Hello everyone!!
Disclaimer: So I’m all ready for all the things y’all are planning to throw at me for the next few days. But trust me there is alot coming up which shouldn’t be missed. And as Chaitanya had commented, there is actually something going on in my mind which is really stupid! So please co-operate!
Replies to comments from previous update:
Hello Den, Sorry but I misunderstood the comment. Glad you liked the episode and please let me know about this one too
Hello Jayashree, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode . You can say Vansh as well. Thank you for your wishes, it means a lot. Keep supporting
Hello Riansh_fan, Let’s see if Aryan. Thank you for your wishes, they mean alot. I am sorry for that, sometimes it goes in a hurry so I forget that underscore- ‘_’
Hello M, You will find out with him, don’t worry. You can do whatever you want with Kabir, never mind . No worries!
Hello Sahada, Don’t worry, Shaurya will like Vansh. It’s just a Dad’s concern over his daughter .
Hello Riansh Lover, Shaurya will like Vansh, maybe later. It will be a happy ending, don’t worry, I promise that. BTW, your imagination is way faaar!
Hello Rianshfan, Ending and then starting a new one also, don’t worry! I’m free
Hello TSA, Smart I must say! You will get to know!
Hello Shivangi, I have a small idea about the upcoming story so will take a few more days to start that. Don’t mind but it will take some time for Shaurya to adjust with Vansh.
Hello Astha, Glad to know you enjoyed it! Keep supporting
Hello Poojitha, Love you too. You can be wrong also
. I am glad to know that you enjoyed the story and I hope to keep you hooked up till the end of this FF.
Hello G, Glad you enjoyed the episode! And please let me know about this too
Hello Riaa, You would enjoy what’s coming up . And I guess it’s been a long back since I had told you that I will end it but I didn’t. I hope you enjoy this too!
Hello RiyaVaghani, I wanted it to be a surprise for this special friend also. So that you get some special shock also
Hello AA, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode . Even I wanted to send Vansh and Shaurya on a date but then gave up because there is something else coming up. But luckily, you didn’t put Aryan with Riddhima. Smart enough
Hello Sandymsdian, Glad you enjoyed the episode
Hello Chinni, Yes! I am planning to end this Fan Fiction and then start the next one because I have certain things in my mind related to that which are distracting me
Hello Darshika, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode . The answers to your questions will get cleared today. Regarding Shaurya, you need to read further episodes because there is something else coming up. I too am happy with the response but the next story is just chewing my brains. 15-20 is much babe, I was hardly going to 5-7.
Hello Diha, Glad to know your response. Please keep supporting
Hello Chaitanya, You are really smart as you understand it! Not something but many things are being cooked up in my mind. And you will get to know that later. Thank you for your wishes!
Hello G_SQUAD, I at first thought to write both but then it would get confusing for me. To think about different aspects according to the characters. I know you like this one but I assure you that the next one will be equally interesting
The episode starts as…….
At 08:00pm in Luthra house,
Riddhima reached the Luthra house. Rudra, Chanchal, Aryan, Saanvi and Shaurya were eagerly waiting for her and had kept their eyes on the door. Riddhima noticed this while she entered and was confused by their body language. She walked ahead and stood in front of all. Shaurya gestures to her to sit. Riddhima makes herself comfortable between Shaurya and Saanvi. And now everyone’s silence has started bothering her. She looks at Aryan with a questioning look to which Aryan shrugged his shoulders indicating he too has no idea about it. So Riddhima had no idea rather than speaking up.
Riddhima: What happened? Why are y’all giving me such a look?
Shaurya(placing his hand over Riddhima’s hand): Riddhima, my child, listen to me carefully. I know what I am about to say is going to hurt you but you need to listen and understand.
Riddhima: What is it Dad?
Shaurya: I don’t think that Vansh is a good choice for you. To be honest, I didn’t like him from the very start. And I have already chosen a groom for you. So…..
