Wednesday 23 December 2020

Hamariwali Good News 23rd December 2020 Written Episode Update: Sumitra accuses Renuka


Hamariwali Good News 23rd December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Mukund caring for Renuka. Dil ka dariya….plays…. She happily cries. Mukund stops her from going. He makes her take rest. They have a moment. They hug. Adi meets his boss. The boss says I trusted you and didn’t check the report, its a big loss, you don’t come to office for some days now. Adi says its a big misunderstanding, I didn’t make any false report. Boss says I can’t help you. Sumitra shouts Renuka. He says you are supporting Navya silently, Navya has no courage to do this alone, you both did this. Renuka asks what are you saying, why will I do this. Sumitra says I know everything, you had to get Adi and Navya divorced, you can fool Mukund by this fasting and puja, not me, if you want to stay here, you have to make Navya out. She asks Indu to go. Indu shows the fire torch. Renuka gets puzzled.

Sumitra says you have three days to make Navya away from Adi’s life, I added oil for three days, now when the fire torch blows off, you have to make Navya out, else then you pack your bags and go. She lights the fire torch. Indu asks what will we tell Mukund about this. Sumitra says tell him that its too cold, so we have lit this fire. Navya looks on. Renuka goes. Sumitra cries for knee pain. Renuka attends her. Mukund comes. Sumitra says I got knee pain due to cold, so I have lit this firetorch. He says I was going to ask for it, I will go and get doctor. Indu says I have done it, so that Mukund doesn’t doubt. Renuka gets oil. Sumitra throws the bottle away and shows the acid. She acts and asks what’s it. Mukund asks Renuka to step back.

Sumitra says your bride wants to burn my legs. Indu says its bathroom cleaner chemical. Renuka asks how can you think so, you are like my mum, think of it, if I get anything else, my hand would have burnt first. Sumitra says she has done all this, she is going to kill me. Mukund says Sumitra asked Indu to get oil, why did you go. Renuka says trust me. He asks how many times, I told you not to break my trust. Navya comes asking where is my chemical bottle, I have to wash bathroom, I know everyone wants to trouble me, who steals chemical bottle, did you get it, you want to burn yourself and blame me. Renuka says I didn’t know it has chemical, I thought its oil. Sumitra says you both don’t do a drama, if Navya got this chemical, why did she put it in oil bottle. Mukund asks do you want to hurt Sumitra. Navya asks why would I. He says shut up. She says I didn’t do anything, don’t blame me, I can’t become a mum, I had hidden it, you can’t blame me, you have to remove blindfold and see the truth, else you will become a fool. Renuka raises hand and scolds her.

She says Sumitra would have suffered today, Mukund and I would have got misunderstanding, why are you doing this with us. Mukund gets a call and goes. Sumitra takes Navya with her. Renuka feels helpless. She drags Navya and locks her in the room. Indu taunts Navya. Navya calms down. Sumitra asks Renuka to tell Navya how long she can’t come out. Renuka says until you get ready to divorce Adi, you will be locked here. Navya says fine, ask Adi if he will give me the divorce. Renuka says he will listen to me. She calls Adi and asks her to make divorce papers ready, Navya is ready for it. Adi says okay. Sumitra smiles. Adi says don’t know what’s happening at home, firstly this bad situation at the office and then this thing, my mind isn’t working now.

No Precap

Update Credit to: Amena

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