Friday, 18 December 2020

Enigmatic Life: Chapter 2


When I entered the room I saw a man in his 40’s sitting behind a large cluttered desk. He held his glasses in his hand the tip of them resting in his mouth as he flipped through a file, I identified him as my Uncle Kabir’s best friend almost immediately.

“I apologize for my lateness,” I said, as I took a seat in front of the desk.

“It’s okay, Twinkle, don’t worry about it.” He smiled showing off a shiny pair of teeth. I handed him my application file and waited patiently while he looked it over.

“How old are you?” The question struck me as odd, hadn’t I filled in my age and date of birth in the file? Why was he asking me again?

“I’m 21.” He nodded and marked something down on a piece of paper, 

“You’re very well qualified education wise for this job, but I have one very important question to ask you,” He waited for me to nod before continuing, “Are you able to work with difficult people?”

I replied almost immediately, “Of course!”

He smiled again, “Then the job is yours! You start tomorrow.”

I sighed with relief, I got the job! I could finally stand on my own two feet and not rely on my uncle to pay all my expenses. “Thank you so much for this job, I won’t let you down,” I said, as I shook Mr. Carter’s hand.

“I’m sure you won’t. You are your uncle’s girl after all!” I smiled.

“Tell your uncle I said to come to see me some time,” Mr. Carter called out to me as I left the office.

As I made my way through the parking lot and to my car, my eyes spotted something, very unpleasant. A black Lamborghini with a long white scratch along the back of it. There was no denying that it belonged to the rude gentlemen that I had encountered on my way to the interview.

I was tempted to give the car a good kick but decided against it. Who knew what that idiot would do if he found out that I had kicked his car? I could only hope that he didn’t work at the company, because if he did, my life would be hell.

I reached the office at, 8:30 Am, without any trouble the next day. The cute manager from yesterday was sitting at the front desk. I decided to go over and greet him. We were working together after all.

I checked myself over in one of the glass windows and moussed my hair up a bit before sashaying across the room. “Morning.”

“Morning.” He smiled and leaned forward towards me.

“You seem familiar, do I know you?” A lock of hair fell into his face, drawing my attention to his hazel colored eyes. He pushed it back up and stared right back into my eyes. My heart did a little back-flip. Why did all the men in this company have brilliant smiles? Was it a job requirement?

I swallowed hard before answering, “Yeah, I came here yesterday…for the interview.”

“Oh.” He looked at me closer as if assessing my every curve and a small self-satisfied smile played on his lips. “I’m Reyansh….but you can call me Rey.”

I rolled my eyes, was he really going to hit on me this early in the morning? I leaned down to the desk and pushed him back down into his seat.

“I’m Twinkle.” I paused “hmm… if you could direct me to the C.E.O’s office it would be greatly appreciated.” He looked shocked at being rejected, but recovered quickly, “8th floor.”

“Thank you.” With that, I turned and made my way onto the elevator.

“I look forward to working with you Twinkle.” Rey, called out as the doors slid shut.

I smirked, this was going to be fun. I hummed a little tune as the elevator speed up to the 8th floor, I wonder what the C.E.O was like? A little ‘ding!’ sounded from the elevator alerting me that it had reached the 8th floor.

I cursed a little underneath my breath as the doors slowly slid open. Why did everything move so slowly when I was excited?

The doors finally opened and I rushed out only to run straight into the last person I wanted to see.

Yep, Mr. Lamborghini. He stood there with coffee dripping off of his expensive looking black coat. Oops, I must have done that. A drip of coffee rolled down my palm and winced at how hot it was.

I could only imagine what kind of pain Mr. Lamborghini was feeling, with the whole cup spilled on him. Mr. Lamborghini stared down at me looking half-shocked, half angry. I smiled up at him sheepishly, “Sorry?”

He silently stepped forward towards me, forcing us both to step back into the elevator his hulking 6’1 ish frame towering over my height of 5’6. His grey eyes seemed to pierce right through my body, and I shivered.

This was not going to end well. The elevator doors slid shut and he slowly walked over to the buttons and pressed the one marked ‘Ground Floor’. Then he suddenly turned towards me and pinned me back to the elevator wall.

“Your timing is almost perfect, you’re always causing me trouble right before important meetings. Tell me woman, who’s paying you to stalk me?”

I snorted, was this dude for real? Does he think that the entire world has nothing other than his affairs to worry about?

“I wouldn’t stalk you even if someone offered me a million bucks.” I tried to shove him off of me, but he only tightened his hold on my shoulders. I let out a pained groan, “Get your hands off of me!”

He leaned down closer to my face and his hot minty breath fanned my face, my heart began to beat out of my chest and my hands sweated. Was he going to kill me?

“Listen closely to what I’m about to tell you.” I threw him a dirty look and he continued, “Never, enter this company or come in contact with me again. If you do, I will personally call the police and have them ruin you and whatever family you have.”

The elevator came to a stop and he let me fall to the floor, before turning to face the doors. “Oh, and I will be adding this incident to your bill.” With that, he cruised out of the elevator. What the hell just happened?


Hey, guys so am back with another chapter.

Let me know about your views and suggestions?

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