Before Shaurya could continue, Riddhima got up in shock. She couldn’t believe the words her Dad had said and was about to say. She wanted this to be a prank planned by all. But the reality is bitter, Right? Unknowingly, a tear dropped down and fell on Shaurya’s hand. Riddhima didn’t want to disappoint her Dad whom she met after years. She wanted him to be happy even if she had to sacrifice her happiness, her love, her Vansh, her dream to be Mrs. Vansh Raisinghania. She was ready.
Riddhima(half-heartedly): I am ready to meet the guy. But only meet, no further expectations.
Shaurya: Okay fine! I will set up a date tomorrow for both of you.
Riddhima with her eyes full of tears ran outside the house. Aryan couldn’t see his best friend cry, so went to console her. Meanwhile,
Saanvi(painful voice): What’s wrong with you? How can you say that without guilt? How can you sacrifice the happiness of our daughter whom we met after years?
Shaurya: You will realise ‘what I did’ and ‘why I did’, at the right time.
Saanvi: When is that right time? After her sacrifice is done? (Looking towards Rudra) Rudra, explain to him something. Why are you so silent? Don’t tell me that you agree with him.
Rudra: I have no idea as to why he hates Vansh. I asked him but he is just ignoring to answer.
Outside Luthra house,
Riddhima is sitting in the garden and is just crying non-stop. Aryan brought a bowl of chocolate ice-cream for her to lift her up. She accepted his offer and silently ate it like a kid. It helped her lighten her mood and get better for the next day.
At 10:00am in Mehra house,
Riddhima silently had her breakfast with her parents. Saanvi couldn’t see her daughter in this state as it would bring pain to her as well. She tried to talk to Shaurya regarding Vansh but he was hell bent to not agree with him. After sometime Aryan and Sejal entered the house and greeted Shaurya and Saanvi. Hearing her best friend’s voices, Riddhima came out of her room and greeted them. Shaurya looked towards Riddhima.
Shaurya: Riddhima, I told the guy, he’ll come to pick you up at 12:00pm and y’all can go together. So that y’all get more time to spend.
Riddhima just nodded and excused herself along with Aryan since Saanvi wanted to talk to Sejal. Aryan and Riddhima come outside the house.
Aryan: Did you tell Vansh about this?
Riddhima: No, I didn’t! He would be broken on hearing this. I wonder why Dad hates him so much.
Aryan: Even I don’t know. Anyways, just calm down. I have some work, I’ll be back before that guy arrives.
Saying this Aryan leaves. Riddhima comes back to her house.
In VR mansion,
The once upon a time, Introvert’s face which had learned to smile, has again become dull and upset. He didn’t prefer to talk to anyone. Just then Aryan entered the house taking Vansh’s name.
Vansh came into the living room to know what had happened. Aryan tells about Riddhima going on a date planned by her father. Vansh got surprised. He isn’t as bad as her Dad has thought he could be. He wanted to clear his image. He can’t let his love go far away from him ever. He decides to talk to Riddhima over this but Aryan stops him.
Aryan: What will you tell Riddhima? Will you tell her how you misbehaved with her Dad? Then do you imagine she’ll look at you? Nahh, my child! Don’t tell her about that or else she’ll go away completely.
Vansh: But then what else do I do? I can’t watch her with anyone else.
Aryan: I have an idea.
( Conversation)
At 12:00pm in Mehra house,
Riddhima is already dressed up and ready when the doorbell rings. The servant opens the door and a tall, dark, handsome guy enters in. He walks with full confidence as if everything belongs to him. He came and stood in front of Shaurya and Saanvi and took their blessings. Riddhima and Sejal came and stood besides Saanvi.
Shaurya: Riddhima, this is the guy I was talking about. His name is Aarav. (Looking towards Aarav) She is my daughter, Riddhima.
