t mess with me. Kuldeep says what do you mean? I don’t know why I can’t trust you.. He says what can I do? She says make me understand. I want to. Is there any problem? Are you thinking about Samaira’s job offer. Kuldeep is shocked. Kuldeep says I can’t think about it with all the work. Shubra says she didn’t call and ask about it? He says she doesn’t have a useless job like me that she can keep calling me. Please stop messing with my head. Let me live. He leaves. Shubra says when did these lies come between us. I will find out why did you ask Rishi to lie to me.

Scene 3
Shubra asks the kids to eat the food. Shubra says I am going out for some work. Locking the door from the outside. Rishi says aai are you okay? She says yes. Shubra says take care of each other. Rolui says I will teach him a lesson.

Kuldeep is in the office packing his things. Shubra comes to Kuldeep’s office. The receptionist sends her inside. Kuldeep goes outside from the other side. Shubra says Rajesh all fine there. She says Rajesh.. He says bhabhi. Shubra says how are you now? He says I am perfectly fine. What would happen to me? Shubra says in her heart that means he never met an accident, it was a lie. Rajesh says you must have come to see Kuldeep but he left already with his stuff. Shurba says stuff? Rajesh says he resigned yesterday so he packed his stuff. What hapened? Didn’t he tell you? Shubra recalls Kuldeep saying he didn’t decide anything.

Kuldeep takes the stuff to Samaira’s car. Samaira says finally you’re free. You will love your new job. It will be so motivating. Let’s go. Samaira is walking on the same pavement but she didn’t see them. Kuldeep leaves. Shubra gets an auto. Shubra sees the car. She sees Kuldeep and Samaira together in it. She’s shocked.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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