Aarav forwards his hand for a handshake to Riddhima but she ignores it and goes for the traditional way of greeting, ‘namaste’ . Aarav got impressed and they left together to the restaurant.
At 01:00pm in the restaurant,
Riddhima and Aarav had a silent drive till the restaurant. After they entered, Aarav pulled the chair for Riddhima. This affected her in a small manner and she remembered her Dad’s words. She thought of breaking the ice.
Riddhima: So Aarav what do you do?
Aarav: I am a businessman, and you?
Riddhima: An event organizer.
Aarav: But atlast you spoke. All this while I thought you wouldn’t speak at all.
Riddhima: *smiles*
The conversation goes on as they talk about their daily life, skills, friends, profession. Riddhima continues with a smile on a face not knowing that someone had an eye on the two of them. And was attentively listening to their conversation and was keenly having a look at them without any barriers. After a while, Shaurya places an order for lunch but when the waiter gets the lunch for them, a man is passing through the table and collides with the waiter and accidentally some food falls on Aarav, staining his clothes. He excuses himself to the washroom. The waiter apologizes to Riddhima and leaves. Riddhima is waiting for Aarav to return. When suddenly she hears,
Voice: Don’t you think that you are enjoying too much with that stranger and forgetting me?
Riddhima recognises the voice but for confirmation turns to find the origin of the voice and is surprised to see Vansh. Riddhima gets up and walks up to him and hugs him. After sometime she gets back and they sit on the table.
Riddhima: How come you are here?
Vansh: Aryan told me that you are meeting a guy here so I came here. (angrily) But you were enjoying with him, and I couldn’t take it more so…….
Voice: So I forcefully collided with the waiter in such a way that he dropped food on that guy.
Riddhima turns and finds Aryan. He sits along with them.
Riddhima(confused): So when did y’all plan this?
Aryan: What will you tell Riddhima? Will you tell her how you misbehaved with her Dad? Then do you imagine she’ll look at you? Nahh, my child! Don’t tell her about that or else she’ll go away completely.
Vansh: But then what else do I do? I can’t watch her with anyone else.
Aryan: I have an idea.
Vansh: What’s it?
Aryan: We’ll go to Mehra house and follow Riddhima and that guy’s car and then after sometime we’ll ask a waiter to purposely drop something on that guy. And when that guy goes to the washroom we’ll lock the door from outside.
Vansh: Great idea. (Patting Aryan’s back) I’m proud of you. But do you think that waiter will help us?
Aryan: I know which restaurant they are going, Uncle had told me. And that restaurant owner is my friend, coincidentally.
Vansh: Great then, but wait…. If we lock him won’t he call anyone and tell to open the door.
Aryan: Only if he has his phone, I’ll steal it then……..*smirks*
Vansh: Great then, I didn’t know you are so smart. Let’s leave!
Vansh: So this is what and how we planned.
Riddhima(surprised): Wait…… WHAT! Y’all locked him inside the washroom.
Vansh: Why are you so tense?
Riddhima: It’s not good Vansh, I’m going to get him out.
Vansh: (holding Riddhima’s wrist) You aren’t going. Don’t you want to spend some time with me? Please!
It was not too difficult for Vansh to melt his Riddhima and get her back in his presence and embrace. She had to agree after him. Aryan gave them their time and left from there to keep an eye on Aarav.
Riddhima: Okay! I won’t go!
Vansh: *smiles*
Riddhima: But do you have any idea why Dad isn’t talking to you and liking you?
Vansh(recalls Aryan’s words): Nahh! I too want to know about it.
Vansh and Riddhima spend a great time along with each other. Having all the love and affection they carry for each other in their hearts, they tried to shower it on each other with words. Though not everything was depicted but what was shown wasn’t less.
Precap: Vansh receives Aryan’s message. He gets surprised on reading it and instantly goes to meet Riddhima and Aryan.
The post Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 38: Date successfully interrupted! appeared first on Telly Updates.
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